最新语文版中职英语基础模块 下册unit 12《dedicated people》教

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Unit 12 Dedicated People


Story of Florence Nightingale

◆Teaching procedure

Step One Greetings & Revision ( by Brain Strom)

◆Warmly Welcome to Our Class!

◆Revise some important words and phrases learned in the last period by brain


Brain Strom One:你说我听

(Ask one student to do the duty work------- Introduce herself using some words and phrases learned in the last period. While listening, the other students should find out the words and phrases used in her introduction.)Duty work:

Hello! Everyone. I’m very glad to have this opportunity to introduce myself. As you know, my name is ***. I’m ** years old. Leting is my birthplace.

Now I’m a student in Leting Vocational School. In the past, my study was so poor as to upset my parents. Therefore, I was forced to be educated by

a private teacher . From then on, I was determined to study hard. Why could

I make this decision? There’re two reasons. On one hand, I don’t want

to be looked down upon for my poor study. On the other hand, I want to realize my dream. My dream is to be a female nurse respected by all the patients.

I’d like to take on the duties to care for the sick and the wounded. Thanks to the teachers’ help, I excel in my studies now. But I’ll continue to study hard to try to achieve my goals. I believe I can do it. Do you believe so?

( Ask the Ss to find them out and read them together.)


T: From ***’s introduction, we all know her dream is to be a nurse respected by her patients. Who has the same dream as hers? Please stand up. ( Two students stand up ) Next let’s have a competition between them. I’d pide you into two parts. This part of the students should support ***, and the other students should support ***. If you can answer my questions as soon as possible after I say “begin”, you can help your supporter to become the final winner. And the final winner will become the head nurse and receive

a big surprise.

--------- The beginning of the competition

Brain Strom Two:我说你猜( A guessing game )

(Students should guess some words and phrases according to the T’s English explanation.)

?take care of

?give sb. sth. as a prize

?choose sb. for a job or position

?be very good at doing sth.

?feel worried and unhappy

?keep doing sth. without stopping

?person who is receiving a medical treatment

Step Two Lead into the title------ Story of Florence Nightingale

◆Show some pictures and then talk about them by the following questions:

?P1: What do they work as?

?P2: How much do you know about nursing?

?P3: There are so many nurses. What are they doing? Who is that woman?

?P4: Why is Nightingale connected with International Nurses Day?

Why has International Nurses Day been made on May 12?


tep Three Reading


Before listening, T ask the Ss to talk about one question: If we have a chance to know about a famous person, what aspects do you want to know?

(name, birthday, birthplace, death, study, education, dream, background, contributions, status, and so on.)

While listening, Ss should find some information about these aspects as much as possible. (Listen twice)

?Name: Florence Nightingale ( “The Lady with the Lamp”)

?Birthday: May 12, 1820

?Birthplace: Italy

?Death: In 1910 ( at the age of 90)

?Education:Educated by her father and private teachers

?Study: Excel in her studies

?Dream:To be a nurse


Fast reading

a)Finish the rest difficult information by fast reading

?Background:A war between England and Russia in Turkey ( Para.2) ?Status:The founder of the modern profession of nursing & A hospital reformer


1)Care for the sick in hospitals

2)Tend the sick and the wounded around the clock so that the death rate

of wounded soldiers fell from 42% to 2.2%

3)Write home on behalf of the soldiers


4)Send the men’s wages home to their families

5)Set up reading-rooms in the hospital

6)Set up a nursing school to train professional nurses

7)Offer her advice on hospital reform

b)Show two pictures , and then ask the Ss to answer one question by fast


Why was Nightingale called “ The Lady with the Lamp”?

Careful Reading

Ask the Ss to underline the following important phrase by careful reading.












◆Exercises -------- The end of the competition


1.One person can make a ________ (different) by saving energy.

2.He is _______ (determine) to track down the leak of information.

3.Her _______ (decide) greatly upset her family.

4.Nightingale took a lamp and walked around the hospital ______(attend)

the patients.


5.Nightingale was given many awards because of her ________ (excel) work. 高考链接二:单选

1. _______ your cooperation, we’ve finished all work in time.

A. Because

B. Because of

C. Since

D. Thanks to

2. If you know yourself well, you will find a career that suits your

personality and _______ it.

A. excel in

B. excel at

C. good at

D. doing well in

3. Instead of giving you the praise you desire, people would _______ you.

A. look upon

B. look after

C. look down upon

D. look around

4. I accept this prize ______ all men who loved peace.

A. in return

B. in response

C. in behalf of

D. on behalf of


1.The street was ___________ a great man in honor of his great contributions

to the city.

2. This supermarket is open ______________, that’s why it is called “24


3. He is ________ a doctor who _________ all the patients patiently.

4. ___________, we gave him a present for his help.

5. Many foreign companies have _________ factories here.

Step Four Consolidation & The result of the competition


(Head nurse ------- Florence Nightingale Medal)

Nightingale Pledge


Step Five Homework

Write a short article to talk about what you have learned from Nightingale. Master the important words and phrases learned in this class .

◆Blackboard Design:

Unit 12 Dedicated People


birthplace, educate, private, excel, name after excel in act as set up

nurse, decision, upset, wounded, look down upon be determined to do

try, appoint, female, lamp, patient, care for on behalf of thanks to

because of

respect, tend, continue, advice, at the front appoint to at first try


reform, founder, suffering, dedicated make a difference by day in fact

around the clock be known as continue to

Nightingale Spirit will last forever!




一、Multiple choice 选择填空

( ) 1. Who ’s the girl ________ small ears? A . with B. in

C. with a ( ) 2. The man ________white is my father. A . with

B. in

C. for ( ) 3.We ’re late ________ the party. A . with

B. in

C. for

( ) 4.Welcome ________ our school. A . to B. for C. in

A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示补全句子

1. The __________(气温) falls below zero at night.

3. Harbin is in the __________(东北) of China.

4. We have a lot of __________(阳光) here in summe

5. It's __________(多云的) today.


____ the ____ like ____ Beijing in ____? It ?s ____ very ____, as ____

as ____ New York. Sometimes it ____.

2. 秋季是北京最好的季节。

____ is the ____ ____ in ____.


____ it often ____ ____ in ____?

4. 下个星期是国庆节假期。南希想参加舞蹈比赛。

It ’s the National Day ____ next ____. Nancy is going to ____ ____ _____

the dancing contest.



7. ____ are we going to meet? ____? We ?ll meet at two o ?clock ____ ____

____ the Dazhong ____.

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空

6. There are some __________ (radio) on the table.

7. Lucy sings __________(bad) than Lily.

8. How __________ (wind) it is today!

9. In winter, there are lots of __________ (snow) days.

10. You must do your homework __________ (careful).


11. Shenyang has a fine day. __________ __________ a fine day in Shenyang.

12. There is rain to the north of the Great Wall.

__________ __________ to the north of the Great Wall.

13. In the Northeast it is wet and cold. The Northeast __________ a wet and cold day.

14. How heavily it rains! What __________ __________ rain!

15. The radio says the sun comes out later on.

The radio says the sun comes out later in __________ __________.


S: Can I help you ?

B: Y es, I ‘m looking for a birthday p for my friend .

S : W would you like ?

B: I don’t know . Let me h a look first .

G : How about that f .

B: I don’t think Lintao likes football. He is good at basketball.

S : What a this basketball ?

B: It’s not very nice .I don’t like I .Can you g me that one ?

S : Ok .H You are.

B:It’s nice .I’ll t it. What’s your present for Lintao , Jane?


10 G :Ah , it ’s a secret .I ’ll give him a s .


In England winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. There 1 a great difference between summer and winter. Why is this? England has a warm winter and a 2 summer because it is an island country. In winter the sea is 3 than the land. The winds from the sea 4 warm air to England. In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to England. The 5 winds blow (吹) over England all the year round. They blow from the southwest. They are 6 winds. They bring 7 to England all the year round. England has a lot of rain all the year round. The west of England is 8 than the east. More rain falls there. The four seasons are all 9 months long. If you want to visit England, you can go there in 10 .

1. A. isn't B. doesn't have C. is D. has

2. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. warm

3. A. warmer B. warm C. hot D. hotter

4. A. carries B. are C. bring D. take

5. A. west B. east C. southeast D. southwest

6. A. cool B. winter C. wet D. cold

7. A. cloud B. rain C. cold D. snow

8. A. wet B. drier C. wetter D. colder

9. A. two B. four C. three D. same 10. A. spring B. autumn C. winter D. each season

Read and choose


( ) 1. 向迈克介绍你姐姐。 A. My sister is a teacher. B. Mike, this is my sister. C. My sister is in blue.

( ) 2. 你想问对方那个女孩是不是他的妹妹。 A. Is that woman your mother?

B. Is this girl your sister?

C. Is that girl your sister?

11 ( ) 3. A. Who ’s the boy in yellow? B. Who ’s the boy with yellow hair? C. Who ’s the boy with yellow head?

Read and guess

1. She ’s my mother ’s mother. She my __________.

2. His son is my father. He ’s my ___________.

3. His sister is my mother. He ’s my ___________.

4. Her son is my brother. She ’s my __________.

阅读理解 Passage1

阅读短文, 判断正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F

It's October seventh. The season is fall. The weather is sunny, but cool. The temperature is about 17 degrees(度). The pupils of No.12 School have no lessons. They are in the park. The park is beautiful and large. There are many trees and flowers in it. There is a river and a hill in it, too. Some girls are under a big tree. They are singing and dancing. Tom and Jack are sitting beside the river. They are drawing. Kate is there, too. She is looking at the fish in the river. Look, there is an apple in Rose's hand. She is eating it. They are happy.

( )1. Today is a cold day.

( )2. The pupils are in the classroom.

( )3.Kate is looking at the fish.

( )4.The park is small.

( )5.They are having a good time.


Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last. For example, my full name is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family name .My parents gave me both of my other names. People don ’t use their middle names very much. So “John Henry Brown ”

is usually called “John Brown”. People never use Mr., Mrs or Miss before

their first names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr. Brown; but you should

never say Mr. John. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the family name but never

with the first name.

Sometimes people ask me about my name. “When you were born, why did your parents call you Jim?” they ask.” Why did they choose that name?” The answer

is they didn’t call Jim. They called me James. James was the name of my grandfather. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. That’s because

it is shorter and easier than James.

1.Most English people have____ names. A one B two C three

D four

2. ____ is Jim’s family name. A Jim B Green C Allan D James

3. English people use Mr. , Mis or Miss with ____ .

A the family name

B the first name

C The middle name

D the first name and the middle name

4. The teacher’s name is John Henry Brown. His students call him ____.

A Mr John

B Mr Henry

C Mr John Henry

D Mr Brown

5. People usually call the writer Jim instead of James because _____.

A It’s the name of his grandfather

B It’s easier for people call him

C It’s the name that his parents chose for him

D It’s more difficult than James


