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Abstract ..................................................................................................... iv 摘 要 .......................................................................................................... v Ⅰ Several Main Forms of Business Negotiation Language ..................... 1 1.1 Diplomatic Language ..................................................................... 1 1.2 Commercial Legal Language ......................................................... 1 1.3 Military Language .......................................................................... 2 1.4 Literary Language .......................................................................... 2 Ⅱ The Basic Principles of Language Expression in Business

Negotiations................................................................................................ 3 2.1 The Objectivity Principle ............................................................... 3 2.2 The Correctness Principle .............................................................. 3 2.3 The Pertinence Principle ................................................................ 3 2.4 The Logic Principle ........................................................................ 4 2.5 The Polemical Principle ................................................................. 4

2.5.1 Flexibility ............................................................................. 4 2.5.2 Adaptability .......................................................................... 5 2.5.3 Expressing Tactfully ............................................................. 5


2.5.4 Properly Using the Silent Language .................................... 5

Ⅲ Strategies of Language Using in Business Negotiations ..................... 6 3.1 Treating People with the Ceremony, Win-win Cooperation ......... 6

3.1.1 Using Indirect Questions ...................................................... 6 3.1.2 Standing in The Other’s Shoes ............................................. 6 3.1.3 Using Tactful Expression ..................................................... 6 3.2 Letting Wisecracks and Clever Talks Become a Good Joke by Using Clever Response ........................................................................ 7

3.2.1 Fuzzy Phrase ........................................................................ 7 3.2.2 Humor ................................................................................... 7 3.2.3 Giving Conditional Answer ................................................. 7 3.3 Throwing a Stone to Clear the Road, Hitting Out Initiatively ....... 8 3.4. A Firm Character behind a Gentle Appearance, Defeating the Other One by a Surprise Action ..................................................................... 8

3.4.1 Using Compliment Moderately ............................................ 8 3.4.2 Goading them into Action .................................................... 9

Ⅳ Questioning Skills, Answering Skills, Persuading Skills in Business Negotiation ............................................................................................... 10 4.1 Questioning Skills in Business Negotiations ............................... 10


4.1.1 Asking with Guild .............................................................. 10 4.1.2 Asking with Aid .................................................................. 10 4.1.3 Asking with Clarifying Something .................................... 10 4.1.4 Asking with Emphasis ........................................................ 10 4.1.5 Asking with Explore ........................................................... 11 4.1.6 Asking with Forced Choice ................................................ 11 4.2 Skills of Responce ........................................................................ 11 4.3 Convincing Principles .................................................................. 13 Ⅴ Conclusion .......................................................................................... 15 Bibliography ............................................................................................. 16



Business negotiation is negotiation activities that both sides of

economic and trade cooperation talk things over to reach a deal or resolve a dispute. As a kind of coordination behavior process, negotiation is an interpersonal activity that views interchange, emotional interaction and interest reciprocal. So business negotiation is a very typical communicative activity. Business negotiation process is the process in which negotiators exchange language. That’s to say, language in business negotiations acts as a bridge, accounting for an important role, and usually can determine the success or failure of the talks. In business negotiations, we should not only pay attention to civilization terminology, using clear, coherent, and fluent statement as the general requirements, but should also master certain language art. Language expression art has its elegance, liveliness, vividness, and being infectious as the characteristic, in business negotiations have it played an inestimable role. The negotiators on both sides should use the language art brilliantly.

Keywords: Business Negotiation; Language Arts; Skills


摘 要




Ⅰ Several Main Forms of Business Negotiation Language

The human language is very rich. Countries have their own language, all the ethnic groups have their own language, all walks of life have their own language too. The main form of business negotiations expressions are diplomatic language, commercial legal language, military language and literature language. Any business negotiations can not be divorced from this several languages. If one wants to be proficient in business negotiations, he must study their significance in negotiations.

1.1 Diplomatic Language

Diplomatic languages are endowed with elasticity. Like anything in certain conditions are variable, the so-called “everything possible”, any hope and requirement is possible. Even “painted flowers” also will point out the light. Therefore, normally, people will not flatly rejected proposals, unless the proposal damaged to his fundamental interests. For bifurcation problem, on diplomacy they often express their objection in a sleek way, never simply reject them. Generally they will leave the things to a negotiable way, and make each other have cyclotron opportunities. Therefore, features of diplomatic language are calm, grave, pliable and with possibility and cushion.

1.2 Commercial Legal Language

Commercial legal language refers to trading linked industry idioms and the formulation of regulations. In business negotiations, the economic interests are usually expressed by business and legal language, hence forming the language stereotype: simple, clear, beyond doubt. But to a particular area, for the common content people will have their special terms. Even the definition and expression, and symbolization and normalization make the language is versatile. But economic stake in the rights and obligations, if we want to make a clear distinction to reduce the various risks, we must use strict wording, clear structure to describe a contractual relationship, thus embodies


preciseness of the language. Therefore, business legal language have stereotype, versatility and preciseness as its characteristics.

1.3 Military Language

As the saying goes, “Marketplace is like battlefield.” In business negotiations we cannot avoid confrontational situation, but some fierce rivals yield to force but reject a soft approach, then we must use military language. Military language rejects indecisiveness, ambiguousness, can build showdown atmosphere, thus speeding up the negotiation process. Simpleness, conciseness, resoluteness, confidence are features of military language.

1.4 Literary Language

Literary language reflects grace, humorousness, liveliness, vividness, and being infectious. In negotiations it can reach the effect that “It’s relaxedness but not crudeness, although one do not want to accept but won’t make him get annoyed.” Typical language of negotiations is “Win-win”, “Friendship sowing “, “Every cloud has a silver lining” etc. Appropriate use of literary language can make the negotiation more persuasive.


Ⅱ The Basic Principles of Language Expression in Business Negotiations

This chapter mainly discusses the basic principles of language expression in business negotiations, that is the objectivity principle, correctness principle, pertinence principles, logic principle, polemical principle.

2.1 The Objectivity Principle

The objectivity of business negotiation language is to respect and reflect the fact. People cannot blindly fudge a figment of imagination, or stretch the facts. In negotiations both parties get together for the common interests to solve all kinds of differences and reach an agreement. This requires sincerity of the two sides, that’s to say, they must hold the objectivity in the negotiations, so that we can produce the impression that treating each other with all sincerity, laying the foundation of success for the talks.

2.2 The Correctness Principle

Both sides of the negotiations must correctly convey the attitude, views, requirements of their own side to the another one, help each other clearly understand his attitude. If the negotiators passed wrong information to each other, and the other party followed the wrong information and reached an agreement, that will incur great loss of profits.

2.3 The Pertinence Principle

In business negotiations, languages of both sides are all express their wishes and requirements, therefore negotiation language must have strong pertinence. Language should always around the themes, aim at the target, shoot the arrow at the target,suit the remedy to the case, have a definite object in view. In view of the different commodity, negotiation content, negotiation occasions, negotiation rivals, using the language with clear target. The language and habit of conversation style using is completely different


because of gender, age, education, occupation, personality, hobbies, etc, Fuzzy, bothersome language, can make people doubtful, objectionable, and reduce the the prestige in negotiation, and finally become obstacles.

2.4 The Logic Principle

Logic in business negotiation language refers to using language according with logical rule. Expressed concepts must be clear, judgements must be accurate and appropriate, reasoning must be rigorous and fully embodies its objectivity, concreteness, corporeality, continuity and discusses must be convincing.

In business negotiations, logical principle reflected in the use of such language: statements of a problem, questions, answers, discriminateness, persuading. When asking something, remember to check the context , timing, closely combine with the logical process of negotiations and must pay attention to the cohesion of the problem. Answering questions to the point, accurately, generally do not give the irrelevant answer. When trying to convince the other party, you should use language filled with powerful logic strength and strong artistic appeal, and really touch them, make the other person involved completely convinced.

2.5 The Polemical Principle

What negotiators said is unpredictable, the debate can show the negotiator’s logical thinking power of relevant issues, opinions, problem-solving ability and unique personality charm.

2.5.1 Flexibility

Both sides of the negotiations began talking in the face of a communication. There is no brewing and no time to consider the language, this process is unpredictable. Complex negotiation’s change is very difficult to predict, people often will encounter some unexpected embarrassing things, any party can not talk the sentences beforehand well designed. That requests the negotiators must have flexible strain capacity on language, and strong on-the-spot organization ability, they must know how to play to


the score. Negotiators must pay close attention to the output and feedback of the information, at the same time organizing language correctly, and investigate the earnest examination reaction from the other side throuth the tone, the look, the posture and movement, facial and other aspects.

2.5.2 Adaptability

Speaking to the words must adapt specific environment. The so-called words environment is the time and place, site that speech event can depends on, also including factors such as the preface and later language. Negotiators should adjust the tactics according to the different occasions, and use the best language expression that most fit the environment.

2.5.3 Expressing Tactfully

Negotiators should try to use tactful language, euphemism is easy to accepted. For example, you can veto their request in this way: “What you say makes sense to a certain extent, but the actual situation is somewhat discrepant.” It won’t make the other side feel embarrassed, but also can let the other side listen to our own opinions carefully. Meanwhile, the negotiatior often made an effort to make the opinion disguised as a euphemism to improve to be more persuasive. He will ask opponent how to solve the problems before puting forward his own opinion. When the other party answered, and if they agrees, he will make them believe that it was his own point of view. In this case, negotiation opponent will have the feeling that be respected, he would think that opposing the scheme is against himself, therefore, it’s easy to reach a consensus and make negotiations succeed.

2.5.4 Properly Using the Silent Language

In business negotiations, the negotiators’ silent language: posture, gesture, expression in their eyes, which are not expressed by pronunciation organs, often play an important role in the process.


Ⅲ Strategies of Language Using in Business Negotiations

This chapter mainly discusses the strategies of language using in negotiations, such as treating people with ceremony, win-win cooperation; let wisecracks and clever talks become a good joke; throwing a stone to clear the road, hitting out initiatively; a firm character behind a gentle appearance, defeating the other one by a surprise action.

3.1 Treating People with the Ceremony, Win-win Cooperation

A negotiation veteran once said: “Most trading is 50% of the feelings, 50% of economics.” Lots of the time, in the negotiations what is dominant is relationship, not trading itself. And the first step to establish good relationship is the thought that on pursuit of win-win cooperation and treat others with politeness. As negotiator CohenHerbert said, “Successful negotiation is not one party scored and win, but both sides get and win.” Specific strategies of courtesy have the following points:

3.1.1 Using Indirect Questions

Indirect questions make the expression more polite. In business negotiations, questions almost get through the whole process of negotiations. Most of the questions are ways that speaker make effort to obtain more information, it’s beneficial to the speaker. So, according to politeness level, the more indirect of the question, the more polite the expression will be.

3.1.2 Standing in The Other’s Shoes

This language expression is a new topic that show understanding and care to the other party. It’s a clever usage to improve the atmosphere of the negotiations. From a pragmatic perspective, under the condition of lacking of trust in the negotiations, the speaker can cleverly use this expression to understand each other’s situation.

It’s easy to win their psychological identity, in a certain extent, it can prevent the negotiation from being failed, hence it is easy to reach an agreement.

3.1.3 Using Tactful Expression


Some discourse in international business negotiations is correct, but the other party feels hard to accept. If we can abandon the “rough edges” of the words, maybe they can be emotionally happy to accept. Therefore, business negotiations requires the usage of euphemism to achieve special pragmatic effect.

3.2 Letting Wisecracks and Clever Talks Become a Good Joke by Using Clever Response

For negotiating the other side puts forward new topic, sometimes it’s inconvenient for us to convey the information. But new questions that we don’t want to answer can not be avoided. So we need some skills of response to rescue ourselves from the siege. Wise answers can even make the atmosphere active, be helpful for the negotiation processing.

3.2.1 Fuzzy Phrase

Fuzzy language expressing forms are generally classified into two kinds: One kind is used to reduce the real value of the degree or change related range, such as, a bit, almost, basically, etc. Another kind is used for speaker’s subjective judgement words or according to some objective facts indirect words, such as, I'm afraid, possibly for me, we guess, be known according to me, etc.

3.2.2 Humor

International business negotiation course is also a kind of intelligence contest, language skills competition process. In this pragmatic behavior, falseness and humorousness sometimes tend to blend together. Humorous remark helps create relax negotiation atmosphere, can pass feelings, suggest the intention, make the criticism euphemistic and friendly, enhance the debate more powerful, avoid the strength of the sharpness, is a buffer in nervous circumstances, and helps establish a good image for negotiators at the same time.

3.2.3 Giving Conditional Answer

When they propositioned by request, refusing isn’t the only way—you can promise


their request, but must limit a conditions they may not accept, the counterattack will let the other side finish rolling, ourselves will take this walkover match. We might as well to see a joke. An old lady holding a dog boarded the bus, she asked the conductor, “Can I buy ticket for the dog, and let it be seated like people?” The conductor said: “Yes, but it must be seated like people, put its feet on the ground.” The conductor didn’t negatively answer her, instead he put forward one additional restrictions, thus conquer her.

3.3 Throwing a Stone to Clear the Road, Hitting Out Initiatively

Asking questions in negotiation plays a very important role. Asking does good to information collection, guide negotiation situation, induce the other party’s thinking, and can relatively form effective stimulation to the answers.

A market business lounges runs coffee and tea, at first waiter always ask customer:

“Sir, Drink Coffee?”Or, “Sir, Tea?” But the sales is not so good. Later, the boss asks clerk for a change, “Sir, drink tea or coffee?” The sales soar. Reason is that the first asking method easily get negative answer, if it’s a choice type, in most cases, the customer will choose the second one.

3.4. A Firm Character behind a Gentle Appearance, Defeating the Other One by a Surprise Action 3.4.1 Using Compliment Moderately

From the pragmatic strategy speaking, you may detect their intention through praise to get information; From the psychological strategy speaking, praise can shorten the psychological interval of the both sides, offering a harmonious atmosphere, being helpful for business sentenced to reach an agreement. But the praise is not an negotiation strategy can be easily rided, one should must pay attention to the following points: Firstly, the attitude should be sincere. The standard should be appropriate, if it’s too much touted, it will become a kind of satire. In the second place, you should respect their clerk personality, consider the other person’s self consciousness.


3.4.2 Goading them into Action

Essence is mainly responsible for the project, let the other side talk excitedly and be off his trolley. “Trigger point” is the other party concerned the self-expression aspects, such as ability, status, reputation and so on. Expression varies from person to person,but the general attitude should be sincere, tone should be friendly. Thinking new topic standing in their attitude, even showing the feelings that you cannot understand their situation.


Ⅳ Questioning Skills, Answering Skills, Persuading Skills in Business Negotiation

This chapter mainly discusses the Questioning Techniques, Answering Skills, Persuading

Skills in negotiations. such as, asking with clear objective, always giving effective answer,

finding how to make others budged.

4.1 Questioning Skills in Business Negotiations 4.1.1 Asking with Guild

These questions are strongly insinuating on the conclusion, such as the “ Break a contract will be punished, is it?” “Talking by now, the discount gives us is to pronounce 4%, you must back to agree, is it?” This kind of question often make the other side respond with the design of questioner.

4.1.2 Asking with Aid

This is a kind of question that use the third party’s opinion to influence the other party. Such as “Mr. Li also think that your product’s quality reliable?” “How is Mr. Li think of it?” If the third party is very familiar or very of respect, the effects will be quite good, otherwise can cause dislike.

4.1.3 Asking with Clarifying Something

This is a question in allusion to their reply to add a wording clarification or supplementary for the originally answer, such as, “You said situation has no change, does this mean you can honor the arrangement as scheduled?” Clarify the questions also can get discourse feedback.

4.1.4 Asking with Emphasis

This asking way aims to highlight their views and his position, such as “This agreement can not take effect unless be passed by notarization?” “How can we forget our happy cooperation last time?”


4.1.5 Asking with Explore

This is a questioning way aiming at their reply, requiring to extended or illustrate. Such as “What fact do you have to prove you can honor the arrangement as scheduled?” This question, not only can dig a sufficient information, but also can show questioner’s seriousness to the question.

4.1.6 Asking with Forced Choice

This kind of questions is to convey our own opinions to the other party, let the other side answer it in a prescribed range, such as, “As for the original agreement, you’d like to put into effect today or tomorrow?” In the use of this kind of question, be sure to use the proper tone and wording in order to avoid giving them a bad impression.

4.2 Skills of Responce

Before answering the question, give oneself sometime to reflect. Negotiation experience tells us that we can delay time by igniting a cigarette, drink a little tea, or adjust the position, clean up the table data files, or turn the notebook after their questions. At the same time consider the problems, then give the answer.

Grasp the motivation and purpose of the question, then decide how to answer. Don’t answer questions completely because some problems don’t have to answer. For those some boring questions, ignorance is the best answer. For example,one side show concern to the prices of a product, and ask the price of this product directly. If you tell the real price honestly, then in further negotiation process, you will be simply in passive posotion. So might as well give this answer: “I believe that the price of the product will be satisfactory to you, please allow me to introduce several properties of it. I believe you will be interested in this kind of product.”

Avoid the sharpness and say something irrelevant. For example, a western journalist have sneered Premier Zhou Enlai: “Excuse me, how much money does the People’s Bank of China have?” Premier Zhou knew what he mean, then answered: “People’s Bank of China, well, monetary fund is eighteen yuan eight hores eight points.


The People’s Bank of China issued for the amount of 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 5 horns, 2 horns, 1 horn, 5 points, 2 points, 1 point of 10 kinds of RMB, total it is 18 yuan eight horns and eight points.” Premier Zhou cleverly fended off the journalist’s speeches. The biography is implemented by Chinese people.

Reduce pressed spirits of questioner. If you answer questions with any loophole, and the other party means cross-examine, you must try to reduce his interest, sometimes you can use this reply to block his mouth: “This problem can be solved quickly, but it’s not time yet.” “Now discussing this problem is too early, it will not have any result.” “This is a question temporarily unable to answer now.”

For don’t know problems do not answer the questions you don’t know, or frankly said that temporarily you can’t answer. In that case we will not run into very passive situation.

Ask instead of answering. It’s an effective method to avoid those questions which are difficult to answer or don’t want to answer. For example: when business work progress is not very smooth, one asked: “How do you think the prospect of cooperation?” At this time the other party can ask instead of answering: “So, how do you think the prospect of cooperation?”

Find excuses to postpone reply, or properly use “reiterated” and “broke” strategy. Such as: in negotiations, when you haven’t thought a satisfactory answer, and the other party examine minutely, you can reply in this answer: “As for the problem you mentioned, I haven’t first-hand information to answer them. I think you hope a satisfactory reply evaluation, but this needs time, it that right?” However, delay to reply doesn’t mean refuse to answer, so treater need to think further to find how to answer the questions.

Here I want to emphasize the magical effect of authorized power:

The benefits of limited power: negotiators thought limited power has real strength. Negotiations have such an interesting to learn: A bachelor, every time he talks with negotiation rivals he always said for this thing: he had to go back to consult with his


wife. But no one don’t accept the reason, and the reason let him have plenty of time to clear the new topic. Therefore, limited grant negotiators can very elegantly say “no” to negotiation rivals, because things like do not depreciate, no discounts is not his intention, but due to the company’s system. Limited power of staff in talks is various, from amount limitation speaking, has the highest minimum price limit, purchase amount of restrict. In addition, there are restrictions of company policies, legal and insurance limits, etc. An excellent negotiation staff must learn to use limited power as bargaining chips, ably bargaining with each other. First of all, combine limited power as a pretext, rejected proposals and requirements to the greatest extent, but without hurting the emotion. Secondly, use limited powers to find a better way to deal with the new topic when contacting the top decision-maker. Again, use limited power to force to a direction in power limited concessions, negotiating with you under the condition of limited power.

4.3 Convincing Principles

Establish harmonious relationship. To convince them to be budged, first of all, the relationship of both sides must be good, the degree of goodwill and trust influence the information enormously. If the other side and you are in the rivalry, it is unthinkable that you can persuade the other party. But if it is cooperation partner with repeatedly rapport, you will have a considerable opportunity. So, build mutual trust relationships, like digging wells before feeling thirsty.

Make a good job of benefit analysis. A proposal will bring a certain advantages and disadvantages, here there are three problems need to be well dealed with : Firstly, clarify to the other party what’s the advantages and disadvantages of the interests if he accepts your ideas, of course, the benefits will be particularly attractive, and thus making the other party believed; Secondly, explain why to choose him as your target to persuade, in order to show that it’s not anyone can get the chance, so that he will think highly of the opportunity to be choosed; Thirdly, tell them what benefits you’ll get if the other party has accepted your advice, it also will openly said to each other, appear to be


honest, credible, reasonable, don’t hide the benefit.

Simplify the acceptance formalities. When the other party has accepted your suggestion, in order to avoid changing his mind in middle course, you should make the formalities as simple as possible and easy to operate, in order to make the persuade work completed.


Ⅴ Conclusion

To sum up, the negotiation is a contest of knowledge, wisdom and talent, is a intelligence, skill’s competition process. As the implementation of astuteness and resourcefulness, language acts as a tool to exist in negotiations. And the clever application of language art will undoubtedly accelerate the success of a negotiation. Most of the time language using is a comprehensive operation and mutual coordination. Negotiation language arts are radiant, lying in its unpredictable counsel connotation. Anyway, language art will add brilliance to the negotiations !



[1] Huang Weiping. International Business Negotiation. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2007.

[2] Yao Li. Business Negotiation. Beijing: China City Press, 2003.

[3] Wang Shuxian. Business Negotiation Theory and Practic. Beijing: Economic Management, University Press, 2003.

[4] Fan Jianting. Business Negotiation. Dalian: Northeast Financial University Press, 2001.

[5] Fan Yunfeng, Gu Wenhua. The Negotiation Process. Beijing: Jinghua Press, 2004.

[6] 汤秀莲编著. 《国际商务谈判》.天津:南开大学出版社,2003. [7] 成志明编著. 《涉外商务谈判》. 南京:南京大学出版社,1997. [8] 刘文广, 张晓明编著. 《商务谈判》. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2001.



[1] Huang Weiping. International Business Negotiation. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2007.

[2] Yao Li. Business Negotiation. Beijing: China City Press, 2003.

[3] Wang Shuxian. Business Negotiation Theory and Practic. Beijing: Economic Management, University Press, 2003.

[4] Fan Jianting. Business Negotiation. Dalian: Northeast Financial University Press, 2001.

[5] Fan Yunfeng, Gu Wenhua. The Negotiation Process. Beijing: Jinghua Press, 2004.

[6] 汤秀莲编著. 《国际商务谈判》.天津:南开大学出版社,2003. [7] 成志明编著. 《涉外商务谈判》. 南京:南京大学出版社,1997. [8] 刘文广, 张晓明编著. 《商务谈判》. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2001.


