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英 语
本试卷共10页,卷面满分120分,折算成135分计入总分,考试用时120分钟。 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分 满分30分)
Life experiences can show one’s “grit”(坚韧). Complex challenges early in life helped the following people develop skills that got them to the top of their professions.
Ursula Burns, Chairwoman, VEON; Former CEO, Xerox
Her family was so poor that her single mother traded office cleaning for health care.But Burns’ early gift for maths won her a scholarship and an internship at Xerox, where she would compete her way to the top. “ I'm a black lady from the Lower East Side,” she says, “Not a lot scares me.”
Howard Schultz, Executive Chairman, Starbucks
Schultz grew up in public housing in Brooklyn, surrounded by poverty, and was the first in his family to go to college (on a football scholarship).After training in sales, he set up the company that would later buy Starbucks. “In the course of the year I spent trying to raise money, I spoke to 242 people, and 217 of them said no.” he said.
Sean Combs, CEO, Sean John
Combs began a generation of hip-hop talent and made a lasting influence on fashion.But he story could have turned out much differently: His drug dealer father was killed when he was3. “It made me work even harder.” he recently said.
Geisha Williams, CEO, PG&E
Her parents fled Cuba when Williams was 5. By 7, she was her parents main translator in talks with lawyers and accountants at grocery stores they owned.The experience did help her. “I went from thinking I could be a manager to thinking I could do something much bigger.” she told Fortune.
21. Who did best in math at school?
A. Combs B. Burns C. Schultz D. Williams 22. How did the death of Combs’ father influence him? A.It made him a failure. B.He became a drug dealer. C.It made him even stronger. D.He became a hip-hopper.
23. What can we learn from the passage? A.Cuba is a good place to do business. B.No one wanted to help Schultz at first. C.Poor family kids can be successful easily. D.Difficulty in life pushed Williams forward.
Looking at a pile of old photos, I couldn't help feeling rather regretful.
I've never got into the habit of sorting out photos. However, it's almost a habit of mine to have photos taken thoughtlessly. Thus, photos have been piling up in my childhood to womanhood. In spite of that, those black-and-white pictures taken in my early years are rarely kept, except a few survivals regarded as antiques.The bald(秃头的) baby picture of me that I treasured, the only one left, it's now missing.
Familiar faces flash one by one before my eyes. Though the world is so small and we all live in it, yet we are separated by physical and psychological distances, some smaller, some larger.With the passage of time, one cannot, regretfully relive(重温) it with the same feeling as one had in the picture.What one can get from the old photos is but a bit of the past joy.
One takes pictures with different persons in different time and places.They fill one with nostalgia(怀旧) in various degrees--some more, some less, and others none.That's why one has conflicting feelings towards the old photos. Still kept with the current ones, they're even less favored than a daily-used cup, which is always close to the owner.
How these pieces of thought influence me. Photos keep our images rather than our sentiment, which may not remain.The image is always there but not its owner, whom the photo can't keep ,neither can it keep the event.
Of course, there are some of the photos still holding my affection, such as those taken with my family members, with favorite playmates, fellow girl-students and best friends, not only in pictures but also in my life and heart.
Now, since I have learned all this, I will not allow myself to be included casually in a photo taken with others. I'll make sure that the friendship can last before I take a photo with somebody.
24.Why did the writer have only a few black-and-white pictures? A She took fewer of them. B She took photos thoughtlessly. C She didn't take good care of them. D She only liked the bald baby picture.
25.What can we get from the old photos according to the writer? A All the past events. B Some past happiness. C All the past excitement. D The everlasting memory.
26. What does the underlined word “sentiment” in paragraph 5 probably mean? A Look B Thought C Feeling D Influence
27. What is the writer likely to do when asked to take photos others? A To take the photo happily. B To refuse the request politely. C To ignore the request casually. D To think carefully before action.
As an Asian country, Singapore has a reputation for being highly westernized, with English among the country’s four official languages, but a couple of signs found on local buses that have recently become a hit online may say otherwise.
Quite different from English we know, the sign read, for example, “Here cannot go in” instead of “No entry”, and Here can charge phone instead of Charge phone here. This language that resembles English is called Singaporean English or Singlish.
The New York Times calls Singlish “patchwork” because Singapore consists of migrants(移民) from several countries including China, India and Malaysia, and they all speak their own versions of “English”.
“Everyone who speaks it shapes it,” wrote the newspaper.
For example, in Singlish, you can easily recognize influences from Chinese, including vocabulary such as” Mee Siam” and “da bao”. Sentence structures like ” toilet where” instead of “where’s the toilet” also come from Chinese.
Interesting and diverse as it may seem, the trend for Singlish is worrying Singapore’s government. It is concerned that the dialect is lowering the country’s English standard and may affect its relationship with visitors.It even started the Speak Good English Movement.
Unfortunately, the problem was not solved. Instead, Singlish has boomed, especially among young people who think of it as a sign of being cool and a way of identifying themselves as Singaporean.
But this does not mean that standard English is being abandoned by young people. In fact, they are much more capable than the government gives credit--they can speak both.
“We are a nation good at code switching-- we know that the way we speak to friends or drivers must be different from how act at work or school,” wrote Cheryl, a Singaporean author, in Time magazine, “To actively urge us to give up a language that speaks to the very heart of who we are, that's so beautifully represents the melting pot of Chinese, Indians, Malaysians and Eurasians that we are, is shortsighted, surely.” 28 Why does Singapore have many different versions of English? A It is made up of migrants. B It is highly westernized. C It is influenced by Chinese. D It is affected by official languages.
29 What is the purpose of starting the Speak Good English Movement? A To stop the new trend. B To better the relationship. C To keep the English standard. D To give the government credit.
30 What do the young people think of Singlish?
A It’s interesting. B It’s their identity. C It’s a sign of status. D It’s a way of code-switching.
31 What can we learn from what Cheryl said? A Different people speak different styles of Singlish. B Singlish is a more beautiful language than others. C People speaks Singlish only to friends and drivers. D People can use Singlish to express themselves well.
Long before iphones, the cigarette was the companion of choice for restlessness. And long before Facebook and WeChat, it was tobacco that promised to better your social life. Now, quitting smartphones has become the new quitting smoking. Of course, technology does not yellow your teeth, cause disease or lead to cancer. But some individuals are so concerned that device addiction is damaging their mental health. In order to reduce their dependence, even in Silicon Valley, people are turning off the messages that constantly buzz for their attention, banning smartphones from the bedroom and, curiously, changing the colors on their screens to a less tempting scale of gray.
The big tech companies will have to work out how to respond to this new generation of quitters. Facebook is the first to go public with its attempt, hoping its recent move can make the social network more homely.
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