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(1991年1月)Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes) B

41. The oil shortage ________ the prices of chemical fertilizers on the world market. A) drove oil B) drove up C) drove in D) drove off B

42. There are five ________ mistakes in this picture. Can you find them and win a prize?

A) intensive(强烈的) B) deliberate(故意的) C) planned(计划的) D) calculated

43. These studies will yield valuable(有价值的) lemons ________.

A) in which to save lives and protect property B) how to save lives and protect property C) in how to save lives and protect property D) about those to save lives and protect property

44. The school offered flexible courses for farmers, ________ more hours of study

when farm work was not heavy.

A) with B) without C) in D) for A

45. Part of the cost of many articles is taken as tax by the government ________ the community. A) in place of (代替) B) on account of(由于…) C) in terms of

D) on behalf of (为了…的利益; 代表…) A

46. Soldiers act in ________ to the orders of their officers. A) obligation责任,义务

B) objection反对 C) obedience服从顺从 D) offence冒犯,攻击 A

47. ________ after the Second World War that test pilots first attempted to break the “Sound barrier.” A) It was shortly B) Until shortly C) Shortly was it D) Shortly


——强调的对象是时间,其中shortly是副词,只是做一个状语,表示时间之早 D

48. ________ in the Atacama Desert. A) It never virtually rains B) It virtually never rains C) Never it rains virtually

D) Never virtually(几乎) it rains

英语中表示否定意义的词如never ,seldom .few 等放在句首后面的动词要用

倒装形式表示强调.这句话的意思是强调沙漠里不常下雨,所以要用倒装,再如,Seldom have I taken a dinner with girlfriend after I went to work.(正常语序是A,但是需要倒装) C

49. Society now requires the university to be a part of the community. ________, students themselves expect to play a role in the affairs of society. A) Hence(因此,所以) B) However

C) Moreover(而且,表示递进) D) Otherwise B

50. Superconductors lose electrical resistance only ________ subjected to intense cold. A) through B) when C) as D) by

Superconuctors lose electircal resistance only when superconductors are

subjected to intense cold.超导材料只有在极度寒冷的温度下才能失去电阻.


51. Those who lie and cheat will never ________ it. A) get on with B) get back to C) get away with D) get off with

选C get away with

get away with 意思是逃脱处罚 整句意思是

那些说谎和欺骗的人永远不可能逃脱处罚. C

52. A foreign language like English is difficult to learn, so you ________ work too hard. A) should B) mustn’t C) can’t D) ought to



53. Cultural life in England takes so many forms that a brief summary can only attempt to ________ its variety.

A) suggestB) remindC) considerD) propose



(大概意思就是英国的文化生活很丰富,一个简单的摘要不能全面的把他表现出来,只能浅显的考虑它的文化生活种类以上是直译。 suggest建议,提议


consider考虑;把(某人,某事)看作?,认为(某人,某事)如何; propose提名推荐计划 D

54. There are ________ periods in an animal’s life when it is capable of learning a great deal in a very short time.

A) urgent B) violent C) serious D) critical重要的

55. Do employers in your country ________ workers for injuries suffered at their


A) conform符合,遵守 B) conflict冲突 C) compel强迫,迫使 D) compensate赔偿 B

56. Since they betrayed us, they have no hope of convincing(使相信) ________ their sincerity.([s?n'ser?t?]诚意) A) with B) for C) in D) of

57. They assured us that ________ was waiting for they were there to share it.

A) what B) whatever C) it D) whoever B

58. ________ exposure to dirty air can cause people suffer from some diseases. A) Raised B) Prolonged C) Expanded D) Enlarged A

59. ________ about one of the most rapidly changing countries in a ceaselessly changing world is not all easy. A) Being informed B) To be informing C) Have informed D) Informed

选择A 表示了解在这个不停改变的世界中最迅速发展的国家是完全不容易


be informed about这个词组可表示了解的意思,所以需要用被动态.由此排除了B选项(主动态的完成时态).

因为这个部分内容“_about one of the most rapidly changing countries in a ceaselessly changing world ”是主语,作为主语只能采用A和D的形式,而A表示了解,D选项表示将会了解,因此根据句子意思选择A选项.


60. Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not ________ contact with the outside world.

A) lose(losecontact with…. 与… 失去联系) B) fall C) miss D) fail

C 61. Visitors to England sometimes find the lack of public activities in the

evenings ________.

A) depressed B) depression C) depressing D) depressingly


很多人都是选D的 类似于:I found it very interesting. B

62. Julie is one of those women who always ________ the latest fashions. A) look after B) keep up with C) run for D) go in for A

63. This traditional entertainment for children in America has never, ________ I know, become popular in China. A) as far as B) as much C) to the extent that D) so long as C

64. Mr. Smith attends to (参加) the ________ of important business himself: A) transmission传送; 播送; (电台或电视)信息

