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美国克利夫兰州立大学生物科学、地质学与环境科学系招聘土壤生态学方向访问学者、助理教授,要求博士学历,有生物学或环境科学相关研究与课堂教学经验。有博士后或同等专业领域研究经验,研究成果有发表记录,有能力获得研究资助。 Soil Ecologist, Tenure-track Full-time Assistant Professor Cleveland State University

The Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences at Cleveland State University invites applications for a tenure-track ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in SOIL ECOLOGY.

The University, College of Sciences and Health Professions, and the Department seek to attract an active, culturally and academically diverse faculty of the highest quality. Duties: The successful candidate is expected to establish an independent, externally funded research program, to supervise undergraduate, graduate M.S., and Ph.D. research, and to demonstrate effective teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Those with soil ecology interests in one or more of the following areas are particularly encouraged to apply: microbial processes, biogeochemistry, carbon sequestration, soil remediation and urban ecology. This position offers the opportunity to work within a regional collaborative of ecologists, social scientists, urban planners, landscape designers, resource managers, decision-makers and long-standing research partnerships at the Cleveland Metroparks, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland Botanical Gardens, and other public and private organizations.Starting date August 22, 2016.

Minimum Qualifications: Qualified applicants must have a Ph.D. obtained by December 31, 2015, and evidence of research and teaching in biology and/or environmental science. Preferred Qualifications: Post-doctoral research or equivalent professional experience, a record of publication in appropriate peer-reviewed journals, potential for obtaining external funding, demonstrated competence in college teaching, potential for contributing to the doctoral program, and ability to effectively contribute through research/scholarship, teaching, and/or service to the diversity, cultural sensitivity, and excellence of the academic community. 学校简介:


资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/


1964年。学校的教学资源和城市的各种资源结合在一起,为学生提供了极为丰富的学习环境。学校分为四部分,2004年建成的东校区,2003年建成的校区以及雷克兰和罗蓝两个社区学院。这样的分布大大方便了学生的就学。学生还有机会参与学校的海外交换学校计划。克里夫兰州立大学的国际学生来自于80个不同的国家。 克利夫兰州立大学现有专科证书、本科专业、硕士专业、博士专业和法学专业,包括双学位以及本硕连读课程等。专业涉及:德语、健康科学、历史、国际关系、新闻与传播推广、通识教育、语言学、数学、机械工程、音乐、非营利组织领导、护理、城市发展研究、医药科学、哲学、物理、政治学、心理学、公共安全管理、宗教研究、社会科学、社会工作、社会研究等等。 大学也着重开发学生的研究能力,即使是本科生也可以参与教授的研究机会。克利夫兰州立大学的MBA课程具有自己的特色,所有的教师都具有各个领域的最高学位,并且在各自领域内皆有出色的研究及教学成果。此外,学生还可以在克利夫兰当地最著名的企业进行实习,以获取更多的实践经验和今后的职业发展机会。

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/

