多项选择题(multiple-choice items)
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多项选择题 (multiple-choice items)
Objective VS subjective Subjective and objective are terms used to refer to the scoring of tests. Listening and reading ability can only be tested objectively. Speaking and writing ability is often tested subjectively. Objective: difficult to construct but easy to mark Subjective: easy to set the questions but difficult to mark
Objective VS subjective Objective tests can never test the students’ ability to communicate in the target language nor can they evaluate actual performance. A good classroom test will probably contain both subjective and objective test items. Multiple-choice item is one of the most widely used types of items in objective tests.
Advantages优点: · 评分节省人力、时间和费用。 · 评分信度高。 · 题项形式多样,适用范围广。
Disadvantages It tests only recognition(识别) knowledge. Guessing(猜测) is an inevitable factor. It severely restricts what can be tested. It’s very difficult to write successful items. Backwash may be harmful. (test-taking strategy 应试技巧) Cheating may be facilitated.Hughes: P60
General principles when constructing multiple-choice items Each multiple-choice item should have only one answer. Only one feature at a time should be tested. Each option should be grammatically correct when placed in the stem, except of course in the case of specific grammar test items.Heaton: P29
General principles All multiple-choice items should be at a level appropriate to the linguistic ability of the testees. The context should be at a lower level than the actual problem which the item is testing. Multiple-choice items should be as brief and as clear as possible. In many tests, items are generally arranged in rough order of increasing difficulty.
选择题应遵循的原则最重要的原则是:只有作为答案的选择才是 适当的。其他选项肯定不适当。 除此之外,还有一些原则也应该遵守: · 选项应该简短,能够明确达意。 · 题项的目标要尽可能单一,或不可过多。 · 要说明选择的方法。 · 采取措施,减少胡乱猜测的现象。
多项选择题的构成多项选择题的基本成分 题干(stems) 选项(choices, options或 alternatives) 选项:答案 ( answer/correct option/key) 干扰项 (distractor)就数量而言,选项为三个或四个的居多。
Someone who designs houses is a ____. A. designer B. builder C. architect D. plumber分析选项,干扰项,答案。
The horse is ___ farm animal. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 干扰项的干扰力太弱。
John soon returned to _____. A. work B. the prison C. home D. school 提供语境少,从而导致多个答案可接受。 I
like music, ____ I don’t have time for it. A. and B. so C. but D. because 语境限定较好
The boy’s hobbies referred to in the first paragraph
of the passage were _______. A. camping and fishing B. tennis and golf C. cycling long distances D. fishing, rowing and swimming E. collecting stamps选项过多,加重阅读负担,分散注意力。
[A] She was a bank manager. [B] She was a victim of the robbery. [C] She was a defense lawyer. [D] She was a witness to the crime.
A. The traveler is reluctant to buy travel insurance. B. The traveler is ready to buy travel insurance. C. The traveler doesn't have to buy travel insurance. D. Travel insurance is not mentioned in the conversation.
听力或阅读理解的选择项,分析考点。 应试策略
编写步骤 确定考点:每道题目只考一个考点。 编写题目:题干、选项(答案和干扰项) stem, option/response/alternative (answer/correct option/key, distractor) 注意事项
stem The primary purpose of the stem is to present the problem clearly and concisely. The stem may take the following forms: an incomplete statement, a complete statement, a question The stem should usually contain those words or phases which would otherwise have to be repeated in each option. The stem should allow for the number of choices which have been decided upon.
题干(stem) 最好来自于实际语言交流的自然篇章。 (naturally-occurring discourse) 提供足够的信息,同时又不包括无关的信 息或暗示。
应包含选择项中重复使用的同一个词或短 语。(固定词组或搭配不能拆开) 刘:P52
Tom was ______ the other two boys. A. taller than B. smaller than C. as tall as 这种情况下,无法再增加选择项
A. B. C. D.
, I would take an umbrella with me. Had I been you I were you Were I you I had been you
考查语法,但语言不得体,不真实自然。最 好来自于实际语言交流的自然篇章。 (naturally-occurring discourse)
South America . A. is a flat, arid country B. import coffee from the United States C. has a larger population than the United States D. was settled mainly by colonists from Spain 提供足够的信息,同时又不包括无关的信 息或暗示。
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