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III. Listening In

Task1: On the First Day

Harrison: I‘m Harrison. Good to meet you. So you‘ve bought the books for this biology class.

Jenny: Sure, I think everyone had to before class started.

Harrison: No. Usually no one does much on the first day because it‘s still add-drop.

Jenny: What‘s that?

Harrison: Changing from class to class to find out which one is best. Hey, where are you from?

Jenny: Poland. Have you has this teacher before? I‘ve heard he is really good.

Harrison: He‘s good if you‘re a hand-worker. He expects a lot.

Jenny: Oh, I guess that‘s good. I hope I can keep up with everyone else in the class. Maybe I need your help after class.

Harrison: You‘re welcome.

Professor: All right. See you guys next week.

Student: See you.

Jenny: Harrison, wait up!

Harrison: So what do you think about the professor‘s lecture?

Jenny: I think half of what he said went over my head.

Harrison: That‘s all right. A lot of what he said is explain in the reading/

Jenny: Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over?

Harrison: No problem. We don‘t have class until Wednesday. Here you go. Jenny: Thanks. I just want to make sure I‘m prepared for the seminar.

Harrison: Yeah, participation in the discussion is an important part of the

education here.

does much on because it‘s still add-drop, which means students are from class to class. Jenny knows the professor is But Harrison warns her that the professor is good, only if students are , for he expects

After class, Jenny admits that of what the professor said went , and Harrison her that a lot of what the professor said is . When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison , he says ―on problem‖, for they don‘t until Wednesday. Finally, Harrison says n at the seminar is an important part of the education there.

Task3: How to Get Straight A’s


It is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers.

First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes before recreation.

Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. Then he posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the final examination.

Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, ―Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.‖

Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight A‘s, the secret of good reading is to be ―an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author‘s message‖.

1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super—achievers starting to study?

2. What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam?

3. What is the good thing all top students agree on?

4. What does the speaker mean by ―an active reader‖?

5. What is the main idea of the passage?

Kes: 1B 2.C3. D 4.A 5.D

IV. Speaking Out

MODEL 1 You’re just going to have study hard

Nora: Only our first day back at school, and Chris: Only our first day back at school, and

Nora: You‘re going to if you want to keep your grades up.

Chris: ! I already have two reports, two books reports, a composition, an oral report, and a research project—all due before midterms. Nora: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit would .

Chris: Better yet, maybe you could do my homework for me.

Nora: Forget it! That would be cheating.

Chris: All right, all right. I have yet to write a term paper. ? You‘d better find me the exact pages where I can find what I want.

Nora: You could borrow ideas from references, but .

Chris: . If you don‘t help me, I‘ll have to prepare some study sheets and hide them in my hand when I take the test. Nora: Oh, no! If you‘re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F. .

Chris: All right, I‘ll take your advice. The library is going to be my new home, and in the dorm .

Now Your Turn


A: We‘re going to have a test, and I also have a term paper to finish. But I haven‘t done a thing. I‘m really worried now.

B: You‘re going to have to have to hit the books if you want to get good grades. A: But this course is so difficult that I already don‘t understand it at all.

B: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit can help you. A: Better yet, maybe you could write a term paper for me.

B: Forget it! That would be cheating.

A: All right, all right. I have yet to write it myself. Maybe I can download some articles from the Internet and piece them together.

B: You could borrow ideas from those articles, but if you quote without giving the sources, you‘re plagiarizing.

A: Also, the test next week will be a headache. If you don‘t help me, I‘ll have to prepare a cheat-sheet and hide it in my hand during the test.

B: Oh, no! If you‘re caught, the professor will definitely give you an F.

A: I‘ll try to be careful.

B: But if the professor catches you, you‘ll have to repeat the year. You‘re just going to have to study hard.

A: Ok, I‘ll take your advice. The library‘s going to be my new home, and in the dorm I‘ll be burning the midnight oil.

MODEL2 Which class do you prefer?


Chris: First period is math with Mr. Woods. I don‘t know ?

Nora: I like Mr. Wood. He‘s interesting.

Chris: He‘s boring! ! Who do you have for economics?

Nora: Mrs. Jenkins. She‘s smart. Students really learn a lot from her.

Chris: ! You have to work hard in her class, or you‘ll probably fail. Nora: .

Chris: Nonsense, . But not many students opt for his class.

Nora: ?

Chris: Often, the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+, and

Nora: . Well, how about PE? What are you doing this semester?

Chris: That‘s the worst part. In PE, we‘re learning t‘ai chi. .

Nora: Ha-ha! Not to rub salt into the wound, but our class is playing your favorite sport: basketball.

Chris: Oh…! This is going to be a terrible semester.

Nora: This is going to be a great semester!

Now Your Turn


A: The history class is really boring. How am I going to stay awake?

B: I like the history teacher. She‘s knowledgeable. She told us a lot of interesting historical events in class.

A: Bur I find her boring! She could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game! Which class do you find dull?

B: I hate the economics course. The teacher always talks above my head. So I‘ve lost interest in the course.

A: Bur economic is my favorite. The professor is smart. Most students really learn a lot from him.

B: But he‘s tough! He expects a lot. You have to work hard in his class, or you‘ll probably fail.

A: No pain, no gain.

B: Actually not many students opt for his class.

A: What‘s wrong with him?

B: Often the highest grade he gives on a term paper is B-. Last seme4stwe he failed more than a third of the students and I was one of them.

A: Oh, that‘s too bad.

B: Well, how do you find your English teacher? I don‘t think much of her, either. A: I find her kind, always willing to answer my questions; she always gives me high marks.

B: You‘re rubbing salt into my wound. She failed me last semester.

MODEL3 Publish or perish


Chris: Tell us, Professor Grant, Professor Grant: Well, It‘s

rough being an associate professor. It‘s publish or perish.

Chris: So you spent a lot of time in your office?

Professor Grant: Yes, but I also have to prepare class motes,

give lectures, hold office hours. .

Chris: With all those responsibilities, .

Professor Grant: I wish. Actually, I spend a lot of tome. Then I can offer assistantships and

scholarships to the worthy graduate.

Chris: I see why they call you ―the boss‖. But .

Professor Grant: Actually, I think you were in one of my classes…

Chris: Um…., Professor Grant!

Professor Grant: No, I remember very clearly now! !

Chris: Sorry, I have too much work to do for the Student

Union Newsletter, and I .

Professor Grant: .

VI. Further Listening and Speaking

Task1: Harvard University

Harvard University is the oldest institute of highest learning in her United States. Founded 16years after the arrival of the Pilgrim at Plymouth, the university has grown from 9 students with a single master to the present enrollment of more than 18,000students, including undergraduates and students in 10 graduate and professor schools. Over14, 000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 faculties. Harvard has produces six presidents of the United States and 34 Noel winners.

During its early years, Harvard offered a classic academic course based on the model of English universities, but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy. Although many of its graduates became ministers in Puritan church throughout New England, the university never formally affiliated with a specific religious group.

Under President Pusey (1953-1971), Harvard started what was then the largest fund-raising campaign in the history of American higher education. It was an 82.5 million dollar program for the university. The program increased faculty salaries,

broadened student aid, created new professorships, and expanded Harvard‘s physical facilities.

Neil L. Rudenstine took office as Harvard‘s 26th president in 1001. As part of an overall effort to achieve greater coordination among the university‘s school and faculties, Rudenstine encouraged academic planning and identified some of Harvard‘s main intellectual priorities. He also stressed the important of the university‘s excellence in undergraduate education, the significance of keeping Harvard‘s doors open to students from families of different economic backgrounds, the task of as aping the research university to an era of both rapid information growth and serious fund shortage.

1. What is main idea of the passage?

2. How many teachers did Harvard have at the very beginning?

3. What was the role of religion at Harvard University was during is early years?

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an achievement of President Pusey‘s fund-raising program?

5. What did President Rudenstine do?

Keys: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D

News Report

Prince William in Chile

What goes into a prince‘s education today? For Britain‘s Prince William, nature played an important in his education this last winter, as the future king went on a 10-week expedition in Chile with Raleigh International.

The was a very different one for the prince. He kayaked in ocean fjords, tracked a rare deer, and was stranded on a beach during a.

He also got used to sleeping on the —at times in a room filled with 16 people –and living in .

Those who took part, called ―volunteers‖, both and learned. The prince helped locals wooded walkways and buildings, and taught English to schoolchildren.

He was described by other volunteers as , humble, and laid-back. As one

said, ―He struck a really goodbetween working hard and having fun…getting on with everyone, and taking on thespirit.‖

The prince said he liked being treated as an ―‖ by other volunteer, who came from all walks of life. Around 20 percent were frombackgrounds, some having had troubles with drugs or crime.

It seems that there‘s a lot more to education than university and books, and the Chilean forests and a little with regular people may do a lot of a British prince.


III. Listening In

Task1: Reasons for a Divorce

W: I‘m divorcing my husband.

M: How long have you been married?

W: Thirteen years.

M: Do you have children?

W: Yes, and I have to protect them from any more harm from my husband‘s irresponsibility

M: So, what are your grounds for divorce?

W: Well, first of all, he keeps changing jobs. We‘ve had moved four times in thirteen years!

M: And, you believe that will be good grounds for divorce?

W: I do have a right to stability for my children and myself, don‘t I?

M: Aren‘t they his children, too?

W: But my husband isn‘t fulfilling his duties!

M: Is he paying the bills?

W: Well, yes, but we just live around the poverty line. Our kids are being teased by other kids at school because we can‘t dress them in good clothes! We have to live in a small department and drive an old car!

M: Does the car run?

W: Yes, but it looks OLD!

M: Do you yell at him and call him names?

W: Well, he yells at me!

M: So, those are the reasons to not honor your husband. Are you going to give him joint custody in this divorce?

W: No, just visitation rights.

M: Why?

W: Because the law permits me to.

M: And, what about the financial demands of this divorce?

W: I‘m demanding half of all we have, which isn‘t much, and large

support payments.

After years marriage, the woman wants to, claiming he is . When asked for the specific grounds for divorce, she gives these reasons: First, he keeps , and the family has had to four times in thirteen years, but she wants for her children and . Second, although he is paying the, they just live around the . Her children by other children for not dressing good clothes. Also, they had to live in a small and drive an , though it still . Worse still, the husband her, though she admits she also yell at him and . As for the divorce arrangements, the woman will give the husband only instead of joint custody. Moreover, the woman will demandand

VI. Further Listening and Speaking

Task1: Early Marriage


At the age of 12, Lisa has been married for three years to a young man she met just after finishing secondary school. He treated her well. She almost died during the birth of their first child, born a year after their marriage. The second child, born 18 months later, was also a girl. Lately she and her husband quarrel frequently. She wants to go to vocational school to learn skills to add to the family income, but his mother insists she stay home and produce a son.

This example is by no means exceptional. Early marriage is common in many parts of the world. Early marriage leads to early motherhood. In some developing countries, 20 percent or over half of the women give birth to their first child before the age of

18.Expectations from parents, in-laws and society are to produce a child as soon as possible. Many young wives feel pressure to bear son. This typically results in early and frequent pregnancies.

In developing countries, more than half a million women die every year from causes related to pregnancy. There are four important reasons for these deaths. Birth are either ―too soon, too close, too many, or to late‖. According to statistics, it is young women who most die during pregnancy.

6. At what age did Lisa give birth to her first child?

7. What does Lisa want?

8. Why do women in some developing countries have babies early?

9. What are the reasons women die from childbirth?

10. What is the main idea of the passage?

Keys: 1.B 2.D3.A 4.D 5.C

Task 2: Nuclear Family Living Patterns


A nuclear family is in high-industrialized societies. Beginning in the early 20th century, the two-parent family as the nuclear family was the predominant American family type. children live with their parents until they go away to a college or university, or until they e their own jobs and move into their own or home.

In the early mid-20thmother was the children‘s care giver. Today, often both parents hold jobs. Increasingly, one of the parents has a non-standard shift; that is, a shift that does not start in the morning and end in later afternoon. In these families, one of the parents manages the children while the other works.

Prior to school, . In recent years, many private companies and home-based day care centers have sprung up fulfill this need. Increasingly,

Task3: They are coming for Christmas,


A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the day before Christmas and says, ―I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mom and I are divorcing, Forty-five years of misery is enough..‖

―Dad, what are you talking about?‖ the son screams.

―We can‘t stand the sight of each other any longer,‖ the father says. ―We‘re sick of each other, and I‘m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Chicago and

tell her.‖

Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone.

―Oh, heck, they‘re getting divorced,‖ she shouts. ―I‘ll take care of this.‖ Losing no time, she call her father and screams at him, ―You are not getting divorced. Don‘t do a single thing until I get there. I‘m calling my brother back, and we‘ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don‘t do anything! DO YOU HEAR ME?‖ Then she quickly hangs up.

The old man hangs up his phone and heaves a sigh of relief. He turns to his wife and says merrily, ―Okay, they are coming back for Christmas and paying their own way.‖

For Reference:

1. He and the boy‘s mother are divorcing.

2. Forty-five years of misery is enough. They can‘t stand the sight of each other any longer. They‘re sick of each other.

3. He gets frantic and calls his sister.

4. They will come back home and stop the parents from divorcing.

5. He is happy, for his son and daughter will come back for Christmas and pave their own way.

News Report

Prince More Precious Than the Diamond


People have long known the saying

‘s best friend.‖ But this may be changing. There‘s a new market, tanzanite, and it is giving diamonds some serious Tanzanite was one of a number of gems discovered in East Africa in the 1960s. The new colors and changed the gem market. But the real gem among these stones was tanzanite, discovered in 1967 in Tanzania. The stone was namedits country of origin by New York‘s Tiffany and Co. which it to the world. It draws one‘s attention quickly with its color—blue, purple or bronze, depending on the direction it is from.

More important for its value, though, is its rarity. Tanzanite has been found in only one small area, near Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. And its will probably be fully mined in the next two decades.

As one mining official it, ―It should never have really in the first place. It did occur. And only this one deposit on this entirethat is known…makes it more than a thousand times than diamonds. And certainly within the next 15 to 20 years, there will be no more tanzanite to be mined.‖

The current value of the tanzanite market, at U.S. $10 billion, isto that of diamonds. And so another saying ―Diamonds are forever‖ may some of its meaning.


II. Basic Listening Practice

1. Script

M: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it‘s over there. There‘s not much happen though. I had a look already. Maybe you should look on the Net instead.

Q: What is the man looking for?

2. Script

M: You don‘t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position?

W: I‘m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I‘m confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.

Q: What is the woman saying?

3. Script

M: Could you help me with my resume? Jane said you‘re good with these things, and I really need someone to edit it. It‘s way too long.

W: Sure, no problem, give I to me. A good resume should be no more than one

page, you know. And it should list you experience in reverse chronological order. I can see we‘ve got some work to do!

Q: Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

4. Script

M: Could you tell me why you would like to work for our company?

W: Well, it has a good reputation as an employer, and its products are quite popular in the marketplace. I would feel proud to work for a company like this and to contribute a great deal to its success.

Q: Why does the woman apply for the job?

5. Script

W: Where do you see yourself in five years‘ time?

M: I aim to have been promoted to senior manager at the very least. I‘m very ambitious and want to climb up the career ladder as fast as possible. I don‘t want to feel miserable on the first rung in five years‘ time, watching everybody above me.

Q: What does the man want in fie years?

Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.C 5.B

III. Listening In

Task 1: Tell me about yourself.


M: Tell me a little about yourself.

W: I‘m from Guilin City.

M: What brought you to the east coast?

W: I came to Qingdao to attend college. I‘m impressed by this city‘s dynamic economy. I‘ve come to love it so much that I‘ve decided to stay and work here.

M: What work experience do you?

W: I worked as an intern for a small shipping company. And my primary responsibilities were to maintain the company‘s ties with the existing customers and try to find new cargo sources.

M: And what did that experience teach you?

W: I learned that communication skills are extremely important. The knowledge I acquired from textbooks is indeed, but it is equally essential to be able to persuade a potential client t to trust you.

M: How would your former employer describe you?

W: He told me that my ability to find one customer after another was an asset to the company. He thanked me for my loyalty. He also appreciated my team as shown in my cooperation with my colleague.

M: You seem very mature for your age. And I see from your resume that you are very goal-oriented.

W: Thank you. I believe I‘ve acquired many good qualities from my parents. They‘re my role models. However, I know I still have a lot to learn.

The woman went from Guilin City to the east city of Qingdao to attend college. She the latter‘s dynamic economy. Now shi is being interviewed for a job. She says she once worked as an intern for a small to maintain the company‘s ties with the customers and try to find new sources. There she learned the importance of. She has realized that book is indeed necessary, but it is equally essential to persuade to trust her. Her former employer said her ability towas an asset to the company. He appreciated the loyalty and . The interviewer finds her mature forand very goal-oriented. And she believes that she has acquired many good qualities form , but still has a lot.

Task 2: A Work Qualification Test


Murphy applies for an engineering position at an Irish firm based in Dublin. An American applied for the same job. Quite by coincidence, the two amplifications, and were asked to take the same test by the manager of the Human Resource Department. Upon completion of the test, both men missed only one of the questions. The manager went to Murphy and said, ―Thank you for your interest, but we‘ve decided to give the

American the job.‖

Bewildered by the manager‘s decision, Murphy asked, ―Why would you be doing that? We both got nine questions correct. This being Ireland and me being Irish, I should get the job!‖

The manger answered calmly, ―We have made our decisions based on the correct answers, but on the question you missed.‖

Unconvinced and somewhat indignant, Murphy question, ―And just how would one incorrect answer be better than the other?‖

The manager‘s maser took him by surprise, ―Simple, on QuestionNo.5, the American put down I don‘t‘ know‘, and you put down Neither do I‘.‖


For Reference

1. He made his decision based on the wrong answers to the one question one missed, rather than on the correct answers.

2. By writing ―Neither do I‖, it seems that Murphy copied the American answer on the test.

Task3: A Guide to a Successful Job Interview


There are times that you will be asked a hard question during a job interview. Don‘t panic, they just want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them properly.

Why should we choose you? To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you suitable for this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.

Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can split your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to the other depends on what you have to say. You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal, with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.

When asked ―What are your weakness?‖, don‘t say, ―I don‘t have any.‖ Everyone has weakness, and it takes something positive like, ―I haven‘t had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but I‘m looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning their needs.‖

Another common question is: ―What are your strengths?‖ You should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the ―Why, where, when, how‖ to demonstrate and prove your strengths.

6. What is the passage mainly concerned with?

7. What does the speaker NOT mention as an answer to the question, ―Why should we choose you?‖?

8. What does the speaker say you should stress when introducing yourself?

9. What does the speaker advice you NOT to say when asked, ―What are your weaknesses?‖

10. What should you say when asked about your strong points?

Kes: 1C 2.C3. B 4.A 5.D

For Reference

―Why should we choose you?‖, ―Tell me about yourself.‖, ―What are your weaknesses?‖, and ―What are your strength?‖

IV. Speaking Out

MODEL 1 Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?

Susan: John, John: and meet with companies?

Susan: Yeah, I did. But they didn‘t seem to be interested in women.John: I‘m afraid it won‘t be much help. Susan: I‘ve been checking the want ads every day for a week, but And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.

John: Then try the Internet.Susan: Good thinking! Thanks! I think I‘ll look for something in electronic engineering.

John: Hey, at a company called E-Tech. It could be just the sort of thing you‘re looking for.

Susan: Great,

John: Yeah, but if I remember, the deadline is this afternoon.

Susan: This afternoon? Oh no! I‘d better get online quickly and see if John: You‘d better include your work experience from the IT company last summer.

Susan: Don‘t worry. It‘s all set. Thanks, mate.

John: Any time, Sue.

Now Your Turn


A: Can you give me some tips about how to get a good job?

B: What have you done so far?

A: I‘ve asked a few friends and relatives for job information, but it‘s not of much use. B: That method is out of date. You should go to the job fair and meet wit companies.

A: Yes, I did. But IT industry seems to have been badly hit the economic recession, and not many companied came to the job market. As for those who did come, they set a high standard for the candidates.

B: To find more opportunities, you might as well look at the want ads in the newspaper.

A: I‘ve been checking the want ads regularly for months, and I can‘t find anything good that I‘m qualifies for. And the few that I have seen are very low-paying.

B: On the Internet you can find more job ads. You can use a search engine to find job sites related to your field.

A: Good idea! I think I‘ll look for something in software development.

B: I just found a job available at a computer company on the Net the other day. It might be just the sort of thing you‘re looking for.

A: Great! I‘ll take a chance on that.

B: Remember to update your resume before you send it in. It‘ll be plus for you if you include your recent work experience at the IT company.

A: Sure. Thanks.

MODEL2 Do you have any tips for a successful interview? Script

Susan: John, John: Well, first of all, youSusan: Oh, what about during the interview?

John: Ok, and answer all questions politely and directly. Don‘t look too shy, nor should you sound too aggressive. Susan: I‘m not sure what kind of questions they‘ll ask.

John: They‘ll probably want to know a little about your work experience. . They don‘t want to spend time and money on training.

