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先期事项 (6)

适用范围 (6)

信用证和修改的申请、信用证开立及修改 (6)

总则 (9)

缩略语 (9)

证明书和证明、声明书和声明 (10)

UCP600第19条至第25条的运输单据的副本 (11)

更正与更改(统称“更正”) (12)

寄送单据、通知等的快递收据、邮政收据或投邮证明 (14)

日期 (14)

单据中的空格栏 (17)

UCP600运输条款不适用的单据 (17)

UCP600未定义的用语 (18)

单据出具人 (20)

单据语言 (20)

数学计算 (21)

拼写或打字错误 (21)

多页单据和附件或附文 (22)

非单据化条件和数据矛盾 (22)

正本和副本 (23)

唛头 (25)

签字 (26)

单据名称及联合单据 (28)

汇票及到期日计算 (29)

基本要求 (29)

付款期限 (29)

付款到期日 (31)

银行工作日、宽限期和付款延迟 (32)

出具和签署 (33)

金额 (34)

背书 (35)

更正与更改(统称“更正”) (35)

以开证申请人为付款人的汇票 (35)

发票 (36)

发票名称 (36)

发票出具人 (36)

货物、服务或履约行为的描述及发票的其它一般性事项 (37)

分期支款或装运 (40)

涵盖至少两种不同运输方式的运输单据(“多式或联合运输单据”) (42)

UCP600第19条的适用 (42)

多式运输单据的出具、承运人、承运人身份的识别及签署 (43)

装船批注、装运日期、收货、发送或接管地、装货港或出发地机场 (45)

最终目的地、卸货港或目的地机场 (47)

正本多式运输单据 (48)

收货人、指示方、托运人和背书、被通知人 (48)

转运、部分装运,以及提交多套多式运输单据时如何确定交单期 (50)

清洁多式运输单据 (52)

货物描述 (53)

目的地交货代理人的名称与地址 (53)

更正与更改(统称“更正”) (53)

运费和额外费用 (54)

凭多套多式运输单据放货 (55)

提单 (56)

UCP600第20条的适用 (56)

提单的出具、承运人、承运人身份的识别及签署 (56)

装船批注、装运日期、前程运输、收货地及装货港 (58)

卸货港 (62)

正本提单 (63)

收货人、指示方、托运人和背书、被通知人 (63)

转运、部分装运,以及提交多套提单时如何确定交单期 (65)

清洁提单 (66)

货物描述 (67)

卸货港交货代理人的名称与地址 (67)

更正和更改(统称“更正”) (68)

运费和额外费用 (68)

凭多套提单放货 (69)

不可转让海运单 (71)

UCP600第21条的适用 (71)

不可转让海运单的出具、承运人、承运人身份的识别及签署 (71)

装船批注、装运日期、前程运输、收货地及装货港 (73)

卸货港 (77)

正本不可转让海运单 (78)

收货人、指示方、托运人和被通知人 (78)

转运、部分装运,以及提交多套不可转让海运单时如何确定交单期 (80)

清洁不可转让海运单 (81)

货物描述 (82)

卸货港交货代理人的名称与地址 (83)

更正和更改(统称“更正”) (83)

运费和额外费用 (83)

租船提单 (85)

UCP600第22条的适用 (85)

租船提单的签署 (86)

装船批注、装运日期、前程运输、收货地及装货港 (86)

卸货港 (90)

正本租船提单 (91)

收货人、指示方、托运人和背书、被通知人 (92)

部分装运以及提交多套租船提单时如何确定交单期 (94)

清洁租船提单 (95)

货物描述 (96)

更正和更改(统称“更正”) (96)

运费和额外费用 (96)

凭多套租船提单放货 (97)

租船合同 (98)

空运单据 (99)

UCP600第23条的适用 (99)

空运单据的出具、承运人、承运人的身份识别及签署 (99)

接受待运、装运日期和对实际发送日期的要求 (101)

出发地机场和目的地机场 (102)

正本空运单据 (102)

收货人、指示方和被通知人 (103)

转运、部分装运以及提及多套空运单据时如何确定交单期 (104)

清洁空运单据 (106)

货物描述 (106)

更正和更改(统称“更正”) (107)

运费和额外费用 (107)

公路、铁路和内陆水路运输单据 (109)

公路、铁路或内陆水路运输单据的出具、承运人、承运人的身份识别及签署 (109)

装运地和目的地 (110)

正本和第二联的公路、铁路或内陆水路运输单据 (111)

收货人、指示方和被通知人 (112)

转运、部分装运以及提及多套公路、铁路或内陆水路运输单据时如何确定交单期 (113)

清洁公路、铁路或内陆水路运输单据 (115)

货物描述 (116)

更正和更改(统称“更正”) (116)

运费和额外费用 (117)

保险单据及承保范围 (118)

UCP600第28条的适用 (118)

保险单据的出具人、签署及正本保险单据 (118)

日期 (120)

保险金额和比例 (121)

承保险别 (123)

被保险人和背书 (123)

保险单据的一般性条款和条件 (124)

保费 (124)

原产地证明 (126)

基本要求和功能满足 (126)

原产地证明的出具人 (126)

原产地证明的内容 (127)

装箱单 (129)

基本要求和功能满足 (129)

装箱单的出具人 (129)

装箱单的内容 (129)

重量单 (131)

基本要求和功能满足 (131)

重量单的出具人 (131)

重量单的内容 (131)

受益人证明 (133)

基本要求和功能满足 (133)

受益人证明的签署 (133)

受益人证明的内容 (133)

分析、检验、健康、植物检疫、数量、质量和任何其它证明(统称“证明”) (135)

基本要求和功能满足 (135)

证明的出具人 (136)

证明的内容 (136)


Preliminary Considerations


Scope of the publication

Para I:

This publication is to be read in conjunction with UCP600 and not in isolation. 本出版物应当结合UCP600进行解读,不应孤立解读。

Para II:

The practices described in this publication highlight how the articles of UCP600 are to be interpreted and applied, to the extent that the terms and conditions of the credit, or any amendment thereto, do not expressly modify or exclude an applicable article in UCP 600.



The credit and amendment application, the issuance of the credit and any amendment thereto

Para III:

The terms and conditions of a credit and any amendment thereto are independent of the underlying sale or other contract even if the credit or amendment expressly refers to that sale or other contract. When agreeing the terms of the sale or other contract, the parties thereto should be aware of the ensuing implications for the completion of the credit or amendment application.


Para IV:

Many of the problems that arise at the document examination stage could be avoided or resolved by the respective parties through careful attention to detail in the credit or amendment application and issuance of credit or any amendment thereto. The applicant and beneficiary should carefully consider the documents required for presentation, by whom they are to be issued, their data content and the time frame

1Preliminary consideration,可译为“预先注意事项”,有点长。这里译为“先期事项”,含义不变,但更简洁,便于交流。

in which they are to be presented.


Para V:

The applicant bears the risk of any ambiguity in its instructions to issue or amend a credit. An issuing bank may, unless the applicant expressly instructs to the contrary, supplement or develop those instructions in a manner necessary or desirable to permit the use of the credit or any amendment thereto. An issuing bank should ensure that any credit or amendment it issues is not ambiguous or conflicting in its terms and conditions.


Para VI:

The applicant and issuing bank should be fully aware the content of UCP 600 and recognize that articles such as 3, 14, 19, 20, 21,23, 24, 28(i), 30 and 31 define terms in a manner that may produce unexpected results. For example, a credit requiring presentation of a bill of lading and containing a prohibition against transhipment will, in most cases, have to exclude UCP 600 sub-article 20(c) to make the prohibition against transhipment effective.

开证申请人和开证行应当充分了解UCP600的内容,并认识到其中的诸如第3 条、第14 条、第19 条、第20 条、第21 条、第23 条、第24 条、第28条i款、第30 条和第31 条等条款的约定方式,可能产生出乎预料的结果。例如,在多数情况下,信用证要求提交提单且禁止转运时必须排除UCP600 第20 条c款的适用,才能使信用证规定的禁止转运发生效力。

Para VII:

A credit or any amendment thereto should not require presentation of a document that is to be issued, signed or countersigned by the applicant. If, nevertheless, a credit or amendment is issued including such a requirement, the beneficiary should consider the appropriateness of such a requirement and determine its ability to comply with it, or seek a suitable amendment.




General Principles



Para A1:

Generally accepted abbreviations, such as, but not limited to, “Int’l” instead of “International”, “Co.” instead of “Company”, “kgs” or “kos.” instead of “kilograms” or “kilos”, “Ind” instead of “Industry”, “Ltd” instead of “Limited”, “mfr” instead of “manufacturer” or “mt” instead of “metric tons” may be used in documents in substitution for a word or vice versa. A credit that includes an abbreviation in its text allows a document to show the same abbreviation or any other abbreviation that has the same meaning, or to show the complete spelling of the word or vice versa.

普遍接受的缩略语可以在单据上替代其全称,比如2但不限于,用“Int’l”代替“International(国际)”,用“Co.”代替“Company(公司)”,用“kgs”或“kos.”代替“kilograms(千克)”或“kilos(千克、千米)”,用“Ind”代替“Industry(工业)”,用“Ltd.”代替“Limited(有限)”,用“mfr”代替“manufacturer(制造商)”,用“mt”代替“metric tons(公吨)”,反之亦然。信用证文本中使用缩略语,即允许单据上使用同样的缩略语或具有同一含义的其它缩略语,或使用其全称,反之亦然。

Para A2:

a. Virgules (i.e., slash marks “/”) may result in different meanings and should

not be used as a substitute for a word. If nevertheless, a virgule is used and no context is apparent, this will allow the use of one or more of the options.

For example, a condition in a credit stating “Red/Black/Blue” with no further clarification will mean only Red or only Black or only Blue or any combination of them. 斜线(“/”)可能导致不同的含义,不应用来替代词语。尽管如此,如果还是使用了斜线,且上下文含义不明,那么将允许使用其中的一个或多个选择。例如,信用证规定了“红/黑/蓝”,且没有进一步说明,这表示颜色可以只是红或只是黑或只是蓝,或它们的任何一种组合。

b. The use of a comma when indicating a range of data in a credit such as ports

of loading or discharge or countries of origin, may result in different meanings and should not be used as a substitute for a word. If, nevertheless, a comma is used and no context is apparent, this will allow the use of one or more of

2For example, 可译为“比如”和“例如”,均为书面语,含义相同。但“比如”音较轻,属于平音,适宜放句中。“例如”音重,属于“仄”音,适宜放句首。全文照此统一。

the options. For example, when a credit allows partial shipment and indicates the port of loading information as “Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp”with no further clarification, this will mean only Hamburg or only Rotterdam or only Antwerp or any combination of them.



Certificates, Certifications, Declarations and Statements

Para A3:

When a certificate, certification, declaration or statement is required by a credit, it is to be signed.


Para A4:

Whether a certificate, certification, declaration or statement needs to be dated will depend on the type of certificate, certification, declaration or statement that has been requested, its required wording and the wording that appears within the document.


For example, when a credit requires the presentation of a certificate issued by the carrier or its agent stating that the vessel is no more than 25 years old, the certificate may evidence compliance by indicating:


a. the date or year the vessel was built, and such date or year is no more than

25 years prior to the date of shipment or the year in which shipment was effected,

in which case a date of issuance is not necessary, or


b. the wording as stated in the credit, in which case a date of issuance is

required, thereby certifying that as of the date the vessel was not more than

25 years old.




Para A5:

When a certification, declaration or statement is to appear in a document which

is to be signed and dated, it does not require a separate signature or date when

the certification, declaration or statement appears to have been given by the same entity that issued and signed the document.




Copies transport documents covered by UCP600 Article 19-25

Para A6:

a. When a credit requires the presentation of a copy of a transport document covered

by UCP600 articles 19-25, the relevant article is not applicable, as these articles only apply to original transport documents. A copy of a transport document is to be examined only to the extent expressly stated in the credit, otherwise according to UCP600 sub-article 14(f).

当信用证要求UCP600第19条至第25条所涉及的运输单据的副本时,相关条款并不适用,因为这些条款仅适用于正本运输单据。运输单据的副本将只在信用证明确规定的范围内审核,其它方面4将按照UCP600 第14条f款的规定予以审核。

b. Any data shown on a copy of a transport document, when read in context with the

credit, the document itself and international standard banking practice, need not be identical to, but must not conflict with data in that document, any other stipulated document or the credit.


c. Copies of transport documents covered by UCP600 articles 19-25 are not subject

to the default presentation period of 21 calendar days stated in UCP600 sub-article 14(c) or any presentation period stated in the credit, unless the credit explicitly states the basis for determining such presentation period.

Otherwise, a presentation may be made at any time, but in any event no later than the expiry date of the credit. 除非信用证明确规定了确定交单期的基础,

4Otherwise, 有否则之义,也有其它方面之义。如果译为“否则”,可能会造成一个疑问,即如果信用证没

有规定此类单据的具体审核内容时,是否还需要按照UCP600 第14条f款的规定审核吗?答案是肯定的。





Correction and alteration (“correction”)

Para A7:

a. i. Any correction of data in a document issued by the beneficiary, with the

exception of drafts (see paragraph B16), need not be authenticated.


ii. When a document issued by the beneficiary has been legalized, visaed, certified etc., any correction of data is to be authenticated by at least one of the entities that legalized, visaed or certified etc., the document.

Such authentication is to indicate the name of the entity authenticating the correction either by use of a stamp incorporating its name, or by the addition of the name of the authenticating entity accompanied by its signature or initials.


b. i. Any correction of data in a document, other than in a document issued by the

beneficiary, is to appear to have been authenticated by the issuer or an entity acting as agent, proxy or for [or on behalf of] the issuer. Such authentication is to indicate the name of the entity authenticating the correction either by use of a stamp incorporating its name, or by the addition of the name of the authenticating entity accompanied by its signature or initials. In the case of authentication by an agent or proxy, the capacity of acting as agent or proxy for [or on behalf of] the issuer is to be stated.


ii. When a document other than one issued by the beneficiary has been legalized, visaed, certified, etc., any correction of data is, in addition to the

requirements of paragraph A7)(b)(i), to be authenticated by at least one of the entities that legalized, visaed or certified etc., the document. Such




authentication is to indicate the name of the entity authenticating the correction either by use of a stamp incorporating its name, or by the addition of the name of the authenticating entity accompanied by its signature or initials.当由受益人以外一方出具的单据已经合法化、签证或证实等时,数据的


c. Any correction of data in a copy document need not be authenticate

d. 副本单


Para A8:

When a document other than one issued by the beneficiary contains more than one correction, either each correction is to be authenticated separately, or one authentication is to indicate that it applies to all corrections. For example, when a document issued by XXX shows three corrections numbered 1, 2 and 3, one statement such as “Correction numbers 1, 2 and 3 authenticated by XXX” or similar, together with the signature or initials of XXX, will satisfy the requirement for authentication.

当由受益人以外一方出具的单据包含一处以上的更正时,每一处更正都应当单独地进行证实,或者作出一项证实并注明其适用于所有的更正。例如,当由XXX出具的单据显示编号为1、2、3的三处更正时,一个“编号为1、2、3的更正已经由XXX 证实”的声明或类似措辞,并含有XXX的签字或小签,即满足证实要求。

Para A9:

The use of multiple type styles, font sizes or handwriting within the same document does not, by itself, signify a correction.



Courier receipt, post receipt and certificate of posting in respect of the sending of documents, notices and the like

Para A10:

When a credit requires the presentation of a document as evidence of sending documents, notices and the like to a named or described entity, in the form of a courier receipt, post receipt or certificate of posting, such document is to be examined only to the extent expressly stated in the credit, otherwise according to UCP600 sub-article 14(f) and not under UCP600 article 25.




Para A11:

a. Even when a credit does not so expressly so require


i. drafts are to indicate a date of issuance;


ii. insurance documents are to indicate a date of issuance or effectiveness of the insurance coverage as reflected in paragraph K10(b) and

K11; and



iii. original transport documents, subject to examination under UCP600 Articles 19-25, are to indicate a date of issuance, a dated on board

notation, a date of shipment, a date of receipt for shipment, a date of

dispatch or carriage, a date of taking in charge or a date of pick up

or receipt, as applicable.




b. A requirement that a document, other than a draft, insurance document or original

transport document, be dated, will be satisfied by the indication of a date of issuance or by reference in the document to the date of another document forming part of the same presentation (for example, by the wording “date as per bill of lading number xxx” appearing on a certificate issued by a carrier or its agent) or a date appearing on a stipulated document indicating the occurrence of an event (for example, by the date of inspection being indicated on an inspection certificate that otherwise does not contain a date of issuance.) 如果信用证要求汇票、保险单据或正本运输单据以外的其它单据注明日期,那么在该单据上注明出具日期,或在单据上援引同一交单下其它单据的日期(例如,由承运人或其代理人出具的证明中显示“日期参见XXX 号提单”),或在规定的单据上显示一个事件发生的日期(例如,检验证明显示了检验日期,但没有注明出具日期),即满足要求。

Para A12:

a. A document, such as but not limited to a certificate of analysis, inspection

certificate or fumigation certificate, may indicate a date of issuance later than the date of shipment.


b. When a credit requires a document to evidence a pre-shipment event (for example,

“pre-shipment inspection certificate”), the document, either by its title,

content or date of issuance, is to indicate that the event (

for example, inspection) took place on or prior to the date of shipment.


c. When a credit requires a document such as, but not limit to, an “inspection

certificate” this does not constitute a requirement that the document is to evidence a pre-shipment event, and it need not be dated prior to the date of shipment.


Para A13:

A document indicating a date of issuance and a later date of signing is deemed to have been issued on the date of signing.


Para A14:

a. When a credit uses phrases to signify time on either side of a date or an event,

the following shall apply:


i. “not later than 2 days after (date or event)” mean s a latest date. If

an advice or document is not to be dated prior to a specific date or

event, the credit should so state.

“不迟于(日期或事件)之后2 天”,指最迟日期。如果要求通知或单据注明


ii. “at least 2 days before (date or event)” means that an act or e vent is to take place not later than 2 days before that date or event. There is

no limit as to how early it may take place.



b. i. For the purpose of calculation of a period of time, t he term “within” when

used in connection with a date or event excludes that date or the event

date in calculation of the period. For example, “within 2 days of (date

or event)” means a period of 5 days commencing 2 days prior to the

date or event until 2 days after that date or event.


日期或该事件日期。例如,“在(日期或事件)的2 天之内”,指5天期间,开


ii. The term “within” when followed by a date or a reference to a determinable date or event includes that date or event date. For example,

“presentation to be made within14 May” or “presentation is to be made

within credit validity

(or credit expiry)” where the expiry date of the credit is 14 May, means

14 May is the last day upon which presentation is allowed, provided that

14 May is a banking day.


时,将包括该日期或援引的该确定日期或该事件日期。例如,“在5月14 日之



Para A15:

The words “from” and “after”, when used to determine a maturity date or period for presentation following the date of shipment, the date of an event or the date of a document, exclude that date in the calculation of the period. For example, 10 days after the date of shipment or 10 days from the date of shipment, where the date of shipment was 4 May, will be 14 May.

“从……起”和“在…… 之后”这两个词语,当用于确定装运日期、事件发生日期或单据日期之后的到期日或交单期时,将不包括该日期。例如,当装运日期是5月4日时,装运日之后10天或从装运日起10天,均指5月14日。

Para A16:

Provided that the date intended can be determined from the document or from other documents included in the presentation, dates may be expressed in any formats. For example, the 14th of May 2013 could be expressed as 14 May 13, 14.05.2013, 14.05.13, 2013.05.14, 05.14.13, 130514, etc. To avoid any risk of ambiguity, it is recommended that the month be stated in the words.

只要从单据或同一交单的其它单据上能够确定,该单据上试图表明的日期就可以用任何格式表示。例如,2013 年5月14日以表示为14 May 13,14.05.2013,14.05.13,2013.05.14,05.14.13,130514等。为避免模糊不清带来的风险,建议使用文字表示月份。


Documents and the need for completion of box, field or space

Para A17:

The fact that a document has a box, field or space for data to be inserted does not necessarily mean that such box, field or space is to be completed. For example, data are not required in the box titled “Accounting information” or “Handling information” commo nly found on an air waybill. Also see paragraph A37) in respect of the requirements for a signature to appear in any box, field or space.


8Credit validity,直译为“有效期”。Credit expiry,直译为“失效日”,也统一译为“有效期”。



Documents for which the UCP 600 transport articles do not apply

Para A18:

a. Documents commonly used in relation to the transportation of goods, such as but

not limited to, Delivery Note, Delivery Order, Cargo receipt, Forw arder’s Certificate of Receipt, Forwarder’ s Certificate of Shipment, Forwarder’s Certificate of Transport, Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt and Mate’s Receipt are not transport documents as defined in UCP 600 articles 19 - 25. These documents are to be examined only to the extent expressly stated in the credit, otherwise according to UCP 600 sub-article 14(f).

与货物运输有关的一些常用单据,比如但不限于提货通知、提货单、货物收据、运输行收货证明、运输行装运证明、运输行运输证明、运输行货物收据和大副收据,都不是UCP600第19 条至第25 条所规定的运输单据。这些单据将只在信用证明确规定的范围内审核,其它方面将按照UCP600 第14条f款的规定予以审核。

b. i. For documents referred to in paragraph A18(a), a condition of a credit that

presentation is to occur within a certain number of days after the date of shipment will be disregarded, and the presentation may be made at any time, but in any event no later than the expiry date of the credit.


ii. The default presentation period of 21 calendar days stated in UCP600 sub-article 14(c) only apply a presentation including one or more original transport documents covered by UCP 600 articles 19 – 25.


c. For a presentation period to apply to a document referred to in paragraph A18(a),

the credit should specify that presentation is to be made within a certain number of days after the issuance date of respective document, or a day that is mentioned in the document (for example, when a credit requires the presentation of a document titled cargo receipt, “documents to be presented no later than 10 days after the date of the cargo receipt”).



Expressions not defined in UCP 600

Para A19:

The expressions “shipping documents”, “stale documents acceptable”, “third party documents acceptable”,“third party documents not acceptable”, “exporting country”, “shipping company” and “documents acceptable as presented ”shou ld not be used in a credit,as they are not defined in UCP 600. If, nevertheless, they are used, and their meaning is not defined in the credit, they shall have the following meaning under international standard banking practice:由于UCP600

“装运单据”、“过期单据可接受”、“第三方单据可接受”、“第三方单据不可接受”、“出口国”、“船公司”及“提交单据即可接受”这些用语,因其在UCP 600中未加定义,不应使用。尽管如此,如果信用证还是使用了这些用语但没有规定其含义,那么在国际标准银行实务中,这些用语含义如下:

a. “shipping documents” – all documents required by the credit, except drafts,

teletransmission reports, and the courier receipts, postal receipts or certificates of posting evidencing the sending documents.

“装运单据”- 指信用证要求的所有单据,不包括汇票、电讯传送报告、证实寄送单据的快递收据、邮政收据或邮寄证明。

b. “stale documents acceptable” – documents may be presented later than 21

calendar days after the date of shipment as long as they are presented no later than the expiry date of the credit. This will also apply when the credit specifies a period for presentation together with the conditions “stale documents acceptable”.

“过期单据可接受”- 指单据可以晚于装运日后21个日历日提交,只要不晚于信用证有效期。这也适用于信用证在明确规定交单期的同时,还规定了“过期单据可接受”


c. “third party documents acceptable” – all documents for which the credit or

UCP600 do not indicate an issuer, except drafts, may be issued by a named person or entity other than the beneficiary.

“第三方单据可接受”- 指信用证或UCP600未规定出具人的所有单据,除汇票外,都可以由受益人以外的具名个人或实体出具。

d. “third party documents not acceptable” –has no meaning and is to be


“第三方单据不可接受”- 没有任何含义,将不予理会。

e. “exporting country” –one of the following: the country where the beneficiary

is domiciled, the country of origin of the goods, the country of receipt by the carrier or the country from which shipment or dispatch is made.

“出口国”- 指以下的一个国家:受益人居住地所在国、货物原产地所在国、承运人货


