最新外研版小学英语五年级上册(三起)全册教案 - 图文

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五年级的学生已学过两年多的英语,学生以有一定的基础,良好的听、说、读、写英语的习惯已基本养成。但由于教材难度偏大,教学内容与课时不成比例,学生的学习兴趣难以保持,两极分化较严重。因此,本学期应注重转化后进生,因材施教,分层教学,保持学生的学习兴趣。 二、教学要求和任务。

1.养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 2.初步养成良好的书写习惯。

3. 能按三会与四会的要求掌握所学词语。 4.能四会要求掌握所学句型。


6.能在图片、手势、情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂简单的话语和录音材料。 7.能在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。 8.能演唱已学的英语歌曲,能诵读已学过的英语歌谣。 三、教学重点难点。 1.重点: ①四会句型、单词。



2.难点:养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。 四、主要措施。


2.在教学过程中,采用情景教学法,让学生身临其境,积极主动地参与到课堂教学中去,调动学生的非智力因素,提高学生 实际运用语言的能力。


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Module 1Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?教学设计 课 题 MODULE 1 London Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday? 课时安排 4课时 第(1)课时 (1)简单了解过去时 (2)能够认读went to shool / went to bed / went home / came back (3)能运用句型When did you go… / come back?询问过、去干事情的时间,并能过去时回答. (4)能够在问题和练习的帮助下,了解对话意思 (5)培养合作学习的的能力,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 学习目标 学习重点、1重点、:学生在不同情境中听懂、会说主要句型,并能替换关键词自如运用。 难 点 2难点:在Group work中通过交流自然的使用所学句型,让学生在操练中悟。 导学流程 教师活动 学生活动 师生问好。 Listen and do: Stand up! Point to the window! Point to the seiling! Point to the floor! Touch your nose.Touch your left ear.Touch your right eye... Talk about theirseves vacation . let them learn some new words like:“when , finish , home, come—came” let the students try to use the words to say something. 1. Learn new words: In this class we are going to learn some past tense words. Look at the board. please do as I do: back--- come back came back 2 / 73

教学添补 呈现问题: What did you do on summer vacation? What did you see? What did you eat? When did you finish your homewor? Step 1 Warmer 1 Say hello to the students. I'm very glad to see you again. 2 Listen and do: 一、自学展 问。 (10)分钟 3 Ask and answer. Talk about your vacation . 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 Step 2 Learn the text. 1. Learn new words: In this class we are going to learn some past tense words. Look at the board : Finish---finished, wait—waited, drop—dropped, come—came. buy –bought T: explain the rules of past tense. T: please do as I do: back--- come back came 呈现动词: Finish-finished, wait-waited, drop-dropped, come-came. buy –bought 呈现动词词组: back--- come back came back

back near-- near the school, near the park home--- ice-cream---- finish--- let the students try to make phrases in this way. 2 Learn the text. Look at the first picture then read the first paragrph. In each group , tell your partners what you have learned and what you don’t understand. Ask 4 good students to read the text in role. Step 3 Do Ex.1 Listen and read ,then circle True or False. 1 Have the students to listen to the text . 2 Read them and think 三、拓展提about true or false. 3 Listen again then chess 升。 (10)分钟 the answers. Step4DoEx.2:Correct the false statements. Homework: Read the text five times , and remember these new words . 板书设计 板书设计 near-- near the school, near the park home--- ice-cream---- finish--- let the students try to make phrases in this way. Look at the first picture then read the first paragrph. Use the same methods study the next. Listen to the tape.first listen , then close the books, try to grasp the main meaning . then read it in each group , and try to help each other. near-- near the school, near the park home--- ice-cream---- finish--- Listen and read ,then circle True or False. 1 Have the students to listen to the text . 2 Read them and think about true or false. 3 Listen again then chess the answers. Do Ex.2Correct the false statements. Module1 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday? When did you come back? We came back last Sunday. I dropped my ice cream. 3 / 73


MODULE 1 复习教学设计

课 题 学习目标 MODULE 1 London 复习内容 课时安排 4课时 第(2)课时 1熟练掌握对话,能听说、认读对话中的主要句型。 学习重点、1学生在不同情境中听懂、会说主要句型,并能替换关键词自如运用。 难 点 导学流程 教师活动 学生活动 看各种动作的动词及动词词组的图片,例如:“play football, play basketball, walk talk, write a letter, draw a dragon, fly a kite,学生把动词及动词词组的拼写贴到相应的图片上,以复习学过的知识。 教师课前准备好表示各种动作的动词及动词词组的图片,例如:“play football, play basketball, walk talk, write a 一、自学展letter, draw a 问。 dragon, fly a kite,(10)分钟 并贴到墙上,然后请学生把动词及动词词组的拼写贴到相应的图片上,以复习学过的知识。 选择正确答案 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 ( )1、Tom plays ________piano every day. A.a B.the C./(不填 ( )2、Xiao Li is ____university student now. A.an B./ C.a ( )3、Mr. Smith lives _____the second floor. A. on B.in C.from ( )4、Mary goes to school ___foot every day. A.by B.on C.with ( )5、____drive so fast. There are many people in the street. A.Not B.Can't C.Don't ( )6、It's 8:10. It is ________. A.eight past ten B.ten to eight C.ten past eight ()7、How often ________ Paul ________football? Ais, play B.does,plays C.does,play ( )8. Come and sit ______me. A. at B. to C. beside ( )9、 ____ beautiful the flowers are! A.How B.What C.What 4 / 73

教师请学生注意句子中动词的时态。 汉译英 ( )10、Have you got ________ matches? A.much B.any C./ ( )11、How many people ___in your family? A.is there B.there are C.are there ( )12、There ______a teacther and thirty students in the classroom. A.is B.are C.aren't ( )13、Mr.Wang ____friends in Beijing. A.has not B.has no C.have not nay ( )14、I don't want to borrow his dictionary. I want to borrow ________ . A.hers B.her C.her's ( )15、The old doctor never thinks of _____ . A.him B.themselves C.himself ( )16、I don't think there're_______letters. A. some B. any C.much t ( )17、Mary: Are there____shops near here ? Tom: No,there are______shops near here. A. some, not B. any, no C. any, not 学生把练习中的小短文补充完整。邀请几个学生在全班朗读自己完成的短文。课堂活动用书 Yesterday, Daming went to the park. Sam played football. Lingling helped her mum. Amy did her homework. Ms Smart ate some Chinese food. Mr Smart listened to music. 将下列句子译成中文(每题3分,共30分) 1、 你们工厂离这儿远吗? ———————————————— 2、 教室里有20名学生和一名老师。 _________________________________ 3、 小李是工程师吗?不,他是医生。 ________________________________ 4、 你们家有几口人?我们家有三口人:父亲、母亲和我。 ________________________________ 5、 你父母每天什么时候起床? ________________________________ 三、拓展提升。 (10)分钟 教学反思 5 / 73

Step3: Make a shopping 1. We need many Make a shopping 培养小组list. things,so we must make list. 合作意 a shopping list. 识,考察 2. Work in groups. 对实际生 Write the things on the paper. 活经验的 3.Read the shopping list. 掌握情Step 4. Make a survey. 将学生分为6组,同伴将物品 况。 向其他小组调查统计所的名称写在纸片上。然后选择 根据自己 需物品的种类及数量,'how many'或 'how much' 的生活常填写表格。要求学生运如果对了,就会得到小贴画。 识购买物用一下句型:What are 最后,这些卡片连在一起就构 品,培养you going to buy? 成了别样的购物清单。 呈现问题: 学生自主Howmany_doyou want? What are you going 学习,合to buy? 教师注意示范,学生完 作学习,How many___do 提高创新三、拓展提成任务后向全班汇报。 Step 5. Card games. you want? 升。 意识,创(10)分钟 教师引导学生讨论,先学生讨论,先示范引导: 设轻松、Look,there are many 示范引导: 民主的氛Look,there are many things in this picture. 呈现这些句型 围,及时things in this picture. What are these? What are these? 鼓励学What are these? How many___do youwant? Howmany___doyou 生,让学How many_doyouwant? Howmuch___ do you want? want? \\ 生充满成Howmuch_ doyouwant? Howmuch___doyou 就感。任want? 教师呈现这些句型, 务型教让学生仍然在小组内讨让学生仍然在小组内讨论回 学,真正论回答。最后让雪横在答。最后让雪横在讲台前谈论把学到的讲台前谈论图片,展示图片,展示讨论结果。 东西运用 讨论结果。 到实际生 Step 6Homework. 活中。 Do the shopping after class 板书设计: Module 2 Unit 1 What did you buy? A:What are these? B:Ice creams\\apples.\\ bananas \\pears. A:Howmany___do you want? \\ B:Three \\ two\\ six A:Howmuch___do you want? B:Two kilos.\\Three kiloes. 11 / 73

板书设计 教学反思

MODULE 2 复习教学设计

课 题 学习目标 Module2 Shopping 复习内容 How many 和how much区分 课时安排 4课时 第(2)课时 学习重点、How many 和how much区分 难 点 导学流程 一、自学展问。 教师活动 根据汉语提示填空,补全单词。 学生活动 教学目标 1. h _r(小时)2. ch __se(奶酪)3. f_n_sh(完成) 4. w _t(等待)5. bo __le(瓶子) 6. j __ce(果汁) 巩固单词 7. wh__l(轮)8. ph_ to(照片)9. f __d(食物) 1.___jiuce do you want? 2. ____cakes do you want? 3.___apples do you want?4. ___cheese do you want? 掌握重点句( ) 1. A.快点 B. 多少( ) 2.A.冰激凌 B. 奶酪 型。 ( ) 3.A.盒 B. 瓶( )4.A. 大英博物馆B.伦敦眼 ( ) 5. A. 麻烦事 B.小心的 ( ) 1.I went to the zoo______ bus. A. by B. on ( ) 2. How __oranges do you want?A. much B. many ( )3.Thank you very much. ___. A. You’re welcome. B. Welcome you ( )4.Look! There __ a boat on the lake. A. is B. are ( )5. How __juice do you want? A. much B. many ( )6. What’s the London Eye? It’s a big__. A. clock B. wheel ( )7. Did Lingling like the postcard? Yes, she ___. A. does B. did ( )8. ThisT-shirt is yours.__is yellow.A. My B. Mine ( )9. There ___enough bags. A. aren’t B. isn’t ( )10. What did you do __the weekend?A. at B. on ( )1.When did you come back? A. 你什么时候回来的B.你到哪儿去了? ( )2. How many bananas do you want? A. 你想要香蕉吗? B. 你要多少香蕉? ( )3.There are ten pencils in the blue box. A.盒子里有多少铅笔?B.盒子里有十支铅笔。 ( )4.What did you do at the weekend? A.你周末做了什么? B. 你周末要做什么? 灵活运用所学知识。 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 用How many 或How much填空。 听音,选出正确的汉语意思。 单项选择。 三、拓展提 升。 (10)分钟 选择适当的译文。 教学反思 12 / 73

Module 2 Unit 2 How much cheese do you buy?教学设计

课 题 学习目标 Unit 2How much cheese do you buy? 课时安排 4课时 第(3)课时 1、认读 cake, ice cream, juice, banana, watermelon, egg, apple. 形成正确的语音。 2、能用how much询问数量。 3、培养创新精神和合作意识。 学习重点、1、认读 cake, ice cream, juice, banana, watermelon, egg, apple. 形成正确的语音。 难 点 2、能用how much询问数量。 导学流程 教师活动 学生活动 1、 师生问好 学生复习数词,通过图片和实物进行操练句型“How many?”, 学生运用How many do you want?自由对话, 教学添补 呈现句型 How many?”, How many do you want? 教学目标 激起学生的学习兴趣,有利于强化和巩固学习. 1、Warming up Hello,boys and girls. 2、用手势帮助学生复习一、自学展数词,以此来引出句型问。 ―How many?‖,并通过(10)分钟 图片和实物进行操练。再让学生运用How many do you want?自由对话,然后点名汇报。 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 1.教学新单词 (1) 出示各种食品图看食品图片 ,让生齐读出来 。 片 , 让生齐读出来 。 (2) 最后一张出示奶 酪 , 引入单词 cheese。 教说该单词 , 分小队 , 分小队 , 分排练读。告诉学生分排练读。告诉学生cheese 是不可数名词。 cheese 是不可数名词。 (3)引入单词kilo.使生生理解该单词意为“一公斤”。理解该单词意为“一公教说、练说该单词。 斤”。教说、练说该单词。 (4)引入词组half a kilo。词组half a kilo。使生理解为使生理解为“半公斤”。“半公斤”。教说、练说该词组。 教说、练说该词组。 (5)将所学新词齐说一将所学新词齐说一遍,并利用遍,并利用cheese练说。 cheese练说。a kilo of cheese。 a kilo of cheese。 2. 教学新句子 (1)老师利用板书中的 可数名词问:How many ...do you want ?再学生理解这两个句型是物品询用“How much...do you 问数量的.然后让他们总结出want?” 两个句型分别用在何种情况。 (3)让学生两两一组,就 黑板上的单词进行问答练习两个新句型.放第一遍课练习.然后出示课件E:件,指名根据画面回答问题;放 13 / 73

呈现单词: Cheese Kilo half a kilo cheese 呈现句型: How many ...do you want ? How much ...do you want?” 通过组织听、阅读、讨论、头脑风暴等获活动,为学生提供必要的、与任务有关的语言输入。 教师引导学

练习两个新句型.放第一遍课件,指名根据画面回答问题;放第二遍课件时,全班跟读. (4)老师仍然利用板书提问How much?启发学生理解该句意思是询问价钱。在练说时速度要由慢到快,拍手有节奏地练说该句。 (5)Game:More or less 1、让学生 6 人自由结组,并发给他们每组一张纸,让学生先来列一个清单。待学生列好清单后,利用实物投影展示几组。大家一起看一看,说一说清单上都有什么东西。 2、出示课件:一个购物三、拓展提的对话范例。老师先与升。 一个学生做一个示范,(10)分钟 然后让学生在每组里找一、两个学生当售货员,其它同学买东西,进行购物对话。 3、对话展示。 五、作业布置: 1、课文录音,模仿课文句子,能够熟读课文; 2、用今天所学的句型询问朋友周末购物情况。 板书设计: 板书设计 第二遍课件时,全班跟读. 学生理解该句意思是询问价钱。在练说时速度要由慢到快,拍手有节奏地练说该句。 一个学生上前面来猜价钱,其它同学根据他说出的价钱说 more或less来给他提示。 学生先来列一个清单。待学生 列好清单后,利用实物投影展示几组。大家一起看一看,说一说清单上都有什么东西。 老师先与一个学生做一个示范,然后让学生在每组里找一、两个学生当售货员,其它同学买东西,进行购物对话。 生注意语言形式,做必要的巩固性练习,提高学生对语言形式的敏感性。 培养学生的创造性思维能力,鼓励学生自己思考,使他们能够用所学的知识来解决新问题。这个活动从学生的生活出发,从他们的兴趣入手,把教学内容生活化,情景化,使之真实可感,突出了语言的实用性。 Unit 2 How much cheese do you buy? How many ___s do you buy? How much ____ do you buy? 教学反思 14 / 73

MODULE 2 复习教学设计

课 题 学习目标 学习重点难 点 MODULE 2 Shopping 复习内容 课时安排 4课时 第(4)课时 1 How many do you want? 2 能用'how many', 'how much'询问数量。 复习How many 和how much区分 学生活动 教学目标 掌握复数形式 导学流程 教师活动 一、自学展问。 (10)分钟 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 改为复数形式 1.Our English teacher's bookshelf is madeofwood. 2. This photo is very beautful. 3. Is there any brush in the box ? 4. Is there any child in the room ? 5. That knife is very sharp. 改为复数形式: 6. Their wives are heroes. 7. These are not their cars. 8. These are cassettes for your English course. 9. Those TV universities are very far from here. 10.Are there any men teachers in your nursery ? 三、阅读短文,从方框中选择合适的词将短文补充完整。 city travel visit cheap large bought road many quick ride fine bikes see reasons slowly f you (1)_____London nowadays you'll(2)____a lot of guses and cars on the (3)___. You'll also see a lot of (4)____too because nowadays more and more people (5)____by bike. These are a lot of (6)___for this First, it's very (7)___to use a bike, and it's (8)___too. You often wait for a bus for half an hour. When the bus comes, there are so (9)__other buses and cars on the roads that the bus moves very (10)___. The underground train is quick but very expensive and often crowded. 阅读短文 阅读短文 三、拓展提升。 (10)分钟 教学反思 15 / 73

Step4.Listen and repeat T:Turn to Page21(指向学生用书),Listen to me carefully.(教师读一次) Now,follow me,please. (如:/iê/,ear↗, ear↘, dear↗,dear↘用升降调教学生跟读。 T:Very good! Step5.let’s learn a poem. what can you see from the pictures?小女孩在干吗 Ss:(指导回答)Practice the piano,do the work, 三、拓展提learn the words,learn 升。 Chinese/English/Maths,(10)分钟 help her mather/father, make a cake. listen carefully.先读一次,再让学生跟读2、3次,在读的同时教动作 Step6语音教学) 学生打开书。 教师播放录音磁带,全班一起完成练习. Step6.Homework 留心观察一下周边的事,并用―too many/ enough/not enough‖的句式写出来。 板书设计: Listen and repeat Listen to me carefully.(教师读一次) 用升降调教学生跟读 学习Poem . Look at the pictures, Ss:(指导回答)Practice the piano,do the work,learn the words,learn Chinese/English/Maths,help her mather/father,make a cake. listen to me carefully.(先读一次,再让学生跟读2、3次,在读的同 时教动作)把全班分为2组,一组说―But there’s not enough time! There’s not enough time!‖另一组则读前面的句子. 全班同学听并跟读。 学生一边听,一边划线,一边说单词。 教师一边贴,学生一边读。然后要求学生把这些单词照读音分组 听原声录 音,是学生 的发音达 到准确。 引导学生呈现词组: 观察、思考Practice the 问题,培养piano,do 学生的表the work, 达能力。 learn the words,learn Chinese/ English/ Maths,help 在练习中,her mather/ 快乐掌握father, 本课重点makeacake. 知识。 呈现单词: ear, dear, hear, near, 感知字母fear,beer, 组合在单deer, tour, 词中的发pour, hair, 音,了解其stair, bear, 发音规律。 pear, wear 板书设计 Module5 unit2 There are forty.. There are too many people on the bus. There are too many books in the bag. There are too many clothes on the line. There are too many apples in the bag. 36 / 73


Module5 复习题教学设计

课 题 学习目标 Module5 复习题 课时安排 4课时 第(4)课时 1、会理解There are too many…的意思。. 2、引导学生思考问题,培养学生的表达能力。 3、培养学生合作学习的能力。 学习重点、1)重点:理解There are too many…所表达的意思。 难 点 2)难点:会运用There are too many…,There are (not)enough来表达物品数量是否充足 导学流程 一、自学展问。(10分钟) 教师活动 review Module5新单词。 用is 或are 填空 学生活动 review Module5新单词。学生背诵、拼读 教学目标 积累单词 培养学生合作学习的能力 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 练习1:用is 或are 填空 1.There_____many monkeys in the mountain. 2. There____a beautiful garden in our school. 3. There __some water in the glass. 4. There___ some bread on the table. 5.__there any maps on the wall? 6. There__twentydesksinourclassroom. 7. There__a bird in the tree. 8.There__sometrees near the house. 9. ___there a cup of tea on the table? 10. There__some apple juice in the glass. 11. There__a bed and two chairs in Betty'sroom. 12. There ____some milk in the bottle. 13.There ___some children in the park. 14. There ___nice cream in the boy’s hand. ( )1.There___not ___milk in the cup on thetable. A. are,many B.are,much C. is ,many D. is ,much ( )2.How many ___ are there in the room ? A. apple B. students C. milk D. paper ( )3.Do you know if __a meeting next Sunday? A. there was going to have B. there was going to be C. is there going to be D. there will be ( )4. There ______ great changes in such kind of computers in the last few years. A. is B. are C. will be D. have been ( )5.There ___ a film tomorrow evening. A. will have B.have C.is going to be D.has 三、拓展提升。 (10)分钟 单项填空 综合训练 教学反思 37 / 73

Module6 Unit1 You can play football well.教学设计

课 题 学习目标 Module 6 Self—assessment unit 1 You can play football well 课时安排 4课时 第(1)课时 理解I don’t play well. You can jump high. You are good at basketball. You can catch the ball well. Lingling is a fantastic goalkeeper. 学习重点、询问和表达你及你的同学能做什么,在什么方面做得好, 难 点 导学流程 教师活动 学生活动 教学添补 呈现词组: play football play basketball play table tennis jump jump high jump far run run fast run slow 呈现句子: Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Can you playfootball well? Are you good at basketball? 教学目标 欢快的节奏让学生尽快的进入英语学习中 Step1. Warming up 热身复习 教师说一些学过的动词和动 词词组,学生重复并做动作。 学生重复并做动作。 play football play basketball 一、自学展play table tennis 学生回答问题:Who can run 问。 jump jump high jump far fast?Who can jump high?Who (10)分钟 run run fast run slow can play football?能做到的学ride ride fast ride slow 生就马上说I can. 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 Step2任务呈现与课文导入 学习用英语说为什么喜欢。 谈论关于运动的话题。教师与单个同学交流,为课文教学做好铺垫。 示例:Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Can you play football well? Are you good at basketball? 教师对学生的回答要做适当的反应。 然后听录音,找到玲玲擅长的 运动。 3. 课文教学 (1)播放磁带,学生听然后回答问题: 1.Can Lingling run fast? (No,she can’t.) 2.Can Lingling controlthe ball?(No,she can’t) 3.Can Lingling jump high? (Yes,she can.) 4. Can Lingling catch the ball 谈论关于运动,师与单个同学交流, 然后听录音,找到玲玲擅长的运动。 学生听然后回答问题: 学生交流问题。 有用的知识才是学生感兴趣的知识,才是学生愿意学的知识 38 / 73

well? (Yes,she can.) 学生回答问题的同时,教师在黑板上写fast,high,well,badly这几个词。领读这四个词,确定学生已掌握词意。 (2) 学生独自做活动3,然 后和同桌说一说 (3)全班一起做练习2 先让学生看懂问题,然后教师播放磁带。每一句话后停顿,学生找出答案。 在小组内就本练习进行问答练习。 (4)全班一起完成练习3 跟读这四个词,学生一定要掌握词意。 全班同学分成三部分,分角色表演课文。 (2) 学生独自做活动3,然 后和同桌说一说 (3)全班一起做练习2 让学生独立完成,然后在小组内对答案。 在小组内就本练习进行问答练习。 (4)全班一起完成练习3 呈现单词注意理解。 fast,high, well,badly (1)学生评价球队表现,并学生评价球队表现,并说一说呈现句型:说一说他们喜欢哪个人物,为他们喜欢哪个人物,为什么。They’re 什么。教师允许学生使用少量教师允许学生使用少量汉语。 good at basketball. 汉语。 They’re 示例They’re goodatbasketball. They’re fantastic.I like Liu fantastic.I Chuanfeng.He’s thin and tall. like Liu He can jump very high.He can Chuanfeng. He’s thin 三、拓展提catch the ball well.He can control the ball well,too.And and tall. 升。 He can (10)分钟 he’s very cool. jump very (2)学生三人一组谈论个人喜 欢哪些运动健将,为什么以及学生三人一组谈论个人喜欢high.He can 他们擅长什么项目。教师允许哪些运动健将,为什么以及他catch the 学生使用少量汉语。 们擅长什么项目。教师允许学ball well.He can control 示例:I like Tian Liang.He can 生使用少量汉语。 dive very well. the ballwell, too.Andhe’s 5.课后作业 very cool 五、 板书设计: Module6Self-assessment Unit 1 You can play football well. You can play football well 板书设计 Can you play football well\\badly? Yes, I can. 39 / 73

培养学生的合作意识,用知识解决实际问题的能力 。 教学反思

Module 6 复习教学设计

课 题 学习目标 Module 6 Self—assessment复习内容 课时安排 4课时 第(2)课时 I don’t play well. You can jump high. You are good at basketball. You can catch the ball well. 学习重点、询问和表达你及你的同学能做什么,在什么方面做得好, 难 点 导学流程 教师活动 读一读,连一连 读一读,勾一勾 学生活动 教学目标 综合训练 一、自学展问。 (10)分钟 听一听,勾一勾 读一读,连一连 听力能力的培养。 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 40 / 73

读一读,写一写 读一读,写一写 三、拓展提 升。 (10)分钟 读一读,勾一勾 读一读,写一写 观察兴趣及能 力的培养。 正确运用副词 41 / 73


Module 6Unit2 He ran very fast.教学设计

课 题 Unit2 He ran very fast. 课时安排 4课时 第(3)课时 1、 能听、说、认单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises 2、学会用I like…and I don’t like …谈论运动项目、动物、颜色等。 3. 营造一种轻松愉快学习英语的气氛,利用多种形式激发学生学习英语的兴趣与主动参与的积极性。 学习目标 学习重点、熟练掌握本课单词和运用句型I like…and I don’t like … 难 点 难点:单词―exercises‖读音和词组―morning exercises‖在句型中的流利运用。 导学流程 教师活动 学生活动 2. 朗诵诗歌 Not Enough Time. 3. Free talk ——我是小能手 师:“What can you do well?” 生:“I can dance/ sing draw very well.” 听口令做动作,如swim, fly a kite, ride a bide, run fast, jump far,jump high等。 2、让学生对以上动作进行评价: I can ……(very) well. I can ……(very) badly. I can’t ……at all. 生:Yes, I can do 1 very well. No, I can’t do 1 at all. 2、学唱歌曲 How well do you play football? 3、学习语音部分:“Can you read them very well?”朗读比赛,并进行自我、互相评价 42 / 73

教学添补 呈现句子: What can you do well?” I can dance/ singdraw very well.” 教学目标 欢快奏让尽快入英习中 的学的语节生进学Step 1Warm-up 1. Greeting 2. 朗诵诗歌 Not Enough Time. 一、自学展3. Free talk ——我是 问。 小能手 (10)分钟 师:“What can you do well?” 生:“I can dance/ sing draw very well.” Step 2Pre-task【任务呈现】——特长展示] 1.导入——TPR 活动 听教师口令做动作,如swim, fly a kite, ride a bide, run fast, jump far,jump high等。 2、让学生对以上动作进行评价: I can ……(very) well. I can ……(very) badly. I can’t ……at all. Step 3、任务呈现 1、课文活动1:“Sam can do something very special”. 师:Can you do 1? 2、学唱歌曲 How well do you play football? 3、学习语音部分:“Can you read them very well?”(朗读比赛,并进行自我、互相评价)板书pencil, apple, banana, 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 学会用I can…and I can’t …谈论运动项目、 呈现单词: pencil, apple, banana, table, toe, rabbit, dog, hand. 营造一种轻松愉快学习英语的气氛,利用多种形式激发学生学习英语的兴趣与主动参与的积极性。 学会用I can…and I can’t …谈 论运动项目、动物、颜色

table, toe, rabbit, dog, hand. 4、完成课堂活动用书练4、完成课堂活动用书练习1 习1。 Step 4任务展示 1、四人小组互相提问,展示和回答,找出同学们的特长,如:Can you sing/ dance/ say a chant / act out a play / do the activities/ ??well? 2、向全班展示. Step 5 Learn Poem 呈现的是一首非常有意思的小诗,图文并茂,生动活泼,很吸引学生。 三、拓展提3. Listen and write 升。 注意练习副词fast, (10)分钟 well, badly,high 的搭配。听写结合,也为下一个练习做好铺垫。 Step 6 Summary and Evaluation 以男女两队进行比赛的方式进行本课的评价,评价是教师教学和生学习过程中的重要一环。 Step 7 Homework 向你的好朋友写信,介绍你的特长。 板书设计: Unit2 He ran very fast. I like…and I don’t like … I can ……(very) well. I can ……(very) badly. I can’t ……at all. 1、四人小组互相提问,展示和回答,找出同学们的特长,如:Can you sing/ dance/ say a chant / act out a play / do the activities/ ??well? 2、向全班展示. Learn Poem 学生则拿笔跟着节奏敲打自己的笔盒,师生一起有节奏的朗读这首poem。 Listen and write 注意练习副词fast, well, badly,high 的搭配。听写结合,也为下一个练习做好铺垫。 Summary and Evaluation 以男女两队进行比赛的方式进行本课的评价, 呈现首有意思的小诗,图文并茂, What canitdo? What can’t it do? It can’t play football. It can’t play basketball. It can climbup any wall. What is it? 注意练习副词fast, well, badly,high 的搭配。听写结合,也为下一个练习做好铺垫。 熟练掌握本课单词和运用句型 板书设计 教学反思 43 / 73

Module 6 复习教学设计

课 题 学习目标 复习题 复习课 课时安排 4课时 第(4)课时 学习重点、通过复习课使学生掌握本课内容 难 点 导学流程 教师活动 学生活动 教学目标 Warm up 一、自学展1、Greeting. 问。 2、Free talk. (10)分钟 填空题 Free talk 激发学习兴 I like swim. I can swim very well. What can you do ? 趣。 S1:I can play the flute.S2: I can wash clothes. 1. Do you like______(make) a puppet? Yes, I do. 2. Can you ___(sing)the song‖ we can sing and dance‖? 3. Can they____(make) a model plane? No, they ____. 4. Can he ______(put) the apple under in the basket? 5. Do you like______(swim)? No, I _______. 6. Do you like_______(rabbit)? Yes, I _______. 7. What do you like? I like________(panda). 8. Liu Ming and Wang Bing can_____(play) the guitar. 9. I like_____(listen) to music, but my parents___.(not) 10. My father likes____(read) books every morning. 11. _____you like ______(horse)?No, I don’t. 12. I can_____(swim),but I can’t_______(skate). 13.Do you like____(skate),Wang Bing?No,I like__(ski). 14. Can you_____(make) a kite? Sorry, I ________. 15. I can’t______(find) my pen. Where is it ? 16. I’d like_____(play) basketball with you tomorrow? 17. I like tiger______(mask),Helen. 学生通过推荐别人或自我推荐,运用very well/at all/badly/fast/high等词语,运用句型I can? / I can’t?进行自我或对他人评价,达到知识的提炼。 通过复习课使学生掌握本课内容 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 Make a servey We’re going to 三、拓展提have a Sports Day. What are 升。 (10)分钟 you going to do for Sports Day ? 进行评价达到知识的提炼。 教学反思 44 / 73

Module7 Unit1 He can’t see.教学设计

课 题 Module 7 Unit 1 He can’t see. 课时安排 4课时 第(1)课时 1)能听懂、读、会说句型He can’t see .She can’t hear. 学习目标 2)正确运用 She/He/They can’t …… 3) ―三会‖单词:programme useful blind deaf hear firemen sausage 学习重1)能听懂、读、会说句型He can’t see .She can’t hear. 点、难 2)正确运用 She/He/They can’t …… 点 导学流程 教师活动 一、Warmer 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song then say the chant. 3. Give some help. 二、Revising 1. Can you run fast? 2. Can you jump high? 3.Can you do your homework? 4. Can you read English books? 三、Lead in 1.Teach the new words blind This man is blind. He can’t see. (Show thecard, and ask: ―Can this mansee?‖ Help the students answer with body language. Then T say: ―He can’t see. He is blind.‖ Teach thenew word acting the blind. 2. New sentences: This man is blind. He can’t see. Can I have a hot dog , please? No, we can’t. 四、Present the task Today we’re going to talk about some animals’ ability , using ―can‖ and ―can’t‖ to describe. 五、Step 1 学生活动 Sing a song then say the chant Revising 1. Can you run fast? 2. Can you jump high? 3.Can you do your homework? 4. Can you read English books? Learn the new words “blind” 理解“blind” New sentences: This man is blind. He can’t see. Can I have a hot dog , please? No, we can’t. using ―can‖ and ―can’t‖ to describe. 45 / 73

教学添补 呈现问句进行复习: 1. Can you run fast? 2. Can you jump high? 3.Can you do your homework? 4. Can you read English books? 呈现New sentences: This man is blind. He can’t see. Can I have a hot dog , please? No, we can’t. 教学目标 课前热身,激发学生的学习热情。 一、自学展问。 (10)分钟 二、互动探究。 (20)分钟 . 学会单词:programme useful blind deaf hear firemen sausage 能听懂、读、会说句型He can’t see . She can’t hear.

