7B Unit5 词组句型(参考)

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7B Unit 5 词组句型

1. 一个不明飞行物 a UFO 2. 得了 come on

3. 在飞机上 on the plane 4. 充满 be full of

5. 有趣的事实 fun facts

6. 不寻常的事物 unusual thing

7. 睁着(它们的)眼睛睡觉 sleep with their eyes open 8. 出生时 at birth

9. 我们的眼睛自从出生时就一样大。Our eyes are the same size from birth. 10. 停止正在做的某事 stop doing sth. 11. 停下来去做某事 stop to do sth.

12. 太阳是地球的1,300,000倍大。The Sun is 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth.

13. 大象脚背没有骨头,只有脂肪。There are no bones in the back of elephants’ feet—only fat. There aren’t any bones in the back of elephants’ feet—only fat. 14. 对某物惊奇 be amazed at sth.

15. 对做某事惊奇 be amazed to do sth.

16. 那难道不令人惊奇吗?Isn’t that amazing? 17. 某件奇怪的事 something strange 18. 和往常一样 as usual

19. 坐在一棵大树下 sit down under a big tree

20. 听到从树后灌木丛传来的一阵低语 hear a whisper from the bushes behind the tree 21. 转身 turn around 22. 回复某人 reply to sb.

23. 担心做某事 be afraid of doing sth. 24. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth.

25. 快速离开公园 leave the park quickly 26. 在某人去某地的路上 on one’s way to sp. 27. 在某人回家的路上 on one’s way home

28. 某事发生在某人身上 sth. happen (适当形式) to sb. 29. 仔细听 listen carefully 30. 在某地搜索 search sp. 31. 搜寻某物 search for sth.

32. 它在这里。(倒装句) Here it is. 33. 自言自语 say to oneself 34. 在灌木丛里 in the bushes 35. 听起来像 sound like 36. 捡起 pick up

37. 对…惊讶 be surprised at sth

38. 对做某事惊讶 be surprised to do sth 39. 那天的晚些时候 later that day

40. 带某人去动物中心 take sb. to the animal centre 41. 跑开 run away

42. 回到学校 come (go) back to school

43. 告诉我所有关于它的事 tell me all about it 44. 只有11厘米高 (be) only 11 centimetres tall

45. 像渡渡鸟一样奇怪的鸟 some strange birds like dodos 46. 生活在地球上 live on the earth 47. 生活在陆地上 live on the ground 48. 生活在水中 live in water

49. 在非常干燥的地方 in very dry places

50. 没有水存活很久 live without water for a long time 51. 嗅觉灵敏 smell things well

52. 保持我们的房子干净 keep our house (s) clean

53. 令人惊奇的是,蛇在寒冷的冬季很长时间吃得极少或不吃。

It is amazing that a snake eats little or nothing in cold winter. 54. 我再也不害怕动物了。I am not afraid of animals any more. 55. 听说 hear of

56. 环游超过80个国家 travel around over / more than 80 countries 57. 前几天 the other day

58. 他能同时用一只手写,用另一只画。

He can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time. 59. 用粉笔画立体画 draw 3-D pictures with chalk 60. 收集一些信息 collect some information 61. 从…获得它的名字 get its name from…

62. 一个叫做…的人 a man / person called/ named… 63. 打牌 play cards

64. 停下来吃饭 (两种表达) stop for meals / stop to have meals 65. 把肉放在两片面包之间 put meat between two pieces of bread 66. 变得受欢迎 become popular 67. 全世界 all over the world 68. 到1935年为止 by 1935 69. 投入使用 be in use

70. 每100户29台电视 29 TVs per 100 families 71. 至少 at least

72. 电视机能有152英寸那么大 TVs can be as large as 152 inches

73. 一个有许多惊奇事物的精彩世界 a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things 74. 要一个三明治 ask for a sandwich

过去时的时间状语 1. 在过去 in the past 2. 上个星期 last week

3. 两个月以前 two months ago

4. 刚才(两种表达) just now / a moment ago 5. 前天 the day before yesterday 6. 昨天早上 yesterday morning 7. 在1999年 in 1999

8. 在我六岁的时候 when I was 6 (years old) / at the age of 6 9. 前几天 the other day

