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苏华世国际教育 做感动家长的教育品牌


专项一、英汉互译 Unit5

周六上午 在厨房里 擦车 我的爸爸 帮助他 帮助他们 做早饭 做晚饭 在客厅里 扫地 在卧室里 在下午 我的表弟 忙碌的 擦桌子 洗碗 整理床铺 洗衣服 吃水果 看电视 种花 在花园里 在葡萄上 走开 Unit6

六点钟 在晚上

回家 一场足球比赛 闻起来香 烧肉 洗一些蔬菜 想要 土豆烧肉 等不及 寻找 在冰箱里

一些苹果汁 晚饭准备好了 一个很棒的厨师 喜爱西红柿 一些土豆 一些西红柿汤 一些面包 五个斑点

Very angry on Sam’s hand Catch a ladybird drive......away Come to help you win 专项二、单项选择

( )1. Is your father the car? Yes , he is.

A.cleaning B.clean C.cleans ( )2. Do you want ? No, I don’t.

A.sleeping B.to sleep C.sleep ( )3. My parents dinner in the kitchen.

A.is cooking B.are cook C.are cooking ( )4. What is it today? It is Sunday.

A.day , on B./,on C.day, / ( )5. What is his bobby? He is .

A.cook B.cooks C.cooking ( )6. What he doing ? He is . A.are , sleep B.is , sleeping C.are, sleeping ( )7. My father is the car. I am helping .


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A.cleaning, he B.clean, him C.cleaning, him ( )8. is your mother ? She is cooking dinner.

A. What , do B. Where , do C. What , doing ( )9. Helen is the living room. She is the floor.

A.on, sweep B.in, sweeping C.in , sweep

( )10. It is six o’clock the evening. But we don’t go to school Sunday. A.in, on B.on, on C.on, in ( )11. He often with his friends.

‘ a. go swimming B.goes swimming C.go swim ( )12. Look ! The girls in he classroom.

A.singing b.are singing C.is singing ( )13. your parents busy? Yes , they are.

A. Is B. Are C. Do ( )14. He can meat, but I . A.cook , don’t B.cooking, can’t C.cook, can’t ( )15. they washing the vegetables? No, they . A. Are, aren’t B. Is ,aren’t C. Are , isn’t. ( )16. you potatoes?

A. Are, wash some B. Do, washing any C. Are, washing any ( )17. What’s in the garden ? are a lot of grapes.

A. They are B. There are C. There have ( )18. The policemen cleaning the cars.

A.are B.is C.am ( )19. Let’s go swimming now. Sorry, . A. I’m sorry. B. I’m busy. C. I’m at home. ( )20. Listen Mr Li. Follow carefully.

A.to, he B.for , him C.to, him ( )21. the monkey, it is eating bananas.

A. Look for B. Look at C. Look out ( )22. there apple juice in the fridge ?

A. Is , some B. Are, any C. Is , any ( )23. In China , we eat with .

A.forks B.chopsticks C.knives ( )24. We usually cook meat potatoes.

A.with B.in C.for ( )25. There are some and in the fridge.

A.potatos, meat B.potatoes, meats C.potatoes, meat ( )26. spots does the ladybird ? It has ten.

A. How many, has B. What , have C. How many, have 专项三、根据单词的适当形式填空 1.

1. My mother is a good (cook).

2. Mike always (wash) the dishes after dinner. 3. I would like (play)basketball.


苏华世国际教育 做感动家长的教育品牌

4. There (be not ) any juice in the fridge.

5. Look! Mike and Nancy (watch) TV in the living room. 6. Liu Tao is doing (he) homework at home. 7. I like these (tomato).

8. There is some (bread ) on the desk.

9. There are many (vegetable) in the kitchen. 10. Let’s (wash) some (tomato). 2.

1. (be) you looking for any juice?

2.What is he doing ? He (make) a cake. 3.Mike sometimes (watch) football games. 4We should (help) our parents on Sundays.

5.What does he (do)? He (sweep) the floor. 6.Nancy loves (make) the bed.

7.Don’t shout. The little boy (sleep). 8. What can they (make)?

9. We should (wash)the dishes? 10. Let’s (watch)TV. 专项四、单词辨音(判断正误)

Bring morning( ) sing growing( ) watch wash( ) Make wash ( ) clean sweep( ) cook look( ) Busy bus ( ) garden car( ) doing eating( ) Queen quick( ) bike like( ) meat bread ( ) 专项五、句型变化

1. We are watching TV.(改为否定句) We TV.

2. She usually sweeps the floor.(改为一般疑问句) she usually the floor? 3. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. (划线提问) Your mother ? 4. My father is cleaning the car. (划线提问)

your father ? 5. Helen is busy.(划线提问) busy?

6. Mary cleans the table.(用now 改写句子) Mary the table now.

7. We are doing housework at home.(用I替换we改写句子) I housework at home.

8. My mother watches TV at home. (改为现在进行时) My mother TV at home. 9. Mike is making the bed.(改为一般现在时) Mike the bed.

10. Helen and Mike are skating.(对划线提问)

Helen and Mike ?


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11. They like making the bed in the morning.(改为一般疑问句) they the bed in the morning? 12. The little boy can ride a bike.(改为否定句) The little boy a bike. 2.

1. The soup smells nice. (划线提问)

does the soup ? 2. Helen and Mike are reading books in the study.(划线提问) Helen and Mike reading books? 3. My father is cooking dinner.(对划线部分提问) your father ? 4. There is some juice in the fridge.(改为否定句) There juice in the fridge. 5. He loves vegetables.(改为一般疑问句) he vegetables? 6. I like this tomato.(改为复数句)

like . 7. Does Lucy like bread?

Lucy .

8. I like eating vegetables.(改为否定句)

I vegetables. 9. There are six tomatoes in the basket.(划线提问)

are there in the basket? 10. I want to make a fruit salad.(划线提问) do you to make?

11. My parents are cooking in the kitchen.(改为一般疑问句) parents in the kitchen? 12. There is some meat in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句) meat in the fridge? 13. There are some potatoes on the table.(改为单数句)

on the table. 14. We are going to the supermarket. (划线提问) you ?

15. He is helping Ben with his study.(改为一般现在时) He Ben his study. 专项六、连词成句 1.

1.is, cleaning, your, the, mother, car(?)

2.cooking, my, mother, is, breakfast, the , kitchen, in(.) 3.is, he , what, doing, now(?)

4.is, busy, his , father(?)


苏华世国际教育 做感动家长的教育品牌

5.the, in, living, fruit, room, they , are, eating(.)

6.Bobby , in , his, garden , grapes , grows( .)

7.grapes, my, big, sweet, are, and(.)

8.on, the, there , are, grapes, some, pests(.)

9.are, we, your, grapes, eating(.)

10.go, away, pests, the(.)


1.in, it, is, o’clock, six, the , evening(.)

2.a, game, football, home, comes, from, he(.)

3.parents, his, cooking, are, dinner, the , kitchen, in(.)

4.you, are, dinner, cooking(?)

5.some, potatoes, am, I, washing(.)

6.there, any, juice, is, apple, fridge, the, in(?)

7.looking, is, some, juice, he, for, the, fridge, in(.)

8.is, there, orange, juice, some(.)

9.they, cooking, meat, are, potatoes, with(?)

10.. Bobby, two, on , Sam’s, hand, sees, ladybirds.(.)


1. A B

( )1. What does your mother like doing? A. Yes , they are. ( )2. Is Liu Tao doing his homework? B. OK.

( )3. Let’s help Liu Tao. C. My mother.

( )4. What are they doing? D. No, she is a worker. ( )5. Where are my grapes? E. Yes , he is.

( )6. Do you like ladybirds? F. They are making a fruit salad. ( )7. Can you grow flowers? G. No , I don’t.

( )8. Is your mother a cook? H. They are in the box.


苏华世国际教育 做感动家长的教育品牌

( )9. Who often washes the dishes after lunch? I . Yes , I am.

( )10. Are these sweets sweet? J. She likes singing. 2. A B ( )1. Shall we go and play there? A. Yes , I do. ( )2. Where are you going? B.thank you. ( )3. Are you reading a book? C. It’s yummy.

( )4. What’s in the basket? D. I’m going to the library. ( )5. Do you like vegetables? E. I’m watching TV. ( )6. What are you doing? F. Good idea.

( )7. Are they cooking? G. There are some apples. ( )8. Here’s some juice for you . H. Sure.

( )9. Can you wash these tomatoes? I . No, they aren’t. ( )10. How’s my soup? J. Yes, I am . 3.


( )1. What can you see? A. They are in the box. ( )2. What’s wrong with tom? B. Sorry to hear that. ( )3. Is bobby in the hospital? C. I can see a giraffe. ( )4. How is mike? D. He is fine. ( )5. Does SuYang go to school today? E. He has a cold. ( )6. Should i eat here? F. Here you are. ( )7. I have a bad cold. G. Yes , i do.

( )8. Where are the sweets? H. No , he’s at home. ( )9. Do you brush your teeth? I. No , you shouldn’t. ( )10. I want to drink some water. J. No, she doesn’t. 4.


( )1. Are there any buses at the bus stop? A. It’s Ben’s. ( )2. How can we get there? B. Yes , there are . ( )3. Whose bike is this? C. Yes , i am. ( )4. Put on your coat. D. No , it isn’t. ( )5. Is the hospital near here? E. There is a shop. ( )6. Do you feel cold? F. No , i don’t.

( )7. Are you full? G. She goes to the cinema. ( )8. Where does Su Yang go ? H. All right. ( )9. What’s on your right? I. No , we can’t. ( )10. Can we get on the bus? J. By metro. 专项七、翻译句子 1.我的爸爸正在洗车。

My father . 2. 我正在帮助他。

I . 3. 我的妈妈正在厨房里做早饭。

My mother in the .


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4. 他正在扫地。

He is . 5. 他正在做什么?

he ? 6. 我的妈妈忙碌。

My mother . 7. 海伦正在洗碗。

Helen the . 8. 我正在擦桌子。

I the table. 9. 他们正在客厅里吃水果。

They are the the room. 10. 博比在他的果园里种葡萄。

Bobby in . 11. 葡萄上有许多害虫。

a lot of on the grapes. 12. 害虫走了,但是瓢虫没有。

The pests , but the ladybirds . 2.


Liu Tao from a football . 2.他的父母正在厨房里做晚饭。

His are in the kitchen. 3.那闻起来很香。

。 4.你正在烧肉吗?

meat? 5.我想要做一些西红柿汤。

I cook some . 6.我等不及了。

I . 7.他正在冰箱里找一些果汁。

He is some juice in the fridge. 8.冰箱里有一些果汁吗?

juice in the fridge? 9.晚饭准备好了。

。 10.肉怎么样? 我很喜爱它。

the meat? I 。 11.你是一个很棒的厨师。

You a . 专项八、按要求写出下列单词

make(现在分词) swim(现在分词) put(现在分词) dancing(动词原形)


苏华世国际教育 做感动家长的教育品牌

wash(第三人称单数) do(第三人称单数) watch(现在分词) parent(复数) making(原形) swim(现在分词) catch(第三人称单数) smell(第三人称单数) potato(复数) this(反义词)

drive(现在分词) aren’t(完整形式) go(反义词) a lot of (同义词) can(否定式) go(反义词) try(三单) we(宾格) they(宾格) his(主格) I (宾格) her(主格) 专项九、阅读理解

There are three people in my family,My father is a worker ,he often plays basketball with me,He hopes me to be \her.I am very happy with my mom and my father.So,that's my happy family ( )1.What does my father do ?

A . A teacher B A worker C . A Student ( )2. What does my father like playing ?

A . basketball B housework C piano ( )3. Who does my father hope me to be ?

A . He B Yao Ming C Liu Xiang ( )4. Is my mother a teacher ?

A .Yes ,I am B Yes ,she is C Yes ,he is ( )5. Who helps my mother do housework ? A .My father B .Yao Ming C .I

Van and Ted are twin brothers. They look the same. They are English. They are eleven. They are in No.15 Middle School. They are new students in Class One, Grade One. Van sits in Row One. Ted sits in Row Three.

( )1. Van and Ted are .

A. twins brothers B. twin brother C. twin brothers ( )2. They are .

A. English B. American C. Chinese ( )3. They are .

A. ten B. eleven C. twelve ( )4. They are students.

A. new B. old C. good ( )5. Ted sits Row Three.

A. on B. in C. at


