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听力部分(共四大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分(共八大题,计120分)

I.单项选择(Multiple-choice)(共20小题,计20分) A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出下列各题的最佳答案。

1.We can see ____ moon on ____ Mid-autumn Day(中秋节). A.the;the B.the;× C.×;the D.×;×

2.There is ____ egg on the table.____ egg is for you. A.a;AB.an;An C.an ;T he D.the;An 3.How many ____ can you see in the picture? A.box B.books C.man D.woman 4.-Whose bike is it? -It's____ .

A.John B.John 's C.Johns' D.Johns 5.-____ chair is this? -It's____ .

A.Whose;mine B.Who's;mine C.Which;his D.Whose;my 6.-Is this dictionary ____ or ____ ? -Sorry ,I don't know.

A.your;hers B.yours;her C.your;her D.yours;hers 7.I am ____ duty this week. A.in B.at C.on D.for 8.Tom is a boy ____ ten. A.in B.of C.at D.with

9.-How many students in ____ your class? -Fifty.

A.is there B.are there C.there is D.there are 10.____ Chinese in your English class.

A.Not speak B.Speak not C.Don't speak D.Don't speaking 11.-Is your dress blue or yellow ? -____ .

A.Yes,I am B.Yes,it is C.No,it isn't D.It's blue 12.They are twins.They look ____ . A.like B.after C.same D.the same 13.Lucy and Lily are ____ .

A.America B.Americans C.an American D.Americas 14.This is your coat.Please ____ .

A.put on it B.put it on C.put on them D.put them on 15.It's time to go to bed.Please ____ your shoes. A.give me B.look after C.look at D.take off B)情景会话。 16.-____

-Fine,than ks. A.How do you do?B.Hello! C.Nice to meet you. D.How are you?

17.-Hello ,Tom.T his is Jane.She is a new student here.


A.This is Tom speaking. B.Is that Jane? C.How do you do? D.Are you OK? 18.-____ ? -It's ten o'clock. A.What's four and six B.What's the time C.What day is it today D.What's seven plus three 19.-Who is under the tree? -My sister and my brother. -____ ?

-My sister's cat.

A.Is a cat behind the tree B.Can they find their cats C.What's behind the tree D.Where is the cat

20.-Are these kites yours? -Yes,they are.

-____ .Put them on your desk. -OK.

A.Give them to me B.Here are the kites C.They are yours D.I think it's yours

II.阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分)


Ann is Sam's sister.She doesn't have children .She's only

twenty-three.And she doesn't live in Britain.She lives in Italy(意大利).She works in a travel agency(旅行社)in Rome.She doesn't get up early.She goes to work at 10:00.She doesn't have breakfast.She has a sandwich(汉堡)for lunch in a small restaurant(饭店).She goes home at 7:00.She likes her job because it is very interesting .At weekends(周末)she visits her boyfriend, Robert.He lives in Florence.


21.How many people are there in Ann's family? A.3.B.4.

C.5.D.We don't know. 22.Rome is a ____ in Italy. A.city B.travel agency C.factory D.school

23.What does Ann have for breakfast? A.Sandwich.B.Bread and milk. C.Nothing. D.Rice and meat.

24.Do Ann and her boyfriend live in the same city? A.Yes,they do.B.No,they don't. C.Ann lives in Rome. D.Robert lives in Florence.

25.How many hours does she work every day ? A.7.B.8. C.9.D.We don't know.



Mr and Mrs White have a baker's shop(面包房)in Tonda.Tonda is a holiday village(度假村).There

are a lot of tourists(游客)in summer(夏天).The tourists live in holiday flats(公寓)and cook their meals.The tourists eat a lot of bread.26.____ In spring and autumn there aren't usually(通常)many tourists.27.____ In winter it is cold and wet(潮湿)and there aren't any tourists.28.____ Mr White cleans the shop and Mrs White works in the house and looks after her children.But they don't work all the winter.In winter they are tourists.

(1)The baker's shop is not open in winter.

(2)In summer Mr and Mrs White work twelve hours a day ,and at weekend, too. (3)So they work only seven hours a day and on Sundays they get up late and stay at home. 29.Where do the tourists live in Tonda? A.Baker's shop. B.Holiday flats.

C.Mr White's house.D.Hotels. 30.Mr and Mrs White sell(卖)the most (最多的)bread in ____. A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

31.There is no tourist in winter because(因为)it's ____ and____. 32.Mr and Mrs White are ____ in winter,too.

33.Mr and Mrs White work ____ hours a day in summer.



This is a block of flats in London .T here are six families in it.In Flat 101 there live Lucy and her son ,Tom.Tom is a student in Junior Grade Two.His mother Lucy is a teacher.Sally's home is Flat 102.Her parents,Nick an d Helen ,are workers.Her grandpa,Peter,is also w ith them .Flat 201 is Sam and May's home.They are very old.They have a son,Ned.But Ned works in China now.Rose lives in Flat 202.She is a doctor.Harry and Kate live in 301.T hey have no children .Flat 302 is Joy's home.She is 66 years old.Joy has a daughter.Her nam e is Jane.She works in Hong Kong .Jean , Jane's daughter,lives with her grandma.Everyone here is nice.They often help each other.

34.________ 35.________ 36.________ 37.________ 38.________ 39.________



HONG KONG→ LAMMA ISLAND → LAMMA ISLAND HONG KONG Ferry No. Time Ferry No. Time 101 7:00-8:00 a.m. 201 8:45-9:45 a.m. 102 9:00-10:00 a.m. 202 10:30-11:30 a.m. 103 104 105 106 107 108 11:00-12:00 noon 2:00-3:00 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 p.m. 203 204 205 206 11:45-12:45 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 5:30-6:30 p.m. 7:30-8:30 p.m.

40.The children want to be on Lamma Island before nine in the morning. Which ferry must they take(搭乘)?


41.At what time does Ferry No.103 get in (到达)Lamma Island?

42.The children have to be back(返回)to Hong Kong before seven o'clock in the evening.Which is the last(最后的)ferry they can take?


43.How many ferries go from Hong Kong to Lamma Island every day? ______________________________________________________

44.How many ferries go from Lamma Island to Hong Kong every day? ______________________________________________________



Fullname Age Address Job Where from? E-mail address Telephone number 45._________ 22 46. _________ 47. _________ Edinburgh 48. _________ 49. _________ Married? 50. _________ III.完形填空(Cloze)(共15小题,计 15分)


根据上下文内容,补全对话所缺单词。 T=Taxi telephone operator B =Bruno T:A1Taxis...

B:Hello.I need a taxi please... T:OK,what's your(51)_________? B:It's 19A Newton Road...Leeds...

T:Nineteen A ,OK ...And what's your telephone number? B:(52)_________9030294.

T:9030294.And what's your(53)_________? B:Sertori.

T:Sorry?How do you(54)_________it? B:It's S-E-R-T-O-R-I.

T:S-E-R-T-O-R-I,(55)_________? B:Yes.

T:OK,Mr Sertori,the taxi'll be about...


从所给词中选择适当的词完成对话。 think,say,only ,old,like,young , parents,her,sisters,about,who's,other

I=Interview erH=Hannah

H:This is my family tree.As you can see, I'm the(56)_________child... I:No brothers or sisters.

H:My father's name is John and he's forty ...forty-eight?I(57)_________...yes, forty-eight.

I:48 years(58)_________?

H:Yes.So that's my mother,she's a teacher. I:Just(59)_________you!

H:That's rig ht,we're both teachers...so those are my(60)_________...my mother has two(61)_________...so I've got two aunts,Aunt Pat and Aunt Sally.

I:So tell me(62)_________Aunt Pat?

H:Well,she's very nice!She's my favourite aunt,(63)_________husband's name is Serge... I:Oh ,right...and(64)_________Sally?

H:Sally is my(65)_________aunt.She isn't married.

IV.句型转换(Sentence pattern transformation)(共10小题,计10分) A)按要求转换下列句型。

66.The coat is brown.(对划线部分提问)_________ _________is the coat? 67.That is a ruler.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _________ _________a ruler? _________,_________ _________. 68.It's a box.(改为复数句子) _________ _________ _________.

69.You can put the books on the desk.


_________the books on the desk,_________.

70.That is a watch.(用a clock将句子改为选择疑问句) _________ _________a watch a _________ clock? B)根据上句完成下句,使上下两句意思一致,每空一词。 71.Is your mother in today?

Is your mother _________ _________ today? 72.What's your age? _________ _________are you? 73.The pen is his.

T his is _________ _________. 74.Is everyone here today ?

_________ we _________ _________ today? 75.What's the time,please? _________ _________is it,please?

V.动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs)(共10小题,计10分) A)用所给动词的适当形式填空。

76._________(be)there any books in the box?

Oh,no ,there_________(be)only two small balls in it. 77.you want_________(help)her brother?

78.Let me_________(help)you .The box _________(be)too big .

79.Come on ,Mike!Help me look after my parrot.I_________(go)to Bejing today. 80._________(open)the window ,please!


A:Look!T here are many kites in the sky. B:Yes.But how many kites(81)_________ there? A:Let's(82)_________them.One,two ,...ten.

B:No,I(83)_________there are eleven kites.T here(84)_________a bird in the sky ,too.


VI.翻译(Translation)(共10小题,计10分) A)英译汉。

Bob Pearson is an old man.He has two big houses and a new car.(86)He has no wife but he is a father of four children .He has two sons and two daughters.One son is from England.His name is Bill.(87)The other son is from America. His name is Mike.(88)One of his daughters is from China.The other one is from Japan .Bob is not the children's real father,but he loves them very much.Bob has many toys.(89)He gives different toys to different children .(90)The boys play with toy cars and the girls play with dolls.


91.这儿有两杯茶(there be;cup of tea) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

92.衬衫在晾衣绳上吗?(blouse;clothes line)____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

93.今天谁值日?(on duty) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

94.请问,那是美国车吗?(American) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 95.你会说英语还是汉语?(or)


____________________________________________ VII.智力测试(Intelligence)(共5小题,计5分) 96.Which three words are in this picture?

97.The bad boys beat(欧打)the man black an d blue.Here\means(意思是)____________.

98.There are eight differences between these two pictures.Please spot them all.

99.Grandpa :You give me three empty (空的)bottles(瓶子),and I'll give you a bottle of orange(桔汁).

Dad :Give you twenty-one bottles of orange,Tom .

Tom :I drink(喝)all these bottles of orange,and give the bottles to Grandpa. T hen he gives me some bottles of orange. How many bottles of orange do I drink in all(一共)?

______________________________________ 100.MATERIAL WORLD

Match the words listed.




Grandma:Who's it? _________________________ John : _________________________ Grandma:_________________________ John :I don 't know . Grandma:Who's it?

John :_________________________ Jim :_________________________ John :Yes,we are.


根据所给Family Tree的内容写一篇小短文。假设你就是May。词数不得少于 60,题目为\Family\。


听力部分(略) 笔试部分 I.单项选择:

1-5BCBBA 6-10DCBBC 11-15DDBBD 16-20DCBCB II.阅读理解:

(A)21.D 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.D

(B)26.(2)27.(3)28.(1)29.B 30.B 31.cold;wet 32.tourists 33.12/twelve C)34.Harry and Kate 35.Joy and Jean 36.Sam and May 37.Rose 38.Lucy and Tom 39.Sally,Nick,Helen and Peter

(D) 43.8(Eight).44.6(Six).

(E)45.James Stuart Burden 46.33b Stephen Street Edinburgh 47.Student 48.j.burden @edinb.ac.uk 49.01312284275 50.We don't know.


(A)51.address 52.It's 53.surname 54.spell 55.right

(B)56.only 57.think 58.old 59.like 60.parents 61.sisters 62.about 63.her 64.who's 65.other


A)66.What colour 67.Is that;No;it isn't 68.They are boxes 69.Put;please 70.Is that;or

B)71.at home 72.How old 73.his pen 74.Are;all here 75.What time V.动词填空:

A)76.Are ;are 77.Do;to help 78.help;is 79.am going 80.Open B)81.are 82.count 83.think 84.is 85.see VI.翻译:


91.There are two cups of tea here. 92.Is the blouse on the clothes line?

93.Who is on duty today?

94.Excuse me,is that an American car? 95.Can you speak English or Chinese? VII.智力测试:

96.spell,number,you 97.遍体鳞伤(青一块紫一块)99.31 98. 100. VIII.写作: 参考范文: (A)

Grandma:Who's it?John,go and see. John:Oh it's a dog,Grandma!

Grandma:Where is it?I can't see it. John:I don't know. Grandma:Who's it?

John:Oh!It's you,Jim.Glad to see you.Come in! Jim :Thank you.Is everyone of your familyin? John:Yes,we are. (B) My Family

I'm May.I'm eleven.I'm a student.I'm in Class Four,Grade One in Green Middle School.I have a sister.Her name is Ann.She's thirteen.We're in the same school.But she's in Class two,Grade Three.

My father is Jim Brown.He's a policeman.He's 40.My mother is Lily Brown.She's an English teacher.She's 37.

My grandfather is Mike Brown.He's 70.My grandmother is Kate Brown.She's 68.

We love each other.I have a happy family.

