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湘鲁版六年级下册复习资料 六年级英语(下)

Unit1: There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四季。

A:After spring is summer. 春天过后是夏天。 B: The weather is hot and dry.这天气是又热又干燥。

季节和地名单词 spring summer autumn winter New Zealand Singapore

形容天气好坏的单词:sunny cloudy windy rainy hot cold

Unit2:A:We can see many new baby animals.我们能看到许多新的幼小动物B:I can see a new lamb我能看到小羊羔。

动物类单词:calf puppy chick kitten duckling cat dog pig

服装类单词:coat hat scarf T-shirt sweater blouse

Unit3:Happy Mother's Day. 母亲节快乐。

Is she your mum's favourite singer?她是你妈妈最喜欢的歌手吗?B:Yes,she is./No,she isn't.是的,她是的/不她不是的

Unit4: When did the Spring Festival start?春节是什么时候开始的?It started very long ago.它开始很久以前。

动词过去式: 规则的start (started) row(rowed) want(wanted) live(lived) worked

不规则的fall (fell) do(did) eat(ate) make(made) is(was) has(had) go(went) taught

Unit5: We went on a science field trip last week. 上周我们去搞了实地考察。

A:What did you learn?你们学习了什么 B:We learnt that bees can make honey.我们知道了蜜蜂怎么制造蜂蜜。

Unit6: A: Who was he?他是谁?

B: He was China's hero and leader. 他是中国的领袖和英雄。

Unit7: We danced and sang.我们跳舞和唱歌。

舞台节目类单词violin piano drums ribbon dance flower drum dance fan dance

Unit8: A:Can you see the lightning?你能看到闪电吗?B:Yes,I can./No,I can't.是的,我能看到。不,我没有看到。

天气类单词:lightning rain clouds storm thunder cloud

Unit9: The whale is the biggest!鲸鱼是最大的。big bigger biggest small smaller smallest A:Are you interested in whales? 你对鲸鱼感兴趣吗?B:No,I'm not.I'm interested in seals.不,我对海豹感兴趣。

动物类单词crab crow dolphin rooster seal shark shrimp

Unit10:We will be in a junior middle school. 我们将上初中。 Next year下一年,是将来式 will 将来时: We will have the final exam in July.我们将在七月份举行期末考试。

Unit11: China is a great country. 中国是一个伟大的国家。 A:I will never forget Shaoshanchong.我将从来不会忘记韶山冲。

B: Who can forget the hometown of Chairman Mao? 谁能够忘记毛主席的故乡呀?

Unit12 Goodbye to all our friends. 向所有的朋友说再见。 A:How do you feel?你感觉怎么样? B:I feel so sad. I want to cry.我感到如此的悲伤。我想去哭。

形容心情的词汇:happy sad feel great smile laugh cry

固定短语或句型:Do you agree? What else? How much are those...? long ago kinds of I feel... be interested in... \ a long while in my heart keep in touch So long! Take care! be careful ask directions get well soon get-well card Great Wall How exciting! It's that way Don't get hurt. Ladies and gentlemen


