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B.水平向右的力F的大小为400N C.物体B所受重力为400N


23.将一轻质弹簧的两端分别固定在正方体物体A、B表面的中央,把正方体物体B放在水 平桌面上,当物体A、B静止时,弹簧的长度比其原长缩短了5cm,如图7甲所示。现将物体A、B 上下倒置,并将它们放入水平桌面上的平底圆柱形容器内,使物体A与容器底接触(不密合),再向容器中缓慢倒入一定量的某种液体,待物体A、B静止时,物体B上表面1

与液面平行,且有 体积露出液面,此时容器






底对物体A的支持力为1 N 。已知物体A、B的边长分别为5cm、10cm,物体A、B的密度之


比为16:1,圆柱形容器的底面积为150cm,弹簧原长为10cm,弹簧所受力F的大小与弹簧的形变量Δx(即弹簧的长度与原长的差值的绝对值)的关系如图7乙所示。上述过程中弹簧始终在竖直方向伸缩,且撤去其所受力后,弹簧可以恢复原长。不计弹簧的体积及其所受的浮力,g取10N/kg,则容器内倒入液体的质量是 kg。

38.如图20所示,电源两端电压U保持不变。当开关S1、S2闭合、S3、S4断开时,电路中仅有L2灯正常发光,电流表的示数为I1;当开关S1、S3闭合、S2、S4断开时,电路中仅有 L4灯正常发光,其两端电压为12V,此时L2灯消耗的功率为2.4W,电流表的示数为I2;当开关S1、S4闭合、S2、S3断开时,电路中仅有L1灯正常发光,电流表的示数为I3。已知U=24V,L1、L2、L3三盏灯的额定电压可能为18V、12V、6V或2.5V 。以上三种工作电路中电流由大到小的比值为6:3:2。不计灯丝电阻随温度的变化,各盏灯工作过程中均不超过其额定电压。求:




39.随着城市汽车数量的激增,停车成为困扰市民的一大难题。图21甲是某科技小组设计的升降横移式立体停车库截面示意图。该停车库主要由主体框架车位架和升降横移载车装置两部分构成。升降横移载车装置由升降传动机构和横移传动机构组成。升降传动机构由升降板、电动机Q、定滑轮K及动滑轮M构成,钢丝绳的两端分别固定在顶部A点和电动机牵引端的B点,其中的升降板和动滑轮M在电动机Q的控制下可以沿竖直通道上下运行,升降传动机构被束缚在光滑的限位槽内(图中未画出),保证升降板在升降过程中始终保持水平。置于每层的车位架上的横移传动机构由载车板、电动机P和钢轮构成。横移传动机构可以通过电动机P控制实现水平移动。现有一辆汽车甲开到载车板上后,升降传动机构以速度v1匀速提升横移传动机构和汽车甲,此时绳子B端的拉力为F1,车位架顶部对电动机Q的支持力为N1,升降传动机构提升横移传动机构和汽车甲的机械效率为η1;另一辆汽车乙开到载车板上后,升降传动机构以速度v2匀速提升横移传动机构和汽车乙,此时绳子B端的拉力为F2,车位架顶部对电动机Q的支持力为N2,升降传动机构提升横移传动机构和汽车乙的机械效率为η2。拉力F1、F2做的功随时间变化的图像分别如图21乙中①、②所示。已知电动机Q的质量mQ=95kg,v1=5cm/s,η1=72%,N1:N2=24:29,不计绳重及滑轮的摩擦,g 取10N/kg。求:

(1)F1的大小;(2)v2的大小; (3)η2的大小。

7 6 P




当在D端悬挂物体B时,杠杆水平平衡,如图6所示,此时物体A对桌面的压强为p2。已知:OD=2OC,p1∶p2=3∶1。物体A、B的密度分别为ρA和ρB ,且均大于水的密度。物体A、B的体积分别为VA和VB,且VA=2VB。物体B的质量为0.5kg。g取10N/kg,则下列判断正确的是






度比v甲∶v乙= 。


消耗的电功率为P。现将电源电压提高到原来的四倍,移动滑动变阻器的滑片,改变 滑动变阻器连入电路的阻值,使电路中的电流变为原来的三倍,则定值电阻消耗的电 功率为________。

图8 图



关S2时,电流表的示数为I2。通过先后闭合开关S2和S3,使两个电阻各自的通电时间分别为t和t ?。若I1∶I2=2∶3,t∶t ?=3∶2,则电流通过电阻R1和R2做功之比W1∶W2=________。



37.如图27所示是某实验小组研究灯泡亮度与灯泡实际功率的关系所设计的电路,电源电压保持不变。当断开开关S1,闭合开关S和S2,滑动变阻器的滑片P移至B端接入电路中的电阻为R2时, 电流表的示数为I1,电阻R1的电功率为P1,当滑片P移至A端时,电流表的示数为I2=0.15A,电阻R1的电功率为P1′,且P1∶P1′=1∶4;断开开关S2,闭合开关S和S1,滑动变阻器的滑片P由B端移至A端的过程中,电流表和电压表的示数变化图像如图28所示;当滑片P滑至A端时,闭合开关S、S1和S2,灯泡正常发光,此时电流表的示数为0.35A。求:

(1)R1∶ R2 ; (2)电源电压 ; (3)灯泡的额定功率。





数学试卷 2013.6



下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个是符合题意的. 1.??的绝对值是

A.?2 B.?

2.我国质检总局规定,针织内衣等直接接触皮肤的制品,每千克的衣物上甲醛含量应在0.000075千克以下.将0.000075用科学记数法表示为 A.7.5′10 B.7.5′10







C.0.75′10 D.75′10 3.如图,在△ABC中,DE∥BC,如果AD=3,BD=5,那么


的值是 BC



B. 53



A. A.


255 8


1121 B.C.D. 9893

5.如图,圆锥的底面半径OA为2,母线AB为3,则这个圆锥的侧面积为 A.3π B. 6π C. 12


D. 18


6.如图,下列水平放置的几何体中,主视图不是长方形的是 ..

7. 某校篮球课外活动小组21名同学的身高如下表

则该篮球课外活动小组21名同学身高的众数和中位数分别是 A.176,176 B.176,177C.176,178 D.184,178

8.图1是一个正方体的展开图,该正方体从图2所示的位置依次翻到第1格、第2格、第 3格、第4格、第5格,此时这个正方体朝上一面的字是 ..

A.我B.的C.梦 D.中

二、填空题(本题共16分,每小题4分) 9







若∠BCD=32°,则∠AFD的度数为 .

12.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,直线AB与x、y 轴分别交于点A、B,且


,0),B(0,1),在直线 AB上截取BB1=AB,过点B1分别作x、y 轴的垂线,垂足分别为点A1 、C1,得到矩形OA1B1C1;在直线



1B2= BB1,过点B2分别作x、y 轴的垂线,垂足分别为点A2 、C2,得到矩形OA2B2C2;在直线 AB上截取B2B3= B1B2,过点B3分别作x、y 轴的垂线,垂足分别为点A3 、C3,得到矩形OA3B3C3;??则第3个矩形OA3B3C3的面积是 ;第n个矩形OAnBnCn的面积是(用含n的式子表示,n是正整数).









312?)?2 . x?1x?1x?1








(x<0)的图象交于点M(?,n). 2x2








19.如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,AD = 4,∠B=105o,E是BC边的中点,∠BAE=30o,将△ABE沿AE翻折,点B落在点F处,连接FC,求四边形ABCF的周长.


径的⊙O与AB、AC分别相交于点E、F. (1)求证:直线BC是⊙O的切线; (2)连接EF,若tan∠AEF=




,AD=4,求BD的长. 3




教育支出频数分布表 教育支出频数分布直方图



根据以上提供的信息,解答下列问题: (1)频数分布表中的a = ,b = ; (2)补全频数分布直方图;



小华遇到这样一个问题,如图1, △ABC中,∠ACB=30o,BC=6,AC=5,在△ABC 内部有一点P,连接PA、PB、PC,求PA+PB+PC的最小值. B







(1)请你写出图2中,PA+PB+PC的最小值为 ; (2)参考小华的思考问题的方法,解决下列问题:



五、解答题(本题共22分,第23题7分,第24题7分,第25题8分) 23.已知关于x的一元二次方程x2?(4?m)x?1?m = 0.




24.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,抛物线y? ax2?bx?4与x轴交于点A(?2,0)、

B(6,0),与y轴交于点C,直线CD∥x轴,且与抛物线交于点D,P是抛物线上一动 点.



When you’re a preteen, a huge problem might be that you just have to have a new rock-rap CD, your parents won’t give you the money for it. I thought life was so when things like this happened—until September 11, 2001.

I was in P.E. when the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As soon as I got home and for weeks after, I saw the disaster on TV. Seeing the innocent people running for their as the debris(瓦砾) started coming down the fire and smoke rose out of the40brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t help imagining what the people on the41and in the buildings were thinking and going through, not what was going on. I admired the courage of the firefighters who rushed in and risked their own lives to others. It tore my heart apart to watch the looks on the faces of so many people who didn’t know if their loved ones were dead or alive while in all the debris.

Then it me: All my life I had thought mainly of myself. I had it easy in life and had been taking it all for granted.

A feeling of coldness down my back, and I cried just thinking of the possibility that it could have easily to my family. My mom or dad could have been killed like that, and I would never, ever see them again. I began to evaluate what a real in life was.

This disaster me that awful things can happen to anyone at any time. Now when my mom or dad or sister go somewhere, even if it’s just the store, I try to remember to tell them that I love them because I know there is a that I may never tell them that .

Not getting a new CD is not going to make or my life. I can live with those kinds of problems. But losing someone I love would make my life miserable.

9/11 showed me just what I am. 36. A. but 37. A. unbelievable 38. A. expand 39. A. lives 40. A. curtains 41. A. seats 42. A. believing 43. A. join 44. A. puzzled 45. A. hidden 46. A. rewarded 47. A. cooled 48. A. happened 49. A. relationship 50. A. taught 51. A. on 52. A. story 53. A. again

B. so

B. uncomfortable B. occur B. families B. buildings B. planes B. thinking B. save B. severe B. found B. surprised B. dropped B. compared B. problem B. reminded B. in B. doubt B. once

C. or C. unfair C. strike C. houses C. gates C. corners C. knowing C. meet C. dirty C. placed C. hit C. ran C. related C. need C. persuaded C. at C. chance C. enough

D. for D. uncertain D. unfold D. friends D. bedrooms D. streets D. caring D. calm D. desperate D. trappedD. told D. passed D. turned D. fate D. informed D. to D. plan D. ever

54. A. end 55. A. rather 海淀2

B. change B. truly

C. spare C. probably

D. break D. frequently

Education from My Father

My memories of my father are slim because he was so sick in the last years of his life. But there are that I am often reminded of and which may have had some bearing on my love of .

When I was small I was somewhat of lightning and thunder. My father explained it. The explanation was in that a child could understand but was basically correct. I gained a better later, but I didn’t have to unlearn anything.

What he said was that there was electricity in the clouds it travelled to the ground like a spark. When it travelled the air it made the air so hot that it . Then there was nothing where the air had been and the air all around rushed in to the space. He clapped his hands together very loud, to be the air rushing in, and said that makes the thunder. When I hear thunder, I can still hear that

He explained why if it was cloudy in the winter the night was warmer than if it was . It was one of those nights when the sky was full of stars: no moon, no town lights. But there were more stars than you could and they had color too. He said that if there were no clouds, we had no blankets and were to the universe. Our warmth was going to the whole universe. When there were clouds, they were like blankets and we were not exposed to the universe. I feel on the edge of space on a very clear night.

I am sure there were many other lessons that I but no longer remember. What I did 53 , in general, was that there were explanations and that the more I understood them, the more comfortable the world was to live in. I was not taught that there were but that there was understanding if you looked for it. This may be why I have always been in science.

36. A. others 37. A. science 38. A. sure 39. A. depth 41. A. but 42. A. above 43. A. shone 44. A. fill 45. A. trying 46. A. clap 47. A. cold 48. A. explore 49. A. committed 50. A. heat

B. few B. nature B. fond B. words B. and B. to B. burned B. make B. proving B. remark B. bright B. foresee B. exposed B. protect

C. some C. weather C. tired C. gestures C. command C. for C. along C. expanded C. avoid C. hoping C. voice C. clear C. imagine C. related C. extend

D. all D. universe D. afraid D. data D. confidence D. or D. through D. broke D. break D. pretendingD. crash D. foggy D. identify D. led D. light

40. A. understanding B. knowledge

51. A. ever 52. A. selected 53. A. consider 54. A. memories 55. A. engaged 西1

B. also B. arrangedB. promise B. blankets B. interested

C. even C. absorbed C. explain C. mysteries C. successful

D. still D. delivered D. learn D. thunders D. skillful

A Good Custodian

I know a woman who tries hard to be a good custodian.

I pass her every day after school as she pushes her cart down my hallway.Of course, she is my building's cleaner,

One Tuesday morning I came into school and saw a on my desk from my custodian,

It seemed that some unbearable first year students had damaged the bathroom in a particularly disgusting way and she had been .than she had expected. She had left the typewritten note on my desk to for not being able to clean my room as she was .

At the beginning of the period, I shared her note with my first When I mentioned that our custodian had apologized to us, their first was to volunteer to seek out . It turned out that just about all of my students also knew our custodian by name -all of them responded with smiles and each of them in the hallway.That she felt she needed to apologize many of the kids.

the floor like I do every period and thanked them for picking up any garbage it wasn't theirs.My entire class pieces of paper that so easily from notebooks.One girl made a (anused with my other classes:" Her job might be to clean the room, but she shouldn't have to clean us.There's a difference.”

I believe that people know the difference between right and wrong.I believe that people take care of them.And I believe that people, even adolescents who are not quite yet mature, appreciate it when they see someone who takes her work. Sometimes we need a ...things like a good custodian to take care of us. 36.A.paper B.handbook C.note D.letter 37.A.advised B.persuaded C.allowed D.charged 38.A.shorter B.longer C.mare D.less 39.A.apologize B.regret C.appeal D.complain 40.A.recommended B.believed C.approved D.scheduled 41.A.class B.colleagues C.staff D.members 42.A.answer B.reaction, C.decision D.behavior 43.A.room B.desks C.mess D.chaos 44.A.talked B.asked C.quarreled D.discussed 45.A.visited B.called C.praised D.greeted

46.A.made 47.A.sweep 48.A.even if 49.A.above 50.A.leave 51.A.promise 52.A.after 53.A.freely 54.A.advantage 55.A.keeper B.showed B.examine B.only if B.under B.fall

B.agreement B.before B.gently B.pride B.caretaker C.earned D.accepted C.check D.mop C.if only D.if ever C.beyond D.across C.fly D.miss C.announcement D.comment C.with D.for C.hopefully D.sincerely C.action D.chance C.reminder D.observer


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

There’s always been a debate on whether human beings are born good or bad. Depending on how you view the world, you can think of all the crimes and injustice and conclude that we’re bad, so we need a system of laws to keep us in check. However, there are also a lot of stories of good deeds. I think we’re all born good. Today, I took a trip to South Bend to attend my friends’ wedding reception. I hadthe night before at the forecast and it said we were going to get about 3 inches of snow, so I thought, “That’s not so .” I set out on my journey and it was completely clear until I to get towards Niles, M1…

I was with this ominous (不祥的)cloud. I thought to myself, “Hmm, this can’t be a good .” Soon enough, the highway became a snow-packed wall of white. I should have remembered that such severe changes in ____41____ are common in this part of America. I then tried to get to the populous area of South Bend and got in the snow, to turn left onto a street. I for 20 minutes to dig myself out with only a scraper(刮刀).

It wasn’t a very street, so I didn’t see many people. Just as I was starting to give up, a few people stopped by my car and then helped push me out of the snow bank. It was one person at first, and then a few others.

Then, on the way to my destination, another lady got stuck. , I got out and was to offer the same help that I had received. At least five others joined me in my to get her car unstuck. It is kind of storm that makes roads undrivable. South Bend up getting over 3 feet of snow.

In these of kindness though, I was once again of my belief that that all people are born good. These people didn’t have to stop and help me out. They ran the of having their own cars stuck. Even for myself, it was a(an) to get out and push the lady’s car out too. I didn’t think about it a second.

I believe these situations really helped remind me that this world is a good place. Real life situations can good deeds. It happened today, and it will happen again and again.


Little Bit

“Meow, meow, meow,” is what I heard as I walked through the alley. I approached the noise and noticed a tail sticking out from under a piece of wood. Under the wood was a black and white cat. I picked him up and cat held in my jacket.

My new best friend, who soon became known as Little Bit, received his name because he was almost when I held him in my hands. He stood about five inches tall. Little Bit’s small size

