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分 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语 班 级 英本0803 学 生 陈姗姗 学 号 08801045 指导教师 王倩 设计(论文)题 A Brief Analysis of Li Qingzhao’s Poems in the Perspective of Xu Yuanchong’s “Three Beauty” Rules 1、设计(论文)的主要任务及目标

任务:To analyze the poems of Li Qingzhao in the perspective of Xu Yuanchong’s theory, beauty in sense, sound and form, And to find the application of this theory to Chinese traditional poems.

目标:To provide a reference to the value of this theory and to provide a new view of appreciating Li Qingzhao’s poems. 2、设计(论文)的主要内容

(1)The introduction of Xu Yuanchong and his theory , beauty in sense, sound and form; (2)The introduction of Li Qingzhao and her poems;

(3)The analysis of Li Qingzhao’s poems in the perspective of Xu Yuanchong’s theory. 3、主要参考文献

[1]许渊冲.《翻译的艺术》[M]. 北京: 中国对外翻译公司,1984.

[2]许渊冲.《中国古诗词六百首 中英对照》[M]. 北京:新世界出版社,1994.

[3]许渊冲.《中诗英译探胜 从<诗经>到<西厢记>》[M]. 北京:北京出版社,1992. [4]许渊冲.《唐诗宋词一百首》[M]. 香港: 商务印书馆,1986. [5]王延梯. 《李清照评传》[M]. 西安:陕西人民出版社,1982 4、设计(论文)进度安排 设计(论文)各阶段名称 1 选题、收集资料,写任务书 2 论文内容研究,实习过程 3 数据整理、分析,完成初稿 4 定稿,论文批改 注:一式三份,学院、指导教师、学生各一份。

起 止 日 期 第一学期16周~17周 第二学期1周~7周 第二学期8周~13周 第二学期14周


分院:外国语学院 2011年11月23日

题 目 学生姓名 指导教师 A Brief Analysis of Li Qingzhao' Poems in the Perspective of Xu Yuanchong's \陈姗姗 王倩 专业班级 职 称 英本0803 讲师 课题类型 课题来源 论述型 自选课题 1.选题背景(含国内外相关研究综述及评价)与意义 选题背景:许渊冲是我国诗译英法唯一人,其“三美”原则历来被人们称颂。李清照作为我国古代文学史上少有的女作家,其词瑰丽婉约,且其作品中所体现的爱国思想,具有积极的社会意义。我国翻译理论界有将许渊冲的“三美”原则与李白,杜甫的诗结合起来,进行研究比较的先例同时,也有将李清照的诗词进行鉴赏的,但是分析得不够细致,深刻。 意义:更全面细致得从许渊冲的“意美音美形美”原则来赏析李清照的诗词,从而扩展“三美”原则的应用范围,并能够从一个新的视角欣赏李清照的诗词。 2.选题研究的方法与主要内容 研究方法:查阅有关“意美音美形美”与李清照诗词的书籍,如期刊,论文,专著等。 主要内容:简要介绍许渊冲的生平及其著名的“三美”原则,同时,简要介绍李清照的生平及其诗词。此外,将“意美音美形美”与李清照的诗词结合起来,分别举三个具体诗例,阐述李清照诗词中的意义美,读音美和字形美。 3.课题设计(或研究)的内容 (1)The introduction of Xu Yuanchong and his theory , beauty in sense, sound and form; (2)The introduction of Li Qingzhao and her poems; (3)The analysis of Li Qingzhao’s poems in the perspective of Xu Yuanchong’s theory. 4.研究条件和可能存在的问题 研究条件:通过查阅相关的研究文献,以许渊冲的“三美”原则与其他诗人的诗相结合分析作为理论基础,在前人大概通常的研究的基础之上,更深一层得分析“意美音美形美”下的李清照的诗词研究。 存在的问题:前人对此课题研究不够充分,对此在查阅资料的过程中,没有更为精准详实的参考文献。此外,本人知识水平不高,对“三美”原则与李清照诗词的结合,分析得不够深刻具体。 5.参考文献 [1]许渊冲.《翻译的艺术》[M]. 北京: 中国对外翻译公司,1984. [2]许渊冲.《中国古诗词六百首 中英对照》[M]. 北京:新世界出版社,1994. [3]许渊冲.《中诗英译探胜 从<诗经>到<西厢记>》[M]. 北京:北京出版社,1992. [4]许渊冲.《唐诗宋词一百首》[M]. 香港: 商务印书馆,1986.

[5]王延梯. 《李清照评传》[M]. 西安:陕西人民出版社,1982. 6.拟解决的主要问题和预期的结果 拟解决的主要问题:通过查阅相关资料和自己的理解,目前对许渊冲的“三美”原则的研究的适用范围不够宽泛,且对李清照诗词的分析角度过于狭隘。希望通过将二者结合起来进行研究,能过打破传统的僵局。 预期的结果:通过对本课题的研究,希望将许渊冲的“意美音美形美”应用到一个更大的平台上,也希望为李清照诗词的研究提供一个新的视角。 指导教师意见 本文作者收集材料认真,并且做了细致的分析,选题新颖,并且具有很强的理论和现实意义,提纲严谨,具备了一篇好论文的基础 指导教师签字: 王倩 2011年12 月 10 日 教研室意见 同意开题 教研室主任签字: 李瑞英 2011年 11 月 23 日

商丘学院 毕业设计(论文)

学号: 08801045

A Brief Analysis of Li Qingzhao' Poems in the Perspective of Xu

Yuanchong's \


分 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语 班 级 英本0803 姓 名 陈姗姗 指 导 教 师 王 倩

2012年5 月20日

A Brief Analysis of Li Qingzhao' Poems in the Perspective of Xu

Yuanchong's \

By Chen Shanshan Supervised

By Wangqian

Shangqiu University

May 2012


methodology. By adding a word or reduce a word method, it can be achieved that the spirit realm. \Theory\(know, good, happy) is on the purpose of translation. Knowing is to make people understand, which is the basic request of translation, asking for being better, which can make the person love it ; and the highest level is to be happy, which can make people enjoy it..

2.3 The Application of \

The poem in any national language is considered as the highest form of expression of thinking. What is the expression of the thinking? There are lyrical, narrative theories. And by its very nature, poetry is lyrical. A song of grief can make people unhappy and in low agitation. A majestic poetry, can make the person be in high and vigorous spirits, very touching.

The poem is for the poem, because it is distinguished from other forms of language features. For example, it has good sound, light meter, as well as certain provisions of the form.

What is more difficult for poetry? It seems to have become a consensus that poem translation is the most difficult. Because from the general translation, poetry translation, in addition that the translation should be faithful to the original, but also to convey the original style and showing the original beauty.

In the field of translation, especially the poetry translation, there are two views. The first one advocates that \for poetry\which requires the target culture emboding on the translation of poetry and defined by three characteristics. These characteristics are further classified into poetry in sound, form, and meaning. Being one of the representative figures of the school who owning a number of contemporary translation ,Mr. Xu presents not only the \Beauties\on poetry translation, but also puts forward the \the common customs on the contest\

Poetry is the important way of expressing meaning, especially in the ancient times. Due to the unique phonology for memory, in the ancient times, literature occupies a more important position in ancient Chinese poetry language as being highly implicit, concise and having a special beauty emboding in sound, form and meaning. The \Beauty\rules, translation theory and practice, are the important and controversial field. This paper, from the perspective of the theory of China's English translation of ancient Chinese poems Xu Yuanchong proposed , through the theoretical analysis and practical proof, is undertaken to this one theory system research. With a view of China's translation of classical Chinese poetry theory and practice



promoting the famous poetry translator Xu Yuanchong in translation theory and practice for many years in the English translation of classical Chinese poetry, Xu Yuanchong both in theory and practice has done a lot of work and has made great contribution to his proposed \Beauties\

In summery, beauty in meaning refers to the translation should also be an image and the image combination becomes logical conception; The beauty in sound refers to that poems translation should have the beauty of rhythm and rhyme of English poetry beauty; Beauty in shape, refers to the translation should have the form beauty .

3. The Introduction of Li Qingzhao

3.1 The General Introduction of Li Qingzhao

Li Qingzhao (March 13, 1084 - May 12, 1155), was born in the Song Dynasty, Ji'nan Zhangqiu (prensent Shandong Ji'nan) .She was born in AD, seven years in February on the 5th (March 13, 1084 AD, Emperor Gaozong died in Shaoxing ). She was born in a family of scholar. During her early life, his father, Lee Gefei is very rich. When she was a child in a good family environment, she had laid a good foundation of literature. After getting married, her husband Zhao Mingcheng jointly committed to stone art collection, were jointly engaged in academic research. congenially and happily. After the Central Plains was invaded into and Zhao Mingcheng(her husband) was died, Li Qingzhao was threatened by growing crises of Northern Song Dynasty and disturbances at the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty. Li Qingzhao is a Chinese ancient schoolar with distinguished books. She is good at painting and stone collection proficiently, and especially the fine poetry. Her words were unequaled in the generation. Her poems were divided into two parts: early part and late part. The early is about the leisurely life, love story and natural scenery with a beautiful tone.

Her personality was as the worshipful as her works. She not only had excellent talent, profound knowledge, but also had high ideals and heroic ambition. She was a literary giant in the field of ancient Chinese poetry .She had gained many achievements. In the same generation, her poetry, prose and theory rose to a high standard of a flag. Of all the achievements, the most fabulous is her poems.

Li Qingzhao was one of few great women writers in Chinese history. Her works reflected



the patriotic ideology and had positive social significance. On the historical perspectives of Li Qingzhao's patriotism and on behalf of the Chinese ancient women, Li Qingzhao pursued the equality between men and women, was concerned about national affairs, loved the motherland and let people see China ancient female feelings from the other side of the world. Not only that, Li Qingzhao also created a female patriotism unprecedentedly, and left a brilliant example of female patriotism, especially a significant impact on modern literature. From the real view of Li Qingzhao s patriotic thought, we can feel that women have made great devotion in the national reunification, ethnic unity and social progress. For the patriotism, holding high the banner of patriotism, promoting national rejuvenation, it also has a very great sense. 3.2 The Characteristics of Li Qingzhao's Poems

The true feeling and emotion are soul of poems. Li Qingzhao, in a female standard, wrote self love joys and sorrows and the experience during domestic upheaval and obtained the unprecedented success of the first person in Chinese history.

Li Qingzhao's words in the linguistic attainments are known to be particularly good, reached the state of perfection in her studies. Her words are fresh and natural, clear and vivid with a meaningful sense. More praiseworthy for her excellent conduct is, Li Qingzhao's words and language although the thoroughly tempered, but no contrivance, and to the natural appearance. Li Qingzhao, good at extracting oral with shallow vulgar language, sends fresh thinking to all people. Li Qingzhao is good at from the usual spoken language selecting the most accurate, the most vivid language to express and frequently finding an easy way to show its high artistic attainments and plain elegant literary talent show. Li Qingzhao's words in the language look unusual, and actually have the ability to show the simple. Apparently, Li Qingzhao's language enjoys high praise. Being fresh and simple, natural and elegant, Li Qingzhao' the language art is very valuable and charming.

Her words in the art have reached a state of perfection in her studies, which has become an independent school and formed its own unique artistic style. She did not seek to build embellishments, but refined the expression of \the simple and straightforward approach to the performance of the things around sensitive feelings, depicted the exquisite, delicate psychological activity and the expression of a variety of emotional experience, as well as created a distinct and vivid art image.

In her words, true emotion and perfection get along swimmingly with each other, all of



which blend into one harmonious whole. She had made the graceful style development to peak, so that won the graceful faction poet \position, and became subtle sent one representative.

All her works could be divided into two parts: the first part of her former life and the other part of her later life. Previous one: a true reflection of her married life and the thoughts and feelings with the theme focused on the natural scenery and lovesickness. Later: the main is to express the injury and nostalgic feelings of mourning and to show herself in the lonely life of heavy sadness, loneliness and melancholy.

In short, Li Qingzhao's words embody her distinctive artistic features and personality, as well as excellent language skills. She had laid her important standing in the literature history and her words are more like literary hall in an evergreen tree, will always be evergreen! And for future generations of worship.

4. The Analysis of Li Qingzhao's Poems in the Perspective of \Beauty\

4.1 The Analysis in the View of Beauty in Meaning

Poetry overall aesthetic value lies in artistic conception that is the natural overflowing of readers' feelings, readers overall impression of a poem and poetry soul and spirit. The beauty of artistic conception, refers to the literary works describing the vivid picture and emboding the thoughts and feelings of the fusion line form the art realm, a form of beauty. It is image in one artistic sublimation and the artistic realm of imagination. Because of this, the classical poetry artistic conception beauty is not easy to be translated. On the translation of ancient Chinese poetry beauty reproduction, Xu Yuanchong said that poetry translation should firstly be understood its connotation and significance, then choose the most beautiful words, as far as possible to express the beauty of artistic conception. Finally, the translations make foreign readers can feel the style, emotion and fascination.

When Li Qingzhao was 16 years old, she made \girl image that is awakening interest in the opposite sex. The author describes the girl on que after swing playing through the delicacy of the expression. On looking back, but the plum olfactory. The author used a few words described the girl seeing the visitors and hurriedly



evasive manner before readers. Xu Yuanchong translated the second part:见有人来,袜剗金钗溜。和羞走,倚门回首,却把青梅嗅(许渊冲 1986:20-21)as Seeing a guest come, she feels shy; Her stockings coming down, away she tries to fly. Her hair pin drops; She never stops. But to look back, leaning against the door, she pretends to sniff at blossoms once more.(许渊冲 1994:78-79) The translator selected these words: \never stops and look back\These extremely original colloquial vocabulary, have better retained the original style and expressed exquisitely vivid the girl's nervousness and shyness when to see a beautiful boy.

Another example: 红藕香残玉簟秋。轻解罗裳,独上兰舟。云中谁寄锦书来?雁字回时,月满西楼。花自飘零水自流。一种相思,两处闲愁。此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头(许渊冲 1986:32-34)Xu Yuanchong translated the poem as this:When autumn chills my mat, the fragrant lotus fade. My silk robe doffed, I float alone in orchid boat. Who in the cloud would bring me letters in brocade? When wild geese come, I’ll wait at moonlit bower’s gate. As flowers fall on running water here as there, I am longing for thee just as thou art for me. How can such sorrow be driven away? From eyebrows kept apart. Again it gnaws my heart.(许渊冲 1994:56-57) This poem is a masterpiece of Li Qingzhao for the description of leave. It is said that this poem was created just after Li Qingzhao’s marry. However, her husband had to go to the forefront to take part in the war. So she was so sad and used this poem to express her feeling of missing for her husband. All the word the translator has chose serve for the aim of the sadness of the poetry. And they also make foreign readers read a version which can also make them obtain the same meaning and sense as the Chinese readers.

From the analysis, we could find it is true that “beauty in sense” takes the priority among the three rules. As a result of it, when doing translation and interpretation, the most preliminary condition is the correct and same meaning should be conveyed. 4.2 The Analysis in the View of Beauty in Sound

\in Sound\is the degree of correspondence between rhythm and rhyme. Mr Xu Yuanchong asked: \the three beauty( beauty in meaning, sound and form), may not be possible all at once, first of all, beauty in sound and form can not been sought. But in any case, the original meaning beauty must be able to been conveyed\sound\is second to the \in meaning\Chinese Classical Poetry (especially metrical poems) attaches great importance to the phonological beauty of rhythm, rhyme, rhythm, melody and have strict rules. The traditional English poetry also has very high demand, in addition to




First, I must give thanks to Ms. Wang Qian, my supervisor. I know it’s very strenuous to check our thesis to see if there is anything improper. But for her hard work and patient conduct, I will have to complete it with more effort through the various stages of this thesis writing.

Then, I also want to give my gratitude to some other teachers in my department. In the time when my own supervisor was busy, I will go for help from them. They taught me with great patience and precious suggestions as for which book is helpful to read and which net is good for material. They helped me when I was in complete confusion. Besides, they encouraged me a lot when I was tired to write and told me the importance of the thesis. The completion would be more difficult if I have nothing of their help. Thanks!

What’s more, it’s necessary to give thanks to my classmates. We always discussed together as for how to finish the thesis successfully. We wrote different kinds of theses; however, we would help each other when we came into the material which was helpful to others. Without their help, I could not get enough references for my thesis.

All in all, thanks for all the people who had helped me during these days!





分 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语本科 班 级 英本0803 A Brief Analysis of Li Qingzhao' Poems in the Perspective of Xu Yuanchong's \陈姗姗 王倩 2012年4月10日 学 号 职 称 设计(论文)题目 学生姓名 指导教师姓名 计划完成时间 08801045 讲师 设计(论文)的进度计划: 初稿 2012年2月份 第二稿 2012年2月中旬 中期检查 2012年3月下旬 定稿 2012年4月中旬 已经完成的内容: 论文初稿 指导教师意见: 再现李清照词的经典美感,并共同 本文通过对李清照词英译的分析与鉴赏,领略“三美”原则在翻译古诗词方面的重要作用。其中翻译件许渊冲的三美原则在文章作为理论支撑,结构清楚明了,并具有一定的文学指导意义,不足的地方在于主题理论和实践结合部分稍有薄弱,是一篇不错的毕业论文。 指导教师签字: 王倩 2012年3 月29 日



