知识点七年级英语(仁爱版)下册Unit 8 Topic 3语言点归纳

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知识点七年级英语(仁爱版)下册Unit 8 Topic 3语言点归纳

Unit 8 Topic 3

I 重点词汇和短语

festival, Christmas, sweet, luck, riddle, believe, important, prepare, church, open, grape, whole, knock, shout, international, labor, hold, race, national, capital, flag, burn, god, dumpling, full, moon, star, gift

stay up, not until, put up, knock on/ at, trick or treat, play tricks on sb., prepare for

II 语言点

Section A

1.perform lion and dragon dances舞龙舞狮 Thanksgiving感恩节

2.They often eat turkey and Christmas cakes and give each other presents.

each other 相互,彼此

3.people eat sweet dumplings for good luck.人们吃元宵求好运

dumpling 饺子 sweet dumpling汤圆 rice dumpling 粽子

good luck好运 bad luck晦气,霉运

4.People have parties and do not go to bed until midnight to welcome the new year


Not until 直到 才

如:He didn’t go home until 12 o’clock at night.直到晚上十二点他才回家

5. Many people believe Christ came back to life on East Day.许多人相信耶稣在复活节那天复活 believe sb.相信某人说得话 believe in sb.信任/信赖某人(相信某人的为人)

a) I believe him, but I don’t believe in him.我相信他说得话,但我并不信任他。

6.Children and some young people play tricks on their friends.

play ticks on sb.对某人搞恶作剧,作弄某人

play jokes on sb.戏弄某人,与某人开玩笑

7.full moon满月 enjoy the bright full moon赏明月

Section B

1.Christmas is the most important festival in many countries.圣诞节在许多国家是最重要的节日 the most important是多音节形容词important的最高级形式,意思是“最重要的”。类似的有the most difficult/beautiful.

2.on December 25th 在具体某一天用介词on

3. Before Christmas Day, people are busy preparing for it.圣诞节前,人们忙着为它做准备

are busy preparing …

be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth.忙于干某事

prepare for 为 准备 prepare for 为 做准备 prepare sth.准备好某物

a)The students are preparing for the exam。同学们正在准备考试(为考试做准备)

b)The teachers are preparing the exam.老师在准备考试(为考试做准备工作)

4. go shopping 购物 go to church去做礼拜

5.Children put up stockings by the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before they go to bed. 孩子们在睡觉之前将长统袜挂在壁炉旁或放在他们的床头。

put up 挂起,举起,张贴 by 此处的意思是“在 旁”

知识点七年级英语(仁爱版)下册Unit 8 Topic 3语言点归纳

6. have a get-together聚餐 Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐

Section C

1. People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.


start preparing for …. 开始为……作准备

start后面常接 V-ing, 表示开始做某事。也可以说成start to do sth. 如:

They start to cook supper.=They start cooking supper. 他们开始做晚饭。

2. They prepare delicious food, and clean and decorate their houses.



prepare sth. 表示 “准备......”,后接名词或代词作宾语。

Our English teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office.

当宾语是食物之类的东西时,可译为 “制;做”。

Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen while Father was watching TV.

3. On the eve of the festival, the whole family gets together for a big dinner.


on the eve of 在 前夕

the whole family 指的是“全家人”,表达的是珍上整体的概念,所以谓语动词用单数。

类似的还有 the whole class, the whole school。

如: The whole school meets together once a week.


4. People stay up and enjoy dumplings at midnight for good luck.

stay up熬夜

5. lucky money =gift money压岁钱

6.Then we knocked on our neighbors’ doors and shouted,“Trick or treat!”

Trick or treat! 恶作剧还是请客

knock on/ at 敲

Section D

1. People enjoy a one-day holiday.

a seven-day holiday 七天的假期 a five-year-old boy一个五岁的男孩

2.Lunar May 5th 农历五月五 the birthday of China 中国的生日

hold dragon boat races 举行龙舟赛 eat rice dumplings 吃粽子

3.In Beijing, the capital of China, many people go to Tian’anmen Square to watch the national flag go up.在中国首都---北京,许多人去天安门广场看升国旗

the capital of China 中国的首都 Tian’anmen Square 天安门

watch the national flag go up 观看升国旗

III 语法


IV 重点句型及交际用语

1. People have parties and do not go to bed until midnight to welcome the New Year.

2. People are busy preparing for it.

知识点七年级英语(仁爱版)下册Unit 8 Topic 3语言点归纳

3. Children put up stockings by the fireplaces or at the end of their beds before they go to bed.

4. People usually start preparing for the festival one month before it comes.

5. People can enjoy a one-day holiday, too.

V 课本作文范文


Dear Julia,

I’m very glad to get a letter. Now I’d like to tell you something about my last Spring Festival.

On the eve of the festival, my mother and I made dumplings. Then the whole family got together for a bid dinner, We stayed up and ate dumplings at midnight for good luck. On the first of the lunar new year, my sister and I wore new clothes. We greeted our parents and got lucky money as new year gifts. I got about 300 yuan. I could buy what I wanted.

I had a wonderful time with my family.

Please give my best wishes to your parents!




Mid-autumn Festival is a happy day. The whole family gets together for a big dinner, enjoys the bright full moon and eats mooncakes. Mooncakes are a must for Mid-autumn Festival. People eat mooncakes for good luck.


My favorite festival of the year is Mid-autumn Festival. At night we have a family get-together. We sit around and enjoy the full moon. We eat mooncakes and fruit. Sometimes we have a party.

