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2018届江苏高考英语一轮复习精品资料●模块二 Unit 3

重点知识突破 一、重点词汇

词汇-1. curious

【原句呈现】He was bright and curious about the world outside his home town. 【考点聚焦】

▲curious的相关短语及其名词意义的识别。 【考题研读】

①Kids will be _______ about everything when they reach a certain age. A. anxious

B. curious

C. cautious

D. conscious

②The teacher wants his students to know more about modern science and tries hard to develop a(n) _______

about nature among his students. A. curiosity

B. habit

C. ability D. independence

【答案与解析】A。句意:老师希望他的学生更多地了解现代科学,并力图在学生们中开发他们对自然的一种好奇心。curiosity 好奇心;habit习惯;ability 能力;independence 独立。故选A项。 ③He should give in to _______ and opened my handbag without my permission.

A. concern B. convenience C. consideration D. curiosity 【答案与解析】D。give in to curiosity 抑制不住好奇心。句意:他竟然抑制不住好奇心,未经我的允许就打开了我的手提包。 【归纳拓展】

curious adj.好奇的,求知欲强的→curiously adv.好奇地→curiosity n. 好奇心

be curious about sth.对某事好奇 be curious to do sth.很想做某事,渴望做某事 It is curious that?奇怪的是?? out of curiosity出于好奇 心

show curiosity about sth对某事表现出好奇心

meet/satisfy one’s curiosity满足某人的好奇

give in to curiosity抑制不住好奇心

词汇-2. preserve

【原句呈现】Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the

preserved bodies of dead kings.


▲preserve意义的识别; ▲跟protect的区别; ▲跟persevere容易想混。 【考题研读】

①The 2015 World Secondary School Students’ Track and Field Championships will be held in Wuhan NO.4 Middle School,partially because the cultural relics here such as the Clock Tower and the Church are well _______. A. preserved

B. deserved

C. reserved

D. observed


②At minus 130℃, a living cell can be _______ for a thousand years. A. spared

B. protected

C. preserved

D. developed

③She _______ in her idea despite obvious objections raised by friends. A. preserved

B. promoted

C. persevered

D. proposed

【答案与解析】C。句意:虽然朋友们明确反对,她还是坚持己见。preserve保护;promote促进,提升;persevere 坚持;propose提议,建议。根据题意选A。 【归纳拓展】

preserve与protect的区别:protect vt. (一般意义上的)保护,保卫。着重表示“保护或保卫不受


preserve vt. 保护,保持,保存。着重表示“保持原有的状态”或“保持完好的状态” 因为保存好而保护。它还有“维护、维持、腌制(肉等)”的意思。



①With the limited natural resources,we should take action to preserve them from being wasted.


②With the limited natural resources,we should take action to protect them from being wasted.

③With the limited natural resources,we should take action to stop them from being wasted. ④With the limited natural resources,we should take action to keep them from being wasted. preserve 的名词形式是preservation;persevere“坚持”的名词形式是perseverance。 词汇-3. content

【原句呈现】Afterwards, all of its contents would go into a museum. 【考点聚焦】

▲content作为名词和形容词意义的识别。 【考题研读】

①He’s perfectly _______ to live in the mountain and paint pictures all day, though he is badly off.

A. curious

B. proud

C. anxious

D. content

②Beginners are expected to be familiar with the _______ of the reading material before they come to the class.

A. condition B. concept

C. contest D. content

【答案与解析】D。condition条件、情形;concept观念、概念;contest竞赛;content内容。句意:初学者应该在上课前熟悉阅读材料的内容。 【归纳拓展】

content n. 内容,目录,容量,含量,容器所装之物,满足

adj.满足的,满意的 vt.使满足

be content to do sth. 乐于做某事

be content with对??满足/满意=be satisfied with=be pleased with content oneself with满足于;使(某人)自己对??感到满足 to one's heart's content心满意足地、尽情地 词汇-4. disturb

【原句呈现】When a tomb is opened, fresh air disturbs the viruses. 【考点聚焦】

▲disturb意义的识别; ▲disturb和interrupt的区别。 【考题研读】

①The mother opened the door quietly so as not to _______ the sleeping children. A. trouble

B. disturb

C. interrupt

D. annoy

【答案与解析】B。句意:这位母亲轻轻地打开门,目的是不打扰正在睡觉的孩子们。trouble麻烦,困扰; disturb打扰;interrupt打断,妨碍;annoy使人恼火。

②It is very _______ that TV programs are often interrupted by advertisements, and mailboxes are often filled with junk mails. A. disturbing

B. reasonable

C. doubtful

D. original

【答案与解析】A。句意:电视节目中经常插播广告,邮箱里经常会有垃圾邮件,这真是令人心烦。disturbing 引起烦恼的,令人不安的;reasonable通情达理的,合理的;doubtful怀疑的,可疑的;original原先的,独创的。 【归纳拓展】

disturbing adj.令人不安的→disturbed adj.感到不安的

disturb, interrupt的区别:disturb“打扰;妨碍;扰乱”,侧重对某人动作或行为的干扰或干预,



词汇-5. result

【原句呈现】If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death. 【考点聚焦】

▲result作为动词和名词用的相关短语。 【考题研读】

①We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only _______ violence. A. runs into

B. results in

C. results from

D. runs out

②Jenny nearly missed the flight _______ doing too much shopping.

A. as a result of B. on top of

C. in front of

D. in need of

【答案与解析】A。as a result of由于??的结果。句意:珍妮购物的时间太长了,以至于差点误了班机。on top of在??顶部;in front of在??前面;in need of需要。

③Personally, it was his laziness rather than his intelligence that _______ the failure. A. resulted from

B. led to

C. made up for

D. gave in to

【答案与解析】B。句意:我个人认为,是他的懒惰而不是智力导致了失败。根据句意应选择lead to(导致)。result from由??引起;make up for弥补;give in to屈服于,向??让步。 【归纳拓展】

result in的同义语:lead to/contribute to/cause

result from ...由??造成,因??而产生 as a result结果

as a result of ...由于??的结果 without result没有结果;白费 with the result that ... 其结果是?? 词汇-6. apply

【原句呈现】①Only experience that is in connection with the job being applied for is listed

②In 1998, he applied to be a member of Project 921, which is now called Shenzhu.


▲apply作为动词用时的相关短语和其名词意义的识别。 【考题研读】

①Joanna had _______ a food business permit, but was refused because of her health problem. A. turned to

B. dealt with

C. applied for

D. relied on

【答案与解析】C。turn to求助于;deal with处理;apply for申请;rely on依靠。句意:乔安娜申请了食品经营许可证,但因为她身体的问题而遭到拒绝。

②—John, I think honesty is the best policy for my coming interview. —Well, that rule _______ everyone. But be flexible then. A. caters to

B. appeals to

C. applies to

D. objects to

【答案与解析】C。cater to面向,供应伙食,迎合;appeal to诉诸武力,向??投诉,向??呼吁,对??有吸引力;apply to适合,适用于??;object to反对,对??反感。句意:约翰,我认为诚实是我即将到来的面试的最佳策略。这个规则适用于所有人,但到时要灵活。

③Thanks to the _______ of this new technology, several deadly diseases can be treated at an early stage.

A. approach

B. announcement

C. advertisement

D. application



apply for sth.申请得到某东西

apply to do sth申请做某事 apply to...for...向??申请(得到)??

apply oneself to/apply one’s mind to专心致力于,专心从事 application n.应用 词汇-7. desire

【原句呈现】He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly. 【考点聚焦】

▲相关短语和句型。 【考题研读】

①Natural learning environments inspire a burning _______ to learn, the key to a productive lifestyle.

A. position

B. desire

C. impression

D. opinion

【答案与解析】B。burning desire强烈的欲望。句意:自然的学习环境会激发学生的学习热情,这是富有成效的生活方式的关键。position位置;impression印象;opinion意见。

②When someone turns away his body,it means impatience and a desire _______ a conversation. A. to escape

B. escaped

C. escaping

D. having escaped

【答案与解析】A。句意:当某人转过他的身子,那就意味着不耐烦以及想逃避一个对话。a desire to do sth.做某事的欲望,想做某事。 【归纳拓展】

desire sth.=wish for渴望/希望得到某物

have a strong desire to do sth.迫切想要做某事 得到某物

desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 事

desire that sb.(should) do sth.希望某人做某事

It is desirable that sb.(should) do sth.希望某人做某事 one’s desire that sb.(should) do sth. 某人的愿望?? 词汇-8. pay off

【原句呈现】All my years of training as an explorer finally paid off. 【考点聚焦】 ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①Since you are always working hard at your lessons, your efforts will _______. A. pay off

B. pay for

C. pay back

D. pay out

desire sb. to do sth.渴望/想要某人做某

have a strong desire for sth.急于想

②—Dad , I don’t think Oliver the right sort of person for the job. —I see. I will go right away and _______. A. pay him back

B. pay him off

C. put him away

D. put him off

【答案与解析】B。pay back 偿还,回报;pay off付清,(付清工资后)解雇;put away收拾,储存;

put off推迟。句意:“爸爸,我认为奧利弗是不适合这份工作的那种人。”“我知道,我马上付清工资后让他走人。” 【归纳拓展】

pay off 成功,带来好结果,得到回报,还清 pay back偿还,偿付,报复 pay for...付钱买??,为??付出代价 词汇-9. come across

【原句呈现】There, they came across the tomb of King Tutankhamun. 【考点聚焦】 ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①She _______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store. A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across 【答案与解析】D。turn down拒绝;deal with对付,处理;take after 与??相像,性格类似于,效仿;come across穿过,越过,偶然遇见。句意:昨天在百货商店购物时,她遇上了她的老朋友。 ②After several days of heavy rain the roof _______ with a loud noise, crashing onto the ground. A. came out

B. came down

C. came on

D. came up

pay a visit to sb./sp. 访问某人/参观某处

【答案与解析】B。come down下来,下落崩塌;句意:连续几天大雨后,随着一声巨响,屋顶塌了下来,坠毁在地上。

③The dictionary is being printed and it will soon _______. A. turn out

B. come out

C. start out

D. go out

④Whoever _______ a new idea of how to work out the puzzle will be given a prize. A. keeps up with

B. puts up with

C. ends up with

D. comes up with

【答案与解析】D。句意:无论谁想出/提出可以解决这个疑惑的新主意都会得到奖励。keep up with赶得上,和??保持联系;put up with容忍,忍受;end up with结束,以??结束/而告终;come up with提出,想出,赶得上。 【归纳拓展】

come across穿过,越过,偶然遇见 come down下来,下落崩塌 come over过来;顺便来访

come about发生

come out出版;开花;发芽 come to达到;总计;苏醒

come up走近,上来,发生,出现,被提及/讨论/提出,长出地面,发芽,(太阳、月亮)升起 come up with提出,想出

词汇-10. go out

【原句呈现】At the moment of Carnarvon’s death, the lights went out in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. 【考点聚焦】 ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①We had a hard time the last time we went camping, because the fire _______ during the freezing night.

A. went out

B. went over C. went on

D. went through

【答案与解析】A。句意:上次我们野营的时候过得很艰难,因为在寒夜里火熄灭了。go out外出,熄灭。

②To get a better grade, you should _______ the notes again before the test. A. go over B. get over

C. turn over

D. take over

【答案与解析】A。go over审查,复习,重温从头到尾检查一遍;get over越过,完成,克服(困难),从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来;turn over翻身,翻转,把??移交;take over接管,接替。句意:为了获得好成绩,你应该在考试前好好复习这些笔记。

③The young man was caught because the alarm _______ when he was stealing money from the shop. A. went on

B. went off

C. went away

D. went out

【答案与解析】B。句意:这个年轻人被抓住了,因为他从商店里偷钱时警报响了。go off发出(响声)。 ④He was disappointed that his plan did not _______. A. go on

B. go off

C. go through

D. go out

【答案与解析】C。go through经历,检查,完成。句意:他失望的是计划没有完成。 【归纳拓展】

go out走出去,全力以赴,熄灭, go back to追溯至

go away走开;离去;(岁月)流逝 go by经过,过去 go on继续,接下去

go through经历,详细检查;完成

go over审查,复习,重温从头到尾检查一遍

go in for从事、参加 go up上升,上涨,攀登 go off发出(响声) 词汇-11.refer to

【原句呈现】Sometimes we use a different suffix, usually-ess, when referring to a woman. 【考点聚焦】 ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①It was unwise of him to _______ the unreliable data in his speech. A. refer to B. add to

C. belong to

D. point to

②Students are advised to keep the list of books near the desk for easy _______. A. preference

B. function

C. purpose

D. reference


③The shopping assistant _______ me to the sales manager, who listened to my angry arguments but remained unmoved.

A. referred B. transferred C. preferred

D. inferred


④_______ In reference to a question about uprisings in the Middle East, he said that an Arab-style uprising would not solve Myanmar's problems. A. in favour of

B. in proportion to

C. in reference to

D. in honour of

【答案与解析】B。in reference to关于。句意:关于中东发生的起义,他说阿拉伯式的起义不能解决缅甸的问题。 【归纳拓展】

refer to涉及;提及;指的是;说的是 refer to...as...把??当做?? make (a) reference to谈到,参照 in reference to关于,就??而论 for future reference以供将来参考 refer?to?把??介绍/引荐给?? 词汇-12. in control (of)

【原句呈现】Yang was described by his superiors as hardworking and always in control of himself. 【考点聚焦】 ▲相关短语。 【考题研读】

①After his father died, he is in _______ control of the company. I mean now the company is in _______ control of him. A. the, /

B. /, the

C. the, the

D. /, /

【答案与解析】B。句意:他父亲去世后,他控制着公司。我的意思是说,现在公司由他控制着。in control of控制??;in the control of由??控制,被??控制着。

②He has got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to _______ the plan. A. gain control of B. beyond control C. lose control of





③—So you are still sitting here, doing nothing!

—Don’t worry, Mom. I have everything _______. A. under the control B. under control control

【答案与解析】B。under control在控制之下;beyond control无法控制。句意:“你就这么还坐在这儿,什么都不做!”“不用担心,妈妈。每件事都在我控制之下。” 【归纳拓展】

keep control of控制住 take/gain control of ...得到/取得对??的控制

lose control of ?失去对??的控制

in control of控制住 beyond control无法控制

in the control of在??控制之下,受??的管

C. beyond the control D.


have/bring... under control使??得到控制 beyond one’s control超出某人的控制范围 理

out of control失去控制

under control被控制住


1. only+动词不定式句型

【原句呈现】He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day. 【考点聚焦】

▲“only+不定式(短语)” 和“(thus+)现在分词(短语)”:这两个结构在句中都可以用来表示结果。


料的或令人失望的结果。 【考题研读】

①George returned after the war, only _______ that his wife had left him. A. to be told

B. telling

C. being told

D. told


状语,表示意料之外的结果,而动ing形式表示顺其自然的结果。而且George和tell之间是被动关系,因此用to be told。

②Tom took a taxi to the airport, only _______ his plane high up in the sky. A. finding B. to find

C. being found

D. to have found

③He got up late and hurried to his office, _______ the breakfast untouched. A. left

B. to leave

C. leaving

D. having left

【答案与解析】C。现在分词短语作结果状语。leave和句子的主语he是主动的,所以排除A,to do表示将来,having left表示先于主句的动作发生。所以选择leaving。句意:他起晚了,并且急着去上班,结果早饭没吃。 2. not only?but also句型

【原句呈现】They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut but also learnt survival skills and

all about how spaceships and rockets are built. 【考点聚焦】

▲not only? but also意为“不仅??而且??”,通常连接两个并列结构。“Not only +分句,but also +分句”句型中的前一分句要部分倒装。但not only...but also...连接主语时,不倒装。 【考题研读】

①The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _______, but students became more interested in the lessons.

A. saved was teachers’ energy C. teachers’ energy was saved

B. was teachers’ energy saved D. was saved teachers’ energy

【答案与解析】B。在英语中not only位于句首时主谓要倒装,因此该句子中的主语teachers’ energy与谓语was saved要用倒装语序。句意:计算机应用于教学。结果,不仅教师少费精力,而且学生对课程更感兴趣。

②Not only _______ give people relaxation and pleasure, but _______ increase their knowledge of any kind.

A. can travel; it can B. travel can; can it can; it can

C. can travel; can it D. travel


【原句呈现】Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test, it was his high

scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of China’s first astronaut.


▲此句中使用了强调句,强调的是his high scores on the psychological tests。对强调句式的判别。强调句被强调的部分一般是主语、表语、宾语、状语等。 强调句的基本结构:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。 强调句一般疑问句式:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分? 强调句的特殊疑问句式:疑问代词/疑问副词+is/was it +that +其他部分? 【考题研读】

①—I’ve read another book this week.

—Well, maybe _______ is not how much you read but what you read that counts. A .this

B. that C. there D. it

【答案与解析】D。由句中“not how much you read but what you read”做动词count 的主语,选D项构成强调句型。

②—Have you seem the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?

—Of course, I have. It was in our village _______ it was made. A. that B. where C. when D. which

【答案与解析】A。问话人询问对方是否看过《山楂树之恋》这部电影,答话人回答说当然看过,这部电影是在自己的村庄拍摄的。本句是强调句,被强调的部分是地点状语in our village。 ③It was only after he had read the papers _______ Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete. A. when

B. that

C. which D. what

【答案与解析】B。题干可还原为:Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete only after he had read the papers,即可判断为强调句,因此填that。句意:只有在读过那些文件之后,格罗斯先生才意识到摆在他面前的任务极难完成。

