上海市工商局公司注册常见问题回答 中英文对照

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外 资 一、外商投资的公司设立登记,需要提交什么资料? 1、拟任法定代表人签署的《外商投资的公司设立登记申请书》; (要求明确代理人办理登记的委托有效期限) 2、审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)(原件); 申请人应自收到批准证书之日起90日内到登记机关办理登记注册手续;但以中外合作、外商合资、外商独资形式设立公司的,申请人应自收到批准证书之日起30日内到登记机关办理登记注册手续;募集方式设立的股份有限公司公开发行股票的,还应提交国务院证券监督管理机构的核准文件原件或有效复印件。 3、公司章程(原件); 公司章程需投资各方法定代表人或其授权人签字、盖章的原件,投资者为自然人的由本人签字。提交的公司章程应与审批部门批准的相一致。) 4、《名称预先核准通知书》(原件);

《名称预先核准通知书》应在有效期内,且内容与拟设立公司申请的相关事项吻合。 5、投资者的主体资格证明或自然人身份证明;


6、董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件; 7、法定代表人任职文件和身份证明复印件;


适用于股份有限公司和金融、证券、保险类公司及基金管理公司等在设立时依法应当一次性缴付全部出资的有限公司,以及设立时缴付全部或部分注册资本的其他类型有限公司。 9、股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手续的证明文件; 10、住所使用证明;

自有房产提交产权证复印件,并提交原件核对;租赁房屋提交租赁协议原件及出租方的产权证复印件,以上不能提供产权证复印件的,提交能够证明产权归属的其他房屋产权使用证明复印件。出租方为宾馆、饭店的,还应提交宾馆、饭店的营业执照复印件。 11、创立大会的会议记录(原件); 仅适用于以募集方式设立的股份有限公司。 12、前置审批文件或证件;


13、法律文件送达授权委托书(原件); 由外国投资者(授权人)与境内法律文件送达接受人(被授权人)签署。该委托书应当明确授权境内被授权人代为接受法律文件送达,并载明被授权人地址、联系方式。被授权人可以是外国投资者设立的分支机构、拟设立的公司(被授权人为拟设立的公司的,公司设立后委托生效)或者其他境内有关单位或个人。 14、其他有关文件。 注:以上未注明提交原件的,可提交复印件;提交复印件的,应当注明“与原件一致”并由投资人加盖公章或签字。 二、外商投资的公司股权变更,需向工商部门提交哪些文件? 1、《外商投资的公司变更(备案)登记申请书》; 2、审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)(原件); 申请人应自收到批准证书之日起30日内到登记机关办理变更登记。 3、公司法定代表人签署的章程修正案或修改后的公司章程(原件); 4、股权转让协议(原件);

5、依法经其他投资者同意转让的声明(原件); 6、股权受让方的主体资格证明;



由外国投资者(授权人)与境内法律文件送达接受人(被授权人)签署。该委托书应当明确授权境内被授权人代为接受法律文件送达,并载明被授权人地址、联系方式。被授权人可以是外国投资者设立的分支机构、拟设立的公司(被授权人为拟设立的公司的,公司设立后委托生效)或者其他境内有关单位或个人 8、营业执照副本复印件(加盖公司公章)、电子版营业执照; 9、其他有关文件。 人民法院依法裁定划转股权的,应当提交人民法院的裁定文书。 注:以上未注明提交原件的,可提交复印件;提交复印件的,应当注明“与原件一致”并由申请人加盖公章或签字。 三、外商投资的公司分公司设立登记,需提交哪些文件? 1、《外商投资的公司分公司设立登记申请书》; 2、审批机关批准文件(适用于法律、行政法规规定设立分公司需要审批部门审批的); 适用于法律、行政法规规定设立分公司需要审批部门审批的。 3、隶属公司章程(原件);

4、隶属公司出具的分公司负责人任职文件(原件)和身份证明复印件; 5、隶属公司营业执照副本复印件(加盖公司公章); 6、营业场所使用证明;

自有房产提交产权证复印件,并提交原件核对;租赁房屋提交租赁协议原件及出租方的产权证复印件,以上不能提供产权证复印件的,提交能够证明产权归属的其他房屋产权使用证明复印件。出租方为宾馆、饭店的,还应提交宾馆、饭店的营业执照复印件。 7、前置审批文件;

指有关前置许可的批准文件或者许可证书复印件或许可证明,适用于经营范围中有法律、行政法规和国务院决定规定必须在登记前报经批准的项目的分公司。 8、其他有关文件证件。

注:以上未注明提交原件的,可提交复印件;提交复印件的,应当注明“与原件一致”并由申请人加盖公章或签字。 四、外国公司的主体资格证明如何公证和认证? 外国公司的主体资格证明应经其本国主管机关公证后送我国驻该国使(领)馆认证。如其本国与我国没有外交关系,则应当经与我国有外交关系的第三国驻该国使(领)馆认证,再由我国驻该第三国使(领)馆认证。某些国家的海外属地出具的文书,应先在该属地办妥公证,再经该国外交机构认证,最后由我国驻该国使(领)馆认证。 五、外商投资的公司法定代表人变更登记,需提交哪些材料? 1、《外商投资的公司变更(备案)登记申请书》; 2、依法做出的决议或决定(原件);

根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国外资企业法》以及公司章程规定做出的决议或决定,决议或决定的内容与所申请的事项应当一致;章程明确规定法定代表人委派产生的,毋需提交该决议或决定。 3、原法定代表人的免职文件和新法定代表人的任职文件(原件);

法定代表人的产生应符合章程中有关选举、委派、指定、任命或聘用等产生方式的规定。 4、新任法定代表人登记表(原件); 5、营业执照正副本、电子版营业执照; 6、审批机关的批准文件;

金融、证券、保险类公司法定代表人变更需提交批准文件。 7、其他有关文件。


公章或签字。 六、办事处和代表处的区别是什么? 办事处一般指外商投资企业设立的办事机构,现已取消工商登记。代表处一般指外国(地区)企业设立的代表机构。 七、办事处是否已取消登记?办事处地址等事项发生变化的,是否需要工商变更登记? 根据国家工商行政管理总局 商务部 海关总署 国家外汇管理局《关于外商投资的公司审批登记管理法律适用若干问题的执行意见》的规定,公司登记机关不再办理外商投资的公司办事机构的登记。原已登记的办事机构,不再办理变更或者延期手续。期限届满以后,应当办理注销登记或根据需要申

请设立分公司。外商投资的公司的分公司可以从事公司经营范围内的联络、咨询等业务。以办事机构名义从事经营活动的,由公司登记机关依法查处。 八、外商投资企业增资是否需要缴付新增注册资本? 外商投资企业增加注册资本的,应当在公司申请注册资本变更登记时缴付不低于百分之二十的新增注册资本,其余部分的出资时间应符合《公司法》、有关外商投资的法律和《公司登记管理条例》的规定。其他法律、行政法规另有规定的,从其规定。 九、外商投资的公司设立和变更登记的申请期限是如何规定的? 以中外合资形式设立公司的,自收到批准文件之日起90日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记;以中外合作、外商合资、外商独资形式设立公司的,自收到批准文件之日起30日内向公司登记机关申请设立登记。中外合资、中外合作、外商合资、外商独资的外商投资公司申请变更登记的,自收到批准文件之日起30日内申请办理变更登记。逾期申请的,申请人应当报原审批机关确认文件效力或另行报批。 十、中外合资经营企业注册资本与投资总额的具体比例是多少? 1、中外合资经营企业的投资总额在三百万美元以下(含三百万美元)的,其注册资本至少应占投资总额的十分之七; 2、中外合资经营企业的投资总额在三百万美元以上至一千万美元(含一千万美元)的,其注册资本至少应占投资总额得二分之一,其中投资总额在四百二十万美元以下的,注册资本不得低于二百一十万美元; 3、中外合资经营企业的投资总额在一千万美元以上至三千万美元(含三千万美元)的,其注册资本至少应占投资总额的五分之二,其中投资总额在一千二百五十万美元以下的,注册资本不得低于五百万美元; 4、中外合资经营企业的投资总额在三千万美元以上的,其注册资本至少应占投资总额的三分之一,其中投资总额在三千六百万美元以下的,注册资本不得低于一千二百万美元。


I. Establishment

1. Establishment of Foreign-invested Limited Liability Company (1)Application for Registration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Approval Notification of Enterprise Name;

(3)Contract & articles of association; Written reply by the governing authority; (4)Certification of Approval (duplicate 1);

(5)Contract of house leasing (lease for more than one year ),and real estate certificate

(6)Reference letter of foreign investors’ banking credibility;

(7)Appointment letter of the members of Board of Directors & their valid ID copies;

(8)Other pertinent documents and credentials.

2. Establishment of Foreign-invested Limited Company by Shares (1)Application for Registration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2) Approval Notification of Enterprise Name; (3) Written reply by Ministry of Commerce; (4) Certification of Approval (duplicate 1); (5) Minutes of the Founding Meeting; (6) Articles of Association;

(7) Auditors' report on financial matters relating to the preparations for

establishment of the company; (8)Capital Verification Report;

(9) Certificate of the Legal Representative to hold the post, and his valid ID copy;

(10)Directors, Supervisors & Managers’ certificate of their Appointment, Election or Engagement, and their valid ID copies;

(11)Contract of house leasing (lease for more than one year ),and real estate certificate

(12)Other pertinent documents and credentials. II. Registration of Alteration 1. Alteration of Enterprise Name

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the

Legal Representative;

(2)Approval Notification of Enterprise Name; (3)Resolution of Board of Directors; (4)Business License (original & duplicates); (5)Other pertinent documents and credentials. 2.Alteration of Domicile

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Contract of house leasing (lease for more than one year ),and real estate certificate;

(3)Resolution of Board of Directors; (4)Business License (original & duplicates);

(5)Other pertinent documents and credentials. 3. Alteration of Business Scope

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Written reply by the governing authority; (3)Certification of Approval (duplicate 1); (4)Resolution of Board of Directors;

(5)Amendment of the contract & articles of association; (6)Business License (original & duplicates); (7)Other pertinent documents and credentials.

4. Alteration of Total Investment & Registered Capital

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the

Legal Representative;

(2)Written reply by the governing authority; (3)Certification of Approval (duplicate 1); (4)Resolution of Board of Directors;

(5)Amendment of the contract & articles of association;

(6)Certificate of New investors’ Commencement issued by its local authority; (7)Reference letter of foreign investors’ banking credibility; (8)Business License (original & duplicates);

(9)3 Announcements in the newspapers; Statement on surety of credit & debit; (10)Other pertinent documents and credentials. 5. Alteration of Legal Representative

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the

Legal Representative;

(2)Resolution of Board of Directors;

(3)Appointment letter, valid ID copy & Registration Form of Legal Representative;

(4)Business License (original & duplicates); (5)Other pertinent documents and credentials. 6. Alteration of Term of Operation

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Written reply by the governing authority; (3)Certification of Approval (duplicate 1); (4)Resolution of Board of Directors;

(5)Amendment of the contract & articles of association; (6)Business License (original & duplicates); (7)Other pertinent documents and credentials. 7. Transfer of Company Shares

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Written reply by the governing authority; (3)Certification of Approval (duplicate 1); (4)Resolution of Board of Directors;

(5)Amendment of the contract & articles of association; (6)Agreement on the Transfer of Company Shares; (7)Waiver of preemptive right by other investors;

(8)Certificate of New investors’ Commencement issued by its local authority; (9)Reference letter of foreign investors’ banking credibility; (10)Business License (original & duplicates); (11)Other pertinent documents and credentials.

8. Alteration form a Domestic-invested Enterprise to a Foreign-invested Enterprise

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative; (2)Resolution of Shareholders;

(3)Written reply by the governing authority; (4)Certification of Approval (duplicate 1); (5)Contract & articles of association;

(6)Agreement on the Transfer of Company Shares; (7)Waiver of preemptive right by other investors;

(8)Approval Notification of Alteration by Domestic-invested Enterprise (9) Other pertinent documents and credentials.

9. Alteration form a Foreign-invested Enterprise to a Domestic-invested Enterprise

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Resolution of Board of Directors; (3)Written reply by the governing authority;

(4)Agreement on the Transfer of Company Shares; (5)Duty-paid proof by Tax Authority & Customs House;

(6)Business License (original & duplicates); (7)Other pertinent documents and credentials.

10. Alteration among Chinese-foreign joint venture, Chinese-foreign cooperative joint venture & Foreign-funded enterprise

(1)Application for Alteration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Resolution of Board of Directors; (3)Written reply by the governing authority; (4)Certification of Approval (duplicate 1);

(5)Amendment of the contract & articles of association;

(6)Agreement on the Transfer of Company Shares or Agreement on the Termination of the Chinese-foreign cooperative contract;

(7)Waiver of preemptive right by other investors;

(8)Certificate of New investors’ Commencement issued by its local authority; (9)Reference letter of foreign investors’ banking credibility; (10)Business License (original & duplicates); (11)Other pertinent documents and credentials. III Cancellation

1. Application for Deregistration of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

2.Resolution of Board of Directors; 3.Written reply by the governing authority;

4.Duty-paid proof by Tax Authority & Customs House; 6.Liquidation report proved by Board of Directors;

7.Business License (original & duplicates), the chop; 8.Other pertinent documents and credentials. IV. Filing

1. Alteration of Association

(1)Application for Filing of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Resolution of Board of Directors; (3)Written reply by the governing authority; (4)Copy of Business License;

(5)Amendment of the contract & articles of association; (6)Other pertinent documents and credentials. 2.Alteration of Board members

(1)Application for Filing of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Appointment letter of the members of Board of Directors & their valid ID copies;

(3)Copy of Business License;

(4)Other pertinent documents and credentials. 3.Pledge of Company Shares

(1)Application for Filing of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Written reply by the governing authority; (3)Resolution of Board of Directors;

(4)Agreement on Pledge of Company Shares;

(5)Statement of other investors on their consent of pledge; (6)Copy of Business License;

(7)Other pertinent documents and credentials.

4.Mortgage of Real Estate of the Foreign-funded Enterprises

(1)Application for Filing of a Foreign-invested Enterprise signed by the Legal Representative;

(2)Written reply by the governing authority; (3)Resolution of Board of Directors;

(4)Agreement on Mortgage of Real Estate of the Foreign-funded Enterprises; (5)Copy of Business License;

(6)Other pertinent documents and credentials.


I. Establishment of affiliate of foreign investment enterprise

(1)Requisition for affiliate or agency of foreign investment enterprise signed by legal person.

(2)Notice of original registration authority of affiliated enterprise (3)Resolution of board of directors

(4)Copy of Business License of affiliated company (5)Appointment letter of the affiliate’s charge

(6)Contract of house leasing (lease for more than one year ),and real estate certificate

(7)Other pertinent documents

II. Alteration of affiliate of foreign investment enterprise

1. Alteration of the name

(1)Requisition for alteration of the affiliate’s name signed by legal person (2)Application form for alternation of the affiliate signed by legal person (3)Copy of approval notification of affiliated company’s name (4)Copy of Business License of affiliated company (5)Business License

(6)Other pertinent documents 2. Alteration of domicile

(1)Application form for alteration of the affiliate signed by legal person (2)Requisition for alteration of the affiliate’s residence signed by legal person (3)Contract of house leasing (lease for more than one year ),and real estate certificate

(4)Business License

(5)Other pertinent documents

3.Alteration of the charge of the affiliate

(1)Application form for alteration of the affiliate signed by legal person (2)Appointment letter of the affiliate’s charge and identification certificate (3)Business License

(4)Other pertinent documents

4.Alteration of business scope

(1)Application form for alteration of the affiliate signed by legal person (2)Requisition for alteration of the affiliate’s business scope signed by legal person

(3)Business License

(4)Copy of Business License of the affiliated company (5)Other pertinent documents III. Cancellation

(1) Application letter for cancellation of the affiliate (2) Business License

(3) Resolution of board of directors (Stock company ?Climited should submit resolution of shareholders) (4) Seal

(5) Other pertinent documents



(1) Application Form signed by chief representative

(2) A written application signed by the chairman of directors or the general manager of the enterprise , of which the content should include: the name of the office ,resident members ( chief representative, representatives), scope of business ,term of residence and office venue.

(3) Copies lf the legitimate certificate for operation issued by the relevant government authorities of its host country

(4) Original copy of the capital credit certificate issued by the bank,with which the enterprise maintains business contacts;

(5) Appointment letter for the chief representative and representatives which are signed by the chairman of the board of directors or general manager of the enterprise , resume and copies of the ID cards .

(6) Contract of house leasing (lease for more than one year ),and real estate certificate

(7) Other pertinent documents P.S.

(1) Foreign companies in the business of certain restricted industries(e.g. finance and insurance industry, sea transportation industry, sea transportation agent, air transportation industry etc.) should provide approval certificate from related government department to Shanghai Administration for Industry & Commerce whilst applying to set up representative office in Shanghai. Among which foreign finance and insurance enterprises should provided documents like balance sheet, annual report, articles of association, list of Board members while applying establishment.

(2) “Company Profile” in item 2 should include name, registration address, contact telephone number, business scope, CEO or GM’s name of the foreign company.

(3) Please provide original standby certificate of incorporation of the foreign company. If not, please provide copies notarized by Public Notary Office, China

Embassy & Consulate abroad or solicitors.

The certificate of Incorporation and Authorization Letter which nominates the representatives provided by Hong Kong companies can either be originals or duplicated documents notarized by a China Entrusted Notary in Hong Kong and forwarded by China Legal Services(HK) Limited.

(4)Should languages other than the Chinese language be used in materials for application, and translation translated by authorized translation institution or agent in the Chinese language shall be attached hereto..

(5)If the files are signed by an authorized person, letters of authorization shall be attached.

(6)All the files, if not mentioned in duplicate, should be handed in original. II. ALTERATION

1.alteration of office name

(1) Application Form signed by chief representative

(2) A written application signed by the chairman of directors or the general manager of the enterprise

(3) Alteration registration certificate of the enterprise abroad (4) Registration certificate of the Permanent Office (5) Other pertinent documents 2.alteration of domicile

(1) Application Form signed by chief representative

(2) Contract of house leasing (lease for more than one year),and real estate certificate

(3) Registration certificate of the Permanent Office (4) Other pertinent documents 3.alteration of representatives

(1) Application Form signed by chief representative

(2) A written application signed by the chairman of directors or the general manager of the enterprise

(3) Appointment letter of representatives signed by the board of directors or general manager of the company abroad

(4) Resume and ID card (copy)of new representatives

(5) Registration certificate of the Permanent Office (6) Other pertinent documents 4.term extension

(1) Application Form signed by chief representative

(2) A written application signed by the chairman of directors or the general manager of the enterprise

(3) Business activity report of the office

(4) Registration certificate of the Permanent Office (5) Other pertinent documents 5.alteration of business scope

(1) Application Form signed by chief representative

(2) Application signed by the chairman of the board of directors or general manager of the company abroad

(3) Registration certificate of the Permanent Office (4) Other pertinent documents P.S.

(1) Foreign companies in the business of certain restricted industries(e.g. finance and insurance industry, sea transportation industry, sea transportation agent, air transportation industry etc.) should provide approval certificate from related government department to Shanghai Administration for Industry & Commerce whilst applying to set up representative office in Shanghai. Among

