高二英语下凤凰职教集体备课电子教案 unit 1

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备课日期 课 题 章节名称

Feb.25~ 26 授课类型 New 教学设计(教案、学案) 授课时数 Two Unit1 Could I Change My Life ? Listening and Speaking句型: Asking for Advice: 1. What plan do you suggest? 2. What would you do in my situation ? Giving Advice : 1.You should always... 2. Maybe you should... 3. If I were you , I’d... 4. Why don’t you Important Sentences: 8.You keep doing that for two months , and then move on to doing something more changing. 重点词汇: Suggestion , aspect, bar, outdoor , challenging 常用短语: Complain about, make plans for, give up, carry out , find out,move on to sth./ doing





1. To learn the new words such as Suggestion , aspect, etc. 2. To learn the phrases such as "Complain about, make plans for"

Ability Objectives: 教学目标Make the students know about necessity to improve the listening and speaking abilities and change their unhealthy lifestyle.

Feeling Objectives:1. To improve the students' interests in this unit. 2. To set up the consciousness of healthy life

Importance: 教学重难 点1. The words and phrases in this part. 2. The students’ abilities of listening and speaking. 3. The students' can set up the consciousness of healthy life and improve their interests in this topic.

Difficulties:How to improve the students' inte

rests in this topic.

教学资源 教学方法

Textbook , computer, projection, recorder and blackboard Discussing Cooperative learning

Task-based instructive teaching

教学过程( Part A) (第一课时) Step One: Lead in Play a video to show a unhealthy lifestyle toarouse students’ interest in class and make the students set up the consciousness of healthy lifestyle.


Step Two: Warm-up Activity One: Free topics about the students' present life. Discuss the following questions: 1. What do you do every day ? Do you like doing them ? Do you like your present life? Why or why not? Do you want to change your present life? Could you change your life? How can you change it? Activity Two: Discussion 1.Discuss in class to finish the questionnaire to test whether you need to make a change. During this step,explain the new words and the difficulties for the Students. 2.Put the instructions into a proper order . 3.Check the answer. Explain the difficulties if necessary. Step Three: Listening and speaking A

The exercises in Class: 1.Copy the new words "suggestion "to "Straight A student " for twice.

Activity One:Pre-listening: word study Suggestion , aspect, bar, etc. While listening 1. Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer. 2. Discuss the answers.

Activity Two:1.Listen again and circle the best answer. 2.Discuss the answers. Post-listening 1. Read the conversation in pairs, and try to solve the language points in groups. 2. Do the exercises in the Ex-book. Notes: 1. be satisfied with plain about 3. make plans for 4. give up 5 carry out 6.find out

7.congratulate... on...

eful expressions:Asking for Advice: 1. What plan do you suggest? 2. What would you do in my situation ? Giving Advice : 1.You should always... 2. Maybe you should... 3. If I were you , I’d... 4. Why don’t you Important Sentences: 9.You keep doing that for two months , and then move on to doing something more changing.

Step Four: Practice1. Revise the points learned today.

Step Six: Homework 1.Finish the exercises in the Ex-book.


Most of the students did well in class.

教学过程( Part B) (第二课时) Step One: Revision 1. Read the conversation they’ve learnt in last lesson. 2. Make the students have a dictation. Step Two:Listening


Exercises in class:

Pre-ListeningRevise some new words to make preparations for the Copy the useful listening. expressions at page 4 aspect, bar, outdoor, in...situation, challenging...etc. in the box for twice.

While-listening Activity One:Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer. Discuss the answers. Activity Two: 1. Go through the sentences in the box at page4 and deal with some language points. 2. Read and remember them. 3. Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. Listen again and check the answer. 4. Practice the conversation with their partner. 5. Act it out. Step Three: Post-listening Discussion Activity Three: Discuss in groups:

Work with a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity4 . Situation 1 and Situation2 (at page 5) (Preparations for the task by giving some words related and learning the conversation strategy.) Step Four: Practice Activity Four: Show the students an example . Guide the

students to make up dialogue with the help of the example. Then practice their dialogue.Step Five: Homework


Most of the students did well in class.

备课日期 课 题

Feb.27-Mar.3 教学设计(教案、学案)

授课类型 授课时数

New Three


Unit1 Could I Change My Life ? Reading and Writing I -III

Words:Homeless, addicted, drug, shelter, death, inspire,...connect, etc.

Sentences:1.Liz Murray was only three years old when she realized her parents had been addicted to drugs. 2.She decided to go to high school,even though she was still homeless. 3.At the age of 15,Liz began high school, but she promised herself to become a straight A student. 4.It's a great honor to stand here and share with you my experience about change. 5.Have you ever had an experience that has impacted you so deeply that it changed the person you are? 6. What if...

主要教 学内容

Writing:Learn to write a speech.

Knowledge Objectives:1. To learn the new words such as homeless,addicted and so on. 2. To understand the main idea of the reading material. 3. To analysis some sentences and master the language points 教学目标

Ability Objectives1. To improve the students' reading and writing abilities. 2. To write a speech.

Feeling Objectives:To know that even a homeless person can do something that totally Changes her life.重点: 1.The words and some useful language points in this part. 2.The students abilities of reading and writing.


难点:How to improve the students' abilities of reading and writing.


textbook ,computer, projection, recorder and blackboard Discussing Cooperative learning Task-based instructive teaching


教学过程(Ⅰ) (第一课时)


Teaching procedures Step1: Revision 1.Revise the conversation they have learnt in listening and speaking. 2.Read it in pairs and read it together. 3.Act out their own dialogue. Step2: Lead-in( pictures talking) Show some pictures about some famous persons who were poor or hard in life . Conclusion: People can have an almost impossible mountain to climb to succeed in life. Step3: Reading Present the title: Homeless to HarvardExercise2 at page 3 in the Ex-book. Exercises class: in

Ⅰ.Pre-reading( words study) Learn some new words to make preparations for the coming reading. (from homeless to extraordinary) Ⅱ.While-reading ⅰ.Skimming Read the passage quickly to gain the main idea then answer the question: “What is the passage about?”

ⅱ.Scanning Read the passage paragraph by paragraph to answer the following questions: 1) What's Liz Murray' decession after her mother's death? 2) H

ow long did it take her to finish her high school? Ⅲ.Post-reading i. Do the exercises true or false. ii. Read the passe again and circle the best answer. iii. Discuss the answers in class. iv. Discuss what moved you most in Liz's story? Find more information about her and share it with the class. Step4. Summary and Homework 1. Read the passage and mark difficulties. 2. Finish exercises 1-4 on page 3 in the Ex-book. 3. Preview Passage B and finish the exercises at page7- 9 in the textbook.

Th e students need to do more exercises. 教学反思

教学过程(Ⅰ) Passage B(第二课时)


Teaching procedures Step1: Revision 1. Revise the main idea of the passage A 2. Read the passage paragraph by paragraph. 3. Check the answers to the exercises of the homework. Step2: Lead-in(A Video) Show a video about a speech in English or Chinese. Discuss: What's the video about? How can we give a speech ? Conclusion: Writers sometimes use questions to drawExercise3 at page 3 in the Ex-book. Exercises class: in

audience's attention. Step3: Reading Present the title: Could I Change My Life? Ⅰ.Pre-reading( words study) Learn some new words to make preparations for the coming reading. 1.(from gentleman to connect) 2.Match the words with their explanations . Ⅱ.While-reading ⅰ.Skimming Read the passage quickly to gain the main idea then circle the

best answer . ( Ex5 on page9 ) 2. Discuss the answers in class. ⅱ.Scanning 1.Read the passage again and work with a partner. Discuss and answer the questions in Ex6 on page 9. 2.Writers sometimes use questions to draw audience's attention. Read the passage again and find where the strategy is used. Write the questions on the lines on page9. 3.Check the answers Ⅲ.Post-reading v. Do the Exercise8 on page10. Learn how Liz arranges her speech, and make an outline for your own speech about the changes you want to make. vi. Discuss the answers in class. vii. Write a speech based on the outline you've made in Activity8. ( Finish the speech on page11) viii. Present their speech to the class. ix. Comment on their speech. Step4. Summary and Homework 4. Read the passage and mark difficulties. 5. Finish exercises 5-6on page 3 in the Ex-book. 6. Review the points in passage A and passage B and finish

the exercises at page12 in the textbook and the exercises 1-5 at page6-7.

The students can finish their tasks in class. 教学反思

教学过程(III) Passage A-B (第三课时) Step One: Revision


4. Revise the main idea of the passage A -B 5. Read the passage paragraph by paragraph. 6. Check the answers to the exercises of the homework. Step Two:Language points Read the paragraphs and mark the difficulties, then explain the language points to the students. 1. Liz Murray was only three years old when she realized her parents had been addicted to drugs. be addicted to sth. / doing sth. 对。 。 。上瘾 Eg. Many young people are addicted to computer games. 2. She decided to go to high school,

even though she was still homeless. even though 即使,引导让步状语从句。

Exercises class:


Finish the exercises in the Exercise Book.

Eg. We will go hiking tomorrow even though it rains. 3. At the age of 15, Liz began high school, but she promised herself to become a straight A student. at the age of ...在。 。 。岁时 Eg. At the age of 5, the girl could recite many poems. Promise sb. to do sth. / promise sb. Sth. 答应某人干什 么。 / 承诺给某人某物 Eg. My mother promised me to buy me a present for my

tenthbirthday. / My mother promised me a present. 4. While she was there, she began public speaking-- helping people who , like herself, had an almost impossible mountain to climb to succeed in life. public speaking 公开演讲 succeed in sth. / doing sth. 在。 。 。 方面获得成功 / 成功干 什么 Eg. He succeeded in the experiment. / He succeeded in

passing the test. 5. It's a great honor to stand here and share with you my experience about change. It's a great honor to do sth. 很荣幸地干什么。 Eg. It's a great honor to get your help. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享。 。 。

Eg. Lily shares her room with her sister. 6. Have you ever had an experience that has impacted you so deeply that it changed the person you are? So.... that.... 如此 。 。 。 以至于 Our headmaster is so kind that all of us like her. 7. As long as you keep knocking , somebody will eventually say "yes". as long as ... 只要

Eg. As long as you work harder, you will succeed. 8. That because my commitment, instead of my excuses. instead of... 代替,而不是。 Eg. Tom will go to give a speech instead of me.

Step Three:Exercises Complete the sentences with the correct words expressions from the box. Change the form if necessary. Inspire scholarship extraordinary homeless be pass and

addicted to away

pass away

promise oneself to

1. I won a _________ for my further study , so I can go abroad to get a Master's degree. 2. A good teacher does not just pass on knowledge, he can______ his students. 3. There are many ______ children in the world, and we should do something to help them. 4. I like this place quite much. The scenery is______. 5. Many young children nowadays ______ computer games. 6. I'm sorry to hear that your grandpa ______ last week. 7. He _______ himself _______ to come here today.

Step4. Summary and Homework 1.Revise the points in this class 2. Preview Part C

教学反思 Most of the students did well in class.

备课日期 课 题 章节名称

Mar.4 授课类型 New 教学设计(教案、学案) 授课时数 One Unit1 Could I Change My Life ? Grammar

句型: Sentence Types: 1. A declarative 2. An interrogative 3. An imperative 4. An exclamatory


学内容 Knowledge Objectives:1. To learn the four sentence types. 2. To revise the points in the reading parts.

3. Ability Objectives: 教学目标1.Make the students know about necessity to recognize the four sen

tence types. 2.To improve the students’abilities of using knowledge.

Feeling Objectives:1. To improve the students' abilities in English.

Importance: 教学重难 点1. The words and phrases in this part. 2. The four sentence types.

Difficulties:How to improve the students' interests in this topic.


Textbook , computer, projection, recorder and blackboard


教学方法Cooperative learning Task-based instructive teaching

教学过程( Part A) (第一课时) Step One: Lead in


1.Revise the points learnt in the reading part by checking the homework. 2.Present some sentences by translating them into Chinese. Step Two: Warm-up Activity One: The exercises in Free topics about the students' present life. Discuss the following Class: questions: 1. What types are the sentences ? 2. Can you give more examples? Exercise3 on page6 in the Activity Two: Studying EX-BOOK. 1.Discuss in class to learn the grammar in the blanks on page12. During this step,explain the new words and the difficulties for the students. Step Three:Exercises

Activity One:1. Show the exercises on page12. 2.Discuss the answers. 3. Correct the wrongs.

Step Four: Consolidation

1. The exercises on page6 in the EX-BOOK.Discuss the answers in groups. 2. Correct the answers if necessary. Step Five: Conclusion and Homework1.Conclude the points learned today.

Step Six: Homework 1.Finish the exercises in the Ex-book.


Most of the students did well in class.

备课日期 课 题

Mar.5 - Mar.6 教学设计(教案、学案)

授课类型 授课时数

New One

章节名称 主要教 学内容

Unit1 Could I Change My Life ? Real Life Skills1. To use the language points they've learnt in this unit.

2.To learn the skills of giving a speech.

Knowledge Objectives: 1. To revise the words related to speech in life.2. To learn how to give a speech.


Ability Objectives:To create the students’abilities of giving a speech.

Feeling Objectives:To set up a sense of confidence giving a speech.

重点:1.To improve the students’ ability of using language.

教学重难 点

2.The students’ abilities of giving a speech and giving comments.

难点:How to improve the students' abilities.


textbook , computer, projection, recorder and blackboard



Cooperative learning Task-based instructive teaching

教学过程 Step One: Warm-upFree topic to lead in this topic by talking freely and play a video about giving a speech. Discuss the ways you think appropriate on the video.


Step Two:Presentation Activity One Look at the pictures of giving a speech.Tick the ways you think appropriate. Discuss them in groups. Check the answers. Step Three:Discussion Activity Two Discuss and decide on a speech topic in pairs. Ask for and give advice on how to give the speech. Then fill in the following table. Your Topic Advice Advice

The exercises in class: EX3 on page 9 in the A

ctivity Three Take turns to give the speech . Then assess others speeches and give EX-BOOK. comments according to the following table. Standards Contents (30%) Structure(15%) Opening& Ending (15%) Posture&Gesture (10%) Pronunciation&Articulation(10%) Voice&Speed(10%) Assessments

Eye Contact(10%) Total Score Comments

Step Four: Group work and Writing Make a competition to give a speech in groups. Step Five: Homework 1. Complete the exercises on page 7 to 9 in EX-BOOK.. 2. Preview the Further Reading.


Most of the students did well in class.

备课日期 课 题

Mar.7 - Mar.8 教学设计(教案、学案)

授课类型 授课时数

Revision One

章节名称 重点单词:

Unit1 Could I Change My Life ? Revision

Suggestion challenging homeless addicted death inspire impossible succeed step commit difficulty... etc.重点短语: 主要教 学内容

In...situation even though at the age of straight A student Harvard University public speaking pass away as long as What if... Get sth. done ...etc.重点句型:

Sentence Types: declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatoryKnowledge Objectives:


1. To review the words learnt in this unit.. 2. To learn the phrases such as " In...situation even though at the age of straight A student ..."Ability Objectives

To improve the students' English comprehensive abilities.Feeling Objectives:

To learn how to make a speech .重点: 1.The main contents in this part. 教学重难点 2.The students’ abilities. 难点:

How to improve the students' abilities. 教学资源textbook , workbook and blackboard

Task-based instructive teaching


