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book apple newcar university

school orange oldcar hour family army aone-waystreet M.P. class audience umbrella X-rayphoto

1 There's a pen on the desk. I need a pencil now. We can't say a boy is cleverer than a girl. 2 National Day is a two-dayholiday.

We have only one day left to finish the task. 3 The apples are two yuan akilogram. Tom drives a car at 60 miles an hour. I go back home once a month. 4 He is aChristian.

My friend, Asaku, is a Japanese.

He was a teacher in the past. But he is a businessman now. He was made a dean. 5 A Smith called you justnow.

A comrade is waiting for you outside. 6 Tom and his sister are of aheight. These sweaters are of a size. 7

It takes half an hour to getthere. He's quite a famous artist.

Many a man would welcome such an opportunity. What a fool he is!

It's too difficult a problem for him. 8 in aword takeawalk at atime 9 He saw a man standing there. The man was the person that he was looking for.……


the book onmydesk keep thepeacein the icecreamtheysell 1 the classIteach

the water inthisriver

theUnitedNations thepictures show me the picture in yourhand

We have found the book that we lostyesterday. Do you know the man standing by the window? How do you like the rooms here? ? 2 The compass was invented inChina. The wolf hunts by night. 3 theviolin 4 thesun thesky 5 thepoor


the earth theuniverse theblind

the world theaged

theimpossible thenature

6 He runs the fastest.

Is this the best choice he can make?



Mrs. William is very proud of her house because it is always clean and tidy. But one day, while she was sweeping (1) (A. a B. an C. the D. --)carpets, she saw (2) (A. a B. an C. the D.--)little mouse running across her dining--room floor. She had always told(3) (A. a B. an C. the D. --)other people that

(4) (A.aB.anC.theD.--)micearefoundonlyin(5) (A.aB.anC.theD.--)dirtyhouses,so she was terribly ashamed when she saw (6) (A. a B. an C. the D. --)ugly mouse in her ownhouse. Quickly shecalledher daughterand said to her, “(7) (A. a B.an C. the D.--)terrible thinghashappened ! I saw (8) (A .a B. an C. the D. --)mouse in our dining--room only (9) (A. a B. an C. the D.-- )few minutes ago. We must catch it at once ! Go down to (10) (A. a B. an C. the D. --)village shop and buy (11) (A. a B. an C. the D.-- )mouse trap—but, whatever you do, don't tell anybody what it is for !” Ⅱ.请改正下列各题的错误。

1.Mr. Peterson, the old friend of my father's was elected the Mayor of this city. 2.The English is often said to be an universal language. 3.As weather is fine, let's take long walk.

4.What pity it is that he should have failed in a examination again. 5.A house is let by a year to Mr. White.

6.My younger sister will go to the school the next September. 7.Henry was bit by dog because he pulled a dog by its tail. 8.A black and white dog were running after the cat. 9.He cried, “What beautiful a sight it is !”

10.Though Mr. Walker is English man, he can't speak the English with an ease. It's because he was born and brought up in the China.

Ⅲ.请在下列短文所设空格处填入适当的冠词,若是零冠词,则填“○”。 Grandma Hall lives in (1) country. Her little house is not far from (2) woods. One day Grandma Hall was sitting in her kitchen, eating. It was (3) warm day, and her back door was open to let in (4) fresh air. All at once Grandma heard something. Thump ! Thump! She looked up. There in (5) doorway was (6) skunk (臭鼬)! Grandma and (7) skunk looked at each other for(8) minute. “Oh !” thought Grandma. “What if … !” But (9) skunk just stood there. His black eyes were bright. His nose moved as it took in (吸)(10) good smell of (11) food.

“He looks as if he is waiting for me to ask him in, ”she thought. She took (12) dish of (13) milk and put it on (14) table. Then she pulled out (15) chair. “Please come in, ” said Grandma to (16) skunk. “Please come in and sit down. ” To her surprise , (17) skunk came into (18) room, He looked at Grandma and at(19) milk on (20) table, Then he jumped on (21) chair ! Grandma sat very still. She did not want to frighten (22) skunk. But (23) skunk was very much at (24) home. He had his milk , and off he went into (25) woods.


I、单项选择 请将所选最佳答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。(20 分) ( ) 26.-Excuseme. ?

-You're right. You'd better take a bus. A. Where isthehospital B. Is there a hospitalnearby C. How can I get tothehospital D. Is the hospitalveryfar (

) 27. -Shall I help you move the desk to thecorner? - . I can do itmyself. A.No,thanks B. Notatall C.Ofcourse D. Nevermind ) 28. Your MP4 is quite cheap. Where didyoubuy ? I wanttobuy A. one;one B.it;it C.it;one D.one;it ) 29. -How old is yourdaughter? - . We had a special partyforher A. Ninth;ninth B.Nine;nine

birthday lastweek. C.Ninth;nine D.Nine;ninth

( (

,too. (

) 30. -What did you buy for your daughter atthe supermarket?

-Ibought , because Icouldn'tfind shelikes. A.something;anything B. anything;something C.nothing;anything D.something;nothing ) 31. Theyarefrom A.Germany;Germans C.German;Germany

.They’re .

B. Germans;Germany D.Germany;Germen


) 32. -Do you know Huang Tingwell?

-Yes. Sheand I friends since we met in Wuhan last summer. A.havemade B.were C.havebeen D.become

( ) 33. Most of my classmates don't like to talk with their parents, butIam them.I love to talk with myparents. A. thesameas B.differentfrom C.interestedin D.angrywith

( ) 34. I feel it hard to keep up with my classmates. But whenever Iwantto ,myteacher always encourages me to work harder.





D. giveback

) 35. -Could you pleasetellme

A. where doyoulive C. whereyoulive

? -I live in Enshi,Hubei.

B. if you live inEnshi D. where youwereborn



) 36. -Let's go to the concert tonight,Michael!

-Sorry,I . I have to help my mother with thehousework. A. mustn't B.maynot C.needn't D.can't ) 37. -Your brother doesn't get up early, doeshe? - . But he gets up late onweekends. A. Yes,hedoes B. No, hedoesn't C. Yes,hedoesn't D. No,hedoes ) 38. -My parents alwaystellme -They're right. It's not polite. A. call B.notcall ) 39. Don't worry. Heis A.carefullyenough

others late atnight. C.tocall

D. nottocall




to look after littleBetty. B. enoughcareful


D. enoughcarefully

( ) 40. I can't still understandthepassage there are few new words init. A. so B.because

C.if D.though

( ) 41.Hewas tired he fell asleep as soon as he laydown. A.too;to B.so;that C.such;that D. enough;that ( )42. Lucy Lily may go dancing with you, because theyarenot allowed to go out on schoolnights.

A. Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D. Not only;butalso (

) 43. I don't know ifmyuncle .Ifhe , I will be very happy. A. comes;willcome B. will come; willcome C.comes;comes D. will come;comes ( )44.Maria at 6:30 every morning by her mother to get ready forschool. A. waswokenup B.wokeup C.wakesup D. iswokenup (

) 45. We knowJackieChan movies are very popular with theyoung.



C.who D.which

II、完形填空 请将所选最佳答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。(15 分)

In some science fiction movies, the robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do themost 46jobs. Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in thefuture. 47 , they agree itmay 48 hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to makerobots 49 people and do thesamethingsasus. But robot scientist James White 50 . He thinks that it will be 51 for a robot to do the same

