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- 我国的家族企业推荐度:
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沈 阳 大 学
论文题目:浅析我国当代家族企业的企业文化 学生姓名: 尹晓茜 准考证号: 010411201110 指导教师: 赵 娜 完成日期: 2012年9月1日
关键词: 家族企业 企业文化 优势 劣势
Today, the \has been widely recognized. Some people even 80 years after the 20th century, business management into a \average life expectancy in China is very short, the overall management level is not high, the urgent need for advanced management ideas and methods of guidance to address the basis for enterprise development issues and the core problem. While there is no culture, enterprises can grow, but there is no corporate culture is difficult to achieve sustainable growth. Culture can not solve the issue of profitability is not profitable, but the culture of continuous business growth can be solved or not. In this sense, our family business can continue to grow in the future, become as Ford, DuPont, Cheung Kong and many other world-class companies, longevity business, and corporate culture has a close relationship.
Full-text is divided into four parts: the first part of the theory of corporate culture brief focuses on the meaning of recruitment, elements, type, structure and content; The second part introduces the contemporary Chinese family business enterprise production and development; third partly through the advantages of corporate culture, the problem performance, root cause analysis, innovative measures four aspects of contemporary Chinese family business enterprise culture analysis; the fourth section is based on the contemporary Chinese family business in front of the corporate culture of the analysis by corporate culture should pay attention to the issues set out in hopes of giving contemporary Chinese family business enterprise culture of some learning and reference.
Keywords: Family Business Enterprise Culture Superiority Inferior
目 录
正文????????????????????????????????1 一、企业文化与家族企业文化概述???????????????????1 (一)企业文化的涵义及要素?????????????????????1 (二)家族企业文化的涵义及特征???????????????????2 二、我国家族企业文化的优劣势分析??????????????????4 (一)我国家族企业文化的优势分析??????????????????4 (二)我国家族企业文化的劣势分析??????????????????4 三、提升我国家族企业文化的对策???????????????????6 (一)注重对传统家族企业文化的继承 ????????????????7 (二)全面提高企业家素质,塑造企业家文化 ??????????????7 (三)要实现由“家长式文化”向“参与式文化”、“专业式文化”的转变...7 (四)以用人惟贤的人才策略替代任人唯亲的世袭制 .??????????8 (五)确立长久发展的公司理念并与员工、社会分享企业愿景??????? 8 (六)顺应企业文化建设的趋势 ???????????????????8 结论??????????????????????????????? 10 参考文献????????????????????????????? 11
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