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Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 施工质量规则附表目录(一) PR-00-CIJ-QU-0002 Construction Quality Rules Annexed Table Index (I) 项目编号: Project No.: 表号 Table No. 表格名称 备注 √ -A01 -A02 Table Title Remarks 施工组织总设计报审表Review Request on Overall Construction 3 Organization Design 工程技术管理文件报审表Review Request on Engineering Technical 4 Management Document 5 6 7 -A03 分包单位资格报审表 Review Request on Qualification of Subcontractors √ -A04 -A05 单位工程开工报审表Review Request on Commencement of Work Unit 工程复工报审表Review Request for Resume of Work Request Request √ -A06 √ -A07 -A08 施工测量放线报验单 Construction Surveying and Setting Out Inspection 8 材料/构配件/设备报审表 Material/Component/Equipment Review 9 单位工程划分申报表 Work Unit Division Application Report 10 √ -A09 -A10 -A11 -A12 -A13 -A14 -A15 -A16 -A17 -A18 -B01 -B02 -B03 -B04 -B05 -B06 单位工程工序质量控制点申报表 Report Table of Work Procedure 11 Quality Control Points of Unit of Work 工序质量控制点核验通知 Work Procedure Quality Control Point 12 Inspection Notice (检验批)分项工程质量报验申请表 (Inspection Batch) Work Item Quality 13 Inspection Application 分部工程质量报验申请表 Work Section Quality Inspection Application 单位工程质量报验申请表Work Unit Quality Inspection Application 竣工测量报验申请表Completion Surveying Inspection Application 工程中间交工检验通知Intermediate Handover Inspection Notice 工程交工报验单Construction Takeover Inspection Request 事故报告单Accident Report 监理工程师通知回复单 Supervision Engineer Notice Response 监理工程师通知单 Supervision Engineer Notice Inspection and Acceptance Certificate 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21-22 工序质量控制点检查认可书 Work Procedure Quality Control Point 23 工程中间交工证书Intermediate Handover Certificate 工程暂停令 Work Suspension Order 巡视旁站监理记录Patrol Supervision Record 会议纪要(一) (二)Minutes of Meeting (I)(2) 24 25 26 27-28


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 表号 Table No. -C01 -C02 施工质量规则附表目录(二) Construction Quality Rules Annexed Table Index (II)项目编号: Project No. 表格名称 Table Title 监理工作联系单 Supervision Correspondence 工程变更单Variation Order 抽检记录 Spot Inspection Record 29 30 备注 Remarks -C03 31 工程建设有关单位及主要人员(一)(二)(三)Main Parties 32-33 √ -C04 and Persons Involved in the Project (1), (2) and (3) -C05 工程承包单位及承包内容 Construction Contractor Info. And 34 Scope of Contract -D01 交工技术文件封面 Handover Technical Document Cover -D02 -D03 -D04 -D05 -D06 -D07 -D08 -D09 -D10 -D11 -D12 -D13 -D14 Technical Document Document 35 交工技术文件总目录 Master Table of Contents of Handover 36 交工技术文件目录 Table of Content of Handover Technical 37 交工技术文件说明 Note of Handover Technical Document 开工报告 Commencement Report 38 39 工程中间交接(机械竣工证书)Intermediate Takeover 40 (Mechanical Completion Certificate) 联动试运行合格证书 Linkage Commissioning Qualified 41 Certificate 工程交工证书 Project Takeover Certificate Certificate Upon Take-over of Work 42 交工技术文件移交证书 Technical Document Handover 43 未完工程项目明细表 Uncompleted Work List Remediation and Evaluation Report 44 重大质量事故处理鉴定报告 Major Quality Accident 45 工程联络单 Project Correspondence 设计变更一览表 Design Change Schedule 工程联络单一览表 Project Correspondence Schedule 46 47 48


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—01

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 项目编号: 施工组织总设计报审表 Review Request on Overall Construction Project No.: Organization Design 编号:No. 致(监理单位) To (Supervision Company):上海市电力工程建设监理有限公司(SPESC

我方已根据施工合同的有关规定完成了 SECCO电厂原水处理区储罐 工程施工组织总 设计的编制,并经我单位上级技术负责人审查批准,请予以审查。 We’ve completed overall construction organization design for works of SECCO Electric Field Raw water treatment Tanks as per related requirements as specified in the Construction Contract, which has been reviewed and approved by competent technical leader in our company, we hereby submit it for your review. 附Attachment:施工组织总设计Overall Construction Organization Design 承包单位(章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Contractor(Chop) Project manager(Signature): Date: 总监理工程师审查意见:Review remarks of Chief Supervision Engineer: 审查结论Review conclusion: □同意Approve □修改后再报To be resubmitted after revision □重新编制To be compiled again 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期: Project supervision company(Chop): Chief supervision engineer (Signature): Date: 业主项目经理审批意见Review remarks of the Owner’s project manager: 审查结论Review conclusion: □同意Approve □修改后再报To be resubmitted after revision □重新编制To be compiled again 业主管理机构(章): 项目经理(代表): 日期: Owner’s management level (chop): Project manager (Representative): Date: 注:施工组织总设计审批意见中,特指的重大施工方案须经业主审批。 Note: Major construction method especially specified in review and approval remarks on overall construction organization design shall be also reviewed and approved by the Owner. 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审查,业主代表批准后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed by the supervision company and approved by the Owner’s representative, each of the Owner’s Representative, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—02

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 工程技术管理文件报审表 Review Request on Engineering Technical Management Document 项目编号: 72 Project No.: 编号:No. 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company):上海电力工程建设监理有限公司 现报上关于 原水处理储罐施工方案 工程技术管理文件,请予以审定。 The technical management document of works of is hereby submitted for review and approval. 序号 No. 类别 Category 编制人 Prepared by: 册数 Volume(s): 页数 Page(s) 1 2 3 4 施工方案Construction plan 李尚升 1 80 编制单位(章): JCC 技术负责人(签字): 申报人(签字): 李尚升

Prepared by(chop): Technical leader (Signature): Submitted by (Signature): 承包单位意见Contractor’s remark: □有 Yes /□无 No 附页 Annexed pages 承包单位(章): 技术负责人(签字) : 日期: Contractor (chop) : Technical leader (Signature): Date: 监理机构审核意见Review and approval remarks of the Supervision Company: 审定结论Review conclusion: □同意Approve □修改后再报To be resubmitted after revision □重新编制To be compiled again 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期:

Project Supervision Com.(Chop): Chief supervision engineer (Signature): Date: 附注:施工组织总设计审批意见中,特指的重大施工方案,还需业主审批。 Note: Major construction method especially specified in review and approval remarks on overall construction organization design shall be also reviewed and approved by the Owner. 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed by the supervision company and approved by the Owner’s representative, each of the Owner’s Representative, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—03

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 项目编号: 分包单位资格报审表 Project No.: Review Request on Qualification of Subcontractors 编号:No. 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company): 经考察,我方认为拟选择的 (分包单位)具有承担下列工程的施工资质和施工能力,可以保证本工程项目按合同的规定进行施工。分包后,我方仍然承担总承包单位的全部责任。请予以审查和批准。 After investigation, we believe the selected Subcontractor, has construction qualification and construction capability required for following work and can ensure to complete construction of the project as per contract requirements. Upon subcontracting the work, we will still bear all responsibility as a General Contractor. Please review and approve. 附件Attachment:1、分包单位资质材料Qualification information of the Subcontractor; 2、分包单位业绩材料Achievement information of the Subcontractor。 分包工程名称(部位) 拟分包工程合同额 分包工程占全部工程 工程数量 Subcontracted work description (Location) Work amount Proposed subcontract value Subcontracted amount /Total work amount 合 计(Total) 承包单位(章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Contractor (Chop): Project manager (Signature): Date: 专业监理工程师审查意见Review remarks of discipline supervision engineer: 专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Discipline supervision engineer (signature): Date: 总监理工程师审核意见Review remarks of the chief supervision engineer: 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期: Project Supervision Company (chop) Chief supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed by the supervision company, each of the Owner’s Representative, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—04

项目编号: 单位工程开工报审表 Project No.: Review Request on Commencement of Work Unit 编号:No. 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 致(监理单位)To(Supervision Company): 上海市电力工程建设监理有限公司(SPESC)

我方承担的 SECCO动力中心原水处理区储罐 工程,已完成了开工前的各项准备工作,计划于2003年12月1日开工,请审批。 We contracted work of SECCO Power Center Raw water treatment Tanks and completed items of preparation work prior to commencement. We planned to commence the work at1(Day)12(Month)2003(Year), please review and approve. 附:Attachment: 1. 图纸会审、设计交底 Design countercheck and clarification records 2. 施工组织设计(方案)审批文件(含主要管理人员及特殊工种资格证明)Construction management design (proposal) review and approval document (including main management personnel and special trade qualification certificate) 3. 4. 施工机具与检测试验设备检查 Construction machinery and inspection & testing equipment inspected. 工序质量控制点报审 Work procedure quality control point review request. 5. 施工测量放线 Construction surveying and setting out work completed 6. 主要人员、材料、设备进场 Major personnel, material and equipment mobilized 7. 施工现场道路、水、电、通讯等已达到开工条件 Access road, water, power and communications etc for construction are ready on site for commencing the work. 8. 承包单位(盖章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Construction Contractor(Chop) Project manager (Signature) Date 审查意见Review remarks: 专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 审批结论Review conclusion: 同意 Approve 不同意 Not approve 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision Com. (Chop Chief supervision engineer (Signature Date □□本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—05

工 程 复 工 报 审 表 Review Request for Resume of Work 项目编号: Project No.: 编号: No. 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company:

我方承担的 工程,由总监理工程师签发的第 号工程暂停令指出的原因已清除,经检查已具备了复工条件,请予以审核并批准复工。 The reason resulting in Work Suspension Order No. issued by the chief supervision engineer for the work contracted by us has been eliminated, it’s proven that the conditions for resumption of work has been made ready. Please review and approve. 附:具备复工条件的详细说明Attachment: Detail statement of reasons for resuming the work。 . 承包单位(盖章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Contractor (Chop ) Project manager (Signature) Date 审批意见Review/approval remarks: 审批结论:Review/approval conclusion □具备复工条件,同意复工。 Conditions for resuming work are ready and agree to resume work. □不具备复工条件,暂不同意复工。Conditions for resuming work are not ready and not agree to resume work now. 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期: Project supervision company (Chop) Chief supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed by the supervision company, each of the Owner’s Representative, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—06

施工测量放线报验单 Construction Surveying and Setting Out Inspection Request 项目编号: Project No.: 编号: No.: 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 致:(监理单位)To: (Supervision company) 上海高桥石化工程建设监理公司 我单位已完成(部位) (内容) 的测量放线,经自检合格,请予查验。 We have completed surveying and setting out work of (work content) of (part of work), which have been self checked and inspected as being acceptable, please check and inspect. 附件Attachment:1、□放线的依据材料Basis information for setting out 页Page(s) 2、 □放线成果表Result tables of setting out work 页Page(s) 测量员(签字): 岗位证编号: Surveyor (Signature) No. of post certificate 查验人(签字): 岗位证编号:

Inspected by (Signature) No. of post certificate 承包单位(盖章): 技术负责人(签字): 日期 Contractor (chop) Technical in charge (signature) Date 查验结果:Results of inspection: 查验结论Inspection conclusion: □合格Qualified □纠错后再报Inspection request to be resubmitted upon taking remedying actions . 监理机构(章): 专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision company (Chop) Discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—07

单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit): 材料/构配件/设备报审表 Material/Component/Equipment Review Request 项目编号: Project No. 编号:No. 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company):上海市电力工程建设监理有限公司(SPESC) 现报上 SECCO动力中心原水处理区储罐 工程进场材料/构配件/设备检验记录,该批物资经我方检验符合设计、规范及合同要求,请予以批准使用。 The record of material, component and equipment inspection for mobilization of work of SECCO Power Center Raw water treatment Tanks is submitted as below. This batch of material has been inspected by us and proven to meet requirements of design, specification and contract, please approve application of these materials in this project. 序号 No. 物资名称 Material description 主要规格 单位 Main spec. Unit 数量 Quantity 选择审报表编号 Review Request Table No. 使用部位 Application location 1 钢板 δ=10 块 33 A-07 TK-0101 附:Attachment 1、□出厂合格证Ex-works certificate of compliance 页Page 编号No 2、□厂家质量检验报告Quality inspection report of the vendor 2 页Page 编号No. 3、□厂家质量保证书Quality guarantee of the vendor 4 页Page 编号No. 4、□监检、监造文件 Document of manufacturing supervision by residing in factory 12 页Page 编号No. 5、□商检证 Commodity inspection certificate 页 Page 编号No. 6、□进场检查记录Mobilization inspection record 页Page 编号No. 7、□进场复试报告Mobilization retest report 页 Page 编号No. 8、□备案情况 Put on record 页 Page 编号No. 9、□ 承包单位(章): 技术负责人(签字): 日期: Construction contractor (Chop) Technical leader (Signature) Date: 审查意见Review remarks: □同意使用 Approve to be applied □补报资料Supplementary information to be submitted □重新检验Inspection to be redone □退场demobilization 项目监理机构(章): 总/专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Project supervision company (Chop) Chief/Discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。This table shall

be filled up and submitted by the construction contractor in three copies. Once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, supervision company and construction contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—08

单项(单元)工程: Work Item(Unit): 单位工程划分申报表 Work Unit Division Application Report 项目编号: Project No.: 编号: No.: 致(监理单位)To (Supervision company) : 兹报上我方承担的 工程单位工程划分表,请予以审定。施工过程中,我方将严格按经审定的单位工程划分进行质量管理工作。 We, hereby, submit Work Unit Division Table for work of contracted by us, please review and approve. During the course of construction, we’ll perform quality management work strictly as per work unit division as defined. 附:单位工程明细表【单位工程/分部工程/分项工程(检验批)】。 Attachment: Work Unit List (Work unit, section and item (inspection batch). 承包单位(章) 项目经理(签字) 日期 Construction contractor (Chop) Project manager (Signature) Date 审查意见Review remarks: 1、 □同意 Approve □2、修改后再报(附审查意见)To be resubmitted after revision (Review remarks attached) 项目监理机构(章) 总监理工程师(签字) 日期 Project supervision company (Chop) Chief supervision engineer (Signature) Date: 本表由承包单位填报,一式四份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位、质量监督机构各存一份。This table shall be filled up and submitted by the construction contractor in four copies, once it being reviewed and

approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, supervision company, construction contractor and quality supervision authority shall hold one copy respectively.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—09

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 单位工程工序质量控制点 申报表 Report Table of Work Procedure Quality Control Points of Unit of Work 项目编号: Project No. 编号: No. 致(监理单位)To (Supervision company):上海市电力工程建设监理有限公司(SPESC) 兹报上我方承担的 SECCO电厂原水处理区储罐 单位工程工序质量控制点申 报表,请予以审定。施工过程中,我方将严格按照经审定的工序质量控制点进行质量控制工作。 We, hereby, submit the Report Table of Work Procedure Quality Control Points of unit of work of SECCO Electric Field Raw water treatment Tanks contracted by us, please review and approve it. During the course of construction, we will perform quality control work strictly as per work procedure quality control points defined. 附Attachment:单位工程工序质量控制点明细表Work Procedure Quality Control Points List for Unit of Work of。 承包单位(章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Construction contractor (Chop) Project manager (Signature) Date 监理机构审查意见: Review remark of the supervision company 业主审批意见: Review remark of the Owner: □同意 Approve 2、□修改后再报(附审查意见)To be 1、resubmitted after revision (review remarks attached) □同意 Approve 2、□修改后再报(附审查意见)To be resubmitted 1、after revision (Review remarks attached) 3、 □重新编制 To be compiled again 3、 □重新编制 To be compiled again 监理机构(章): Owner Supervision company (Chop) 业主机构: 项目经理(签字) 日期 总监理工程师(签字) 日期 Project manager (Signature) Date Chief supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式四份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位、质量监督机构各存一份。This table shall be filled up and submitted by the construction contractor in four copies, once it being reviewed and

approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, supervision company, construction contractor and quality supervision authority shall keep one copy respectively.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—10

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 工序质量控制点检验通知 Work Procedure Quality Control Point Inspection Notice 项目编号: Project No.: 编号:No. 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company): 按照施工质量控制程序的规定,我方已完成以下工序质量控制点的施工,并经自检合格,特报请核查确认。(请通知业主专业工程师参加A级质量控制点核查) As per regulations of construction quality control procedure, we’ve completed construction of following work procedure quality control points, which have been proven to be acceptable after self-inspection. Please be noted to inspect and approve. (Please inform discipline engineer of the Owner to attend inspection of Class A quality control points) 附Attachment:自检资料Self-inspection information。 单 位 工 程 Work unit: 质量控制点名称(级别)/Description/Class of quality control point 具 体 部 位Specific location 检 验 内 容 Content of inspection 检验标准(依据)Inspection standard (Basis) 要求到场检验时间 Required arrive time for attending inspection 承包单位(章): 技术负责人(签字): 日期: Construction contractor(Chop) Technical leader (Signature) Date 专业监理工程师签收Singed for confirmation by the discipline supervision engineer: 定于 年 月 日按要求到现场检验。It’s confirmed to arrive on site on Day Month Year as required for attending inspection. 监理机构(章): 专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision Company (Chop) Discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式3~4份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 其中A级质量控制点应提供业主一份。This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three to four copies,

once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy. Among which, one copy of document regarding to Class A quality control point shall be submitted to the Owner.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—11

单项(单元)工程Work (检验批)分项工程质量报验申请表 项目编号:Project No.: Item (Unit) (Inspection Batch) Work Item Quality Inspection Application 编号: No. 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company): 上海市电力工程建设监理有限公司

我方已完成了 储罐72-TK-0101罐底板的打砂、喷漆 (检验批)分项工程,经我方检验符合设计、规范要求,请予以验收。 We’ve completed single item of work (inspection batch) of blasting and painting for bottom plates of 72-TK-0101 , which has been inspected by us and proven to be in accordance with design and code requirements, please inspect and accept it. 附Attachment: 名称Description 页数Page 编号No. 1、□ 设备、材料、构配件质量证明文件 页 Page Equipment, Material and Components Quality Certificate Document 2、□ 隐蔽工程检查记录表Concealed Work Inspection Record 1 页 Page 3、□ 予检工程检查记录表Pre-inspected Work Inspection Record 页 Page 4、□ 施工记录Construction Record 页 Page 5、□ 施工试验记录 Construction Test Record, 页 Page 6、□ 工序质量控制点查验认可文件 页 Page Work Procedure Quality Control Point Inspection and Approval Document 7、□ 分项工程质量检验评定记录 页 Page Individual Item of Work Quality Inspection and Evaluation Record 8、□ 页 Page 专业质量工程师(检查员)(签字): 日期: Discipline Quality Engineer (Inspector) (Signature Date 承包单位(章): 技术负责人(签字): 日期: Construction Contractor (Chop) Technical leader (Signature) Date 审查意见: Review Remarks: 审查结论Review conclusion: □合格Qualified □不合格Unqualified 项目监理机构(章): 专业监理工程师(签字) 日期

Supervision Com. (Chop) Discipline supervision engineer (signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—12

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 分部工程质量报验申请表 Work Section Quality Inspection Application 项目编号: Project No.: 编号: No.: 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company): 我方已完成了 分部工程,经我方检验符合设计、规范要求,请予以验收。 We’ve completed single section of work of , which has been proven to meet requirements of design and code upon inspection by ourselves, please inspect and accept it. 附Attachment: 名称Description 页数Page 编号No. 1、□所含(检验批)分项工程质量控制资料 页 Page Quality control document of items of work (inspection batch) included 2、□所含(检验批)分项工程质量检验评定记录 页 Page Quality inspection and evaluation record of items of work (inspection batch) included 3、□分部工程质量检验评定记录 页 Page Quality inspection and evaluation record of sections of work 4、□ 专业质量工程师(检查员)(签字): 日期 Discipline quality engineer (inspector)(signature ) Date 承包单位(章) 上海浦建集团 技术负责人(签字) 日期 Construction contractor (Chop) Technical leader (Signature) Date 审查意见Review remarks: 审查结论Reviewed conclusion: □合格Qualified □不合格Unqualified 项目监理机构 总监理工程师 日期 Supervision Company Chief supervision engineer Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

单位工程质量报验申请表 Work Unit Quality Inspection Application 项目编号:Project No. 编号:No. Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—13

致(监理单位)To(Supervision Company): 我单位已完成了 单位工程,经自检合格,请予以检查和验收。 We’ve completed single unit of work of ,which was proven to be qualified upon self-inspection, please inspect and accept it. 附:所含分部工程/分项工程(检验批)质量验收和单位工程质量评定资料 Attachment: Quality evaluation information of single unit of work and quality inspection and acceptance information of individual section/item of work included. 承包单位(章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Construction Contractor (Chop) Project manager (Signature) Date: 审查意见Review remarks: 经予验收,该工程: Upon initial inspection and acceptance, this work is 1、 □ 符合 □ 不符合我国现行法律、法规要求; In/not in accordance with current rules and laws of the nation . 2、□ 符合 □不符合我国现行工程建设标准;In/not in accordance with current construction standards of the nation. 3、□符合□不符合设计文件要求;In/not in accordance with requirement of the design document. 4、□符合□不符合施工合同要求。In/not in accordance with requirement of the construction contract. 综上所述,该工程予验收结论Above all, Conclusion of initial inspection and acceptance on this project:

□合格Qualified □不合格Unqualified 可否组织正式验收Is it proper to organize final inspection and acceptance: □可Yes □否No. 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision Company(Chop) Chief supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


项目编号:Project No. Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—14

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 竣工测量报验申请表 (地下管道、电缆等) Completion Surveying Inspection Application (for underground pipeline and cables etc) 编号:No. 致:(监理单位)To (Supervision Company) 根据合同要求,业已完成 工程的施工工作,并已绘制了地下隐蔽工程的竣工图,清单如下,请予核验。 As per contract requirements, we’ve completed the work of , and drafted as-built drawing of underground concealed work. The list is attached as below, please check. 承包单位(盖章): 技术负责人(签字): 日期: Construction contractor (Chop) Technical leader (Signature) Date 序号No. 工程或部位名称 Work or location description 竣 工 内 容Completed work 备 注Remarks 附:竣工测量资料(附图)Attachment: Completion surveying information (See attached drawing) 核验结果(附图):Inspection results (See attached drawing). 项目监理机构(章): 专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision Company (Chop) Discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 总监理工程师意见:Remarks of the chief supervision engineer: 以上资料可供绘制地下隐蔽工程竣工图使用。All above information could be used as basis for drafting as-built drawing of underground concealed work . 项目监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision Company (Chop) Chief supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—15

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 工程中间交工检验通知 Intermediate Handover Inspection Notice 项目编号: Project No.: 编号: No.: 致接收方(承包单位)To (Construction Contractor): 按照承包合同内容、设计文件和有关标准、规范的要求,现已完成 ,并经自检合格,请你方在接到本通知后的 天内进行检查验收,以便办理工程中间交工。 As per requirements of contract, design document and related codes and standards, the works of has been completed and proven to be acceptable after self-inspection. Please organize inspection within days upon receiving this notice in order to arrange intermediate handover of work. 附:施工质量记录及自检资料。Attachment: Construction quality record and self-inspection information. . 交出方(承包单位章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Issued by (Contractor chop) Project manager(Signature) Date 接收方(承包单位)签收意见Remarks of the received party (Contractor): 兹定于 年 月 日 时 分,在现场进行工程中间交工检查验收。 It’s agreed to conduct inspection and acceptance for intermediate handover of work on site on (Minute) (Hour) (Day) (Month) (Year). 接收方(承包单位章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Received by (Contractor chop) Project manager (Signature) Date 监理单位签收意见Remarks of the Supervision Company upon receiving the notice: 监理机构(章): 总监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision Company(Chop) Chief supervision engineer (signature) Date: 本表由承包单位填报,一式四份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、交、接承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in four copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor who handover and the contractor who takeover shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—16

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 工 程 交 工 报 验 单 Construction Takeover Inspection Request 项目编号: Project No.: 编号: No.: 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company): 我方已按合同要求完成了 工程,经自检合格, 请予以检查和验收。 We’ve completed work of as per contract requirement, which has been proven to be acceptable upon self-inspection, please inspect and accept it. 附:交工申请、工程实物量清单、交工技术文件。 Attachment: Takeover application, Bills of Quantities, Takeover Technical Deliverables. 承包单位(章): 项目经理(签字): 日期 Construction Contractor (Chop) Project Manager (Signature) Date: 审查意见Review remarks: 经初步验收,该工程Upon initial inspection, this work is 1、□符合 □不符合我国现行法律、法规要求;In/not in conformance with current law and rule requirements of the nation. 2、□符合 □不符合我国现行工程建设标准;In/not in conformance with current construction standards of the nation. 3、□符合 □不符合设计文件要求;In/not in conformance with requirements of the design document. 4、□符合 □不符合施工合同要求。In/not in conformance with requirements of construction contract. 综上所述,该工程予验收结论Above all, through inspection, this project shall be concluded as: □合格Qualified □不合格Unqualified; 可否组织正式交工验收Is it proper to organize final takeover inspection and acceptance: □可Yes □否No。 项目监理机构(章) 总监理工程师(签字): 日期

Supervision Company(chop) Chief supervision engineer (signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。 This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—17

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 事 故 报 告 单 Accident Report 项目编号: Project No.: 编号: No.: 致(监理单位)To (Supervision company) 年 月 日 时,在 施工(安装)中发生 的事故,现报告如下: An accident of was occurred at (Hour) (Day) (Month) (Year) while executing the construction (installation) work of . We, hereby, report it as below: 事故原因(初部调查结果或据现场报告情况)Accident causes (Results of initial investigation or as per site situation report): 损失情况Losses/damages suffered: 应急措施Immediate remedying actions: 初步处理意见Initial resolution remarks: 承包单位(盖章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Construction Contractor (chop) Project manager(signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。

This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed and approved by the supervision company, each of the Owner’s Representative, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project A—18

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): OSBL PHU工程 监理工程师通知回复单 Supervision Engineer Notice Response 编号: No.: 项目编号: Project No.: 致(监理单位)To (Supervision Company): 南京金陵石化工程监理有限公司 我方接到编号为 003 的监理工程师通知后,已按要求完成了 整改 工作,现报上,请予复查。 详细内容:Detail content: 一、HSE问题: 1、 对桩机油箱部位漏油采取有效措施,基本采用小桶和机修人员检修; 2、 临时用房已整理; 3、 临时用房已接地整改; 4、 卸桩已按要求整改。 二、施工质量: 1、 确保记录的真实性,对纪录人员已批评教育; 2、 垂直度应符合0.5%; 3、 再次对班组进行技术交底。 承包单位(章): 项目经理(签字): 日期: Construction Contractor (Chop) Project Manager (Signature) Date: 复查意见Inspection remarks: 项目监理机构(章) 总/专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Project supervision company (Chop) Chief/discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 本表由承包单位填报,一式三份,经监理单位审批后,业主单位、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。

This table shall be filled up and submitted by the contractor in three copies, once it being reviewed by the supervision company, each of the Owner’s Representative, Supervision Company and Contractor shall hold one copy.

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

监理工程师通知单 Supervision Engineer Notice 项目编号:Project No. 编号:No. Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project B—01

致To: 事由Subject: 内容Content: 项目监理机构(章): 总/专业监理工程师(签字) 日期: Supervision Company (Chop) Chief/Discipline Project Supervision engineer(Signature) Date 注:重要监理通知应由总监理工程师签署,监理单位、业主及有关单位各存一份。Note: Important notice from the

supervision company shall be signed by the chief supervision engineer. Supervision company, Owner and related company shall each keep one copy.

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

项目编号:Project No. 编号:No. Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project B—02

工序质量控制点查验认可书 Work Procedure Quality Control Point Inspection and Acceptance Certificate 致(承包单位)To (Construction contractor): 第 号工序质量控制点检验通知单所报之 ,经联合查验确认为合格,可以继续下一工序的施工。 Work of as specified in Work Procedure Quality Control Point Inspection Notice No. has been jointly inspected and accepted, the work of next work procedure may be continued. 承包单位(章): 技术负责人(签字): 日期: Contractor (Chop) Technical leader (Signature) Date 监理机构(章): 专业监理工程师(签字): 日期:

Supervision company(Chop) Discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 业主管理机构(章): 专业工程师(签字): 日期: Owner’s management level (Chop) Discipline engineer (Signature) Date 备注:C级质量控制点由承包单位自行管理,并保存记录。 Note: Quality control point of Level C shall be managed by the contractor itself, related records shall be kept according. 注:有关单位各存一份。施工承包单位应将此表列入单位工程的交工技术文件移交。Note: All related parties shall

keep one copy of this table, the construction contractor shall list this table as one of handover technical documents of the unit of work.

单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit) 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

工程中间交工证书 Intermediate Handover Certificate 项目编号:Project No. 编号:No. Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project B—03

编号为 号工程中间交工检验通知所报之 工程,经查验确认为合格,同意办理中间交工手续,可以继续下一专业的施工。 Work of as specified in Intermediate Handover Inspection Notice No. has been inspected and accepted, it’s agreed to handle intermediate handover and construction of next discipline can be continued. 备注Remarks: 交出方(承包单位): 技术负责人(签字): 日期: Handed over by: (Construction contractor) Technical leader (Signature) Date 接收方(承包单位): 技术负责人(签字): 日期: Taken over by: (Construction contractor) Technical leader (Signature) Date 项目监理机构(章): 专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Project supervision company (Chop) Discipline supervision engineer (Signature) Date 业主管理机构: 专业工程师(签字): 日期: Owner management level Discipline engineer (Signature) Date 注:有关单位各存一份。交出方应将此表列入交工技术文件移交。Note: All related parties shall keep one copy of this table, the party who handover the work shall list it as one of handover technical documents.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project B—04

单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit) 工 程 暂 停 令 Work Suspension Order 项目编号: Project No.: 编号:No 致To: (承包单位)(Construction contractor) 由于 的原因,现通知你必须于 年 月 日 时起,对本工程的 部位(工序)实施暂停施工,并按下述要求做好各项工作: Due to the reason of , we hereby inform you to suspend work at location (of work procedure) of since Hour Day Month Year and implement items of work as per following requirements. 项目监理机构(章) 总监理工程师(签字): 日期:

Project supervision company (Chop) Chief supervision engineer (Signature) Date 注:本表由监理单位签发,签发前应征得业主项目经理同意;业主、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。

Note: This table shall be issued by the supervision company who must obtain consent of the Owner’s project manager prior to issuance. Each of the Owner, supervision company and construction contractor shall keep one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project B—05

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 巡 视 旁 站 监 理 记 录 Patrol Supervision Record 项目编号Project No. 编号:No. 巡视旁站的工程部位Work subject to patrol supervision: 承包单位Construction contractor: 到达时间: 日 时 分Arrival time: Minute Hour Day 离开时间: 日 时 分Departure time: Minute Hour Day 检查项目Items inspected: 检查项目(强制性规范及设计文件要求)Items inspected (as per requirements of compulsory specification and design document) 规范允许偏差(设计要求)Permissible deviation of specifications (design requirement) 1. 2. 检查记录Inspection record: 专业监理工程师/监理员(签字): 日期: Discipline supervision engineer/supervision person (Signature) Date 处理意见: Resolution remarks: 项目监理机构(章): 总/专业监理工程师(签字): 日期: Supervision company (Chop) Chief/discipline supervision engineer(Signature) Date 注:业主、监理单位、承包单位各存一份。Note: The Owner, supervision company and construction contractor shall keep one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project B—06

单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit) 会 议 纪 要(一) Minutes of Meeting (I) 项目编号 Project No.: 编号: 第 1 页 共 页 No.: Page 1 of 会议主题:Subject of meeting 时 间Time: 地 点Address: 主持人Sponsor: 记录人Recorder: 出 席 人Attendee 单位Company 姓名Name 职务Title 单位Company 姓名Name 职务Title 讨论事项和有关决定 Issues discussed and decisions made: 纪要发送单位(或个人)及份数 Following copies of MOM were distributed to parties (or persons) listed as below: 整理 校核 签发 Collated by: CheckIssued ed by: by: 注:各有关单位各存一份;涉及设计变更(或偏差)内容,尚须由有关单位和人员出具书面的设计变更(或指示)文件。Note: All related parties shall keep one copy. Related parties and persons shall issue

design change (or instruction) document in written form for any content involving design changes (or discrepancies) in the MOM.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project B—06

项目编号: Project No.: 编号: 第 页 共 页 No.: Page of 单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit) 会 议 纪 要(二) Minutes of Meeting (2)

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project C -- 01

监 理 工 作 联 系 单 Supervision Correspondence 项目编号: Project No. 编号: No. 致To: (单位)(Company): 事由Subject:: 内容Content:: 提出单位(章): 代表人(签字): 日期: Issued by(Chop) Representative(Signature) Date 注:相关单位各存一份。Note: Parties involved shall each keep one copy.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project C – 02

工 程 变 更 单 Variation Order 项目编号: Project No. 编号: No. 单项(单元)工程:OSBL第三循环水场 Work Item (Unit) 致To: 北京燕化监理公司 (监理单位)(Supervision Company): 由于 市场上桩源紧张 原因,兹提出 将原设计桩长31M(10+10+11)改为31M(12+7+12) 工程变更(内 容详见附件),请予以审批。 Due to reasons of , we, hereby, issued variation order for work of (See attachment for detail content), please review and approve it. 附件Attachment: 提出单位(章): 负责人(签字): 日期: 2003/4/21

Issued by (Chop) Responsible person (Signature) Date

一致意见Agreement: 建设单位代表 设计单位代表 项目监理机构 Owner’s Representative Designer’s Representative Supervision Organization 签字: 签字: 签字: Signature: Signature: Signature: 日期: 日期: 日期: Date: Date: Date 注:本表由提出单位填报,有关单位会签,并各存一份;涉及设计变更,尚须由有关单位和人员出具书面的设计变更(或指示)文件。Note: This table shall be filled up and submitted by the party who issues it and countersigned by

related parties, all parties shall keep one copy. In case any design changes are involved, related party and person shall issue document of design change (or instruction) in written form.

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程 C -- 03

抽 检 记 录 Spot Inspection Record 项目编号: Project No. 编号: No. Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project

检查项目 Inspection Item 检查部位 Inspection Location 检查数量 Inspection Quantity 被委托单位 Engaged Company 相关承包单位 Related Contractors 检查结果(附示图和检测报告) Inspection results (See attached drawing and inspection report) 检测单位(章): 技术负责人(签字): 日期:

Inspected by (Chop) Technical leader (Signature) Date 处置意见Resolution remarks: 委托单位(章) 委托人(签字): 日期: Owner (Chop) Owner Representative (Signature) Date 注:本表由委托单位填报,有关单位各存一份;相关承包单位应列入交工文件移交。Note: This table

shall be filled up and submitted by the Owner, all parties involved shall keep one copy, related contractors shall list it as one of handover documents.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project C – 04

单项(单元)工程: Work Item(Unit) 工 程 建 设 有 关 单 位 及 主 要 人 员(一) Main Parties and Persons Involved in the Project (I) 岗位 Post 项目编号 Project NO. 第1页 共 页 Page 1 of 单位名称 Company Name 姓名 Name 联系方式 Contact Info. 资质/上岗证书及编号 Qualification/Post Certificate and No. 项目经理Project manager 项目副经理 Deputy project manager (业主单位) Owner 项目工程(设计)经理 Project engineering (Design) manager 项目采购经理 Project procurement manager 项目经理助理 Project manager assistant 项目经理Project manager 设计总代表 Chief design (设计承包单位) representative Design contractor 专业负责人(1)Discipline leader(1) 专业负责人(2) Discipline leader (2) 项目经理 Project manager manager 项目副经理 Deputy project (采购承包单位) 项目技术负责人 Technical Procurement contractor leader of the project 项目质量负责人 Quality in-charge of the project 现场代表Site representative


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project C – 04

单项(单元)工程: Work Item(Unit) 工 程 建 设 有 关 单 位 及 主 要 人 员(二) Main Parties and Persons Involved in the Project (2) 岗位 Post 项目经理Project manager 施工经理 Construction manager 技术负责人 Technical leader 质量保证经理(工程师) Quality assurance manager (Engineer) 项目编号 Project No. 第1页 共 页 Page 1 of 单位名称 Company Name 姓名 Name 联系方式 Contact Info. 资质/上岗证书及编号 Qualification/Post Certificate and No. 土建专业工程师Civil engineer engineer (施工承包单位) 静设备专业工程师Static equipment Construction engineer contractor 管道专业工程师Piping engineer 动设备专业工程师 Rotating equipment 材料专业工程师 Material engineer 电气专业工程师Electrical engineer 仪表专业工程师 Instrumental engineer 焊接专业工程师 Welding engineer 无损检测专业工程师NDT engineer


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project C – 04

单项(单元)工程: Work Item(Unit): 工 程 建 设 有 关 单 位 及 主 要 人 员(三) Main Parties and Persons Involved in the Project (3) 岗位 Post 总监理工程师 Chief supervision engineer 总监理工程师代表Chief supervision engineer’s representative HSE经理 HSE manager 质量经理 Quality manager 控制经理 Control manager 施工经理 Construction manager 土建专业监理工程师 Civil supervision engineer 动设备专业监理工程师Rotating equipment supervision engineer 静设备专业监理工程师 Static equipment supervision engineer 管道专业监理工程师 Piping supervision engineer 材料专业监理工程师 Material supervision engineer 电气专业监理工程师 Electrical supervision engineer 仪表专业监理工程师Instrumentation supervision engineer 焊接专业监理工程师 Welding supervision engineer 无损检测专业监理工程师 NDT supervision engineer 项目编号Project No. 第1页 共 页 Page 1 of 单位名称 Company Name 姓名 Name 联系方式 Contact Info. 资质/上岗证书及编号 Qualification/Post Certificate and No. (监理单位) Supervision company


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project C -- 05

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 工程承包单位及承包内容 Construction Contractor Info. And Scope of Contract 项目编号:Project No. 第 页 共 页 Page of 承包商名称 Contractor Name 承包合同号 Contract No. 承包内容 Scope of Contract: 总承包商 General Contractor 分承包商(1)名称 Subcontractor (1) Name 项目经理及资质/上岗证编号 Project manager, its qualification/post certificate no. 分包内容:Scope of Subcontract: 分承包商 Subcontractor 分承包商(2)名称 Subcontractor Name (2) 项目经理及资质/上岗证编号 Project manager, its qualification/post certificate no. 承包内容: Scope of contract:


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—01

SH3503-J101B 项目编号:Project No. 封 面 Cover 案卷号:Document No. 第 卷 Book 第 册 Volume 石油化工工程建设交工技术文件 Construction Handover Technical Document of Petrochemical Projects 单项(单元)名称Work Item (Unit) Description: 专业工程类别Discipline: 建设单位(公章) 监理单位(公章) 施工承包单位(公章) Owner (Chop) Supervision Company(Chop) Construction Contractor (Chop) 项目经理: 项目总监: 项目经理: Project manager Chief supervision engineer Project manager 审 核 人: 审 核 人: 审 核 人: Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Reviewed by: 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日 Day Month Year Day Month Year Day Month Year 注:―工程类别‖指专业工程类别,即建筑工程、设备安装工程、管道安装工程、电气安装工程、仪表安装工程。

Note: ―Discipline‖ means categories of work, namely, architectural/civil work, equipment installation work, Piping installation work, electrical installation work and instrumentation installation work.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—02

SH3503-J102 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 交工技术文件总目录 Master Table of Contents of Handover Technical Document 资料名称 Document Title 项目编号: Project No. 第 页 共 页 Page of 卷号 Book No. 册号 Volume No. 页数 Pages

SH3503-J103 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

交工技术文件目录 Table of Content of Handover Technical Document 第 页 共 页 Page of 项目编号: Project No. 签发人: Issued by: Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—03

单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit): 序号 Serial No. 编码 Code 资料名称 Document Title 页次 Page


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—04

SH3503-J104 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 交工技术文件说明 Note of Handover Technical Document 项目编号: Project No. 第 页 共 页 Page of 编制人: 审核人: 日期: Prepared by Reviewed by Date 注: 1、应说明工程承包内容(含合同号)、有无分包、交工技术文件编制依据、主要内容、单位工程/分部工程/分项工程明细表及工程施工中需要特别说明的事项;2、―编制人‖为施工承包单位各专业技术负责人;―审核人‖为施工承包单位项目技术负责人。Note: 1. Scope of contract (including

contract no.) shall be noted, it shall also be clearly noted that whether there are any subcontracted work, compilation basis of handover technical document, its main content, list of units, sections and items of works as well as other issues need to be clarified specially during construction period of the project. 2. The blank after ―Prepared by‖ shall be filled with name of related discipline Technical leader of the construction contractor. The blank after ―Reviewed by‖ shall be filled with name of project Technical leader of the construction contractor.

SH3503-J105 项目编号: Project No.: 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

单项(单元)工程:储罐安装 Work Item (Unit):: Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—05

开 工 报 告 Commencement Report 合同号Contract No. 计划开工日期 2003年 12 月1日 设计单位 Designer 计划竣工日期 Planned completion date 上海市电力工程建设监理有限公司 2004年2月28日 28Day2Month2004Year Planned commencement 1Day12Month2003Yeadate r 工 程 内 容 Work scope SECCO电厂90万吨/年乙烯工程动力中心原水处理区6台储罐现场安装。储罐分别为: 72-TK-0502A/B,直径为18000mm,罐壁高11400mm,顶高2433mm; 72-TK-0101, 直径为16000mm,罐壁高8400mm,顶高2415mm; 72-TK-0501, 直径为15000mm,罐壁高11400mm,顶高2031mm; 72-TK-0701A/B 直径为7500mm,罐壁高7500mm,顶高1026mm。 1.已完成储罐安装施工方案编制,并经有关单位“SECCO”和“上海市电力开 工 条 件Commencement conditions 工程建设监理有限公司”审批合格,可以指导施工。 2.施工图纸已经通过“中国石化集团兰州设计院上海分院”、“上海市电力工程建设监理有限公司”、“施工单位AMEC、JCC”会审,可以用于施工。 3.储罐安装基础通过复验,已附合储罐安装要求。 4.施工场地已达到“三通一平”要求。施工材料、机具、构配件等已经报验合格。 5.施工主要管理人员、检测人员、工人已进入场地。 审 查 结 果 Review results 监理单位 Supervision Company 施工总承包单位 General construction Contractor 施工承包单位 Construction Contractor (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) 项目总监: Project manager 项目经理: Project chief supervision engineer 项目经理: Project manager 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year

注:如一单项(单元)工程有几个施工承包单位参与施工,则各自填写此表。Note: If there are several

construction contractors involved in one item (unit) of work, then, each of the contractor shall fill up this table separately.

SH3503-J106 单项(单元)工程 工 程 中 间 交 接 Work Item (Unit):: (机械竣工)证书 Intermediate Takeover (Mechanical Completion) Certificate 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—06

项目编号: Project No.: 工程编号 Work No.: 交接日期 Takeover Date: 年 月 日 Day Month Year 工 程 内 容 Work Scope 工程质量鉴定意见Work quality evaluation remarks: 工程质量监督站站长(签字): ( 公章) 年 月 日 Director of Construction Quality Supervision Station(Signature) (Chop) Day Month Year (公章) (Chop) 项目经理: Project manager 年 月 日 Day Month Year 注:1、如一个单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit):有几个承包单位参与施工,则表格做适当调整为施工承包单位(1)、(2)等;2、 ―验收意见‖由建设/监理单位填写工作完成情况及质量评价等;3、 ―工程质量鉴定意见‖由工程质量监督机构填写所交工工程是否符合设计和有关标准规定,是否满足联动试车条件。Note: 1. If there are several construction contractor involved in one item (unit) of work,

then, this table shall be adjusted appropriately to be Table for Construction Contractor (1) and Table for Construction Contractor (2) etc. 2. The blank of ―Inspection and review remarks‖ shall be filled up by the Owner/Supervision Company as per performance of work and quality evaluation results etc. 3. The blank of ―Work quality evaluation remarks‖ shall be filled up by Construction Quality Supervision Organization to note that whether or not the work taken over meets requirements of design and related standards and whether or not it satisfies conditions for linkage commissioning.

Inspection and acceptance remarks 验收意见建设单位 Owner 监理单位 Supervision Company 施工承包单位 Construction Contractor 设计单位 Designer (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) 项目总监 年 月 日 项目经理: 年 月 日 Day Month Year 总代表: Chief representative Project chief supervision Project manager engineer 年 月 日 Day Month Year Day Month Year

SH-3503-J107 项目编号: Project No.: 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

联动试运行合格证书 Linkage Commissioning Qualified Certificate 单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit):: Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—07

试运行时间 Commissioning time: 年 月 日 时 分至 年 月 日 时 分 From Minute Hour Day Month Year to Minute Hour Day Month Year 试运行情况Results of commissioning: 建设单位 Owner 监理单位 Supervision Company 施工承包单位 Construction Contractor 设计单位 Designer (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) 项目经理: Project Manager: 项目总监: Chief Supervision engineer 项目经理: Project Manager: 总代表: Chief Representative: 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 注:此表由建设单位的生产部门填写。Note: This table shall be filled up by Production Department of the Owner.

SH3503-J108 项目编号: Project No.: 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit):: Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—08

工 程 交 工 证 书 Project Takeover Certificate 年 月 日 Day Month Year 工程编号 Work No. 合同号 Contract No. 年 月 日 Day Month Year 实际开工日期 Actual date: commencement 交工日期 Takeover date: 工 程 内 容 Work scope 工程接收意见 (公章) (Chop) 项目经理: Project manager: 年 月 日 Day Month Year 注: 1、―工程接收意见‖由建设单位根据设计文件规定的施工内容和试车情况,阐明同意接收的意见;2、―工程质量评定―由工程质量监督机构对整个工程进行质量评价。Note: 1.The blank after ―Work takeover

remarks‖ shall be filled by the Owner with take-over approval remarks as per construction work as specified in the design document and situation of commissioning. 2. The blank after ―Construction quality evaluation‖ shall be filled with quality evaluation on the whole project by Construction Quality Supervision Organization.

Work Takeover Remarks 工程质量评定 工程质量监督站站长(签字): ( 公章 ) 年 月 日 Director of Construction Quality Supervision Station (Chop) Day Month Year 监理单位 Supervision Company Work Quality Evaluation 建设单位 Owner 施工承包单位 Construction Contractor 设计单位 Designer (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) 项目总监 Chief supervision engineer: 项目经理: Project manager: 项目经理: Project manager: 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—09

SH3503-J109 单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit):: 交工技术文件移交证书 Technical Document Handover Certificate Upon Take-over of Work 证书编号: 项目编号: Project No.: Certificate No.: (承包单位 )按《石油化工工程建设交 工技术文件规定》(SH3501—2001)和上海赛科《施工质量规则》(PR-00-CIJ-QU-0002)的规定向上海赛科IPMT文档管理中心办理工程建设交工技术文件资料移交手续,共计 卷 册。 The Contractor, ,has handed over technical document of volumes in total for takeover of work to Shanghai SECCO IPMT Document Management Center as per rules and regulations specified in Construction Quality Rules (PR-00-CIJ-QU-0002) of Shanghai SECCO and Regulations of Technical Document Handover Takeover of Petrochemical Construction Works (SH3501-2001). 附:移交清册、总分目录Attachment: Handover List, General Table of Content. 上海赛科IPMT文档管理中心验收意见: Inspection and acceptance remarks of Shanghai SECCO IPMT Document Management Center: 经办人(签字): 日期: Handled by (Signature) Date 建设单位 Owner 监理单位 Supervision Company 施工承包单位 Construction Contractor (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) 项目经理: Project Manager 项目总监: Chief Supervision Engineer: 项目经理: Project Manager 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year

SH3503-J110 上海赛科90万吨乙烯工程

项目编号: Project No.: 第 1 页 共 页: Page 1 of : Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—10

未完工程项目明细表 Uncompleted Work List 工程量 Work amount: 单项(单元)工程 Work Item (Unit):: 序号 No.: 未完工程项目内容 Content of uncompleted work: 主要原因 Main reasons: 处理意见 Resolution remarks 建设单位 Owner 监理单位 Supervision Company 施工承包单位 Construction Contractor (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) 项目经理: Project manager 项目总监 Chief supervision engineer 项目经理: Project manager 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year 注:1、此表由施工承包单位在工程中间交接和工程交工验收时填写,建设/监理单位确认;2、工程最终交工验收时填写的《未完工程项目明细表》应附于《工程交工证书》之后,并列入交工文件内容。Note: 1. This table shall be filled up by the Contractor for intermediate handover of work and handover

upon completion and acceptance of work and subject to confirmation by the Owner/Supervision Company. 2. Uncompleted Work list filled up against final handover upon completion and acceptance shall be attached to Project Handover Certificate and listed as one of handover document.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—11

SH3503-J111 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 重大质量事故处理鉴定报告 Major Quality Accident Remediation and Evaluation Report 项目编号: Project No.: 工程类别: Work Category 责任单位Reliable Party: 事故经过说明 (公章) (Chop) 项目经理: Project Manager 年 月 日 Day Month Year 注:由重大事故责任方填写,并应附加质量事故调查报告、质量事故处理方案、事故鉴定会议纪要等文件。Note: This table shall be filled up by the party which is reliable for the major accident, related quality

accident investigation report, quality accident remediation proposal and minutes of accident evaluation meeting etc shall be attached.

Description of Accident Process Remedying Actions Quality Evaluation 处理办法 质量鉴定 工程质量监督站站长(签字): (公章) 年 月 日 Director of Construction Quality Supervision Station: (Chop) Day Month Year 建设单位 Owner 监理单位 Supervision Company 施工承包单位 Construction Contractor 设计单位 Designer (公章) (Chop) (公章) (Chop) 项目总监: Chief Supervision Engineer 项目经理: Project Manager: 年 月 日 Day Month Year 年 月 日 Day Month Year (公章) (Chop) 项目经理: Project Manager: 年 月 日 Day Month Year


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—12

SH3503-J112 项目编号: Project No.: 工程类别: Work Category: 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 工 程 联 络 单 Project Correspondence 送达单位 Issued to: 提出单位 Issued by: 联络单编号 Correspondence No. 提出日期 Issued date: 内容Content: 提出人: 审核人: Issued by: Reviewed by: 处理意见Resolution remarks: 签字: 年 月 日 Signature: Day Month Year 会签Countersigned by: 签字: 年 月 日 Signature: Day Month Year 注: ―提出人‖应为专业技术负责人,―审核人‖应为工程项目总负责人(或监理单位的总监)。―会签‖栏由有关单位的技术总负责人签署意见。―送达单位‖为监理单位或设计单位。Note: The blank after

―Issued by‖ shall be filled in with the name of the discipline technical leader and the blank after ―reviewed by‖ shall be filled in with the name of project leader (or the sponsoring director of the Supervision Company). The blank of ―Countersigned by‖ shall be filled with remarks from the technical leader of related companies. The blank after ―Issued to‖ shall be filled with the name of Supervision Company or Design Company.


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—13

SH3503-J113 单项(单元)工程: Work Item (Unit) 设计变更一览表 Design Change Schedule (第 页共 页) Page of 项目编号: Project No.: 工程类别: Project Category: 序号 No. 编制人: Prepared by: 设计变更通知单号 Design Change Notice No. 页数 Page 变更要点 Main content of changes 日期 : Date: 审核人: Reviewed by:


Shanghai SECCO 900KTPA Ethylene Project D—14

SH3503-J114 单项(单元)工程 : Work Item (Unit) 工程联络单一览表 Project Correspondence Schedule (第 页共 页) Page of 项目编号: Project No.: 工程类别: Project Category: 序号 No. 编制人: Prepared by: 联络单号 Correspondence No. 页数 Page 联络单内容要点 Main content of the correspondence. 日期: Date: 审核人: Reviewed by:

