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2017学年第二学期浙江省名校协作体参考答案 高三年级英语学科

首命题:温州中学 次命题兼审校:舟山中学 审核:嘉兴一中 第一部分:听力(共20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1--5CBBBA 6--10ABBAB 11--15CBCCB 16--20BABCA 第二部分:阅读理解

第一节(共10个小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) 21---24 BADC 25---27 ACB 28---30 CBD 第二节(共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 31---35 GBCED 第三部分:语言运用

第一节:完形填空(共20个小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 36--40 DACBD 41--45 ADADB 46--50 CACCA 51--55 BCACC 第二节:语篇填空(共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

56.was founded 57. whose 58. highly 59.used 60. tasty 61. countries 62.the 63. on/upon 64.later 65. to achieve 第四部分:写作

第一节:应用文 (满分15分) One possible version: Dear Mr. Liu,

I’m LiHua, a student from Class 6. I learned from the Intemet that during the School English Week a host for parties is wanted, a position which I am interested in.

I’m sure I am well qualified for the job. To begin with, I can speak English fluently. In addition, I enjoyed acting and performed many times on different stages, which will contribute to my hosting the party well. Last but not least, I am capable of organizing activities and have a strong team spirit.

Thanks for reading my application. Looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Li Hua

第二节:续写(满分25分) 略

Tape scripts for Listening Test Text 1

M: Did you watch the Oscars on Sunday, Miranda?

W: Yes, of course! I watch them every year! What did you think about what Angelina Jolie did? M: Well, to be honest, I didn't watch the Oscars. I guess I don't understand why everyone likes it so much. Text 2

M: Give me a call when you get into town. Til pick you up at the train station. W: Should I call you at your office?

M: If you get in before 5:30, call the office. Otherwise, call me at home.

Text 3

M: How is your homework coming along?

W: Don’t ask. After I finish writing this paper, I've got to start my research for another paper that’s due next week. And I don’t know when I’ll have time to prepare for my test that’s in two days. Text 4

W: Jerry, you're leaving for school tomorrow. What can I do to help? M: Please ask dad where my boxes are.

W: You can use these old suitcases here instead. Text 5

M: I drove by the Taiwanese snack place, and I noticed that it's closed. I think it went out of business.

W: You can’t be serious! I just ate there yesterday, and the owner didn’t say anything about closing down. Text 6

M: As you can see, I have a degree in finance, and I also have three years of work experience at a major Wall Street firm.

W: Yes, but this is not exactly a finance job. It has more to do with marketing and advertising. M: I see... is it possible that I am in the wrong office? I thought I was applying for a financial manager position.

W: Let me give them a call and see if there was a mistake with the schedule. There might be a marketing expert downstairs with the finance people!

Text 7

W: This place is different from the supermarket we're used to, isn't it? I don't come here very often because I think the prices are higher than those at supermarkets.

M: There isn’t much of a selection. I mean, there are only one or two brands of each type of product, but that makes it easier to choose things.

W: When I’m not in a hurry, I usually enjoy comparing brands and prices so I can get the most for my money.

M: At this time of night,this is probably the only place open.

W: I’m surprised at the milk prices.They’re much lower than I expected. The prices are competitive with those of the large chains.

M: The prices are low on selected items, but the shop can’t really compete with supermarkets when it comes to most things. At least there are no long lines here. Text 8

M: So, what do you want to do? Get another drink here, or call it a night? W: I'll have another beer. Let me buy this round. M: OK, thanks. So, how was your date the other night?

W: Great! Jim took me to the cinema to see a film. I think he's really nice, and he's got a cool job — he's a television producer,you know. He went to the National Film and Television School, and he's been working at Channel 4 for a year now. M: Sounds impressive. So, you think it might get serious?

W: Yeah, we have a good connection. I think he's marriage material. We'll see how it goes, but Pm already thinking we could have a long-term future ahead of us.

M: Isn't it a bit early to talk about stuff like that? You've only been out with him twice so far, W: No, we've been out three times now, and I'm seeing him again tomorrow. It’s not easy finding someone you're attracted to and have good chemistry with. I don't see what's wrong with thinking about the future.

M: Well, I’d be careful if I were you. You should get to know him better before talking about marriage. Text 9

M: I can’t sleep, Lisa. I’m gonna call in sick tomorrow.

W: You should go to see the doctor. This is the third time this week you've stayed up all night. Are you all right?

M: I'm not sure anymore. I feel fine, and I get tired when it gets late, but then I just stay awake. W: I'll call Dr. Choi at nine to make an appointment. M: I’m fine. I’ll come to bed.

W: Please do. You'll only get a couple hours of sleep at most before you have to wake up for work.

M: I think I should stay home.

W: Are you stressed about something?

M: Yes, it's the new director. She is not a pleasant person to work for. Three people have quit in the past two weeks. Everyone walks around the office scared and silent. W: Why didn’t you tell me this before?

M: I didn’t want to bother you with it. I can’t afford to quit without lining up another job. W: I'm gonna get that raise starting next month, so you should consider that,too.

M: I did, but that still doesn't leave us anywhere near where we want to be.

W: I know times are tough, but we're gonna get through this together. We just need to work together and see things through to the end.

M: Yeah, I guess the worst that can happen is that I have to keep working for that crazy woman for a while. Text 10

Welcome, everyone, to this workshop on student housing. I'll go through the information about types of housing available for the term and the application procedure. Then, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

There are two main types of housing for you to choose from: student dorms and the international houses. As of now, there are some spaces available in each type, but they are filling up fast. You should get your application in as soon as possible. Let me explain some of the main features of each type of housing.

The student dorms are for all students. We have men’s dorms and women’s dorms. All the rooms have two beds, two closets, and two desks. There are no cooking facilities in the dorms, but you can buy a meal ticket for the cafeteria.

The international houses are groups of apartments for both foreign and local students. They are organized into language and culture themes, and some of them have rules about speaking only a certain language during meal times. It’s a good way for students to learn other cultures and languages. I think that the Spanish house is full, but there are rooms available in all the other houses.

