2013届高考英语二轮总复习 第13讲 词语知识考查限时训练讲义 新

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第十三讲 词语知识考查

(1)(8 min.)

(原创)Rodd was chosen to go and see Santa Claus himself up at the North Pole. Everything he __1__ was never in his wildest dreams and he excitedly waited to see that loveable __2__ figure who had spent so many years bringing him gifts every Christmas.

Suddenly, Santa Claus appeared, and the large desk became covered with all the __3__ he had ever wanted. How __4__! Rodd went over to the bicycle he had __5__ dreamed of having. But Santa was only there for a few seconds and disappeared before Rodd had even looked at him. Rodd felt like he'd __6__ his great good fortune. He cried and complained.

From that day on, every time Rodd saw a toy, he would instantly look around to see what else of __7__ he was missing. And in this way he came to see the sad eyes of the lonely, the __8__ of children whose greatest gift would be a piece of bread, or the suffering of others who had gone for years without __9__ “I love you”. And, unlike that night at the North Pole, when he hadn't known how to choose, Rodd learned to help those who had nothing, give love to those who almost never received it, and put __10__ on the faces of the unhappy.

All by himself, he managed to change the atmosphere of his town, and no one could know him without being __11__ to him. And, one Christmas, while he was __12__, he felt someone touching his leg. Rodd opened his eyes and saw the long white beard and the soft red suit.

1. A. came across B. came through C. got across D. got through 2. A. white B. red C. black D. blue 3. A. bread B. fortune C. toys D. bicycles

4. A. annoying B. frightening C. surprising D. exciting 5. A. still B. always C. ever D. never 6. A. wasted B. passed C. lacked D. spent

7. A. interest B. necessity C. importance D. usage 8. A. coldness B. excitement C. happiness D. poverty

9. A. understanding B. speaking C. hearing D. reading 10. A. smiles B. tears


C. doubt D. glare

11. A. cheerful B. grateful C. delighted D. satisfied 12. A. walking B. sleeping C. playing D. laughing

(2)(8 min.)

(2012·雅礼月考四)Rain in My Old Home —Written by Tang in 1933

Spring in the south is known to be rainy. During this season, it __1__ rains there but it remains wet for seven or eight days on end. Dwellers in Shanghai, who usually do not feel the need for rain, will be __2__ with having to confine themselves in their close quarters when outside it is gloomy with rain. While in the open, seeing no mountains, nor lakes, nor rain-drenched soft green leaves, you'll find nothing comparable to a fine day. Sometimes, __3__, a rich man's car flashing past may splash you all over with __4__.

I remember when I first came to Shanghai to __5__ school six or seven years ago, I used to be so very busy with my homework that I often had to sit up __6__ into the night. As it happened to be a rainy year, I was often disturbed by the pitter-patter of rain beating down __7__ the window and roof. Indeed, I dislike rain very much.

But that's something which can be experienced in Shanghai only. I'll never forget the days when I __8__ the spring rain in my native place as a small child. One spring, together with two companions, I __9__ a small boat to a town ten li away to see a village opera. At midnight, after the __10__ was over, we __11__ in a rain on the way home. The rain beating on the awning(雨篷) gave off a __12__ sound, as if with musical rhythm and cadence(节拍). My companions began to sing, to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song, In a Boat by a Bridge on a Rainy Night. It was truly fascinating.

1. A. never B. usually C. always D. constantly 2. A. pleased B. disappointed C. bored D. angry

3. A. however B. worse still C. meanwhile D. as a result 4. A. pleasure B. mud C. purpose D. wheels 5. A. attend B. go C. live in D. apply to 6. A. deeply B. lately C. farther D. late 7. A. over B. beside C. through D. against


8. A. enjoyed B. watched C. caught D. welcomed 9. A. laded B. rowed C. pulled D. waited 10. A. sleep B. class C. performance D. scene

11. A. were lost B. were blocked C. got wet D. got caught 12. A. loud B. noisy C. pleasant D. familiar

(3)(8 min.)

(2012·长郡一模)One day, an expert in time-management was speaking to a group of business students. To make the point __1__, he used an illustration.

As he stood in front of the group, he said, “Okay, time for a quiz.” He then pulled out a wide-mouth jar and set it on the table. Then he carefully placed about a dozen fist-sized rocks, one by one, into the jar.

When the jar was filled to the __2__ and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is this jar __3__?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes.”

“Really?” Then he reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel(沙砾,石子), dumped some in and __4__ the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rocks. Then he asked the group the same question. “Probably not.” One of them answered. “Good!” he replied.

He reached under the table and __5__ a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. __6__ he asked the question. “No!” the class shouted. “Good!” Then he grabbed a can of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim.

Then the expert in time-management looked at the class and asked, “What is the __7__ of this illustration?” It is such a seemingly easy question that one __8__ student raised his hand and said, “It is, however full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always __9__ some more things in it.”

“No, ” the speaker replied, “The truth it teaches us is that you will never get them in at all if you don't put the big rocks in first. Whatever the big rocks in your life are, do things that you love and __10__ for yourself. In your schedule if you value the little stuff then you'll fill your life with __11__ things and you will never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important stuff. So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are __12__ on this short story, ask yourself what are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? Then put those in your jar first.”

1. A. harder B. rougher C. clearer D. wiser 2. A. edge B. bottom C. wall D. top


3. A. full B. pure C. enough D. smooth 4. A. delivered B. shook C. dropped D. held

5. A. put out B. worked out C. brought out D. set out 6. A. At last B. Shortly after C. Later on D. Once more 7. A. meaning B. opinion C. point D. comment 8. A. curious B. awkward C. nervous D. eager 9. A. add B. fit C. include D. collect

10. A. conclude B. encourage C. fresh D. time 11. A. more B. little C. much D. less

12. A. reflecting B. counting C. deciding D. insisting 答案

第十三讲 词语知识考查



1. A 他一路上遇到的一切都是他无法想象的。come across“偶然发现;遇见 ”,符合题意。come through“经历(苦难而脱险), 获得成功”;get through“达到(目的), 完成(任务), 通过(议案)”。

2. B 根据全文最后一句the long white beard and the soft red suit可知答案。 3. C 第三段的第一句From that day on, every time Rodd saw a toy有提示。

4. D 第一段就提到他来时非常兴奋,此时见到圣诞老人突然降临,还带来很多梦想中的礼物,就更加令他兴奋不已了。annoying “令人心烦的”;frightening“吓人的”;surprising “令人惊奇的”; exciting“令人兴奋的”。

5. B Rodd朝自行车走去,这是一辆他常常梦想得到的自行车。根据句意,我们可知选B项。still“仍然”;always“常常,总是”;ever“永远,曾经”;never“从未,决不”。

6. A Rodd来的目的就是来看圣诞老人的。只关注自行车,没有看清圣诞老人,结果就大哭大闹,可见Rodd确实浪费了这一次好机会。waste“浪费”;pass“传递”;lack“缺少”; spend“度过”。


7. C 在看圣诞老人时,Rodd只注意玩具,忽视了重要的目的。可见,从那次之后,他会吸取教训,关注重要的东西。interest“兴趣”; necessity“必要”;importance“重要性”;usage“用途”。 8. D 从下文可知他们看重的礼物只是可以果腹的一块面包,可见其贫穷。coldness“冷酷”;excitement“兴奋”; happiness“幸福”;poverty“贫穷”。

9. C 注意双重否定。多年没有听到别人对他说“我爱你”的痛苦。

10. A 给那些不幸的人带来欢乐。smile“欢笑”;tear“泪水”;doubt“怀疑”;glare“闪耀”。 11. B 上一句说明他成功地改变了镇里的环境。此句同样用双重否定表明人们对他表示感谢。cheerful“欢乐的”;grateful“感恩的”; delighted“高兴的”; satisfied“满足的”。 12. B 下文中有他睁开眼睛,看到白胡子红衣服的圣诞老人。walk“步行”;sleep“睡觉”; play“玩耍”; laugh“大笑”。



1. A 此题较难。根据第一句好像应该是“下雨”,但是仔细阅读空后but的转折句“一连7到8天非常潮湿”,说明“没有真正的下雨,而是雨蒙蒙的,要下雨的样子”。这与接下来对上海居民的感受描写是一致的。

2. C 注意前面的who usually do not feel the need for rain,这些不需要雨水的人,当然觉得外面雨蒙蒙的,只能待在家里是非常bored “烦人”的。disappointed“失望的”。

3. B 上一句描写的是,这样雨蒙蒙的日子,看不到好的景色;本句又谈到,汽车开过,溅你一身泥浆。可见是worse still “更糟的是”。 meanwhile“同时”; as a result“结果”。

4. B 在雨蒙蒙的日子,汽车开过,能溅到身上的不是水就是mud “泥浆”。 5. A 固定搭配attend school/a meeting“上学,开会”。 apply to“申请”。 6. D 固定搭配sit up late into the night“熬夜”。 7. D 表示雨点against“击打”窗户。

8. A 作者接下来描写的是与伙伴去看戏,半夜回家时遇到雨,伙伴唱歌的欢乐情境。所以用enjoyed“享受”。

9. B 注意宾语a small boat,当然是rowed“划”船去看戏。 10. C 既然是戏,就是人在现场performance “表演”。 11. D 固定搭配be/get caught in a rain“困在雨中”。

12. C 对应伙伴在歌唱,自己觉得雨点打在雨篷上是一种pleasant “欢乐”的声音。


专家用了一个装石子的例子,反复3次给我们讲述一个道理: 理想有大小,不能专注于小的,而应该把更多的时间放到大的理想目标上,才能获得成功。

1. C 根据下文他引证的一个实例可知,他是想把这个观点解释得clearer “更加清楚”。 hard“难的,硬的”; rough“粗糙的,粗暴的”;wise“明智的”。

2. D 下文中提到“再也装不下石子了”可知,这个罐子被装满至top“顶点”。

3. A 根据第9空前的however full your schedule is获得提示。full“满的”;pure“纯洁的”; enough“足够的”;smooth“光滑的”。


4. B 根据下文“使得小石子自动地靠紧大石子”可知是在shook “摇晃”罐子。deliver“投递”; drop“往下掉”;hold“抓住,握住”。

5. C 根据下文中他往罐子中装沙可知是brought out “取出”一桶沙。put out“镇压”;work out“算出”;set out“动身,开始”。

6. D 这已经是第3次问这个问题了。once more“再一次,又一次”;at last“最后,终于”;shortly after“立即,马上”;later on“晚些时候”。

7. C 根据第1空前的提示可知。point“要点,深刻含义”,符合题意。 meaning“意义”;opinion“意见,看法”;comment“评论”。

8. D 从下文可知,这个学生回答错误,可见他没有认真思考,回答太eager “急切”。 curious“好奇的”;awkward“笨拙的”;nervous“紧张的”。

9. B 根据第2空后的提示,fit“安装”符合题意。add“添加”;include“包含”; collect“收集”。

10. D 根据下文“太过注意细小的目标,就没有时间来干大事了”可知,此处是要time “计算好时间”。conclude“总结”;encourage“鼓励”;fresh“使新鲜”。

11. B 与上文中的the little stuff对应。

12. A 固定短语reflect on“仔细思考”符合题意。count on“指望,依赖”; decide on“决定”;insist on“坚持”。


第十三讲 词语知识考查



1. A 他一路上遇到的一切都是他无法想象的。come across“偶然发现;遇见 ”,符合题意。come through“经历(苦难而脱险), 获得成功”;get through“达到(目的), 完成(任务), 通过(议案)”。

2. B 根据全文最后一句the long white beard and the soft red suit可知答案。 3. C 第三段的第一句From that day on, every time Rodd saw a toy有提示。

4. D 第一段就提到他来时非常兴奋,此时见到圣诞老人突然降临,还带来很多梦想中的礼物,就更加令他兴奋不已了。annoying “令人心烦的”;frightening“吓人的”;surprising “令人惊奇的”; exciting“令人兴奋的”。

5. B Rodd朝自行车走去,这是一辆他常常梦想得到的自行车。根据句意,我们可知选B项。still“仍然”;always“常常,总是”;ever“永远,曾经”;never“从未,决不”。

6. A Rodd来的目的就是来看圣诞老人的。只关注自行车,没有看清圣诞老人,结果就大哭大闹,可见Rodd确实浪费了这一次好机会。waste“浪费”;pass“传递”;lack“缺少”; spend“度过”。 7. C 在看圣诞老人时,Rodd只注意玩具,忽视了重要的目的。可见,从那次之后,他会吸取教训,关注重要的东西。interest“兴趣”; necessity“必要”;importance“重要性”;usage“用途”。 8. D 从下文可知他们看重的礼物只是可以果腹的一块面包,可见其贫穷。coldness“冷酷”;excitement“兴奋”; happiness“幸福”;poverty“贫穷”。

9. C 注意双重否定。多年没有听到别人对他说“我爱你”的痛苦。


10. A 给那些不幸的人带来欢乐。smile“欢笑”;tear“泪水”;doubt“怀疑”;glare“闪耀”。 11. B 上一句说明他成功地改变了镇里的环境。此句同样用双重否定表明人们对他表示感谢。cheerful“欢乐的”;grateful“感恩的”; delighted“高兴的”; satisfied“满足的”。 12. B 下文中有他睁开眼睛,看到白胡子红衣服的圣诞老人。walk“步行”;sleep“睡觉”; play“玩耍”; laugh“大笑”。



1. A 此题较难。根据第一句好像应该是“下雨”,但是仔细阅读空后but的转折句“一连7到8天非常潮湿”,说明“没有真正的下雨,而是雨蒙蒙的,要下雨的样子”。这与接下来对上海居民的感受描写是一致的。

2. C 注意前面的who usually do not feel the need for rain,这些不需要雨水的人,当然觉得外面雨蒙蒙的,只能待在家里是非常bored “烦人”的。disappointed“失望的”。

3. B 上一句描写的是,这样雨蒙蒙的日子,看不到好的景色;本句又谈到,汽车开过,溅你一身泥浆。可见是worse still “更糟的是”。 meanwhile“同时”; as a result“结果”。

4. B 在雨蒙蒙的日子,汽车开过,能溅到身上的不是水就是mud “泥浆”。 5. A 固定搭配attend school/a meeting“上学,开会”。 apply to“申请”。 6. D 固定搭配sit up late into the night“熬夜”。 7. D 表示雨点against“击打”窗户。

8. A 作者接下来描写的是与伙伴去看戏,半夜回家时遇到雨,伙伴唱歌的欢乐情境。所以用enjoyed“享受”。

9. B 注意宾语a small boat,当然是rowed“划”船去看戏。 10. C 既然是戏,就是人在现场performance “表演”。 11. D 固定搭配be/get caught in a rain“困在雨中”。

12. C 对应伙伴在歌唱,自己觉得雨点打在雨篷上是一种pleasant “欢乐”的声音。


专家用了一个装石子的例子,反复3次给我们讲述一个道理: 理想有大小,不能专注于小的,而应该把更多的时间放到大的理想目标上,才能获得成功。

1. C 根据下文他引证的一个实例可知,他是想把这个观点解释得clearer “更加清楚”。 hard“难的,硬的”; rough“粗糙的,粗暴的”;wise“明智的”。

2. D 下文中提到“再也装不下石子了”可知,这个罐子被装满至top“顶点”。

3. A 根据第9空前的however full your schedule is获得提示。full“满的”;pure“纯洁的”; enough“足够的”;smooth“光滑的”。

4. B 根据下文“使得小石子自动地靠紧大石子”可知是在shook “摇晃”罐子。deliver“投递”; drop“往下掉”;hold“抓住,握住”。

5. C 根据下文中他往罐子中装沙可知是brought out “取出”一桶沙。put out“镇压”;work out“算出”;set out“动身,开始”。

6. D 这已经是第3次问这个问题了。once more“再一次,又一次”;at last“最后,终于”;shortly after“立即,马上”;later on“晚些时候”。


7. C 根据第1空前的提示可知。point“要点,深刻含义”,符合题意。 meaning“意义”;opinion“意见,看法”;comment“评论”。

8. D 从下文可知,这个学生回答错误,可见他没有认真思考,回答太eager “急切”。 curious“好奇的”;awkward“笨拙的”;nervous“紧张的”。

9. B 根据第2空后的提示,fit“安装”符合题意。add“添加”;include“包含”; collect“收集”。

10. D 根据下文“太过注意细小的目标,就没有时间来干大事了”可知,此处是要time “计算好时间”。conclude“总结”;encourage“鼓励”;fresh“使新鲜”。

11. B 与上文中的the little stuff对应。

12. A 固定短语reflect on“仔细思考”符合题意。count on“指望,依赖”;insist on“坚持”。

decide on“决定”;8

