
更新时间:2023-12-03 04:49:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





1.security check____________ 2.destination__________________ 3.departure lounge__________ 4.quality certification______________ 5.blanket__________________ 6.行李提取处___________________ 7.退税____________________ 8.出差__________________________ 9.订房部__________________ 10.超重________________________ 二、选择题:


()11. Let me see. The aircraft is quite full now. I can ______give you 10 seats together. Do you want smoking seats? A. hard B. difficult C. hardly D. easily

()12. It’s time for lunch. Would you please _____ the tray? A. put off B. put down C. put up D. put on

()13. Excuse me, sir. The handle of my suitcase is broken. Where can I go to ________ it? A. claim B. find C. ask for D. report

()14. How are you going to pay, ___ cash or ____ credit card? A. with, in B. by, with C. in, in D. in,with

()15. ---Remember that don’t bring limited things together next time, otherwise, you will get punishment. --- Thank you very much. I’ll ______ it. A. check B. notice C. make D. remember

()16. ___days does it take to send a letter from here to China? A. How much B. How long C. How many D. How about

()17. Flight BA 328 from London will be one hour late ____ big fog. A. in account of B. on account to C. on account of D. in account to ()18. Here are 16 forms, please _____ them out before your arrival. A. writeB. put C. hang D. fill

()19. This is incorrect. Can you ______ it again? A. check B. charge C. count D. make

()20. I don’t think I have brought enough cash. Do you _____ credit card? A. want B. need C. receive D. accept

三、填空题:在下列空格中填上合适的字或词 (0.5x20=10%)

21. ____ the way, how much does the guest pay ____ the drink? 22. Could you explain ____ me the difference _____ them?

23. Could you tell me _____I check in for the flight CA112____ Seoul?

24. Your jewel shop is our company partner. I hope you can deal ____ this case properly. Otherwise, it’s hard _____ us to explain to our passengers.. 25. It ____ about half an hour to get there _____bus.

26. I still have some local cash left. Can I pay ____ it? The rest will be paid ____ US dollar. 27. I’m ____ for souvenirs. Do you have anything _____ ladies? 28. --- Each room _____80 dollars a night. ----That’s fine. Do I have to _____a deposit?

29. Please let your passengers keep their arrival cards in their passports, and go _____ one by one _______the order of the name list. 30. Here is my credit card. Please add 10% _____ the total amount. That’s my tip ____ you. 四、判断题:判断下列说法正确与否,正确的在括号里写字母T,错误的写F (1x10=10%)

31. You have to make declarations when you go through the security check.

32. If the handle of your suitcase is broken, you should go to the information desk to report it. 33. As a tour leader, if one of your tourists is missing and your group is leaving the country, you should call the immigration center for help.

34. When you have laundry to be done at a hotel, you need to call the housekeeping.

35. If you want to draw some money from the ATM but dont know how to handle it, you can ask anyone for help at any time. 36. As a tour leader, you are allowed to bring limited things for your group members regardless of the duty free allowance. 37. If you are checking into a hotel as a group, you dont have to fill in the registration form. 38. At a hotel, the only way to have room service is by making a call to the relevant department. 39. You can bring in to China with you two hundred cigarettes and two bottles of liquor as duty free.

40. If you want to make an international call by the hotel phone, you usually have to put a deposit to the front desk











50.我要去中国,请问您知道去中国的免税限额吗? 六、英译中:将下列句子译成中文(2x15=30%)

51. Down to the far end of the lounge and you’ll see the counter for flights to Seoul.

52. How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in?

53. Would you please put your watch, keys and other metal articles into this tray?

54. Room 683, were there any room service charges this morning?.

55. We charge fifty percent more for express (laundry) service, but it takes only five hours.

56. Now you are in the clear. Sorry to have bothered you.

57. Please let me have the address, the telephone number and the name of the linkman of the local travel agency.

58. By the way, did you turn off the airflow overhead?.

59. Passengers waiting for their connecting flight to Singapore please wait at Gate 18. Your flight is to start in two hours’ time.

60. You need to show your key when you sign for your meals and drink in the restaurant and bars.

61. United Airlines announces the departure of Flight 41 to San Francisco. Passengers are requested to go to Gate 11 immediately where this flight is now boarding.

62. You’d better have a good rest, drink more hot water and be careful of your diet.

63. Please sign the checks and this paper. What currency do you want?

64. In this case, just hang up the receiver. The coins will come out automatically.

65. You should keep this form handy. When you bring the goods out of the customs, the officer will seal the form. 七、表格填写:根据所给资料填写相应表格(10%) 客人姓名:张圣德性别:男职业:医生

出生日期:1975年10月28日出生地:浙江杭州 常住地:浙江省杭州市西湖区护照号码:G33551578

发照日期和地点:2010年11月25日于杭州有效期至:2020年11月24日签证号码:No。088188 签发时间及地点:2011年1月15日上海有效期:30天

该客人随旅游团从上海浦东国际机场乘坐GA897次航班于1月16日到达印度尼西亚首都雅加达,住Manhattan Hotel Jakarta (1st Prof DrSatrio Street, Casablanca Kuningan South Jakarta),没有家属同行。没有携带任何违禁物品。在印尼的行程为3晚2天,是第一次入境印尼。他将于1月19日乘坐CX777航班离开雅加达赴香港转机前往泰国曼谷。

