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学生姓名: 院 (系): 专业班级: 指导教师: 完成日期: 2014年 5月26日
冷 却 塔
许多制造商在冷却塔的结构、管道、风机叶片、容器、档板的嵌入物和连接部件用玻璃纤维加强塑料(FRP)制成。填充材料、排风设备和挡板由聚乙烯氯化物(PVC)制成。填料层外壳和流体流通口通常要注入聚丙烯和丁二烯丙烯酸苯合成的材料。 混凝土通常用于直立式冷却塔水盆或水池。磁砖、砖一般应用于对美观方面有特殊要求的冷却塔。
制冷设备的控制方案 大多数冷却塔在通常的运行中受到负荷和周围环境湿球温度变化带来的影响。对一个典型的冷却塔,风机所用的电能相当于制冷压缩机所用电能的10%,冷凝水泵耗电量大约是压缩机的2-5%。当耗能量降到最小时,能够控制冷却塔向冷凝器提供足够的冷却水,是一较为理想的操作方案。大概大多数为暖通空调负荷提供冷却塔系统控制方案,通常把排出的混合水的温度维持在27℃(80℉)。风机的交替工作是达到这
De saulles和Pearson(1997)发现冷却塔的设定值控制和近理想控制在节能方面很相似。这些控制方案要求冷却塔的冷却水生产能力近可能地控制在最低设定值,但不能低于制冷设备制造商允许的最低值,并与上诉采用近理想控制操作获得的节能效果相比较。他们发现达到的节能水平取决于负荷情况和最优化方法。他们的模拟实验显示,单设定值方法能够节能2.5%到6.5%。而近理想控制方法能节能3%到8%。使用变速风机只可能在多数冷却塔中提高节能水平。采用多个冷却塔风机同时以相同速度运行,比采用在开启下一个风机前,使前一个风机达到最大速度的方法更加经济。当冷却塔有必要时可采用变速风机。
系统设计者必须确保新安装的冷却塔以ASME标准PTC23(AWME 1986)或CTI标准ATC-105为依据进行调试。这些调试能确保冷却塔的运行符合设计要求,并能符合制冷设备或冷负荷的要求。
设备一样,在极端的天气期间要时检查系统的运行状况。 水处理
在冷却塔里的循环冷冻水必须要有足够的水质保证,来保持循环塔的冷却效率并使设备维持在正常的运行状况。在塔中的水里所掺杂的杂质以及易于溶解的物质,由于连续的蒸发过程,和塔水一样在冷却塔里循环。污垢,灰尘和气体也能通过它们各自的途径进入塔中的循环水里面,都会被循环水带入循环系统或者在塔的集水坑里沉积下来。为了减少这些污染物的集中,循环水的百分比也被减少了。在比较小的蒸发式冷却系统里,这一个程序叫做排放,并且是连续的。减少量通常占总水循环是0.8%到1.2%,使之来维持减少杂质的集中和控制比例的形成。如果循环塔中的水质很差,就需要附加的化学处理来抑制腐蚀控制生物制品的生长,而且限制残渣的集中。 军团病
军团病的发病已经与蒸发式凝结器、冷却塔以及其他的建筑物循环加热的成份相关联。研究人员已经发现,保养好并且使用良好的水质的冷却水塔不易出现那些军团菌病毒。在一份关于军团病的文件中,冷却塔学会(CTI,1996)阐述由于军团病菌在冷却塔的分布比较集中,这样做会滋生或散布带菌飞沫。据研究,细菌生长的最适宜温度大概是在37℃(99℉),而在冷却塔里很容易达到这个温度。冷却塔学会建议采用冷却塔的设计和操作规范来最大限度的减少军团病菌的出现。他们不推荐经常对冷却塔进行军团病菌的检测,因为很难解释检测出来的结果。一个干净的塔很快可能被再传染,而且一个被污染的塔也不意味一个疾病的发作将会发生。 维护
对塔中全部变湿的表面要进行定期的、完全的排污和清洁工作。这样就可以定期的对沉积下来的污垢、粘土、废渣以及对藻类和病菌可能生长的区域进行清理。 周期性的对水进行生化处理。
塔的操作和维护工作中要进行连续的日志记录。这为将来的维护和检修工作准备一定的资料,并且对采取正确的维护方法这点也是很重要的。 4.2.4组装的设备
表4.2.7列举了一些组装设备和单一设备的各自优缺点。 缺点 由于尺寸上因素的限制其性能的发挥。 普通的个体系统对于闭式室内湿度的调节是不利的。 空间温度的控制是通过调节两个极限温度来实现的。 组装设备的使用寿命相对较短。 由于集中生产的增加和设备的过大化,使得它的耗能要高于中央系统; 通常来说,要完整的实现经济型的循环是不可能的。 由于在各个不同的房间安置设备,限制了气流的分区控制。 设备所产生的噪音级别会让人生厌。 优点 可以在不同的房间进行分别控制 供冷和供暖在任何情况下是可行的,并且在不同的地方操作是比较独立的。 在任何情况下进行通风操作都是可行的。 单体的容量在制造时都是确定的。 在一些空闲的空间可以很容易的关闭设备,比较容易实现能源的节约。 单体设备的操作通常是比较简单的。 组装设备所占用的空间要少于集中设备。 初投资较少。 设备可以安置在一些节省管道的地方或者可以减少管路的占用空间。 安装相对比较简单;不要求是专业的人员操其个体的形态在美学上来说是很难接受的。 作的。 由于过滤器的原因,空气流过单体设备时,气流受到了限制。 来自设备的冷凝水会让人讨厌。 由于个体的数目、安装位置以及入门的困 8
难,设备的维护工作将会是一个议题。 通常来说,冷负荷超过18kw(5 吨)的商业建筑物常使用整体式系统。然而,在一些情况下,由于空间的需要,设备尺寸的限制或者其它方面的原故,也可以采用户用集中式系统。如果一个整体式系统使用10年或更久,那么通过用合适的类型替换整体式系统,能源的储蓄可以接近一个能效的模型。
a 电动风冷或水冷,并且容量超过19kw的分体式系统和整体组装的系统也包括在这里。
b 能效比是指通过在标况下送风温度为35°C(95°F)的风冷设备和送水温度在29°C(85°F)的水冷模型所各自得到的冷负荷除以消耗的标准电能(瓦)(空调与制冷学会)
c 基于空调与制冷学会210/240测试成果。
d 季节性的能效比是指系统设备在普通情况下的输出的总的冷负荷kw与在同段时期内消耗的电能(瓦)的比值。
E 制冷量在19kw以下的分体式系统和整体式组装系统也同样包括在这里。这一项分析不包括窗式和组装末端的设备。
组装设备随着使用时间的变长而变的性能变差,在对系统进行维护的同时,它的效率通常也随着下降。提高现有的组装设备,使之成为高效率的模型,这样能实质性的实现长期的能源储蓄。在过去的10到15年中,制造业者对组装系统的性能提高已经做了重大的改进。在蒸发器和凝结器盘管的能源传递效率都已经被改良了, 高效率马达是现在一流标准, 并且在高效率的组装系统中风机和压缩机的设计也得到了改进。螺旋式压缩机在中型系统(70到210个千瓦;20到60吨)中是很普通的。新系统的能效比是有季节性的,一般在9.50到13.0之间浮动。对于老的系统来说,它的效率接近6.0,并且大部分要低于9.0是很常见的。很典型的,在采用煤气加热的地方,年度燃料利用效率大概在80%。所有装置在户外屋顶的系统都有出厂安装配备的微处理器控制的。这些设备的配置使得维护工作更加简便,并且可以提高单体的能效比乃至整个采暖、通风和空调系统的能效比。控制特征包括温度调节和开停机的时间安排。较大的系统还可以实现变风量的传递。当然,大多数的单体有一个与能源管理控制系统相联的、具有选择性的连通接口。
分体式系统可以使冷凝器安置在室外的设备间或屋顶上。压缩机区段通过制冷剂管路与室内的操作个体,以及蒸发器盘管相连接。如果它们不是热泵类型的,那么就无法向室内提供热量。加热盘管可以安装在空气处理区域,尤其是那种有热水或蒸汽锅炉加热的系统中。换句话说,室内的部件可以通过煤气加热来提供热量。 空冷式热泵
图4.2.23 系统的制热能力随室外温度变化图
Cooling Towers
If a chiller is used to provide chilled water for building air conditioning, then the heat energy that is absorbed through that process must be rejected. The two most common ways to reject thermal energy from the vapor compression process are either directly to the air or through a cooling tower. In a cooling tower, water is recirculated and evaporatively cooled through direct contact heat transfer with the ambient air. This cooled water can then be used to absorb and reject the thermal energy from the condenser of the chiller. The most common cooling tower used for HVAC applications is the mechanical draft cooling tower (Figure 4.2.13). The mechanical draft tower uses one or more fans to force air through the tower, a heat transfer media or fill that brings the recirculated water into contact with the air, a water basin (sump) to collect the recirculated water, and a water distribution system to ensure even dispersal of the water into the tower fill.
Figure 4.2.14 shows the relationship between the recirculating water and air as they interact in a counterflow cooling tower. The evaporative cooling process involves simultaneous heat and mass transfer as the water comes into contact with the atmospheric air. Ideally, the water distribution system causes the water to splash or atomize into smaller droplets, increasing the surface area of water available for heat transfer. The approach to the wet-bulb is a commonly used indicator of tower size and performance. It is defined as the temperature difference between the cooling water leaving the tower and the wet-bulb of the air entering the tower. Theoretically, the water being recirculated in a tower could reach the wetbulb temperature, but this does not occur in actual tower operations.
FIGURE 4.2.14 Air/water temperature relationship in a counterflow cooling tower.
The range for a chiller/tower combination is determined by the condenser thermal load and the cooling water flow rate, not by the capacity of the cooling tower. The range is defined as the temperature difference between the water entering the cooling tower and that leaving. The driver of tower performance is the ambient wet-bulb temperature. The
lower the average wet-bulb temperature, the ―easier‖ it is for the tower to attain the desired range, typically 6°C (10°F) for HVAC applications. Thus, in a hot, dry climate towers can be sized smaller than those in a hot and humid area for a given heat load.
Cooling towers are widely used because they allow designers to avoid some common problems with rejection of heat from different processes. The primary advantage of the mechanical draft cooling tower is its ability to cool water to within 3–6°C (5–10°F) of the ambient wet-bulb temperature. This means more efficient operation of the connected chilling equipment because of improved (lower) head pressure operation which is a result of the lower condensing water temperatures supplied from the tower. Cooling Tower Designs
The ASHRAE Systems and Equipment Handbook (1996) describes over 10 types of cooling tower designs.Three basic cooling tower designs are used for most common HVAC applications. Based upon air and water flow direction and location of the fans, these towers can be classified as counterflow induced draft, crossflow induced draft, and counterflow forced draft.
One component common to all cooling towers is the heat transfer packing material, or fill, installed below the water distribution system and in the air path. The two most common fills are splash and film.Splash fill tends to maximize the surface area of water available for heat transfer by forcing water to break apart into smaller droplets and remain entrained in the air stream for a longer time. Successive layers of staggered splash bars are arranged through which the water is directed. Film fill achieves this effect byforcing water to flow in thin layers over densely packed fill sheets that are arranged for vertical flow. Towers using film type fill are usually more compact for a given thermal load, an advantage if space for the tower site is limited. Splash fill is not as sensitive to air or water distribution problems and performs better where water quality is so poor that excessive deposits in the fill material are a problem. Counterflow Induced Draft
Air in a counterflow induced draft cooling tower is drawn through the tower by a fan or fans located at the top of the tower. The air enters the tower at louvers in the base and then comes into contact with water that is distributed from basins at the top of the tower. Thus, the relative directions are counter (down for the water, up for the air) in this configuration. This arrangement is shown in Figure 4.2.15. In this configuration, the temperature of the water decreases as it falls down through the counterflowing air, and the air is heated and humidified. Droplets of water that might have been entrained in the air stream are caught at the drift eliminators and returned to the sump. Air and some carryover
droplets are ejected through the fans and out the top of the tower. The water that has been cooled collects in the sump and is pumped back to the condenser.
FIGURE 4.2.15 Counterflow induced draft cooling tower.
Counterflow towers generally have better performance than crossflow types because of the even air distribution through the tower fill material. These towers also eject air at higher velocities which reduces problems with exhaust air recirculation into the tower. However, these towers are also somewhat taller than crossflow types and thus require more condenser pump head. Crossflow Induced Draft
As in the counterflow cooling tower, the fan in the crossflow tower is located at the top of the unit (Figure 4.2.16). Air enters the tower at side or end louvers and moves horizontally through the tower fill. Water is distributed from the top of the tower where it is directed into the fill and is cooled by direct contact heat transfer with the air in crossflow (air horizontal and water down). Water collected in the sump is pumped back to the chiller condenser. The increased airflow possible with the crossflow tower allows these towers to have a much lower overall height. This results in lower pump head required on the condenser water pump compared to the counterflow tower. The reduced height also increases the possibility of recirculating the exhaust air from the top of the tower back into the side or end air intakes which can reduce the tower’s effectiveness. Counterflow Forced Draft
Counterflow forced draft cooling towers have the fan mounted at or near the bottom of the unit near the air intakes (Figure 4.2.17). As in the other towers, water is distributed down through the tower and its fill, and through direct contact with atmospheric air it is cooled. Thermal operation of this tower is similar to the counterflow induced draft cooling
tower. Fan vibration is not as severe for this arrangement compared to induced draft towers. There is also some additional evaporative cooling benefit because the fan discharges air directly across the sump which further cools the water.There are some disadvantages to this tower. First, the air distribution through the fill is uneven, which reduces tower effectiveness. Second, there is risk of exhaust air recirculation because of the high suction velocity at the fan inlets, which can reduce tower effectiveness. These towers find applications in smalland medium-sized systems. Materials
Cooling towers operate in a continuously wet condition that requires construction materials to meet challenging criteria. Besides the wet conditions, recirculating water could have a high concentration of mineral salts due to the evaporation process. Cooling tower manufacturers build their units from a combination of materials that provide the best combination of corrosion resistance and cost. Wood is a traditional material used in cooling tower construction. Redwood or fir are often used and are usually pressure treated with preservative chemicals. Chemicals such as chromated copper arsenate or acid copper chromate help prevent decay due to fungi or destruction by termites.
FIGURE 4.2.16 Crossflow induced draft cooling tower.
FIGURE 4.2.17 Counterflow forced draft cooling tower.
Galvanized steel is commonly used for small- to mid-sized cooling tower structures. Hardware is usually made of brass or bronze. Critical components, such as drive shafts, hardware mounting points, etc., may be made from 302 or 304 stainless steel. Cast iron can be found in base castings, motor housings, and fan hubs. Metals coated with plastics are finding application for special components.
Many manufacturers make extensive use of fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) in their structure, pipe, fan blades, casing, inlet louvers, and connection components. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used for fill media, drift eliminators, and louvers. Fill bars and flow orifices are commonly injection molded from polypropylene and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).
Concrete is normally used for the water basin or sump of field erected towers. Tiles or masonry are used in specialty towers when aesthetics are important.
Rejection of the heat load produced at the chilling equipment is the primary goal of a cooling tower system. This heat rejection can be accomplished with an optimized system that minimizes the total compressor power requirements of the chiller and the tower loads such as the fans and condenser pumps. Several criteria must be determined before the designer can complete a thorough cooling tower analysis, including selection of tower range, water-to-air ratio, approach, fill type and configuration, and water distribution system. Table 4.2.6 lists some of the common design criteria and normally accepted ranges for cooling towers.
Most common HVAC applications requiring a cooling tower will use an ―off the shelf‖ unit from a cooling tower manufacturer. Manufacturer representatives are usually well informed about their products and their proper application. After the project design process has produced the information called for in Table 4.2.6, it is time to contact one or more cooling tower representatives and seek their input on correct tower selection. Control Scheme with Chillers
Most cooling towers are subject to large changes in load and ambient wet-bulb temperature during normal operations. For a typical cooling tower, the tower fan energy consumption is approximately 10% of the electric power used by the chiller compressor. The condenser pumps are about 2–5% of the compressor power. Controlling the capacity of a tower to supply adequately cooled water to the condenser while minimizing energy
use is a desirable operational scheme. Probably the most common control scheme employed for towers serving an HVAC load is to maintain a fixed leaving water temperature, usually 27°C (80°F). Fan cycling is a common method to achieve this cooling tower control strategy and is applicable to multiunit and multicell tower installations. However, this control method does not minimize total energy consumed by the chiller/cooling tower system components.
Lowering the condensing water temperature increases a chiller’s efficiency. As long as the evaporator temperature is constant, a reduced condenser temperature will yield a lower pressure difference between the evaporator and condenser and reduce the load on the compressor. However, it is important to recognize that the efficiency improvements initially gained through lower condenser temperatures are limited. Improved chiller efficiency may be offset by increased tower fan and pumping costs. Maintaining a constant approach at some minimum temperature is desirable as long as the condensing temperature does not fall below the chiller manufacturer’s recommendations. Since most modern towers use two- or three-speed fans, a near optimal control scheme can be developed as follows (Braun and Diderrich, 1990):
? Tower fans should be sequenced to maintain a constant approach during part load operation to minimize chiller/cooling tower energy use.
? The product of range and condensing water flow rate, or the heat energy rejected, should be used to determine the sequencing of the tower fans.
? Develop a simple relationship between tower capacity and tower fan sequencing.
De Saulles and Pearson (1997) found that savings for a setpoint control versus the near optimal control for a cooling tower were very similar. Their control scheme called for the tower to produce water at the lowest setpoint possible, but not less than the chiller manufacturer would allow, and to compare that operation to the savings obtained using near optimal control as described above. They found that the level of savings that could be achieved was dependent on the load profile and the method of optimization. Their simulations showed 2.5 to 6.5% energy savings for the single setpoint method while the near optimal control yielded savings of 3 to 8%. Use of variable speed fans would increase the savings only in most tower installations. It is more economical to operate multiple cooling tower fans at the same speed than to operate one at maximum before starting the next fan. Variable speed fans should be used when possible in cooling towers.
The system designer should ensure that any newly installed cooling tower is tested according to ASME Standard PTC 23 (ASME 1986) or CTI Standard ATC-105. These field tests ensure that the tower is performing as designed and can meet the heat rejection
requirements for the connected chiller or refrigeration load. Selection Criteria
The criteria listed in Table 4.2.6 are usually known a priori by the designer. If not known explicitly, then commonly accepted values can be used. These criteria are used to determine the tower capacity needed to reject the heat load at design conditions. Other considerations besides the tower’s capacity include economics, servicing, environmental considerations, and aesthetics. Many of these factors are interrelated, but, if possible, they should all be evaluated when selecting a particular tower design.
Because economics is an important part of the selection process, two methods are commonly used — life-cycle costing and payback analysis. These procedures compare equipment on the basis of owning, operation, and maintenance costs. Other criteria can also affect final selection of a cooling tower design: building codes, structural considerations, serviceability, availability of qualified service personnel, and operational flexibility for changing loads. In addition, noise from towers can become a sensitive environmental issue. If local building code sound limits are an issue, sound attenuators at the air intakes and the tower fan exit should be considered. Aesthetics can be a problem with modern architectural buildings or on sites with limited land space. Several tower manufacturers can erect custom units that can completely mask the cooling tower and its operation. Applications[1]
Unlike chillers, pumps, and air handlers, the cooling tower must be installed in an open space with careful consideration of factors that might cause recirculation (recapture of a portion of warm and humid exhaust air by the same tower) or restrict air flow. A poor tower siting situation might lead to recirculation, a problem not restricted to wet cooling towers. Similar recirculation can occur with air-cooled condensing equipment as well. With cooling tower recirculation, performance is adversely affected by the increase in entering wet-bulb temperature. The primary causes of recirculation are poor siting of the tower adjacent to structures, inadequate exhaust air velocity, or insufficient separation between the exhaust and intake of the tower.
Multiple tower installations are susceptible to interference — when the exhaust air from one tower is drawn into a tower located downwind. Symptoms similar to the recirculation phenomenon then plague the downwind tower. For recirculation, interference,
[1]节选自James B. Bradford et al. ―HVAC Equipment and Systems‖.Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning.Ed. Jan F. Kreider.Boca Raton, CRC Press LLC. 2001
or physically blocking air-flow to the tower the result is larger approach and range which contribute to higher condensing pressure at the chiller. Both recirculation and interference can be avoided through careful planning and layout.
Another important consideration when siting a cooling tower installation is the effect of fogging, or plume, and carryover. Fogging occurs during cooler weather when moist warm air ejected from the tower comes into contact with the cold ambient air, condenses, and forms fog. Fog from cooling towers can limit visibility and can be an architectural nuisance. Carryover is when small droplets of entrained water in the air stream are not caught by the drift eliminators and are ejected in the exhaust air stream. These droplets then precipitate out from the exhaust air and fall to the ground like a light mist or rain (in extreme cases). Carryover or drift contains minerals and chemicals from the water treatment in the tower and can cause staining or discoloration of the surfaces it settles upon. To mitigate problems with fog or carryover, as with recirculation, the designer should consider nearby traffic patterns, parking areas, prevailing wind direction, large glass areas, or other architectural considerations. Operation and Maintenance Winter Operation
If chillers or refrigeration equipment are being used in cold weather, freeze protection should be considered to avoid formation of ice on or in the cooling tower. Capacity control is one method that can be used to control water temperature in the tower and its components. Electric immersion heaters are usually installed in the tower sump to provide additional freeze protection. Since icing of the air intakes can be especially detrimental to tower performance, the fans can be reversed to de-ice these areas. If the fans are operating in extremely cold weather, ice can accumulate on the leading edges of the fan blades, which can cause serious imbalance in the fan system. Instrumentation to detect out-of-limits vibration or eccentricity in rotational loads should be installed. As with any operational equipment, frequent visual inspections during extreme weather are recommended. Water Treatment
The water circulating in a cooling tower must be at an adequate quality level to help maintain tower effectiveness and prevent maintenance problems from occurring. Impurities and dissolved solids are concentrated in tower water because of the continuous evaporation process as the water is circulated through the tower. Dirt, dust, and gases can also find their way into the tower water and either become entrained in the circulating water or settle into the tower sump. To reduce the concentration of these contaminants, a percentage of the
circulating water is drained or blown-down. In smaller evaporatively cooled systems, this process is called a bleed-off and is continuous. Blow-down is usually 0.8 to 1.2% of the total water circulation rate and helps to maintain reduced impurity concentrations and to control scale formation. If the tower is served with very poor water quality, additional chemical treatments might be needed to inhibit corrosion, control biological growth, and limit the collection of silt. If the tower installation presents continuing water quality problems, a water treatment specialist should be consulted. Legionellosis
Legionellosis has been connected with evaporative condensers, cooling towers, and other building hydronic components. Researchers have found that well-maintained towers with good water quality control were not usually associated with contamination by Legionella pneumophila bacteria. In a position paper concerning Legionellosis, the Cooling Tower Institute (CTI, 1996) stated that cooling towers are prone to colonization by Legionella and have the potential to create and distribute aerosol droplets. Optimum growth of the bacteria was found to be at about 37°C (99°F) which is an easily attained temperature in a cooling tower.
The CTI proposed recommendations regarding cooling tower design and operation to minimize the presence of Legionella. They do not recommend frequent or routine testing for Legionella pneumophila bacteria because there is difficulty interpreting test results. A clean tower can quickly be reinfected, and a contaminated tower does not mean an outbreak of the disease will occur. Maintenance
The cooling tower manufacturer usually provides operating and maintenance (O&M) manuals with a new tower installation. These manuals should include a complete list of all parts used and replaceable in the tower and also details on the routine maintenance required for the cooling tower. At a minimum, the following should also be included as part of the maintenance program for a cooling tower installation.
? Periodic inspection of the entire unit to ensure it is in good repair.
? Complete periodic draining and cleaning of all wetted surfaces in the tower. This gives the opportunity to remove accumulations of dirt, slime, scale, and areas where algae or bacteria might develop.
? Periodic water treatment for biological and corrosion control.
? Continuous documentation on operation and maintenance of the tower. This develops the baseline for future O&M decisions and is very important for a proper maintenance policy.
4.2.4 Packaged Equipment
Central HVAC systems are not always the best application for a particular cooling or heating load. Initial costs for central systems are usually much higher than unitary or packaged systems. There may also be physical constraints on the size of the mechanical components that can be installed in the building. Unitary or packaged systems come factory assembled and provide only cooling or combined heating and cooling. These systems are manufactured in a variety of configurations that allow the designer to meet almost any application. Cabinet or skid-mounted for easy installation, typical units generally consist of an evaporator, blower, compressor, condenser, and, if a combined system, a heating section. The capacities of the units ranges from approximately 5 kW to 460 kW (1.5 to 130 tons). Typical unitary systems are single-packaged units (window units, rooftop units), split-system packaged units, heat pump systems, and water source heat pump systems. Unitary systems do not last as long (only 8 to 15 years) as central HVAC equipment and are often less efficient.
Unitary systems find application in buildings up to eight stories in height, but they are more generally used in one-, two-, or three-story buildings that have smaller cooling loads. They are most often used for retail spaces, small office buildings, and classrooms. Unitary
equipment is available only in preestablished capacity increments with set performance characteristics, such as total L/s (cfm) delivered by the unit’s air handler. Some designers combine central HVAC systems with packaged equipment used on perimeter building zones. This composite can solve humidity and space temperature requirements better than packaged units alone. This also works well in buildings where it is impractical for packaged units to serve interior spaces.
Table 4.2.7 lists some of the advantages and disadvantages of packaged and unitary HVAC equipment.
Table 4.2.8 lists energy efficiency ratings (EERs) for typical electric air- and water-cooled split and single package units with capacity greater than 19 kW (65,000 Btuh).
Typically, commercial buildings use unitary systems with cooling capacities greater than 18 kW (5 tons). In some cases, however, due to space requirements, physical limitations, or small additions, residential-sized unitary systems are used. If a unitary system is 10 years or older, energy savings can be achieved by replacing unitary systems with properly sized, energy-efficient models.
a Electric air- and water-cooled split system and single package units with capacity over 19 kW(65,000 Btuh) are covered here.
b EER, or energy efficiency ratio, is the cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h) of the unit divided by its electrical input (in watts) at standard (ARI) conditions of 35°C (95°F) for air-cooled equipment, and 29°C (85°F) entering water for water-cooled models.
c Based on ARI 210/240 test procedure.
d SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) is the total cooling output kW (Btu) provided by the unitduring its normal annual usage period for cooling divided by the total energy input (in Wh)during the same period.
e Split system and single package units with total capacity under 19 kW (65,000 Btuh) are covered here. This analysis excludes window units and packaged terminal units.
FIGURE 4.2.18 Comparison between TXV and short-tube orifice systems capacity for a range of charging conditions and 95°F (35°C) outdoor temperature. (From Rodriquez et al., 1996).
As with any HVAC equipment, proper maintenance and operation will ensure optimum performance and life for a system. Split-system air conditioners and heat pumps are the most common units applied in residential and small commercial applications. These units are typically shipped to the construction site as separate components; after the condenser (outdoor unit) and the evaporator (indoor unit) are mounted, the refrigerant piping is connected between them. The air conditioning technician must ensure that the unit is properly charged with refrigerant and check for proper operation. If the system is under- or overcharged, performance can be adversely affected. Rodriquez et al. (1996) found that performance of an air conditioning system equipped with a short tube orifice was affected by improper charge (Figure 4.2.18).
The plot in Figure 4.2.18 clearly shows that for a 20% under-charge in refrigerant, a unit with a short tube orifice suffers a 30% decrease in cooling capacity. This same study also investigated the effects of return-air leakage. A common problem with new installations is improper sealing of duct connections at the diffusers and grills as well as around the return-air plenum. Leakage amounts as low as 5% in the return air ducts resulted in capacity and efficiency reductions of almost 20% for high humidity climates.
These reductions dropped to about 7% for low humidity climates. The results of the charging and leakage studies suggest the need for the installation contractor, maintenance contractor, and system owner to ensure the proper installation of the air conditioning system.
FIGURE 4.2.19 Rooftop packaged heating and air conditioning unit. (Adapted from Carrier Corporation). Packaged Units
Packaged units are complete HVAC units that are usually mounted on the exterior of a structure (roof or wall) freeing up valuable indoor floor space (Figure 4.2.19). They can also be installed on a concrete housekeeping pad at ground level. Because they are self-contained, complete manufactured units, installation costs are usually lower than for a site-built HVAC system.
Single-package units consist of a blower section, filter bank, evaporator coil, at least one compressor (larger units may have more than one), and an air-cooled condensing section. Units may also come equipped with a heating section. Heating is accomplished using either natural gas or electricity. Heat pump systems can be used in situations where electricity is the only source of energy. Unitary heat pumps are restricted in size to no more than 70 kW (20 tons).
As packaged units age and deteriorate, their efficiency often decreases while the need for maintenance increases. Upgrading existing packaged units to high-efficiency models will result in substantial longterm energy savings. In the last 10 to 15 years, manufacturers have made significant improvements in the efficiency of packaged units. The efficiency of energy transfer at both the evaporator and condenser coils has been improved, high-efficiency motors are now standard, and blower and compressor designs have
improved in high-efficiency packaged units. Scroll compressors are now commonplace on mediumsized (70 to 210 kW; 20 to 60 ton) rooftop units. Energy efficiencies of newer units have a SEER in the range of 9.50 to 13.0. It is not uncommon to find older units operating at efficiencies as low as 6.0, and most operate at less than 9.0. Gas-fired heating sections typically have an annual fuel utilization efficiency
(AFUE) of about 80%. All newer packaged rooftop units are equipped with factory-installed microprocessor controls. These controls make maintaining equipment easier and improve energy efficiency of both the unit and the overall HVAC system. Control features include temperature setback and on/off scheduling. Larger systems can be delivered with variable air volume capability. Also, most units have an optional communication interface for connection to an energy management control system. Vertical Packaged Units
Vertical packaged units are typically designed for indoor or through-the-wall installation. These units are applied in hotels and apartments. Some designs have a water-cooled condenser, which can be fed from a cooling tower and/or city water. Many others use standard air-cooled condensers. Both style units have all other components mounted inside the package. Ductwork, if needed, can be connected to the unit to distribute the air.
FIGURE 4.2.20 Split system diagram (courtesy of the Trane Co.).
Split-System Packaged Units
Split-system packaged units can have the condenser mounted on an outdoor housekeeping pad or on a rooftop. Refrigerant piping connects the compressor section to an indoor air handling unit and evaporator coil. Unless they are heat pump type units, they cannot provide heat to the space. Heating coils can be installed in the air handling section,
particularly if there is a central source of heat such as hot water or steam from a boiler. Alternatively, the indoor unit can be coupled to a gas-fired furnace section to provide heating.
Air Source Heat Pumps
Air source heat pump (ASHP) systems are typically rooftop units, either packaged complete or as split systems. Split-package heat pumps are designed with an air handling unit located inside the conditioned space, while the condenser and compressor are packaged in units for outdoor installation on a housekeeping pad or on the roof. During cooling mode, the heat pump operates an air conditioner. During heating mode, the system is reversed and extracts energy from the outside air and provides it to the space. Each of these cycles is shown schematically in Figures 4.2.21 and 4.2.22, respectively. The size of unitary heat pump systems ranges from approximately 5 to 70 kW (11/2 to 20 tons). In some cases, existing packaged cooling units with electric resistance heat can be upgraded to heat pumps for improved energy efficiency.
Heat pump applications are best suited to mild climates, such as the southeastern portion of the U.S., and to areas where natural gas for heating is less available. Space heating needs may exceed the capacity of the heat pump during extremely cold weather. This is because the units are most often sized to satisfy the cooling load requirements. As the outdoor temperature drops, the coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump decreases. A 26 kW (71/2 ton) rooftop heat pump unit that has a high temperature (8.3°C) COP of 3.0 can have a low temperature (–8.3°C) COP of 2.0 or less. Because the capacity also drops with outdoor temperature, heat pumps require supplemental electric resistance heat to maintain temperature in the building. Figure 4.2.23 shows typical trends in capacity and COP for an air source heat pump. Chapter 4.2 discusses the characteristics of heat pumps.
FIGURE 4.2.21 Air or water source heat pump in cooling mode (courtesy of the Trane Co.).
FIGURE 4.2.22 Heat pump schematic showing heating cycle (courtesy of the Trane Co.).
FIGURE 4.2.23 System heating capacity as a function of outdoor air temperature.
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