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Unit 7 A

1. Most anthropologists accept the fact almost universally that social paternity is deemed to be more important than the biological. considered

1. 大多数人类学家几乎普遍接受这样的事实:社会父权被认为是比生物更重要。 考虑

2. To begin with, knowledge workers gain access to jobs and social positions through formal education. In the first place

2. 首先 ,知识型员工通过正规教育获得就业机会和社会地位。 摆在首位 3. Theodore Roosevelt was a multitalented man; he was successful as a statesman, soldier, sportsman, explorer, and author. versatile

3. 西奥多·罗斯福是个多才多艺的人; 他是一个成功的政治家,军人,运动员,探险家和作家。 多才多艺

4. Mr. Bush is trustworthy? he has dealt fair and square with us for over 20 years. honestly

4. 布什先生值得信赖吗? 他已经和我们正大光明地交易了20多年。 诚实 5. When a player balls his hand into a fist, when he drives his helmet into an unsuspecting adversary — in short when he crosses the boundary between playing hard and playing to hurt — he can only intend an act of violence. opponent

5. 当一名运动员将他的手握成拳头,当他将他的头盔撞向一个毫无防备的对手 ——简而言之,当他越过努力比赛和暴力比赛的边界时——他只可能是一种暴力的行为。对手

6. The old man was very angry at having to fork over so much money for such simple repairs. pay out

6. 老头很生气,不得不支付这么多钱对这样简单的维修。 支付

7. The President, spurred on by his staff, has decided to attend the preliminary talks on disarmament which will be held in Geneva sometime next month. urged

7. 总统,他的工作人员的呼吁下 ,已决定参加将在日内瓦下个月某个时候举行的关于裁军问题的初步谈判。 呼吁

8. Sophia telephoned me the day before yesterday, saying that she planned to stop off in Colorado en route to California. on the way to

8. 前天索菲亚打电话给我,说她计划在科罗拉多州到加利福尼亚州的途中下车。 在路上

9. The dream, generally portrayed as “a sequence of sensations, images, thoughts, etc. passing through a sleeping person’s mind,” seems to have had an insoluble bond with poetry since time immemorial. described

9. 这个梦,通常被描绘成 “一个沉睡者心中的感觉,图像,思想等的序列”,从远古时代以来就被认为和诗有着一种难以解释的的联系。 描述

10. Believe it or not, a friend of mine is able to conjecture about a woman’s appearance from the sound of her voice. guess at

10. 信不信由你,我的一个朋友是能够在从一个女人的声音来猜测她的的外表。猜


1. Some folks whose own behavior is most dubious are always to the fore in calumniating others. eulogize

1. 有些自己的行为才是最可疑的人总是首先中伤他人(恶人先告状)。 讴歌 2. The November 17-day coal strike, which was terminated December 7, brought about a general business and production paralysis at the close of the year. perpetuate 2. 11 月的17天煤炭罢工,到12月7日才终止 ,在临近年关引起了大片的业务和生产的瘫痪。 延续

3. Although in principle any component of language can be borrowed, some components are much more immune to borrowing than others. susceptible

3. 虽然原则上语言的任何部件都可以借用,但是一些部件比其他部件更不易被借用。 易感

4. Those right-wing people who most honor their monarch see no reason for any apology. besmirched

4. 那些最尊敬他们的君主的右翼的人认为没有理由做出任何道歉。 玷污 5. Karen Ann Quinlan, a 21-year-old woman, fell into a permanent vegetative state as a result of ingesting a mixture of tranquilizers and alcohol. stimulants

5. 卡伦安昆兰,一个21 岁的女人,陷入了永久植物人状态,这是摄入镇静剂和酒精的混合物的结果。 兴奋剂

6. Impeachment is an ultimate check on executive misconduct, which is substantial in nature and which subverts the structure of government or undermines the integrity of the office or the Constitution itself. sustains

6. 弹劾是对行政失当的最终检查,它实质上颠覆了政府的结构 ,破坏了政府或宪法本身的完整性。 维持

7. While most allergies are mild, others, like the allergic reaction to insect or snake venom, can be strong enough to kill. ferocious

7. 虽然大多数过敏是温和的 ,但是其他的譬如昆虫或蛇毒的过敏性反应,可以强大到足以致命。 凶猛

8. Many of these young adults will themselves be debilitated by AIDS and may even require care from their children or elderly parents rather than providing it. fortified

8. 这些年轻人中的许多因为艾滋病而身体遭受削弱,甚至无法帮助他们的孩子或年迈的父母,而需要他们的帮助。 强化

9. The promise of brilliant sunshine got the bank holiday weekend off to a cheerful start today. bleak

9. 阳光灿烂的预报使得今天的银行周末假日开了一个愉快的好头。 苍凉 10. Admitting you have made a mistake in front of others is a sign of strength, not weakness. frailty

10. 在别人面前承认你的错误是力量的标志,而不是弱点 。 脆弱


1. A new law disqualifies persons from getting unemployment insurance if they quit without good cause.

1. 一项新的法律取消某些人获得失业保险的资格——如果他们没有充分的辞职理由。

A. disregards B. overlooks C. disqualifies D. overwhelms A.忽略 B.俯瞰 C.不够格 D.淹没

2. In this area, unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off . 2. 在这方面,失业率再次上升,零售业已经跌落 。 A. fallen back B. fallen out C. fallen down D. fallen off A.回落 B.下降了 C.倒下 D. 跌落

3. As far as I know, the clerk has subscribed $1,000 to the collection for the hospital. 3. 据我所知,店员已给医院筹款 1,000 元。 A. enlisted B. embezzled C. dissipated D. subscribed A.入伍 B.挪用 C.消退 D. 筹款

4. I can take our children anywhere. I’m never afraid that they’re going to show me up in some restaurant.

4. 我可以把我们的孩子带到任何地方。 我从来不怕他们会在餐厅里丢我脸。 A. catch me up B. let me off C. show me up D. turn me down A.赶上我了 B.让我过 C. 丢我脸 D。 拒绝我

5. The priest absolved the man after he confessed his sin and did penance. 5. 教士在这个人承认自己的罪并做忏悔后赦免了他。 A. condemned B. scrutinized C. dazzled D. absolved A.谴责 B.审查 C. 眼花缭乱D.赦免

6. In some societies, when death approaches, the dying person is moved out of the living quarters as a precaution against spiritual pollution.

6. 在某些社会中,当死亡迫近 ,垂死的人搬出了住处来作为反对精神污染的预防措施。

A. occurs B. follows C. disappears D. approaches A.出现 B.以下 C.消失 D.迫近

7. Because of vehement competition in business, many enterprises are compelled to offer enticements to attract and keep workers.

7. 因为商业竞争的激烈,很多企业都不得不提供诱惑来吸引和留住工人。 A. bribes B. stimulants C. awards D. enticements A.贿赂 B.兴奋剂 C.奖项 D. 诱惑

8. What worried him most of all at the time was that while the questions rolled around in his mind, he had no answers.

8. 让他最担心的是,此时此刻虽然这些问题萦绕在他脑中,但他却没有答案。 A. fell off B. rolled around C. limbered up D. turned over A.掉下来 B.卷起 C. 变软D.翻转

9. He wouldn’t give evidence. I think someone paid him off. 9. 他没有提供证据。 我觉得有人贿赂他了 。 A. paid ... off B. paid ... up C. paid . . . down D. paid ... out A. 贿赂B.还清 C.支付 D.支出

10. His youthful indifference to studies and his unwillingness to think of a non-sports career cramped his chances of finding a job in his later years.

10. 他年轻时对学习的漠视和对职业生涯的不思进取约束了他之后找工作的机会。

A. spurred B. determined C. cramped D. initiated A.刺激 B.确定 C. 局促 D. 开始

Unit 8 A

1. I hope Mr. George didn’t think me rude and impertinent when I asked him about his private life. impertinent

1. 我希望当我问及他的私生活时,乔治先生不认为我粗鲁无礼。 不敬 2. When the company began to mass produce her art work she felt it was divested of all beauty. deprived

2. 当公司开始大规模生产她的艺术作品时,她认为所有的美都被剥夺了。 剥夺 3. Yesterday Anderson made a rather ill-timed remark about divorce in Kelly’s presence, not knowing that she and her husband had just separated. inopportune remark

3. 昨天安德森在凯莉在场时对离婚作了一个相当不合时宜的言论,他不知道她和她的丈夫才刚刚分开。 不合时宜

4. In some cases, regional governments can help to counterbalance the centralized

power of the national government. offset

4. 在某些情况下,地方政府可以帮助抗衡国家政府的集权 。 偏移

5. My mother is very concerned with the propriety — I think she’d be horrified if I was living with a man that I wasn’t married to. moral correctness of other’s behavior

5. 我的母亲很关心礼节——我想她会很震惊,如果我和一个我不会嫁的男人住在一起。人的行为的道德正确性 。

6. Despite my anger and despair at what had happened to Brian, punishing myself now wouldn’t make amends for not helping him. atone

6. 尽管我对发生在布赖恩的事情感到愤怒和绝望,现在惩罚自己也无济于事。 赎罪

7. Notwithstanding his attempts to appease conservative critics, Mr. Frohnmayer’s aversion to placing any restrictions on artistic freedom was increasingly apparent. antipathy

7. 尽管他试图妥协保守派的批评,弗龙迈耶先生对施加在艺术自由的任何限制的厌恶日益明显。 反感

8. Educators who abhor the idea of a world filled with Internet-linked distance learning graduates are clearly out of step with the times. detest

8. 对充满了互联网连接的远程教育毕业生的世界痛恨的教育者显然落后于时代。 讨厌

9. On the romantic front he has had a string of engaging girlfriends, not least of all the vivacious flame-haired lady Sarah Spencer. charming

9. 在浪漫的面前,他已经有一大串的迷人的女朋友,不单单只有活泼火焰头发的萨拉·斯宾塞夫人的类型的。 迷人

10. Although the reality TV show is sometimes seen as insipid (flat, tedious), there is always the chance that something will happen the following night or week. dull and boring

10. 虽然现实的电视节目有时候平淡(平板,乏味),但是总是有着今晚或下周会发生什么事情的可能性。 枯燥和乏味


1. When the president visited our neighboring country, he was welcomed enthusiastically by a cheerful crowd. coolly

1. 当总统参观了我们的邻国,他受到了欢快的人群的热烈欢迎。 冷静 2. Mr. Greenwood, the president of the Labor Party, said at the press conference that he would make his exit in a few weeks’ time in the interest of the Party. initiation 2. 工党的总统 格林伍德先生在记者招待会上说,他将基于党的利益在几个星期

