纳米二氧化钛的制备与光催化性能研究 - 图文

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中国矿业大学2012届本科毕业设计(论文) 第 1 页

1 绪论


1.1 TiO2的结构与基本性质


表1 TiO2的物理常数 物性 结晶系 相对密度 折射率 莫氏硬度 电容率 熔点 吸油度 着色强度 颗粒大小 功函数 金红石型 四方晶系 3.9~4.2 2.76 6-7 114 1858 16~48 1650~1900 0.2~0.3 5.58eV 锐钛型 四方晶系 3.8~4.1 2.55 5.5-6 31 高温时转变为金红石型 18~30 1200~1300 0.3 1.1.2 TiO2的结构特征



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制出的金红石型催化剂表现出相当高的活性。Tsai(1997) 等采用不同方法制备锐钛矿和金红石型TiO2光催化降解含酚溶液,结果表明TiO2活性与制备方法及煅烧温度有关,在一定条件下金红石型TiO2表现出很高的光催化活性,该结果主要取决于金红石表面存在大量的羟基。由此可见,无论是锐钛矿还是金红石型TiO2,它们都可能具有较高的活性,而活性的高低则主要取决于晶粒的表面性质及尺寸大小等因素。板钛矿是一种很少有人关注的晶型,Ovenstone(2001)报道在锐钛矿晶粒中若混有少量的板钛矿会造成催化剂活性显著下降,原因是在两种晶相的表面形成复合中心。


a:共边连接 b;共顶点方式

图1-1 TiO6的结构单元连接方式

a:金红石 b:锐钛矿 c;板钛矿 连接Ti的O有O1和O2两种,板钛矿连接Ti的只有O; 图1-2:金红石、锐钛矿、板钛矿的TiO6八面体结构

1.1.3 TiO2的性状及用途



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1.1.4 TiO2能带结构


成,价带和导带间存在禁带。电子在填充时优先从能量低的价带填起。3d轨道分裂成为eg和t2g两个亚层,它们全是空的轨道,电子占据s和p能带;费米能级处于s,p能带和t2g能带之间;最低的两个价带相应于O2s能级,接下来6个价带相应于O2p能级。当用能量大于禁带宽度(Eg)的光照射时,TiO2价带上的电子(e-)被激发跃迁至导带,同时在价带上产生相应的空穴(h+),电子与空穴对在电场作用下分离并迁移到表面。当pH=1时,利用能带结构模型计算的TiO2晶体的禁带宽度为3.0eV(金红石相)和3.2ev(锐钛矿相)[8]。TiO2对光的吸收阈值λg与其禁带宽度Eg有关,其关系式为:λg (nm)=1240/Eg(eV)


1.2 TiO2的光催化作用原理


二氧化钛是一种N型半导体材料,锐钛矿相TiO2的禁带宽度Eg =3.2eV,由半导体的光吸收阈值λg与禁带宽度E g的关系式:

λg (nm)=1240/Eg(eV) (1)


,在这一势垒电场作用下,光生电子与空穴分离并迁移到粒子表面的不同位置,还原和氧化吸附在表面上的物质。除了上述变化途径外,光激发产生的电子、空穴也可能在半导体内部或表面复合,如果没有适当的电子、空穴俘获剂[12],储备的能量在几个毫秒内就会通过复合而消耗掉,而如果选用适当的俘获剂或表面空位来俘获电子或空穴,复合就会受到抑制,随后的氧化还原反应就会发生。在水溶液中,光生电子的俘获剂主要是吸附在半导体表面上的氧,氧俘获电子形成O2-;OH-、水分子及有机物本身均可充当光生空穴俘获剂,空穴则将吸附在TiO2表面的OH-和H2O氧化成具有高度活性的?OH自由基,活泼的?OH自由基可以将许多难以降解的有机物氧化为CO2和H2O。其反应机理如下[13] :

TiO2 + hv → h+ + e- (2) h+ + e- → 热量 (3) H2O → H+ + OH- (4) h+ + OH- → HO (5) h+ + H2O + O2- → HO?+ H+ + O2- (6) h+ + H2O → HO+ H+ (7)

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e- + O2 → O2- (8) O2- + H+ → HO2- (9) 2HO2 → O2 + H2O2 (10) H2O2 + O2- → HO+ OH- + O2 (11) H2O2 + hv → 2HO (12 )






TiO2+hv→TiO2(e-,h+) (13) e-+h+→heat or hv (14) h++OH-ads→HO (15) h++H2Oads→HO+H+ (16) e-+O2→O2- (17)


HO+D→D++OH- (18) e-+A→A- (19) h++D→D+ (20)


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1.3.1 水蒸气对二氧化钛光催化剂的影响及光催化剂的失活


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因此,掺杂金属离子提高TiO2光催化性能的机制可概括为以下几个方面[47]:首先,掺杂可以形成捕获中心,捕获电子或空穴,抑制h+/e-的复合;其次,掺杂可以形成掺杂能级,使能量较小的光子能够激发掺杂能级上捕获的电子和空穴,从而扩展了TiO2 吸收光谱的范围;再次,掺杂可造成晶格缺陷,有利于形成更多的Ti4+氧化中心。

1.6.2 非金属掺杂


例如N掺杂,2001年Asahi等[49]首次通过理论计算证明以非金属元素掺杂改性的可行性。作者认为掺杂使得TiO2具有可见光催化活性,需满足下列要求:(1)掺杂应该在TiO2带隙中形成能够吸收可见光的能级;(2)导带最小能级(Conductionband Minimum,CBM),包括杂质能级,应高于TiO2导带最小能级或高于H2/H2O电位以保证其光还原活性;(3)形成的带隙能级应该与TiO2能级有足够的重叠,以保证光激发载流子在其寿命内传递到达催化剂表面的活性位置。作者采用全势线性缀加平面波(Full-potential Linearized Augmented Plane Wave,FLAPW)方法在局域密度近似( Local Densityapproximation,LDA)框架内计算了N、C、F、P和S等元素替代锐钛矿TiO2后的态密度(densities of states,DOSs),结果表明,N元素掺杂是最有效的。自Asahi的开创性工作以来,国内外对非金属元素掺杂改性的研究形成了新的热点,主要研究了N、C、F、S、B等元素掺杂改性TiO2光催化剂,对非金属掺杂的机理以及非金属掺杂对可见光响应的机理也进行了研究。



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将制得的氮掺杂TiO2粉末配制成料浆,再用料浆在导电玻璃基板上制成氮掺杂TiO2薄膜电极;然后采用三电极构造,分别测定以未掺杂和氮掺杂TiO2薄膜电极为阳极的光电流。由于光电流只能由光诱导氧化反应产生,所以这种光电化学评价方法在认识N掺杂TiO2光催化剂的可见光机制上可以获得更为确定的结果。他们的研究结果表明,氮掺杂TiO2的可见光活性应归因于,在TiO2价带上方形成了N孤立能态,而不是像Asahi所认为的那样,N(2p)与O(2p)能级相杂化而缩短了TiO2的禁带宽度。由此可见,Nakamura等人的研究进一步证实了Irie等人的观点。此外,Wang等[52]和Lee等[53]都运用第一原理密度函数理论,计算了氮掺杂取代氧的锐钛矿型TiO2的电子结构。两研究组的计算结果都表明,氮掺杂所引入的N 2p能态出现在TiO2的禁带中,位于TiO2价带最大边(Valence Band Maximum,VBM)之上,而且它们与O(2p)轨道的杂化太弱而不足以产生明显的禁带窄化作用。

Livraghi等首次将电子顺磁共振(EPR)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和密度函数理论计算相结合,证明在锐钛矿型TiO2晶格中存在两种氮:取代氧的N原子和位于间隙的N原子,取代氮原子的能态就位于价带之上,而间隙氮原子的能态位于禁带深部;而且氮掺杂可能伴随着氧空位的产生。此外还指出,这两种掺杂N的相对含量取决于制备条件,如煅烧气氛中的氧浓度以及焙烧温度等。另外,Ihara等提出别的N掺杂TiO2可见光机制,其可见光活性源于TiO2晶格中存在的氧空位。他们认为: N在TiO2中应该处于一种相互作用较弱的位置,如氧空位;而且氧空位的能态就处于导带能级的下方,也可提供低的能量激发途径;煅烧温度为400℃时形成最大量的氧空位,从而导致产物具有最低的反射率和最大的可见光活性;掺杂的N可能起阻止氧空位被再氧化的作用。


1.6. 3添加适当的有机染料敏化剂

二氧化钛是一种宽带隙半导体材料,它只能吸收紫外光,太阳能利用率很低。利用纳米粒子对染料的强吸附作用,通过添加适当的有机染料敏化剂可以扩展其波长响应范围,使它可利用可见光来降解有机物,从而提高二氧化钛光催化效率。采用能隙较窄的硫化物、硒化物等半导体来修饰二氧化钛,也可提高其光吸收效果,但在光照条件下,硫化物、硒化物不稳定,易发生腐蚀 。

1.6. 4掺杂一些过渡元素金属

Bahneman 等研究了掺杂Fe 的二氧化钛纳米颗粒对光降解二氯乙酸的活性。结果表明,Fe的掺杂量达2. 5 %时光催化活性较使用纯二氧化钛时提高4 倍。Choi 等人也发现,在纳米二氧化钛颗粒中掺杂0. 5 %的Fe ( Ⅲ) 、Mo ( Ⅴ) 、V( Ⅳ)可使起摧毁分解CCl4 和CHCl3 的效率大大提高 。

1.7 本文研究内容


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2 实验部分

2.1 实验仪器及试剂

2.1.1 实验试剂与仪器的规格型号及产地

表2-1 药品的规格及产地 药品 钛酸四丁酯 无水乙醇 二乙烯三胺 甲醇 正丁胺 乙腈 正丙醇 异丙醇 氟化氢铵 正硅酸乙酯 钛酸异丙酯 正丙胺 亚甲基蓝(指示剂) 规格 化学纯CP AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 化学纯CP AR AR

表2-2 试验仪器型号及产地 产地 南京化学试剂有限公司 南京化学试剂有限公司 南京化学试剂有限公司 南京化学试剂有限公司 仪器名称 电子天平 磁力加热搅拌机 电热鼓风干燥箱 箱式电阻炉 台式调速离心机 桌面型超声波清洗机 紫外灯 紫外可见分光光度计 型号 JM2002MAX200 SD202-T 2.5-10 30W CARY 300Conc型 产地 余姚纪銘称重校验设备公司 苏州威尔实验用品有限公司 南通金石实验仪器有限公司 北京永光明医疗仪器厂 江苏中基实验仪器有限公司 深圳洁康电子设备有限公司 天津石英灯具制造公司 南京强拓科技有限公司

中国矿业大学2012届本科毕业设计(论文) 第 15 页 2.2 复合TiO2纳米颗粒的制备 2.2.1 溶剂热法制备纳米TiO2的原理


2.2.2 复合纳米TiO2颗粒的制备过程


2、光催化实验二氧化钛的制备过程如下:在50ml的乙腈中加入二乙烯三胺60ul,搅拌5min,将5ml钛酸异丙酯溶解在上述溶液中,搅拌5min,将混合液加入到100ml的反应釜中,在200℃下反应12h, 将反应釜取出冷却至室温,将得到的混浊液离心分离乳白色胶体颗粒。用无水乙醇超声清洗2次。样品分成三等份,取两份分别在500度和700度高温烧结2小时。烧结样品做光催化实验。

2.2.3 光催化实验反应装置及使用方法

采用自制的光催化反应器作为光催化反应装置,光源距反应液10 cm。通过光催化降解亚甲基蓝来评价各种不同TiO2粉体的光催化性能。试验过程中用介孔二氧化钛降解亚甲基蓝时,催化剂的介孔结构将亚甲基蓝染料完全吸附,不易分离无法降解,改用甲基橙染料测定其光催化活性。试验中所用染料溶液浓度均为10 mg/L。

测试过程如下:取0.02 g 制备好的TiO2光催化剂超声分散到60mL浓度为10 mg/L的亚甲基蓝水溶液中。在黑暗处超声分散1 h以确保达到吸附平衡,再在自制功率为30 w的紫外光催化反应器中恒温磁力搅拌,每30 min取5 mL溶液,高速离心分离10 min后取上层清液,用分光光度计测定亚甲基蓝在664 nm处的吸光度,与降解前亚甲基蓝溶液的吸光度进行比较,确定亚甲基蓝的降解率。

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图 7: 烧结700℃时的降解率


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2.3.3 纳米二氧化钛的XRD表征分析

图9:A:未烧结 B:500烧结


根据文献资料,纯TiO2在360 ℃时由无定形态转变为锐钛矿晶型,温度达到700 ℃,样品中出现金红石相的衍射峰,说明发生了晶相转变,部分锐钛矿相转变为金红石相。

纯TiO2粉末X射线衍射图显示在2θ值等于25.3°处出现最高衍射峰,2θ角在25°~56°范围内分别出现了归属于锐钛矿型TiO2 晶体的[101]、[004]、[200]、[105]晶面衍射峰,证明纯二氧化钛主要为锐钛矿型晶相结构,同时在XRD图中有明显的金红石相的衍射峰,说明制备的样品中存在金红石相,原因可能为煅烧炉的温度不稳定和在制备的过程中有杂质离子的掺入使得锐钛相向金红石相转变的温度降低,所以在样品中二氧化钛呈现为锐钛相和金红石相共存;而未烧结的二氧化钛样品的X射线衍射图几乎没有变化,因此是以无定形态存在。





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在光催化实验中其煅烧温度的不同也会影响其催化活性。纯TiO2在360 ℃时由无定形态转变为锐钛矿晶型,温度达到500 ℃,样品中将会出现金红石相的衍射峰,说明发生了晶相转变,部分锐钛矿相转变为金红石相。




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Facile Synthesis of Highly Ordered Mesoporous and Well Crystalline TiO2: Impact of Different Gas Atmosphere and CalcinationTemperatures on Structural Properties

ABSTRACT: Ordered mesoporous TiO2 nanoparticles with amorphous pore walls were synthesized by a facile one pot template synthesis. The samples were heat treated at different temperatures under oxidizing (air), inert (N2), and reducing (N2/H2) conditions before removing the template under air atmosphere at 350 °C. The use of N2/H2 or N2 atmospheres can effectively reduce the crystallite size by 2 nm compared to the calcination in air, leading to a better ordering of the mesoporous system than in the case of the calcination under air. The phase analysis of the powder diffraction data shows that the anatase content remains constant with temperature and is fed by an amorphous precursor and consumed by rutile when it is formed. KEYWORDS: ordered mesoporous material, TiO2, phase relationships, anatase, rutile.


Since the first description of an ordered mesoporous molecular sieve by Kresge et al.1 ordered mesoporous materials (OMMs) have attracted a lot of research efforts due to their potentials for a broad range of technical applications like water and air purification.2?5 The research in the recent years has shown that the synthesis of a broad variety of pore systems is possible by often very simple synthesis pathways; also the range of pore wall materials has been extended from SiO2 to other metal oxides (e.g., Ti, Fe, Al).5?7A typical simple synthesis pathway for OMMs is a template synthesis (Liquid Crystal Templating8) in which the type of

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template defines the pore arrangement and size. Here different approaches like evaporation induced self-assembly (EISA) or synthesis with regularly packed monodispersive polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres9 are feasible. For the EISA approach important factors described in the literature are the hydrolysis ratio, type of the solvent, concentration of the surfactant, and the titanium source.10 After synthesis the template has to be removed from the sample to make the pores accessible. This can be achieved by thermal treatment (calcination) or solvents.11 In most cases OMM-TiO2 materials are heat treated, during this step the interplay between pore wall material and the pore system is very important to achieve the desired properties of the compounds. The most important factor is the choice of the calcination

temperature, which determines the final degree of order of the OMM and must be chosen in such a way that it is high enough to remove the template completely but low enough so that crystallization processes in the pore wall material are not destroying the pores. Several

approaches to overcome these limitations have been proposed (e.g., the strengthening of the pores by in situ formed carbon12 or approaches like the ″brick and mortar″ strategy13).With regard to the applicability of ordered mesoporous materials (OMM) especially TiO2 based

OMMs are promising materials for technical applications due to the photocatalytic properties of the anatase TiO2 modification.2 It was shown thatthe nanostructuring of TiO2 is able to enhance the photocatalytic efficiency significantly compared to commercially available products (e.g., Degussa P2514,15).

The processes taking place in the OMMs during calcination are well-known qualitatively. The higher the calcination temperature the higher is the crystallinity of the material and the lower the ordering and homogeneity of the pores. An approach to quantify these effects, and especially the X-ray scattering of the disordered pores, is given in a recent paper.16 The synthesis of OMM TiO2 materials with a defined pore wall material and well developed mesopores is not easily achievable due to the many factors influencing the crystallization of the TiO2 modifications. In the synthesis of bulk samples of TiO2 the phase relationships between brookite, anatase, and rutile are naturally influenced by temperature17 and pressure.18 The presence of different other materials in the sample (like metal cations or oxides19?21) is able to shift the transition

temperature for the anatase-rutile phase transition drastically as well as the presence of different gas atmosphere during synthesis. 22 The mechanisms for the aforementioned influences onthe phase relationship are based mainly on defects in the TiO2 structure, either on the Ti-sites, by incorporation of other atoms, or in the form of oxygen vacancies, which play an important role if the synthesis or crystallization is carried out under reducing conditions.22 When synthesizing nanosized TiO2 particles the mean particle size is important for the phase relationships: rutile is the thermodynamically favorable phasein bulk materials, but as soon as the particle size is below 10?15 nm anatase is more stable.23?25 Furthermore the presence of brookite is able to enhance the anatase - rutile phase transition in nanoparticles.26 As the size of the synthesized particles reaches the nanoscale the energies of the surfaces become more and more important in relation to the bulk energies and start to determine the materials’ properties.27?29 Ranade et al.30 give a short literature review about the possible transformations in the TiO2 system. Kirsch et al.31 have examined the crystallization behavior of anatase in mesoporous titania films and observed that in experiments carried out at different temperatures (400?450 °C) the crystallization of anatase from the amorphous precursor starts rapidly and the crystallites are growing within a short time up to an upper limit; at 450 °C they observed that the crystallite size achieved 90% of its final value after 26 min. However the complex interdependencies in the crystallization

processes of TiO2 in OMMs between phase stability and crystallite size (and thus the domination

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of surface energies) in the pore wall material make a simple prediction of the behavior of the system difficult. The key factor for a complete understanding of the synthetic processes in these materials and theordering of the pore system is to understand the crystallization of the different TiO2 modifications and their equilibriums in nanosized structured particles. Our approach here is to use different gas atmospheres during the calcination to influence the crystallization of the TiO2 phases. This can have an impact on the mean crystallite size of the TiO2 phases and by this on the mesoporous system. We show that the application of different gas atmospheres during calcination is a simple method to achieve a desired compositionof different TiO2 modifications. The processes taking place during crystallization are examined, and it is shown that by applying inert or reducing atmospheres the mesoporous system can retain a higher degree of order compared to calcination in air.

Figure 1. Phase content in the samples as determined by Rietveld refinements of the powder patterns (The error of the calculation is approximately 5-wt.-%).


The block copolymer surfactants EO106-PO70EO106 (F-127, EO =?CH2CH2O-,PO = ?CH2(CH3)CHO?), MW 12600 g/mol) from Sigma, tetrabutyl orthotitanate TBOT),

Ti(OC(CH3)3)4, HCl, C2H5OH, and CH3COOH were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The highly ordered TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized through a simple one-step sol?gel process in the presence of F127 triblock copolymer as structure directing agent. The molar ratio of each reagent in the starting solution was fixed at TiO2/F127/C2H5OH/HCl/CH3COOH = 1:0.02:50:2:4 molar ratios. 1.6 g of F127, 2.3 mL of CH3COOH, and 0.74 mL of HCl were dissolved in 30 mL of ethanol and then added to 3.5 mL of TBOT. The mixture was stirred vigorously for 1 h and transferredinto a Petri dish (diameter 125 mm). The ethanol was evaporated at 40 °C with a relative humidity 40% for 24 h, a transparent TiO2 nanocomposite was formed and was transferred into a 65 °C oven and aged for an additional 24 h. The as-made mesostructured hybrids were calcined under different gas atmospheres and temperatures according to Table 1. The heat treatment under N2 and N2/H2 (5% H2) atmospheres have been carried out in a

Nabertherm tube furnace (R50/500/12) with temperature controller B170. Because the template

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was not removed under nonoxidizing atmospheres all these samples have been additionally heat treated under air at 350 °C. Heating rates were for all samples 1 °C/min with 4 h holding time at the target temperature and cooling rate of 2 °C/min. Small angle scattering data has been

collected with a Bruker AXS D8 Advance diffractometer in transmission geometry. The machine is equipped with a Goebel mirror, fixed slits, and a secondary Ni-filter. Measurements were carried out with Cukα1,kα2 radiation from 0.15° to 5° 2Θ with a step width of 0.02° and 5 s measurement time per step. To ensure comparability between the measurements the samples were prepared on adhesive film, so that all samples contained an equal sample volume. The

sample holder material was measured separately without sample material. This measurement was subtracted from the measurements of the samples giving just the scattering contributionof the sample material. Further data evaluation was carried out as described in a previous work16 for the evaluation of the contribution of statistically distributed pores to the scattering. X-ray powder diffraction data of the samples has been collected with a Bruker AXS D4 Endeavor diffractometer. The machine is equipped with fixed slits and a secondary Ni-Filter. Measurements were carried out with Cukα1,kα2 radiation from 20° to 80° 2Θ with a step width of 0.02° and 2 s measurement time per step. The obtained data were analyzed with the software TOPAS V4.2 (Bruker AXS). Here the Rietveld method was used;32 experimental settings were considered by the Fundamental Parameter Approach incorporated in the program. Structure data were taken from ICSD database (anatase [9854], rutile [62679], and brookite [36410]). In the refinement one background parameter, the zero point error and the lattice parameters of the respective phases were refined. The crystallite sizes have been calculated as the integral breadth of the Lorentzian scattering volume by convolution of the reflections with Gauss and Lorentz based broadening functions. Nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements were performed at ?196 °C with an Autosorb-3 instrument (Quantachrome Instruments, Boynton Beach, Florida). The analysis station was equipped with highprecision pressure transducers to ensure a highly accurate determination of the adsorbed amount. During the equilibration time the sample cell was isolated to minimize the effective dead volume. Measurements were performed in the relative pressure range from 0.03 to 0.99. The samples were outgassed at 200 °C for 24 h. The classic relative pressure range (p/p0 = 0.05 to 0.30) was chosen to determine the specific BET surface area SBET. The desorption isotherms were used to calculate the pore size distributions with BJH (Barrett, Joyner, Halenda) method. Raman spectra were measured with a Bruker Optics IFS66v/s FTIR spectrometer with FRA-106 Raman attachment. For each spectrum 32 scans of the undiluted sample in backscattering geometry were measured in the range from 0 to 1000 cm?1 with a spectral resolution of 2 cm?1. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was conducted at 200 kV with a JEOL JEM-2100F-UHR field emission instrument equipped with a Gatan GIF 2001 energy filter and a 1k-CCD camera. Highresolution TEM (HRTEM) mode, selected area electron diffraction (SAED), and scanning TEM (STEM) mode were applied.


3.1. Structural Development of the TiO2 Pore Wall

Material. The starting material (as made) for all experiments is a mesoporous TiO2 material with amorphous pore walls. The XRD pattern is shown in the Supporting Information Figure 1 along with the powder patterns of the template material (F127) and the samples calcined in air. The powder pattern of the as made material shows only scattering of amorphous material and a Bragg-reflection of the template. The increasing crystalline quality of the pore wall material with increasing calcination temperature can be clearly seen by the increasing intensity of the main reflection of anatase at 25° 2Θ. XRD-patterns of samples heat treated under N2 and N2/H2

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atmospheres are shown in Supporting Information Figures 2 and 3, respectively. A more detailed analysis of this data was carried out by Rietveld refinements, and the results will now be described with respect to the different phases (Figure 1) and their crystallite sizes (Figure 2). Under the influence of an oxidizing atmosphere (air) the first phases developing are an amorphous TiO2 material and anatase. The amorphous TiO2 material was included in the refinements by using the crystal structure data of brookite, because the main intensity

contributions of the amorphous material are in the same positions in the XRD measurements as the main reflections of brookite. This material, designated as amorphous precursor material (APM) from now on, shows only a low crystallite size of ≈2 nm whereas anatase is for low

temperatures the minor component but with a much higher crystallite size. For temperatures over 500 °C, APM has completely transformed to anatase, and only these crystallites are growing to a size of ≈16 nm. The inert gas atmosphere (N2) is suppressing the development of anatase at 350 °C; only brookite is crystallizing with a similar low crystallite size of 2 nm as under oxidizing conditions, which remains constant with increasing temperature. In contrast to the experiments under air, rutile is crystallizing besides anatase for temperatures higher than 450 °C. The APM content declines constantly with temperature, whereas the anatase content remains fairly constant from 450 °C on. This implies a sequence of transition for the single phases. APM transforms to anatase, which itself transforms to rutile, so there is equilibrium between the

phases leading to a constant anatase content fed by APM decomposition and consumed by rutile crystallization. The subsequent heating of the samples in air for template removal leads only to minor changes in the phase composition and crystallite sizes. The reductive N2/H2 atmosphere shows similar effects than the inert one. The crystallization of rutile is shifted to higher temperatures and it is emerging at 500 °C. APM is of constant low crystallinity and transforms to anatase with a considerably higher crystallite size. The subsequent heating in air is increasing the anatase content and for the sample containing rutile increasing its content by 30 wt.-%. These results can be summarized as follows: The first phase, which crystallizes out of the amorphous raw material, is APM, which shows independently from the temperature a low crystallite size. This APM transforms to anatase which itself forms rutile. The temperature at which the

formation of rutile begins depends on the gas atmosphere and follows the sequence N2 (450 °C) < N2/H2 (500 °C) < Air (>600 °C). The results of the XRD phase analysis are confirmed by Raman spectra shown in Supporting Information Figure 4. The samples calcined under air show increasing anatase content with increasing temperature, whereas the samples calcined under N2 or N2/H2 atmosphere show mainly rutile in the spectra of the samples calcined at high temperature.

3.2. Structural Development of the Mesoporous System.

The SAXS patterns of the samples after subsequent calcination in air are given in Figure 3. Numerical results of the fitting of the SAXS patterns according to the procedure described in a recent paper16 are given in Table 1. The samples calcined in air show only for 350 °C a Bragg-reflection; all higher calcination temperatures lead to a destruction of the mesoporous scattering. For the inert gas atmosphere the Bragg reflection is observable at 450 °C and as a small shoulder at 500 °C. In the reducing atmosphere the Bragg reflection gains intensity from 350 to 450 °C, which indicates that the template reacts with the TiO2 in the N2/H2- atmosphere at 350 °C so that it remains in at least a part of the pores even after calcination. The total scattering of such mesoporous compounds canbe described by a combination of scattering contributions of ordered and disordered pores.16 The first contribution can be measured by the intensity of the Bragg-reflection and the second one by the exponential decay at the lowest scattering angles.

