
更新时间:2023-06-07 20:06:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



1 a bit(of) 少量(的),一点儿 2 a bottle of 一瓶 3 a cup of一杯

4 a few一些,少数几个 5 a glass of一杯 6 a kind of一种 7 a little一点,少量 8 a lot很,非常

9 a lot of许多,大量

10 a number of许多,大量 11 a pair of一对,一双

12. a piece of一片(一张,一块) 13 a set of一套

14.a moment ago刚才

15 a moment later片刻之后 16 a place of interest名胜 17 add.to...把……加到…… 18 after a while过了一会儿 19 after a1l毕竟;终究

20 again and again再三地,一再地,反复地

21 agree with同意 22 aim at瞄准

23 all by oneself独立,单独 24 all day一整天,一天到晚 25 all kinds of各种各样的 26 all over遍及

27 all right好,行,不错 28 all the same仍然,还是

29 all the time一直,始终;总是 30 all the year round一年到头 31 and so on等等 32 arrive in/at到达 33 as if好像

34 as long as长达,只要 35 as as与……一样

36 as soon as一……就……

37 as soon as possible尽可能早地,尽快 38 as usual像往常一样 39 as well也,又,同样地


40 as well as也,还 41 ask for请求,询问

42 at first起先,首先

43 at last终于,最后 44 at least至少,起码 45 at night在晚上 46 at noon在中午 47 at once立刻,马上 48 at school在学校 49 at sea在大海上 50 at times有时,偶尔

51 at the age of在……岁时

52 at the beginning of起初,开始

53 at the end of在……结尾,到……尽头 54.at the moment此刻 55.at the same time同时 56.be able to能,会 57.be afraid of害怕

58.be amazed at对……感到惊讶 59.be angry with对(某人)发脾气

60.be back/in/out回来、在家、外出 61.be born出生于

62.be busy doing忙着做 63.be busy with忙于 64.be careful小心

65.be covered with被………覆盖 66.be excited about对……感到兴奋 67.be famous for因……而有名的 68.be fed up with厌倦

69.be filled with用……充满 70.be fit for适合

7I.be free空闲的;有空 72 be friendly to 对….友好 73 be full of 充满

74 be good at 在….方面好,善于 75 be good for 对….有好处

76 be interested in 对……感兴趣 77 be late for 迟到

78 be/get lost 迷失(道路) 79 be mad at 生气

80 be made from由…制成(制成品中看不


81 be made in在…..生产或制造

82 be made of由…制成(制成品中看得122 come out出来;开花;发芽 123 come over过来;顺便来

124 come to oneself苏醒,恢复知觉 125 come true实现


83 be on在进行;在上演;(灯)亮着 84 be pleased with对……感到满意 85 be proud of以….而自豪 86 be stressed out紧张的

87 be strict with对……要求严格 88 be supposed to被期望……… 89 be surprised at 惊奇 90 be used for 用于 91.because of 因为

92.before long 不久以后

93.beg one’s pardon请原谅,对不起94.begin with起初;开始 95.belong to属于 96.borrow...from向……借…… 97.both..and...……和……都 98.break from损坏 99.break out爆发 100.bring up教育

101.by air/plane乘飞机 102.by bus乘公共 103.by mistake错误地 104.by ship/sea乘船 105 by train乘火车

106 by the time到……的时候

107 by the way顺便说,顺便问一下 108 call up打电话

109 can’t help doing忍不住做 110 care for关怀

111 carry on坚持下去 112 catch up with赶上 113 change into转变成 114 cheer up使振奋人心 115 clean up清除,收拾干净 116 close to靠近 117 come back回来

118 come down下来,落 119 come from来自 120 come in进来,进入

121 come on来吧,跟着来,赶快

126 come up with找到;提出 127 compare with/to与……相比 128 complain about抱怨 129 connect to/with连接 130cut down砍倒 131 cut in插入

132 deal with处理;对付 133 depend on 决定于 134 different from不同于 135 divide...into分开

136 do eye exercises做眼保健操 137 do morning exercises做早操 138 do one’s best尽最大努力,尽力 139 do one’s homework做作业 140 do some cleaning大扫除 141 do some cooking做饭

142 do some reading朗读,阅读 143 do some shopping买东西 144 do well in在……方面干得好 145 drop in顺便走访

146 drop off放下(某物),下车 147 each other 互相 148 either..or或者……或者……

149 enjoy oneself过得快乐,玩得痛快 150 even if/though即使

151 ever since从那时起,此后一直 152 family name姓

153 fall asleep睡觉,入睡

154 fal1 behind落在……后面;输给别人155 fall down倒下,跌倒,从……落下 156 fall ill患病

157 falJ off (从……)掉下 158 far away遥远 159 far from远离

160 feel like doing想要做 161 find out找出,查出 162 first of all首先;第一 163 for ever 永远 164 for example 例如

165.from now on从今以后


166.from then on从那时起 167.from...to...从……到…… 168.get along with与……相处 169.get back回来,取回 170.get...back退还……,送回去

171.get down下来,落下 172.get in进人

173.get into trouble陷入困境 174.get married结婚

175.get off下来,从……下来 176.get on上车

177.get on well with与……相处融洽 178.get through通过 179.get to到达

180.get together相聚 181.get up起床

182.give a concert开音乐会 183.give..a call给……打电话 184.give...a chance给……一次机会 185.give...a hand给予……帮助 186.give away/out赠送 187.give birth to生(孩子) 188.give in屈服 189.give up放弃

190.given name:first name名字 191.go ahead先走 192.go back回去

193.go boating去划船 194.go fishing去钓鱼 195.go hiking去徒步旅行 196.go off闹铃响;爆炸 197.go on继续

198.go on doing sth继续做某事 199.go out 外出,到外边去 200.go out for a walk外出散步 201.go over过一遍;仔细检查 202.go round顺便去;绕道走 203.go shopping (去)买东西 204.go skating去滑冰 205.go straight along沿着……一直往前走

206.go through浏览;通过 207.go to bed睡觉


208.go to school上学 209.go to work上班

210.go upstairs/downstairs上/下楼 211.grow up长大;成长 212.had better(do) 最好(做) 213.hand in交上来 214.hand out分发

215.hands up举起手来 216.hang on不挂机 217.hang up挂断电话 218.happen to发生

219.have a cold(患)感冒 220.have a cough咳嗽 221.have a fever 发烧

222.have a fight with 与….打架 223.have a good time 过得愉快 224.have a headache 患头痛 225.have a look(at) 看一看 226.have a party举行晚会 227.have a (good) rest休息 228.have a talk谈一谈 229.have a try尝试,努力 230.have an idea有了主意 231.have breakfast吃早餐 232.have classes上课

233.have fun with玩得高兴 234.have lunch吃午餐

235.have sports进行体育活动 236.have supper吃晚餐 237.have to不得不,必须 238.hear about/of听说

239.hear from听说;收到……来信 240.help oneself to自取;随便吃 241.help..with帮助(某人)做(某事) 242.here and there到处,处处

243.hold a sports meeting举行运动会 244.hold on (口语)等一等;(打电话时)


245 hour after hour一小时又一小时 246 how far多远 247 how long多长 248 how many多少 249 how much多少 250 how often多久一次

251 how old多大年纪 252 how soon多久以后

253 hundreds of成百上千;数百 254 hurry up赶快 255 in a hurry匆忙地

256 in a word总之;一句话 257 in English用英语 258 in fact实际上 259 in fashion流行

260 in front前方;正对面 261 in hospital住院 262 in order to为了…… 263 in public公开地;公然 264 in time及时 265 in the air在空中 266 in the day在白天 267 in the end最后 268 in the future将来

269 in the morning/afternoon/evening


270 in the open air在户外;在野外 271 in this way用这种方法 272 instead of代替 273 join in参加

274 just now刚才,不久以前 275 just then正在那时

276 keep doing sth.一直做某事 277 keep fit保持健康

278 keep off不接近;不接触 279 keep one’s word守信 280 kind of有点儿

281 knock at/on敲(门、窗等) 282 later on后来;稍后 283.1augh at 嘲笑

284.1earn from 向……学习 285.1eave a message 留口信 286.1eave…behind 把……遗留在(留下)

287.1ess than 不到,少于 288.1isten to 听 lead to 导致,导向

let in 让……进来,放进 let out 放掉, 泄露


289.1ive on 以……为主食,靠……为生 290.1ook after 照顾;照看 291.1ook at 看,观看 292.1ook for 寻找

293.1ook like 看起来像 294.1ook out 留神;当心 295.1ook over (仔细)检查

296.1ook the same 看起来很像 297.1ook through 浏览

look ahead 向前看,展望未来

look down upon 看不起,轻视 look forward to 盼望

look into 向……里面看去; 调查 298.1ook up 向上看;抬头看;查阅 299.1ots of 许多

300.make a contribution to 贡献给;捐赠

301.make a decision 做出决定 302.make a face(faces) 做鬼脸 303.make a fire 生火 304.make a living 谋生

305.make a mistake(mistakes) 犯错误 306.make a noise 吵闹

307.make friends (with) (与……)交朋友 308.make money赚钱

309.make one’s way to往……走去 310.make phone calls打电话 311.make progress取得进步

312.make room for给……腾出地方 313.make sure确保;确认;查明 314.make the bed整理床铺

315.make up one`s mind下决心 316.more and more越来越

317.more or less多少有点;或多或少 318.more than多过; …·以上;比……更 319.neither…nor…既不……也不…… 320.never mind没关系 321.next to相邻;靠近 322.no longer不再 323.no matter不论 324.no more不再 325.not...any more再也不;不能再 326.not as/so..as...与……不一样 327.not...at all一点也不

328.not only...but also..不仅……而


329.not..until直到……才…… 330.on business出差

331.on display陈列;展览 332.on duty 值日

333.on earth在人间,在世上;究竟 334.on fire着火 335.on foot走路

336.on one’s way to在……途中 337.on show展出

338.on the left/right side 在左、右边 339.on the one hand 一方面 340.on the other hand 另一方面 341.on time 准时 342.on vacation 度假 343.on watch值班;守望 344.once again再一次 345.once more再一次

346.once upon a time从前 347.one and another互相

348.one after another一个接一个 349.one by one一个接一个 350.one day有一天;某一天 351.open up开设;开业;开放 352.ought to应当 353.out of在……之外

354.out of breath上气不接下气 355.out of fashion不时髦的 356.out of order运转不正常 357.out of work失业

358.over and over again一再 359.pass on传递;转移到…… 360.pay for付钱;支付 361.pick up拾起;捡起

362.play a joke on戏弄人;对人做恶作剧

363.play football踢足球 364.play the piano弹钢琴 365.play with和……玩耍 366.plenty of大量的 367.point at指示;指向 368.point to指向 369.prefer...to...宁愿…而不…,



370.put away 把…收起来 371.put off 推迟, 延迟 372.put on 穿上(衣服等),戴上(帽子等)

373.put out 熄灭

374.put up 挂起,举起,张贴 375.quarrel with (和某人)争吵 376.rather than 宁可,是…而不是… 377.regard...as.把…当作... 378.right now 立刻,马上 379.ring up 打电话

380.run away 流失,逃跑,逃走 381.run out of 用完 382.rush out 冲出去

383.say goodbye to告别;告辞 384.see…off 为……送行 385.send for派人去叫

386.send up发射;把……往上送 387.set an example for...为……树立榜样

388.set off/out出发;动身;启程 389.set one’s mind to do一心想做 390.set up建立

391.shout at对……喊叫 392.shut down把……关上 393.sit down坐下 394.so far到目前为止 395.so that以便;以致 396.so..that如此……以至于 397.sooner or later迟早

398 spend ..on.. 在……上花钱 399.stay up熬夜

400 stop …from 阻止……做…… 401 such as 例如

402 take a break/rest休息 403.take a holiday休假 404.take a message捎口信 405.take a ride兜风

406.take a seat坐下;就座 407.take a shower淋浴 408.take a walk散步

409.take after与(父母)相像 410.take part in参加

411.take an interest in对……感兴趣 412.take away拿走

413.take care of照顾;照料 414.take exercise做运动 415.take it easy别着急 416.take notes做笔记

417.take off脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞 418.take one’s place坐某人的座位;


419.take out取出 420.take photos照相 421.take place发生

422.take the place of代替 423.take time花费(时间) 424.take turns轮流

425.talk about/of谈话;交谈 426.talk with和……交谈 427.teach oneself自学 436.throw away扔掉

437.to one’s surprise令……惊讶的是438.too...to...太……而不能…… 439.try on试穿(衣服,鞋子等);


440 try out试验,尝试

441 turn down关小,调低;拒绝 442 turn off关上 443 turn on打开 444 turn...over把……翻过来

445 up and down上上下下;来来回回 446 used to过去常常 447 wait for等候

448 wait in line排队等候 449 wake up醒来

450 wear out把……穿旧;磨坏 451 well done做得好

452 with one’s help在某人的帮助下 453 with pleasure高兴地

454 with the help of在……的帮助下 455 work hard at努力做…… 456 work on从事;忙于 457 work out算出;制定出 458 worry about担心 459 would like愿意;想 460 write down写下;记下

461 write to写信给


