电子教案 Book1—Unit5

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Unit 5 Modern Art

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Detailed Translation Reading

Before Reading1. The Absin the

Drinker: also known as Portrait of Angel Fernández de Soto,is a portrait by Spanish artist Pablo Picasso completed in 1903 during his Blue Period. The oil painting depicts Picasso's friend and fellow painter, Angel Fernandez de Soto, in a bar with a glass of absinthe. The painting was previously owned by musical theatre composer Andrew Lloyd Webber. On 23 June 2010, the painting was sold at auction for £34.7 million. 《迪索多 肖像》(又名《饮苦艾酒者》

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Detailed Translation Reading

Before Reading

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Detailed Translation Reading

Before Reading

2. Rembrandt: with the full name as Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606–1669), was a Dutch painter and etcher. He is generally considered one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European art history and the most important in Dutch history. His contributions to art came in a period of great wealth and cultural achievement that historians call the Dutch Golden Age when Dutch Golden Age painting, although in many ways antithetical to the Baroque style that dominated Europe, was extremely prolific and innovative. 伦勃朗

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Detailed Translation Reading

Before Reading

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Detailed Translation Reading

Before Reading 3. Sherrie Levine: (1947-) is an American photographer and appropriation artist. Much of Levine's work is in the form of a very direct version of re-photography. A larger category of rephotography and collage is the impulse of artists using this kind of appropriation as its own focus — someone who pulls from the works of others and the worlds they depict to create their own work. 谢丽· 莱文妮

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Before Reading 4. Marcel Duchamp: (1887–1968) was a French artist whose work is most often associated with the Dadaist and Surrealist movements. Duchamp is considered by some to be one of the most important artists of the 20th century, and his output influenced the development of post-World War I Western art. He advised modern art collectors, such as Peggy Guggenheim and other prominent figures, thereby helping to shape the tastes of Western art during this period. 马歇尔· 杜尚

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Before Reading 5. “signaling theory”: in economics, more precisely in contract theory, signaling is the idea that one party (termed the agent) credibly conveys some information about itself to another party (the principal). For example, in Michael Spence's job-market signaling model, (potential) employees send a signal about their ability level to the employer by acquiring certain education credentials. The information

al value of the credential comes from the fact that the employer assumes it is positively correlated with having greater ability.

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Before Reading6. Jackson Pollock: (1912–1956) was an influential American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. He was well known for his uniquely defined style of drip painting. During his lifetime, Pollock enjoyed considerable fame and notoriety. He was regarded as a mostly reclusive artist. He had a volatile personality, and struggled with alcoholism for most of his life. 杰克逊.波洛克

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Detailed Translation Reading

Before Reading

Jackson Pollock and his works

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Words and Expressions

Detailed Translation Reading

Words and Expressions

1. motivate (line 5, para 3) 1) vt. 使有动机,使产生动机;构成行为的动机,激起(行动), 促动: Kindness motivated the action. 仁慈是这一行动的动机。He was motivated by love,and expected nothing in return. 他是出自爱心,并不指望得到任何回报。

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motivate 2) 激发…的积极性(或学习兴趣): You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them. 你首先得激发孩子们的学习兴趣,然后再去教他们。 to motivate kids to work hard at school 激发孩子们在学校里努力学习的积极性

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motivate3) 使(学习等)生动有趣: This book is thoroughly motivated. 这本书编得极有吸引力。

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contemporary [k n'temp r ri] (line 2, para 6)1) adj. 同时代存在的;同时代发生的;属于同一时期的 现代的,当代的 He rubbished most of the novels written by contemporary writers.

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contemporary [k n'temp r ri] (line 2, para 6)The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculptor, is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just fourfifths that of a grain of rice.

2) n. 生活于同一时期的人,同代人 同龄人;同时期的东西 (如同时期发行的报刊等)

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Splash (line 2, para 12) 1) vt. 溅湿,溅污(with);溅上(泥、水等)(on,over):My car was splashed over with mud. 我的车上溅满了泥污。 He splashed the soup on the table. 他把汤泼在了餐桌上。 Don't splash my shoes. 别溅到我的鞋上。

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Splash (line 2, para 12)2) 溅着水(或泥浆等)行进: He splashed his way across the pool. 他涉水淌过了池塘。

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Detailed Translation Reading

Splash (line 2, para 12)3) 溅水般的泼洒,使成斑驳状: They splashed the wall with different colours. 他们把墙上涂抹得光怪陆离。

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Translation1. The claims were disproved, but the fluctuation in the worth of the portrait on the market mirrors the way in which Bloom believes the human mind works, constantly re-evaluating art. (line 3, para. 5)

虽然经证实,这一传言不真实。但该画的价格波动 反映了布卢姆的理论—人们的头脑在怎样运转。它 在不停地对艺术品进行重新评估。

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Translation2. He simply uses this contentious area, with its sharp divisions in levels of appreciation and commercial value, to explain how the human mind operates.(line 1, para. 7) 这一领域很明确地分为两个层次:一个是欣赏 [现代艺术品],另一个则是注重它们的商业价值。 他只是简单地利用这一容易引发争议的领域来解释 人的头脑是如何运作的。

Background Information

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Detailed Translation Reading

Translation 3. Bloom points out that whether skill and effort are supposed to be important or not, contemporary art is still priced and sold according to its size. “This might reflect the intuition that it’s harder to paint a large painting than a small one. More effort leads to greater pleasure,” he writes. (line 6, para. 12) 布卢姆指出:无论技巧和努力被认为重要与否,当代艺 术作品的标价和销售还是依据它们的尺寸来考虑。他写 道:“这也许反映了绘制大尺寸比绘制小尺寸的画会困 难一些的直觉。更多的努力就会带来更大的愉悦。”

