Unit 7 Be Careful!The Second Period教案

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 Unit 7 Be Careful!

The Second Period



1.    能听懂、会说:Be careful! Look at the traffic lights.

2.    能在教师创设的模拟情景中,灵活自如地运用所学的句型,并能增强交通安全的意识。


1.    对学生进行交通安全教育,使其养成遵守交通规则的好习惯。

2.    增强学生和他人进行小组合作的意识,培养其合作能力。


能听懂、会说:Be careful! Look at the traffic lights.

The light is red. Stop. The light is green. Let’s go. The light is yellow. Wait a minute.并能在实际生活中灵活运用。



Teaching Steps

Step I Leading In

1.    Greetings.

2.    Sing a song.

Step II Presentation

1.    Show the title: Be careful!

2.    Show three colors:red, yellow, green.

3.    Show the traffic lights on the screen to learn red light, yellow light, green light.

4.    Show the pictures and have the students to look at the traffic lights, then learn the sentences:

The light is red. Stop.

The light is green. Let’s go.

The light is yellow. Wait a minute.

5.    Read the sentences

Step III Practice

1.    Let’s play.

2.    Look and match.

Step IV Homework



