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- 模具加工承揽合同推荐度:
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合同编号: Contract No.:
签署日期: The date of signature of 甲方(定作方):Party A (Buyer):
乙方(承揽方):Party B (Supplier):
甲乙双方本着平等、互利原则,就甲方委托乙方加工制作用于生产 (“产品”)的模具、冲模或模具(“模具”),经双方友好协商,于甲方所在地达成如下协议: Whereas, Party A desire to purchase the tools, dies and moulds (the “Tools”) from Party B for production of (“Products”). After friendly consultations and
proceeding on principles of fairness and equality, the Parties at the location of Party A have agreed the following:
第一条 委托事项Article 1 Tools Information
序号No. 模具名称Tools Name 型号Type 数量Qty. 穴数Cavity No. 模具用料材质Tooling Material 模具单价(元)Unit Price(RMB) 备注Remark
备注:本合同中所指模具包含: □模具本身及 □后续产品生产所需的夹具、模具等。 Note: The “Tools”in this Contract include: □ the tools, dies and moulds □ Jigs and fixture etc which are necessary for production.
第二条 质量标准和要求Article 2 Quality Standards and Requirements 2.1质量标准和要求:按甲方的质量要求执行。
Quality standards and requirement: In accordance with requirements of Party A.
2.2甲方提供产品模具的设计图纸、样板和其他相关技术资料。就上述资料,甲方具有唯一的解释权。发生歧义时,乙方应书面征询甲方意见,并得到甲方的书面确认。 Party A will provide Party B design, blueprint, specimen and relevant technical
documents, which shall be illustrated by Party A solely. In case of discrepancy, Party B must enquiry Party A in written.
2.3乙方在收到上述资料后 个工作日内,需提供详细的模具图纸,甲方应在收到模具图纸之次日起的 天内予以确认。
Party B shall complete the drawings of Tools in working days upon receipt of aforesaid documents and specimen. Party A will check the drawings in working days after receiving.
Party B shall design and manufacture the Tools in accordance with the drawings and conform to Party A’s technology requirements.
2.5合格模具的定义:Definition of Qualified Tools:
2.5.1符合经甲方确认的模具结构图;In conformity to Tools schematics approved by Party A;
In conformity to Parts drawings approved by Party A;
In conformity to quality and technology requirements of Party A;
Tool life shall be ensured per provision in this Contract;
Where no standard was prescribed, the National Standard in P.R.China shall prevail;
The material which Tools made of shall be qualified per Party A’s requirement.
第三条 原材料来源和模具制作时间Article 3 Material Sourcing and Lead Time 3.1模具制造生产所需的原材料由 方承担。如为乙方承担,则乙方必须保证按甲方的技术要求采购原材料,以确保产品质量的稳定。同时,乙方还应把原材料的品质标准、产地等如实预先书面报告甲方。
Party shall provide the material for Tooling. In case of Party B be liable for material sourcing, the purchasing procedure shall be practised strictly per Party A’s technology requirements to ensure the steady good quality of the Products.
3.2 本合同模具开发送样周期为 天,自签订本合同之日起到 日止;模具交付使用周期为 天(即 日前)。在乙方完成试模后,须于12小时内向甲方传真或邮递《试模报告》。
The lead time of Developing, Making and First Sample Pour is working days, from valid date of commence of this Contract to (Day\\Month\\Year); The delivery time shall within working days (before Day\\Month\\Year). After each Tryout completed, Party B shall report to Party A within 12 hours via Fax or Email.
3.3如果乙方模具制作出现工艺或者其它的问题,导致模具无法验收合格的,乙方应根据图纸和样板免费重新开模。重新开模的质量和交期除有特殊约定外,按本合同执行。 In case the Tools fail to pass the inspection due to Party B’s fault, Party B shall remake the Tools free of charge per drawing and specimen. Party B shall complete the remake in accordance with quality and lead time provisions hereto in this Contract unless mutually agreed otherwise.
3.4如果乙方模具制作出现工艺和其它的错误,导致模具无法验收合格而甲方又急需生产,乙方应先用现有的模具安排生产,同时再根据图纸和样板要求免费重新开模。 In case of emergency demand of Party A, provided that the Tools fail to pass the inspection due to Party B’s fault, Party B may arrange production with available Tools, and meanwhile start to remake the Tools free of charge per drawing and specimen.
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