EIMu8知识清单 合

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Language points in Unit Eight Listening I. words

1.camp 野营 go camping

2.join 加入 join sb. join sb in doing sth. join the League/ Party/Army/ sb. take part in/ join in +活动 3. as 当...时候, 同when

Join us in Slovenia as we race down the River Soca. 4 Worry 担忧,使担忧

worry about be worried about... The cold weather doesn’t worry you. 冷的天气并不使你担心。 6.across 介词,横穿,穿过 cross 动词, 横穿,穿过 = go across/ come across/ swim across

Then come and have fun with a dog team pulling you across the snow. 那么来享受一队狗拉着你在雪上横穿吧。 II. Phrases

in the desert在沙漠 volunteer work志愿者工作

conserve the elephant population of Thailand保护泰国的大象数量 have fun玩的高兴 plan the family holiday计划全家游 at the elephant conservation center 在大象保护中心

in two months’ time 两个月之后 the week after next下下周 on Saturday morning在周六上午 III. Sentences

1.There’s lots of volunteer work to choose from.有许多志愿者工作可以选择。

2. Dad almost fainted when he heard how much we’re paying.当爸爸听到我们要付多少钱时几乎晕了。 Reading 1. words

1 tourist游客 tour a tour of...

tourism tourism company

About two million tourists visit Cape Town every year. 每年约两百万游客来Cape Town参观。

2 capital 首都 capital city the capital of ... ...的首都

It isn’t the capital city and it isn’t the biggest city either.它不是首都也不是最大的城市。 3.Popular 受欢迎的

Popularity 普及、流行、名气、名望

Cape Town is South Africa’s most popular city with tourists for its many attractions, sights and activities. Cape Town由于它众多的吸引人的事物,美景和活动而成为最受游客欢迎的城市。 4.Unforgettable adj.难忘的 forget , forgetful adj. 健忘的

In fact, a holiday in Cape Town is unforgettable!事实上,在Cape Town的度假是令人难忘的。 5.Including 包括

Cape Town’s beaches are ideal for water sports, including surfing, windsurfing and kayaking. Cape Town的沙滩是水上运动的理想场所包括冲浪,帆板和皮划艇。 6.offer提供

offer sb sth =offer sth to sb

Scuba diving is also popular: the many shipwrecks along the coastline offer some excellent dives.轻便潜水也受欢迎,沿海岸线的众多遇难船提供很棒的俯冲。

The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus. 那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人。 7.adventure探险,冒险 adventurous 冒险的

For the adventure, outdoor or sports fan Cape Town has a range of activities.对于冒险、户外、和运动迷,Cape Town有一系列活动。 8.pleasant 宜人的,令人愉悦的



The weather was cold, but the trip was pleasant. 虽然天气很冷,但旅途还是很愉快。

It was a pleasant surprise to see her again. 再次见到她真是又惊又喜。 Cape Town’s climate is pleasant. Cape Town 的气候很宜人。

1)pleased 用来说明人,表示“感到高兴或满意” The children were very pleased. 孩子们很高兴。

I’m very pleased at [about, with] your success. 我对你的成功感到满意。 2)pleasure n.快乐, 愉快的事情, It is a pleasure for me to live with you.


9.population 人口 the population of ....某地的人口

The population of Cape Town is about 3.5 million. Cape Town的人口大约有3.5百万。 II phrases

1. the capital city 首都 2. in fact 事实上 3. be ideal for 对...理想 4 walk around 四处转转 5. natural habitat 6. mind doing 介意做某事 III sentences

1.Cape Town is South Africa’s most popular city with tourists for its many attractions, sights and activities. Cape Town由于它众多的吸引人的事物,美景和活动而成为最受游客欢迎的城市。

2.From the beautiful scenery and sunny beaches to great shopping in the city center, Cape Town has something for everyone. 从美丽的景色,阳光的沙滩到城市中心的很棒的购物,Cape Town有适合每个人的东西。

3.Cape Town’s beaches are ideal for water sports, including surfing, windsurfing and kayaking. Cape Town的沙滩是水上运动的理想场所包括冲浪,帆板和皮划艇。 64页:1. competition competition 是名词,表示比赛;竞赛时是可数名词,如

She went in for a singing competition.


Will you judge at the swimming competition next week? 你愿意担任下周游泳比赛的评判吗?

作竞争角逐的时候是抽象名词,是不可数名词,如:He was in competition with 10 others for the job.

I’m in competition with one person and one person only – myself. 我只跟一个人竞争,那个人就是我自己。 动词: compete

Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poach pupils. 学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生。 They decided to compete with us.

2.fault 强调责任或性格上的弱点 ,通常指人的“过失,过错”。 It wasn’t her fault, she was trying to help.

It’s my fault that I have left my homework at home. have fun/ enjoy oneself/ have a good time (in) doing sth.

4.hang on有哪些用法 hang on有哪些用法(1)用作电话用语,意为:等一下; 别放下话筒;别挂断。如:

Hang on! I’ll call him. 等一下,我去叫他。

I’m afraid the line is engaged. Would you like to hang on? 恐怕电话占线,请等一下好吗?

You say you want to speak to Mrs Smith? If you hang on for a while, I’ll go and see if I can find her. 你说你要找史密斯太太吗?请等一下,我去看看能否找到她。


A:Got a match,Bob? 鲍勃,有火柴吗? B:Hang on. 等一下。

A:We’re going, Mary. 玛丽,我们走了。

B:Hang on a minute. I’m not quite ready. 等一下,我还没准备好呢! (3)表示抓紧,可译为:抓紧。如:

Don’t let go. Hang on tightly. 不要放,抓紧。


Just hang on till I get help. 抓紧,等我找人来帮忙。

Hang on ;the bus is about to start. 抓紧,公共汽车就要开了。 5.worry


2)worried可表示形容词,是系表结构的短语,意为担忧的、担心的、发愁的\主语一般是人3)另外worried也可以表示是worry的过去式。一般情况下,worry 常用 worry (about)sth./sb. ;worried 常用 be worried about sth./sb.(在这里,worried是作为形容词)。

The teacher worried that these problems might be too hard for her students. 老师担心这些题目会对学生太难。

Don't worry how much you spend on the trip. 别担心花多少钱用于旅行。

People are becoming increasingly worried about pollution. 人们对污染越来越感到忧虑. 6.be going to与will的区别

be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别:

(1) be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如:

He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book one day.

(2)be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客观上将来势必发生的事情。

He is seriously ill. He is going to die. He will be twenty years old.

(3) be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,如: She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour.

(4)在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用will, 如: If any beasts comes at you, I'll stay with you and help you

7. either

(1) either用作代词,意为“(两者之中)任一、任何一个”。在句中可作主语(此时句中谓语动词用单数)、宾语、表语和定语(作定语时,有的词典把它称为形容词;either作定语时,只能修饰单数名词。)如: Either (of the books) is popular with the students. (两本书)随便哪一本都受到同学们的欢迎。(主语) I have bought two cakes;you may have either. 我买了两块蛋糕;你要哪块都行。(宾语)

The books were either works on travel or detective novels. 这些书要么是旅游方面的书,要么是侦探小说。(表语) You can park on either side of the street. 在街道的哪边停车都可以。(定语)

(2) either用作副词,用于否定句作“也”解释,通常置于句末。如: I don”t like the red shirt and I don”t like the green one either. 我不喜欢这件红衬衫,也不喜欢这件绿衬衫。 As for me, I shall not return there either. 如果是我,我也不会回到那儿的。


I know a good Italian restaurant. It”s not far from here either. 我知道一家意大利餐馆,离这儿并不远。

(3) either可以构成短语,either…or…,意为“或……或……、不是……就是……”,在句中连接两个并列成分。如: Either you or Tom has done it.(连接并列主语) 不是你就是汤姆做了这件事。

You may either stay at home or go there with us.(连接并列谓语) 你既可以待在家里也可以和我们一道去。


Either you or the headmaster _______ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.

A. is handing out B. are to hand out C. are handing out D. is to hand out


Either the headmaster or you _______ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.

A. is handing out B. are to hand out C. are handing out D. is to hand out

(4) either的反义词为neither“(两者)都不”,either…or…的反义词组为neither…nor…“既不……也不……”。如: You can drop either of the two courses. 你可以放弃这两门课程中的任何一门。 You can drop neither of the two courses. 这两门课程中的任何一门都不能放弃。 Either you or he has made the mistake. 不是你就是他犯了这个错误。

Neither you nor he has made the mistake. 犯错误的既不是你也不是他。

1. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but _____ of them came. A. neither B. both C. either D. none

2. I don’t want _____ of the shirts. Please show me _____ . A. both; the other B. either; other

C. neither; another D. either; another one 3.Are you going there by bike or by bus ?

I think _____ way will do, for the weather is fine. A. neither B. either C. some D. any 4. Would you like beer or coca-cola? I don’t mind. _________ is OK . A. Any B. Either C. None D. Neither

5. _______ of them was in good health, but both worked very hard. A. Either B. Each C. All D. Neither

6. All of these are interesting books and you can borrow __________ of them.

A. either B. any C. neither D. both

7. He lent me a lot of books, but _________ of them is easy for me to read. A. neither B. either C. no one D. none


1.arrangement表示“安排”、“准备”,注意以下用法: ①通常为可数名词。如:

I’m satisfied with your arrangements. 我对你的安排很满意。

We have finished all the arrangements for the party. 我们已完成了晚会的所有准备工作。

②用于短语 make arrangements(作安排)。如:

They are making arrangements for the party. 他们在为晚会作准备。

I have to make arrangements to take you to Paris. 我得安排一下把你带到巴黎去。


I have no doubt that he will succeed. 我相信他会成功的。

There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter. 毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的意见的。


There is some doubt whether their football team will win the match. 他们的足球队会不会赢得这场比赛还不能肯定。


