高分子材料工程专业英语翻译 - 图文

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Unit 1 What are polymers?

What are polymers? For one thing, they are complex and giant molecules and are different from low molecular weight compounds like, say, common salt.


To contrast the difference, the molecular weight of common salt is only 58.5, while that of a polymer can be as high as several hundred thousand, even more than thousand thousands.


These big molecules or ‘macro-molecules’ are made up of much smaller molecules, can be of one or more chemical compounds.

这些大分子或“高分子”由许多小分子组成。小分子相互结合形成大分子,大分子能够是一种或多种化合物。 To illustrate, imagine that a set of rings has the same size and is made of the same material. When these things are interlinked, the chain formed can be considered as representing a polymer from molecules of the same compound.


Alternatively, individual rings could be of different sizes and materials, and interlinked to represent a polymer from molecules of different compounds.

另一方面,环可以大小不同、材料不同, 相连接后形成具有不同化合物组成的聚合物。

This interlinking of many units has given the polymer its name, poly meaning ‘many’ and mer meaning ‘part’ (in Greek). 聚合物的名称来自于许多单元相连接,poly意味着“多、聚、重复”,mer意味着“链节、基体”(希腊语中)。 As an example, a gaseous compound called butadiene, with a molecular weight of 54, combines nearly 4000 times and gives a polymer known as polybutadiene (a synthetic rubber) with about 200 000molecular weight.


The low molecular weight compounds from which the polymers form are known as monomers. The picture is simply as follows:

形成高聚物的低分子化合物称为单体。下面简单地描述一下形成过程: butadiene + butadiene + ??? + butadiene--→polybutadiene(4 000 time) 丁二烯 +丁二烯+?+丁二烯——→聚丁二烯(4000次)

One can thus see how a substance (monomer) with as small a molecule weight as 54 grow to become a giant molecule (polymer) of (54×4 000≈)200 000 molecular weight.


It is essentially the “giantness” of the size of the polymer molecule that makes its behavior (different from that of a commonly known chemical compound such as benzene.)


Solid benzene, for instance, melts to become liquid benzene at 5.5℃ and , on further heating, boils into gaseous benzene.


As against this well-defined behavior of a simple chemical compound, a polymer like polyethylene does not melt sharply at one particular temperature into clean liquid.

与这类简单化合物明确的行为相比,像聚乙烯这样的聚合物不能在某一特定的温度快速地熔融成纯净的液体。 Instead, it becomes increasingly softer and, ultimately, turns into a very viscous, tacky molten mass. Further heating of this hot, viscous, molten polymer does convert it into various gases but it is no longer polyethylene. (Fig. 1.1) .


Another striking difference with respect to the behavior of a polymer and that of a low molecular weight compound concerns the dissolution process.


Let us take, for example, sodium chloride and add it slowly to fixed quantity of water. The salt, which represents a low molecular weight compound, dissolves in water up to a point (called saturation point) but, thereafter, any further quantity added does not go into solution but settles at the bottom and just remains there as solid.

例如,将氯化钠慢慢地添加到定量的水中。盐作为一种低分子量化合物,在水中溶解直到某一点(叫饱和点),但进一步添加, 盐不进入溶液中却沉到底部而保持原有的固体状态

The viscosity of the saturated salt solution is not very much different from that of water. But if we take a polymer instead, say, polyvinyl alcohol, and add it to a fixed quantity of water, the polymer does not go into solution immediately.


The globules of polyvinyl alcohol first absorb water, swell and get distorted in shape and after a long time go into



Also, we can add a very large quantity of the polymer to the same quantity of water without the saturation point ever being reached.


As more and more quantity of polymer is added to water, the time taken for the dissolution of the polymer obviously increases and the mix ultimately assumes a soft, dough-like consistency.

将越来越多的聚合物加入水中,认为聚合物溶解的时间明显地增加,最终呈现柔软像面团一样粘稠的混合物。 Another peculiarity is that, in water, polyvinyl alcohol never retains its original powdery nature [as the excess sodium chloride does] [in a saturated salt solution].


In conclusion, we can say that (1) the long time taken by polyvinyl alcohol for dissolution, (2) the absence of a saturation point, and (3) the increase in the viscosity are all characteristics of a typical polymer being dissolved in a solvent and these characteristics are attributed mainly to the large molecular size of the polymer. 总之,我们可以讲(1)聚乙烯醇的溶解需要很长时间,(2)不存在饱和点,(3)粘度的增加是聚合物溶于溶液中的典型特性,这些特性主要归因于聚合物大分子的尺寸。

The behavior of a low molecular weight compound and that of a polymer on dissolution are illustrated in Fig.1.2. 总如图1.2说明了低分子量化合物和聚合物的溶解行为。 Polymer: 高分子,聚合物.(repeat units) Polyvinyl alcohol: 聚乙烯醇。 Vinyl:乙烯基 polymeric Sodium chloride, 氯化钠, polymerization potassium sulfate, 硫酸钾; “poly-”: 多的,聚合的. Polygon, 聚醚?聚酯?聚酰sulfuric acid, 硫酸 胺?聚乙烯?多官能团?polyfunctional Settle,使(液体)澄清,沉淀,沉降 “-mer”: part. Isomer, 同分异构体 Precipitate, 使沉淀,使凝结 Macromolecule: 大分子,高分子Macro-: 大 (反义词?) Precipitant,沉淀剂 Molecule, 分子 --------- Atom, 原子 Stir, 搅拌 Molecular Weight, 分子量 Saturation, 饱和 ------- Unsaturation, 不饱和 Micro-: 显微的。显微镜?Microscope. Microsoft Dissolution, n,溶解 ------Dissolve, vt, 溶解 Monomer: 单体 solution n 溶液; solution polymerization “mono-”: 单个 . Monocrystalline,monodisperse,solubility n 溶解度,溶解性 monofunction solvent n 溶剂, solvent effect “di-, bi-”: 双. “tri-”: 三个. “tetra-”:四个 Viscous, a, 粘稠的 ----Viscosity, 粘度(性) Clean, 完全Repeat Unit, 重复单元 ----- Monomer unit,单体单元 的,彻底的; Synthetic, 合成的, 如Synthetic Rubber sharply, 明显地,精明地,敏锐地,突然地,急剧地 Synthesis, n, 合成 --------Syntheses, vt, 合成 Increasingly, 越来越?., Butadiene: 丁二烯。 Butyl-:丁基。-ene:烯。-yne:炔。 Striking, 显著的, 引人注目的, 乙烯?Ethylene . 1-丁烯?Butylene. 乙炔?Ethyne. with respect to 关于,就??而论 Polyethylene: 聚乙烯. Thereafter,此后 Ethyl-:乙基。 Ethylene: 乙烯。Ethane:乙烷 Distort,畸变,扭变,变形。 synthetic: 合成的。名词?动词? Consistency, 一致性,坚固性。 Viscous:粘的。名词? Peculiarity, 独特性,特色,特质,特殊的东西,怪癖。 Plastics, 塑料 -------- Rubber, 橡胶 ------- Fiber, 纤维 issue from, 由?..产生,由?得出?. Adhesive, 黏合剂 ----------- Paints, 涂料 Adventitious *?dven’tiS?s],外来的,偶然的,abstract, 分Polybutadiene, 聚丁二烯 离,转移 Polyvinyl alcohol, 聚乙烯醇 profound,意义深远的,深刻的,notably,显著的,著名Polyvinyl chloride, 聚氯乙烯 的, Polyester, 聚酯 这个句型很有用 just as it is not necessary for ?to Polystyrene, 聚苯乙烯 be ?, it is also not necessary for ?to be? 正?不一Polypropylene, 聚丙烯 定是?.一样, ?.也不一定是?. Polyethylene, 聚乙烯 The moment, 一?.就??. Polyamide, 聚酰胺 Segment, 链段 Polyether:聚醚 Backbone, 主链,骨架(脊骨,脊柱)//skeleton, 骨骼,骨架Thermoplastics, 热塑性塑料 (建筑),骷髅 Thermosetting resin, 热固性树脂 Skeleton atom (structure),骨架原子(结构) Elastomers, 弹性体 substituent, substituted group,取代基 Thermoelastomers, 热塑性弹性体 side(pendant, lateral)group,侧基//end group,端基 Homopolymers and copolymers, 均聚物和共聚物 Side chain, 侧链,支链 Homo- :均匀的。Homogenous:均相的 Hetero-:异的,不同的 heterogenous: 异相的 Block copolymers,嵌段共聚物 Random copolymers,无规共聚物 Alternating copolymers,交替共聚物 Terpolymers,三元共聚物 Graft copolymers,接枝共聚物 Side reaction, 副反应. Linear polymers, 线型高分子//Nonlinear polymers,非线型高分子 Branched polymers,支化高分子 Crosslinked polymers,交联高分子 Stars and dendrimers,星型高分子及树枝状高分子 Ladder polymers,梯型高分子 Cyclolinear polymers,线型环聚合物//Cyclomatrix polymer,体型聚合物 Telechelic polymers,远鳌聚合物,遥爪聚合物 Mono-telechelic polymer,单遥爪聚合物 Di-telechelic polymer,双遥爪聚合物 Amorphous polymers,无定形高分子//Crystalline polymers,结晶高分子 Unit 2 Chain Polymerization Many olefinic and vinyl unsaturated compounds are able to form chain-like macromolecules through elimination of the double bond, a phenomenon first recognized by Staudinger. Diolefins polymerize in the same manner, however, only one of the two double bonds is eliminated.


Such reactions occur through the initial addition of a monomer molecule to an initiator radical or an initiator ion, by which the active state is transferred from the initiator to the added monomer. 这类反应是通过单体分子首先加成到引发剂自由基或引发剂离子上而进行的,靠这些反应活性中心由引发剂转移到被加成的单体上。

In the same way by means of a chain reaction, one monomer molecule after the other is added (2000~20000 monomers per second) until the active state is terminated through a different type of reaction.


The polymerization is a chain reaction in two ways: because of the reaction kinetic and because as a reaction product one obtains a chain molecule. The length of the chain molecule is proportional to the kinetic chain length.

聚合反应成为链式反应的两种原因:反应动力学和作为链式反应产物分子。链分子的长度与动力学链长成正比。 One can summarize the process as follow (R. is equal to the initiator radical): 链式反应可以概括为以下过程(R·相当与引发剂自由基):略

One thus obtains polyvinylchloride from vinylchloride, or polystyrene from styrene, or polyethylene from ethylene, etc. 因而通过上述过程由氯乙烯得到聚氯乙烯,或由苯乙烯获得聚苯乙烯,或乙烯获得聚乙烯,等等。

The length of the chain molecules, measured by means of the degree of polymerization, can be varied over a large range through selection of suitable reaction conditions.


Usually, with commercially prepared and utilized polymers, the degree of polymerization lies in the range of 1000 to 5000, but in many cases it can be below 500 and over 10000.


This should not be interpreted to mean that all molecules of a certain polymeric material consist of 500, or 1000, or 5000 monomer units. In almost all cases, the polymeric material consists of a mixture of polymer molecules of different degrees of polymerization.


Polymerization, a chain reaction, occurs according to the same mechanism as the well-known chlorine-hydrogen reaction and the decomposition of phosegene.


The initiation reaction, which is the activation process of the double bond, can be brought about by heating, irradiation, ultrasonics, or initiators. The initiation of the chain reaction can be observed most clearly with radical or ionic initiators. 通过双键活化的引发剂反应,可以通过热、辐射、超声波或引发剂产生。可以很清楚地进行研究用自由基型或离子型引发剂引发的链式反应。

These are energy-rich compounds which can add suitable unsaturated compounds (monomers) and maintain the activated radical or ionic state so that further monomer molecules can be added in the same manner.

这些是高能态的化合物,它们能够加成不饱和化合物(单体)并保持自由基或离子活性中心 以致单体可以以同样的方式进一步加成。

For the individual steps of the growth reaction one needs only a relatively small activation energy and therefore through a single activation step (the actual initiation reaction) a large number of olefin molecules are converted, as is implied by the term “chain reaction”.


Because very small amounts of the initiator bring about the formation of a large amount of polymeric material (1:1000 to 1:1000), it is possible to regard polymerization from a superficial point of view as a catalytic reaction. 因为少量的引发剂引发形成大量的聚合物原料(1:1000~1:10000),从表面上看聚合反应被看成是催化反应。 For this reason, the initiators used in polymerization reactions are often designated as polymerization catalysts, even though, in the strictest sense, they are not true catalysts because the polymerization initiator enters into the reaction as a real partner and can be found chemically bound in the reaction product ,i.e. ,the polymer.

由于这个原因,通常把聚合反应的引发剂看作是聚合反应的引发剂。但因为聚合反应的催化剂进入到反应内部而成为一部分,同时可以在反应产物,既聚合物的末端发现催化剂,所以严格地讲它们不是真正意义上的催化剂, In addition to the ionic and radical initiators there are now metal complex initiators (which can be obtained, for example, by the reaction of titanium tetrachloride or titanium trichloride with aluminum alkyls), which play an important role in polymerization reactions (Ziegler catalysts) ,The mechanism of their catalytic action is not yet completely clear.

除离子引发剂和自由基引发剂外,还有金属络合物引发剂(可以通过四氯化钛或三氯化钛与烷基铝的反应得到)。它们在聚合反应中起到了重要作用(齐格纳引发剂)。它们催化活动的机理还不是十分清楚。 Radical, 自由基; Radical,自由基//Initiator,引发剂// Unsaturated monomer, ion, 离子, ionic, 离子的,ionic polymer, 离子聚合不饱和单体 物, ionomer,离聚体 Organic peroxide, 有机过氧化物//hydroperoxide, 过氧Activation, 活化(作用),活化过程; Active state, 活化氢 性中心 Redox agent, 氧化-还原试剂 Polyvinyl chloride: 聚氯乙烯 Azo compounds,偶氮化合物 Polystyrene : 聚苯乙烯 Organometallic reagents,有机金属 Degree of polymerization: 聚合度(DP) Irradiation,光辐射,紫外光照射 Mechanism:机理 High energy radiation, 高能辐射 Chlorine:氯气;Hydrogen: 氢气 Homolytic dissociation, 均裂 Decomposition:分解。Degradation: 降解 Chain initiation, 链引发反应//chain propagation,链增长Irradiation,辐射,照射。ultrasonics, 超声波 反应 Imply, 暗指,含有??.的意思 Steady-state assumption, 稳态假设 regard, 把??.看作??.. Rate of polymerization,聚合速率 Catalyst: 催化剂 Chain transfer,链转移//chain termination ,链终止反应 Ionic:离子的 。 Ion: 离子。Cation: 阳离子。Anion:阴Combination, 偶合(终止),结合 离子 Disproportionation, 歧化(终止) Complex:络合物 Di-: 二。Tri-:三。Tetra-: 四。Mono-:单。Penta-:五个;hexa-:六 Alkyl:烷基 alkane:烷烃。Alkene: 烯烃 by means of…: By using One?after the other? 一个接一个?.. be proportional to?: 和?成正比 Lie in 处于,落在,在于 Bring about,引起,产生,导致 from a superficial point of view, 从表面上看 in the proper(strict、literal)sense 在本来(严格、字面)的意义上说的 play an important role in?: 在?.方面起重要作用 Even though=even if ,即使,纵然 In addition to? 除了??.之外,在??.起重要作用 UNIT 3 Step-Growth polymerization Many different chemical reactions may be used to synthesize polymeric materials by step-growth polymerization. These include esterification, amidation, the formation of urethanes, aromatic substitution, etc.


Polymerization proceeds by the reactions between two different functional groups, e.g., hydroxyl and carboxyl groups, or isocyanate and hydroxyl groups.


All step-growth polymerization fall into two groups depending on the type of monomer(s) employed. The first involves two different polyfunctional monomers in which each monomer possesses only one type of functional group.


A polyfunctional monomer is one with two or more functional groups per molecule. The second involves a single monomer containing both types of functional groups.


The synthesis of polyamides illustrates both groups of polymerization reactions. Thus, polyamides can be obtained from the reaction of diamines with diacids or from the reaction of amino acids with themselves.

聚酰胺的合成说明了两类聚合反应。因此聚酰胺可以由二元胺和二元酸的反应或氨基酸之间的反应得到。 The two groups of reactions can be represented in a general manner by the equations as follows 两种官能团之间的反应一般来说可以通过下列反应式表示

Reaction (3.1) illustrates the former, while (3.2) is of the latter type. 反应(3.1)说明前一种形式,而反应(3.2)具有后一种形式。

Polyesterification, whether between diol and dibasic acid or intermolecularly between hydroxy acid molecules, is an example of a step-growth polymerization process.


The esterification reaction occurs anywhere in the monomer matrix where two monomer molecules collide, and once the ester has formed, it, too, can react further by virtue of its still-reactive hydroxyl or carboxyl groups.


The net effect of this is that monomer molecules are consumed rapidly without any large increase in molecular weight. 酯化的结果是单体分子很快地被消耗掉,而分子量却没有多少增加。

Fig. 3.1 illustrates this phenomenon. Assume, for example, that each square in Fig. 3.1a represents a molecule of hydroxy acid. After the initial dimmer molecules from (b), half the monomer molecules have been consumed and the average degree of polymerization (DP) of polymeric species is 2.


As trimer and more dimer molecules form (c), more than 80% of the monomer molecules have reacted, but DP is still 2.5. When all the monomer molecules have reacted (d), DP is 4.


But each polymer molecule that forms still has reactive end groups; hence the polymerization reaction will continue in a stepwise fashion, with each esterification step being identical in rate and mechanism to the initial esterification of monomers.


Thus, molecular weight increases slowly even at high levels of monomer conversion, and it will continue to increase until the viscosity build-up makes it mechanically too difficult to remove water of esterification or for reactive end groups to find each other.


It can also be shown that in the A-A+B-B type of polymerization, an exact stoichiometric balance is necessary to achieve high molecular weights. If some monofunctional impurity is present, its reaction will limit the molecular weight by rendering a chain end inactive.


Similarly, high-purity monomers are necessary in the A-B type of polycondensation and it follows that high-yield reactions are the only practical ones for polymer formation, since side reactions will upset the stoichiometric balance. 同样,在A-B类的缩聚反应中高纯度的单体是必要的。因为副反应会破坏定量配比,能形成聚合物的实用方法只能是高收率的反应。 Step-growth polymerization: 逐步聚合(包括缩聚) Fall into, 归入, 可分为?.. Synthesize : v. 合成 synthesis: n. Depending on?, 根据??. Esterification: 酯化(COOH 和-OH的反应). Ester: 酯. In a general manner, 一般来说 COOR Whether?.or?., 无论是?..还是??., 或者??或 polyester, 聚酯。 者??,不是??就是?.. Amide: 酰胺 (-CONH2) , Amidation: 酰胺化,By(后in)virtue of??.依靠,借助于??.

Subdivide, v. 细分,区分。 Subdivide?in?把??细分为??.. Categories[k?tig?ri], n,种类,类型。Categorization, n, 分类法


In terms of initial elastic modules, rubbers ranging generally between 106 to 107dynes/cm2, represent the lower end of the scale, while fibers with high initial moduli [modjulai, modulus的复数] of 1010 to 1011dynes/cm2 are situated on the upper end of the scale; plastics, having generally an initial elastic modulus of 108 to 109dynes/cm2, lie in-between. Modulus, moduli[复数],模量 In terms of?, 根据,借助于,利用,就??..而言 Range(from)? to?,落在(从)???到???之间;分布在??.到??..范围内。 Be situated on [at, in]? 处于,位于,坐落在 就初始弹性模量而言,橡胶一般在106到107达因/平方厘米,在尺度的低端,而纤维具有高的初始模量,达到1010到1011达因/平方厘米,在尺度的高端,塑料的弹性模量一般在108到109达因/平方厘米,在尺度的中间。 As is found in all phases of polymer chemistry, there are many exceptions to this categorization Phase,阶段,状态,方面,侧面; Exception to?,??的例外情况


An elastomer (or rubber) results from a polymer having relatively weak interchain forces and high molecular weights. Result from?, (作为结果)发生,产生,形成


When the molecular chains are ‘straightened out’ or stretched by a process of extension, they do not have sufficient attraction for each other to maintain the oriented state and will retract once the force is released. straightened out,拉直,打开;stretch,拉直,拉长; extension,n,伸长,伸展 attraction,引力,吸引;attraction for??. 对??.的引力

orient,v,定向,取向; retract,v,收缩


However, if the interchain forces are very great, a polymer will make a good fiber. 然而,如果分子链之间的力非常大,聚合物可以用做纤维。

Therefore, when the polymer is highly stretched, the oriented chain will come under the influence of the powerful attractive forces and will “crystallize” permanently in a more or less oriented matrix.

come under,受??的影响(支配) more or less, 近乎,大体上,在不同程度上 permanently,永久地,持久地


These crystallization forces will then act virtually as crosslinks, resulting in a material of high tensile strength and high initial modulus, i.e., a fiber.



Therefore, a potential fiber polymer will not become a fiber unless subjected to a 'drawing' process, i.e., a process resulting in a high degree of intermolecular orientation. Be subject to?,经受,受到??.


Crosslinked species are found in all three categories and the process of crosslinking may change the cited characteristics of the categories.

Cite, vt,引用,引证,举例;citation,n,引用,引文


Thus, plastics are known to possess[p?zes] a marked range of deformability in the order of 100 to 200%; they do not exhibit this property when crosslinked, however.

Deformability,形变能力,变形性 in the order of??.,大约???


Rubber, on vulcanization, changes its properties from low modulus, low tensile strength, low hardness, and high elongation to high modulus, high tensile strength, high hardness, and low elongation. Vulcanization*vΛlk?nai’zeiS?n],硫化


Thus, polymers may be classified as noncrosslinked and crosslinked, and this definition agrees generally with the subclassification in thermoplastic and thermoset polymers.


From the mechanistic point of view, however, polymers are properly divided into addition polymers and condensation polymers. Both of these species are found in rubbers, plastics, and fibers.

From the mechanistic point of view,从反应机理的观点看,


In many cases polymers are considered from the mechanistic point of view. Also, the polymer will be named according to its source whenever it is derived from a specific hypothetical monomer, or when it is derived from two or more components which are built randomly into the polymer.

Be derive from?由??.产生而来,来自于???. hypothetical monomer,假想单体


This classification agrees well with the presently used general practice. Agree well with?. 与??..相符合。 这种分类方法与目前实际情况相符合。

When the repeating unit is composed of several monomeric components following each other in a regular fashion, the polymer is commonly named according to its structure. in a regular fashion,规则地


It must be borne in mind that, with the advent of Ziegler-Natta mechanisms and new techniques to improve extend crystallinity, and the cIoseness of packing of chains, many older data given should be critically considered in relation to the stereoregular and crystalline structure. Bear in mind, 牢记,记住 With advent of?,随着?..的出现 in relation to,关于??与??有关 the closeness of packing of chains,链堆砌密度

“必须记住,随着Ziegler-Natta机理的,以及提高结晶度和链堆砌紧密度新技术的出现, 许多与立构规整和晶体结构相关的旧数据应当批判地接受。

The properties of polymers are largely dependent on the type and extent of both stereoregularity and crystallinity. As an example, the densities and melting points of atactic and isotactic species are presented in Table 9.1.

Stereoregularity,立体规整性,立体规整度 Atactic,a,无规立构的, Isotactic, a, 等规立构的,全同立构的

聚合物的性质主要依靠立体规整性和结晶度的类型和程度。表9.1列出无规立构和全同立构物质的密度和熔点。 Subdivide, v. 细分,区分。 Subdivide?in?把??.细分Phase,阶段,状态,方面,侧面;(高分子或材料的)相 为??.. Vulcanization:硫化。 sub-: 在?.下, submicroscopic: 亚微观的 Thermoplastic:热塑性的 Categories[k?tig?ri], n,种类,类型。Categorization, n, 分Thermoset:热固性的 类法 Thermo-: 热的 thermocouple 热电偶 Plastics: 塑料 thermodynamics: 热力学 Modulus, moduli[复数],模量 addition polymer:加聚物 Elastic modulus: 弹性模量 elastomer: 弹性体 condensation polymer:缩聚物 Young modulus: 杨氏模量 Hypothetical:假定的,理想的,有前提的 1 Dyne = 1.0 *10-5 Newton hypothetical monomer,假想单体 Interchain: 链间的 Hypothesis: 假设 Stretch:拉直,拉长 Stereoregular:有规立构的,立构规整性的 extension,n,伸长,伸展 Stereo-: 立体的 stereoisomer: 立体异构体 Attraction:引力,吸引 Atactic: 无规立构的 orient,v,定向,取向 Isotactic: 等规立构的 ,全同立构的 iso-: 同。Retract: 收缩 release:解除,松开 Isothermal: 等温的 Tensile strength:抗张强度 Syndiotactic: 间同立构的 Deformability: 形变能力。Ability: 能力 Polypropylene: 聚丙烯 subdivide?in[into]?: 把?.细分为??. Polybutene: 聚丁烯 range(from)…to…: The prices for telephones range from permanently,永久地,持久地 $3 to $100. Virtually,实际上,实质上,事实上 attraction for?:对?..的引力The attraction of the moon Cite, vt,引用,引证,举例;citation,n,引用,引文 for the earth causes the tides. Science citation index, 科学引文索引,SCI In terms of?, 根据,借助于,利用,就?..而言 Deformability,形变能力,变形性 Range(from)? to?,落在(从)??到??之间;分布Be subject to?,经受,受到?. ?: 在?..到?.范围内。 He was subjected to treatment(operation). Be situated on [at, in]? 处于,位于,坐落在 in the order of?..,大约??. As,这一点 Vulcanization*vΛlk?nai’zeiS?n],硫化 As is announced in the papers, our country has launched a From the mechanistic point of view,从反应机理的观点看 man-made earth satellite. From the mechanistic point of view, this is 报纸上宣布,我们国家已经发射了一颗人造地球卫星。 polymerization. Be derived from?由?..产生而来,来自于?. Exception to?,?..的例外情况R Many English words are derived from Latin. result from?, (作为结果)发生,产生,形成 Agree well with?. 与?.相符合。 straightened out,拉直,打开 in a regular fashion,规则地 come under,受?..的影响(支配) The molecules are arranged in a regular fashion in the more or less, 近乎,大体上,在不同程度上 matter. With advent of?,随着??的出现 Bear in mind, 牢记,记住 in relation to,关于?.,与?..有关 the closeness of packing of chains,链堆砌密度 UNIT 10 Glass transition temperature An ordinary rubber ball if cooled below -70°C becomes so hard and brittle that it will break into pieces like a glass ball falling on a hard surface! Why does a rubber ball become like glass bellow -70°C? break into: 摔碎


This is because there is a “temperature boundary” for almost all amorphous polymers (and many crystalline polymers) only above which the substance remains soft, flexible and rubbery and below which it becomes hard, brittle and glassy. 这是因为几乎所有无定型聚合物(及许多结晶聚合物)都有一个“温度边界”,温度高于这个边界,材料保持软的柔韧的及橡胶状的,而高于这个边界,材料则变成硬的,脆的,玻璃状的。

This temperature, below which a polymer is hard and above which it is soft, is called the “glass transition temperature” Tg.


The hard, brittle state is known as the glassy state and the soft, flexible state as the rubbery or viscoelastic state. Be known as: 叫做


On further heating, the polymer (if it is uncross-linked) becomes a highly viscous liquid and starts flowing: this state is

termed viscofluid state, and the another transition takes place at its flow temperature Tf. takes place: 发生


Now, let us consider a polymer, say, polyethylene. At room temperature, polyethylene is solid, exhibiting all characteristics of a low molecular weight substance.

现在让我们考虑一下一个聚合物,叫聚乙烯。在室温下,聚乙烯是固体的,展现低分子量化合物的所有特征。 At high temperatures, however, the characteristic difference between high and low molecular weight substances can be seen.


Depending on the temperature, the molecules of a low molecular weight substance either move apart as a whole or do not move at all. i. e., there is a definite temperature(melting point Tm) below which the molecules do not move and above which they do move.

Depending on: 根据 Move apart: 分开,分离,移开 As a whole 作为一个整体, 整体(上)

根据温度, 低分子量的物质要么整个分子移开,要么根本不运 动。有一个特定的温度(熔点Tm)在低于这一温度时分子不运动,而在高于这一温度时分子则在运动。

On the other hand, with polymers, if the temperature increases above Tg, localized units (chain segments) within the long chain molecule are first mobilized before the whole molecule starts moving.


In some parts within the molecule, there is a considerable localized motion, but not in other parts of the same molecule. 在这个分子的一部分有比较大的局部运动,而相同分子的另一部分则没有运动。

Thus, within the long chain of the polymer molecules, some segments have a certain freedom of movement, whereas others do not.


The molecule as a whole does not move although some of its segments do. In the case of polymers, there is indeed an intermediate state.


If the temperature ranges between Tg and Tf, the localized mobility is activated, but the overall mobility is not. 如果温度在Tg 和Tf之间,局部的运动被激活,而整体的运动则没有。

The local segments, where mobility is already activated, correspond to the liquid state, while the molecule as a whole,

where mobility is forbidden, is in the solid state. This state, which is really a combination of liquid and solid, is called the rubbery state.

correspond to: 相当于


Under the influence of an applied stress, it exhibits properties of a viscous fluid as well as an elastic solid and undergoes what is called viscoelastic deformation. 在外加应力的作用下,聚合材料既显示出粘性液体的性质,也显示出弹性固体的性质,而经历的过程叫做粘弹形变。 The glass transition temperature Tg is an important parameter of a polymeric material. The Tg value of a polymer decides whether a polymer at the “use temperature” will behave like rubber or plastics.


The Tg value along with the Tm value gives an indication of the temperature region at which a polymeric material transforms from a rigid solid to a soft viscous state。

give an indication of: 表明,表示 trasforms from... to... 由?转变成 Tg值和Tm值表明了一个温度范围,在这个范围内聚合材料由刚性固体转化为柔软的粘流态。

This helps in choosing the right processing temperature, i.e., the temperature region in which the material can be

converted into finished products though different processing techniques such as moulding, calendering, extrusion, etc. be converted into: 转化为

这可以帮助我们选择正确的加工温度,即通过不同的加工技术,如模塑,压延,挤出等,材料可以转变成最终产品的温度范围。 glass transition temperature 玻璃化温度 1. Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons:(烃类命名法) Glassy state 玻璃状的 1)Aliphatic Hydrocarbons(Fatty Rubbery state : 橡胶状的 Hydrocarbons ,脂肪烃) viscofluid state:粘流态 a. Number Prefix(数字前缀): viscoelastic state:粘弹态 i). 总碳数≤10时(total C no. ≤10): Mobility:流动性。Mobilize:运动。Mobile: 运动的 1. 甲: meth-; 2. 乙: eth-; 3. 丙: prop-; 4. 丁: Segment:链段 buta-; 5. 戊: penta-; 6. 己: hexa-; 7.庚: hepta-; 8. Deformation:形变 辛: octa-; 9. 壬: nona-; 10. 癸: deca-. 11. 半, 1/2: dimensional stability:尺寸稳定性 hemi-, semi-; 12. 单, 一: mono-, uni-; 13. 3/2: sesqui-; uncross-linked:非交联的, Cross-linking: 交联 silsesquioxanes,倍半硅氧烷 14. 双, 两: di-, bi-, bis-. Moulding:模塑成型 * 多烯的命名: 二烯类 --- 数字头 + -diene ; 三烯类 Calendering:压延成型 --- 数字头 + -triene . Extrusion:挤出成型 例: 乙烯: ethene; 丁烯: butene; 丁二烯: butadiene; 烷烃(alkane)命名: 数字头 + -ane. 丁三烯: butatriene (以a结尾的数字头直接加-ne .) d. 炔烃(alkyne )命名: 烯烃(alkene )命名: 数字头 + -ene. 数字头 + -yne(有时是-ine). (以a结尾的数字头去a加-ene .) (以a结尾的数字头去a加-yne .) e. 脂环烃(alicyclic hydrocarbons)命名: * 多炔的命名: 二炔类--- 数字头 + -diyne . 烃类名称前 + cyclo- 例: 甲基: methyl; 乙基: ethyl; 癸基: decyl; 乙烯基: 例: 乙炔: ethyne; 丁炔: butine; 己二炔: hexadiyne 或 hexadiine ethenyl; 丁烯基: butenyl; 乙炔基: ethinyl = ethynyl 例: 环己烷: cyclohexane; 环己二烯: cyclohexadiene f. 烃基(hydrocarbyl)命名: 将烃类名称的词尾换为 –yl. UNIT 11 Functional Polymers Functional polymers are macromolecules to which chemically functional groups are attached; they have the potential advantages of small molecules with the same functional groups.


Their usefulness is related both to the functional groups and to the nature of the polymers whose characteristic properties depend mainly on the extraordinarily large size of the molecules.


The attachment of functional groups to a polymer is frequently the first step towards the preparation of a functional polymer for a specific use.


However, the proper choice of the polymer is an important factor for successful application. 然而,对成功应用而言,选择适当的聚合物是一个重要因素。

In addition to the synthetic aliphatic and aromatic polymers, a wide range of natural polymers have also been functionalized and used as reactive materials.

Aliphatic, 脂肪族的 Aromatic,芳香族的 In addition to?..,除了??之外, 除了合成的脂肪族和芳香族聚合物之外,许多天然高分子也被功能化,被用做反应性材料。

Inorganic polymers have also been modified with reactive functional groups and used in processes requiring severe*si’vi?] service conditions.


In principle, the active groups may be part of the polymer backbone or linked to a side chain as a pendant group either directly or via[vai?+ a spacer*s’peis?] group.

pendant group 侧基;spacer group, 隔离基团,中间基团。


A required active functional group can be introduced onto a polymeric support chain (1) by incorporation during the synthesis of the support itself through poJymerization or copolymerization monomers containing the desired functional groups, (2) by chemical modification of a non-functionalized performed support matrix and (3) by a combination of (1) and (2).


Each of the two approaches has its own advantages and disadvantages, and one approach may be preferred for the preparation of a particular functional polymer when the other would be totally impractical.


The choice between the two ways to the synthesis of functionalized polymers depends mainly on the required chemical and physical properties of the support for a specific application.


Usually the requirements of the individual system must be thoroughly examined in order to take full advantage of each of the preparative techniques.

take full advantage of?.,充分利用?..


Rapid progress in the utilization of functionalized polymeric materials has been noted in the recent past. 近年来,功能化聚合物材料的使用方面有了飞速的发展。

Interest in the field is being enhanced due to the possibility of creating systems that combine the unique properties of conventional active moieties and those of high molecular weight polymers. Interest in, ??.的(重大)意义,对??.关注


The successful utilization of these polymers are based on the physical form, solvation behavior, porosity, chemical reactivity and stability of the polymers.


The various types of functionalized polymers cover a broad range of chemical applications, including the polymeric reactants, catalysts, carriers, surfactants, stabilizers, ion-exchange resins, etc.


In a variety of biological and biomedical fields, such as the pharmaceutical, agriculture, food industry and the like, they have become indispensable materials, especially in controlled release formulation of drugs and agrochemicals.

Pharmaceutical[fa:m?’sju:tik?l],药品药物 and the like,等等,以及诸如此类Indispensable,不可缺少的;controlled release,控制释放agrochemicals,农药,化肥


Besides, these polymers are extensively used as the antioxidants, flame retardants, corrosion inhibitors, flocculating agents, antistatic agents and the other technological applications.

Anti-,抗,反,对,解,阻,减。 antioxidants, 抗氧化剂 flame retardants, 阻燃剂 corrosion inhibitors, 缓蚀剂 flocculating*‘flokju:leiti?+ agents, 絮凝剂, floccule, n, 絮状物,絮状沉淀。Flocculent, adj, 羊毛状的,絮凝的, antistatic agents,抗静电剂


In addition, the functional polymers possess[p?’zes+ broad application prospects in the high technology area as

