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2015/5/25 Exploring America’s Immigration Story

By VOA 25 May, 2015

More than 25 million immigrants entered the United States through Ellis Island, in New York Harbor. Ellis Island was the place where the U.S. government processed their requests to stay in the country. This was their first step toward becoming U.S. citizens.

Ellis Island is the second-most-popular place to visit in the New York City area. The most popular is the Statue of Liberty.

Many people go to the island to learn about their ancestors and to understand why they decided to come to America.

The Ellis Island immigration center was a busy place from 1892 to 1954. It processed large numbers of immigrants during those years. Most of the new arrivals came from Europe.

But many people moved to North America before the U.S. government opened the center on Ellis Island and after it was closed. A new museum exhibition on the island tells about these immigrants. The exhibit cost $20 million to make. It is called \

Stephen Briganti leads the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation. He says Ellis Island is expanding the way it tells about immigration.

\here. Either I came early, or, more likely, I've come recently and you don't say anything about me.' So, one, we wanted to remainrelevant, and, two, we believed it was the right thing to tell the story -- the entire story -- and this was the right place to do it.\

The exhibit shows the earliest days of European exploration in North America. It also tells about colonization and the conflicts with Native Americans, who are often called Indians.

While most immigrants were free, many came as slaves. Others were indentured servants. They agreed to move to and work in America in exchange for their freedom. Clay Gish designed the exhibit. She says it was important to say not everyone was free.

\against their wills, so that, but still they experienced a journey. They ended up having to adapt to this new land.\

A large part of the exhibit shows what happened in the years after 1954, when the Ellis Island center closed. Immigrants came -- and continue to come -- to the U.S. legally and illegally on airplanes or ships and on foot.

Michael Schneider designed the exhibit's technology and media.

\specific interviews with real immigrants and their experience of making the trips.\


The new exhibit explores the changing face of immigration and the changing opinions of Americans on the issue.

Rita McGregor visited the new museum. She is from the western city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, just north of the Mexican border.

\receptive to immigrants in the, a century ago, and now we do not treat them the same.\

Mr. Briganti says immigration is an important part of the American story. He says Americans sometimes make it difficult for immigrants to come to the U.S., but he says we are a nation of immigrants and we will continue to be.

I'm Christopher Jones-Cruise.

Bernard Shusman reported this story from New York. Christopher Jones-Cruise adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in This Story

relevant – adj. relating to a subject in an appropriate or useful way

entire – adj. complete or full; not lacking or leaving out any part

indentured servitude – n. a labor system in which people paid for their travel to the United States by working for an employer for a set number of years. The system was widely used in the 18th century in the British colonies in North America.

adapt – v. to change one's behavior

specific – adj. clearly and exactly presented or stated

receptive – adj. willing to listen to or accept ideas or suggestions; willing to accept new situations

Do you want to come to the United States to live? Do you want to become an American citizen? Have you taken steps to do so? How does your country treat immigrants? We want to hear from you. Write your thoughts in the comments section.

2015/5/25 Vietnam Slow To Start Up Renewable Energy

By VOA 25 May, 2015

Vietnam might seem to be a good candidate for renewable energyprojects. With plenty of sunshine and ocean winds, Vietnam seems like the right place to capture energy from the sun and wind. But there are only three big wind farms producing electricity and no considerable solar investment. That puts Vietnam far behind Indonesia, Thailand and other Asian countries in the development of renewable energy.

Critics say the reason is easy to recognize: price controls.

Vietnam keeps a ceiling, an upper limit, on electricity prices. On average that is about seven cents per kilowatt hour. Investors say they need a feed-in tariff that is at least two times that amount. Feed-in tariffs are policies that give money to renewable energy producers. Renewable energies can be costly to start up and the tariffs would help with the price of production.

FILE - A solar water heater, left, and a solar panel, right, are seen at Entech Hanoi, an international trade fair on energy efficiency and the environment, at the Giang Vo Exhibition Center in Hanoi, Vietnam.

People working in the power market have suggested other ways to support renewables. These include a reduction in taxes for energy-related training and education. But when talking about electricity in Vietnam, it often comes to the same criticism.

\Private Finance Advisory Network for Asia Program. The program is part of the United States government's Agency for International Development.

Mr. Potash spoke earlier this month at the U.S.-Vietnam Clean Energy Conference in Ho Chi Minh City. Most people at the conference pushed for Vietnam to develop alternative energy sources, like solar and wind power. But doing so would mean the state power company, Electricity Vietnam (EVN), would raise its prices. This could cause political problems. It might invite criticism from Vietnamese consumerswho want low prices and do not trust the state-owned EVN.

Nguyen Anh Tuan is chief editor of the Vietnam Investment Review. His newspaper organized the conference with the U.S. Commercial Service. He said policymakers are trying to find a balance, so Vietnam can have reasonably priced,

yet sustainable energy. Based on talks with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, which owns his newspaper, he said, price increases would have to be made slowly.


In addition to wind and sunlight, Vietnam is working on rules to support energy produced from other sources. These include waste, biomass (such as rice and corn husks), and water currents. Officials are considering the possibility of cutting or suspending taxes temporarily for energy producers, and permitting duty-free imports of machinery. Another idea is promising to buy electricity from companies. It is all part of an official \economic development with low carbon emissions, or less pollution.

Some businesses are putting in solar equipment for their own use already. The Vietnam Business Forum said that it found many companies would pay more for renewable energy because it can be clean and dependable. The government is also considering ways to let private individuals with solar panels sell their extra electricity back to the power company. Fred Burke, managing partner at Baker & McKenzie Vietnam, called this idea \an easy first step.


But Vietnam also is increasing coal production. Its Master Power Plan VII says that by 2030, coal will supply just over half of the country's electricity, compared with about 30 percent now. This is true despite the country's fears that it could be hurt by climate change, especially changes resulting from pollution. In Vietnam, pollution comes mainly from energy production.

Citizens have protested the arrival of coal-fired power plants in their neighborhoods. In Binh Thuan province, recent protests forced officials to seek pollution-cutting measures. Nguyen Dang Anh Thi works as an advisor to the

International Finance Corporation. He calls coal a \rain.

\conference. He added, \

Under the strategy, Vietnam would get 4.5 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2020, up from 3.5 percent in 2010.

I'm Anne Ball.

Lien Hoang reported on this story from Ho Chi Minh City. Anne Ball adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in This Story

renewable energy – n. energy from something that is not used up when used, such as wind or solar power

kilowatt hour – n. a way to measure of electrical energy. One kilowatt hour equals power use of 1,000 watts for 1 hour

consumer – n. a person who gets goods and services; someone who uses something

sustainable – adj. can be kept at a set rate

despite – prep. something that is true, or will happen even though something could prevent it from happening

Do you have renewable energy in your city? What do you think about renewable energy? Leave a comment below and let us know.

2015/5/25 New Tool Maps Buildings' Energy Efficiency

By George Putic 25 May, 2015

Architects, engineers and building supervisors will soon be able to quickly collect information that once took weeks to measure and process.

Scientists have developed a device to gather information about building interiors – the design and exact measurements of a building. The scientists are with the University of California, Berkeley. Their invention connects to a backpack that can be carried on a person's back.

The device requires only one pass through a building to create a three-dimensional, or 3D, model of the structure. In other words, the model shows an object's height, width and depth. The device also is able to collect other valuable information related to the building's energy usage.

An older building may need a new, more efficient heating and cooling system. Experts say the first thing you need to know is the exact shape of all rooms in the building. You have to consider the size and position of heating and cooling equipment, windows and doors. Another consideration is the placement of electrical outlets – the areas where electrically-operated equipment can be connected to the power supply.

Annie Marston is with Baumann Consulting, the business that developed the new device. She says that instead of using a team of experts with laptop computers and other devices, it will soon be possible to send only one person with a space-age backpack.

\and detect the geometry, the lights, the plug load, and once you take it out, you can create a 3D model which can show an IR (infrared) image of each of the walls and look at the thermal capacity of the building, and then it can be transferred into an energy model, and the energy model could be run and look at how the energy is dispersed within the building, and that's when we start looking at saving measures and things like that.\

Weather experts use a scientific instrument called a barometer to measure pressure in Earth's atmosphere. But the device uses a barometer to estimate height. Instruments called magnetometers act as 3D compasses. They gather information about metallic structures.

The University of California scientists say they can create a virtual map with an accuracy of plus or minus 10 centimeters. They say the device uses a mathematical problem to add surfaces to the walls and floors. This can be used for architectural design or to run tests on energy usage.

Annie Marston says the device may be very useful to energy testers and engineers but also to builders and the constructionindustry.

\are closed up, so in later years you know where everything is,\

Researchers say they are now working to lower the weight of the backpack from 15 to about 10 kilograms. But the price of the device is about $20,000. Researchers predict the device will be available for loan at a much lower price.

I'm Jonathan Evans.

VOA's George Putic wrote this story from Washington. Jonathan Evans adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in This Story

architect – n. a person who designs buildings

backpack – n. a container or bag for carrying things that is carried on someone's back

dimensional – adj. relating to height, length or width

disperse – v. to go or move in different directions; to spread apart

compass – n. a device to help the user identify direction

virtual – adj. existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet

accuracy – n. freedom from mistake; the ability to work without making mistakes

construction – n. the business of building things; the building trade

2015/5/24 Study: Insecticide Is Killing Wild Bees

By VOA 24 May, 2015

From VOA Learning English, this is the Environment and Science Report.

A new study says a widely-used insecticide is damaging wild bee populations. Wild bees are important, because they pollinate crops and wild plants.

Environmentalists in the United States and Europe say chemicals called neonicotinoids are causing a drop in the number of bees.

These insecticides are among the most commonly-used worldwide. Farmers often use seeds treated with the insecticides.

The chemicals target insects that eat crops, and they do not spread beyond the field. But they do get into pollen and nectar, which is where the bees come into contact with them.

Maj Rudlof is a researcher at Lund University in Sweden. She led the neonicotinoids study.

She and other researchers studied bees in fields. Half of the fields were grown from seeds treated with neonicotinoids. The other half was grown with seeds that were not treated. She spoke about the results of the study in a video released by the journal Nature, which published it:

\dramatic result we found was that bumblebee colonies almost didn't grow at all at the treated sites compared to the controlled sites.\

She says there were about half as many wild bees per square meter in treated fields as in untreated ones.

Dennis vanEngelsdorp is an entomologist, a scientist who studies insects. He works at the University of Maryland. He was not involved with the research on neonicotinoids. But, he says banning the chemicals may not be the answer. He says they are not as bad as other insecticides. He spoke to VOA on Skype.

\farmers to use products that may either be just as bad or worse.\

He says farmers often use the chemicals too much, and that may be hurting bees. Mr. vanEngelsdorp thinks farmers might not need to stop using neonicotinoids completely. He says the chemicals should be used more sensibly, or, in other words, only when necessary.

The same chemicals are thought to be linked to a problem with European honeybees – the bees kept by farmers to pollinate crops. The problem is called Colony Collapse Disorder. The worker bees from a beehive, or colony, suddenly disappear. Farmers do not see the dead bees around the hive.

A United States Department of Agriculture report included information about the effects of neonicotinoids. It said the chemicals make the bees more likely to become sick. The bees cannot fight the viruses that commonly affect them.

And that's the VOA Learning English Environment and Science Report. I'm Marsha James.

VOA Science and Agriculture Correspondent Steve Baragona reported this story from Washington. Christopher Jones-Cruise adapted it for VOA Special English. Caty Weaver was the editor.


Words in This Story

insecticide – n. a chemical substance that is used to kill insects

pollinate – v. to give (a plant) pollen from another plant of the same kind so that seeds will be produced

nectar – n. a sweet liquid produced by plants and used by bees in making honey

dramatic – adj. sudden and extreme

2015/5/24 America’s Famous Front Lawn Gets Overhaul

By VOA 24 May, 2015

Almost two kilometers of green grass stretch from the front of the U.S. Capitol building to the Washington Monument. Thousands of people walk on it every day. They also play games, have picnics, run their dogs and bike.

The activities have damaged the expanse of land known as the National Mall. Now workers are in the middle of a $45 million project to return thick, healthy grass to the area.


That is Michael Stachowicz. He is a man who knows his grass. Stachowitz spent 20 years caring for golf courses. Now, hemanages one of the best-known green spaces in the world.


More than twenty-five million people visit the Mall each year for concerts, festivals and rallies, and, of course, to visit its popular museums. Over the years all those feet have compressed the soil to the density of brick. Only weeds can succeed in the rock-hard soil.

The whole Mall is in a very poor condition. But the repair project is rebuilding it, from the ground up. The old soil will be replaced with new soil like you'd find under a professional baseball field.

The workers are even improving the grass itself. University researchers are helping to find the highest quality grasses for the space.

\ turf in the world, we're trying to find the most traffic-resistant, the toughest turf that we can.\

Workers are also burying devices called cisterns that will capture nearly four million liters of rainwater. Michael Stachowicz says they will help reduce pollution during heavy storms.

Sometimes, storm waters flood waste sewers. Then that water and the waste flow directly into the Potomac River, polluting it.

The cisterns will help prevent that.

The dig of such a huge stretch of ground has been a complex effort.


The job of rebuilding the Mall is expected to be completed by early 2017.

Hundreds of thousands of people will again walk all over it to attend the presidential inauguration in front of the Capitol.

I'm Jim Tedder.

VOA science correspondent Steve Baragona reported this story from Washington. Caty Weaver adapted it for VOA Learning English. Hai Do was the editor.


Words in This Story

picnic – n. a meal that is eaten outdoors especially during a trip away from home

manage – v. to have control of; to take care of and make decisions about

yard – n. an outdoor area that is next to a house and is usually covered by grass

compress – v. to press or squeeze (something) so that it is smaller or fills less space

turf – n. the upper layer of ground that is made up of grass and plant roots

2015/5/24 Memorial Day: Arlington National Cemetery

By Shelley Gollust and Christopher Jones-Cruise 24 May, 2015

Memorial Day is a national holiday observed in the United States on the last Monday in May. It is the day when Americans honor the women and men who have served in the military.

The Memorial Day holiday was first observed in 1868. The holiday was called Decoration Day. The observance was at what was then known as the National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C.

It is now known as Arlington National Cemetery.

Soldiers with the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, also known as The Old Guard, places flags at grave sites at Arlington National Cemetery.

More than four million people visit the cemetery every year.

It is the most famous national burial place in the United States. It includes about 250 hectares of rolling hills, and trees that were planted hundreds of years ago. There are more than 8,000 trees of 300 species in the cemetery. Up and down the hills are lines of simple white headstones marking the graves. About 400 of the markers have gold letters on them. These are the burial places of those who have been awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation's highest military honor.

Among those buried at the cemetery are military and political leaders, cabinet officers and Supreme Court justices. Astronauts, explorers and athletes are also buried there. So are chaplains, nurses, slaves and even war correspondents.

Arlington is on the land that once belonged to George Washington Parke Custis, a step-grandson of George Washington. The cemetery holds the graves of soldiers who died in every war in American history. Some who fought and died in the Revolutionary War in the 1700s were moved there from a nearby cemetery.

The first military burial was on May 13, 1864 for Private William Christman, who died in the Civil War. On May 15, 1864, two unknown Union Soldiers were buried at Arlington. They were the first of almost 5,000 unknowns who are now buried at the cemetery. On March 4, 1921, Congress approved the burial of an unidentified American soldier from World War I. It is now the site of the famed Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Nearly 4,000 former slaves are buried at Arlington National Cemetery. One of them is James Parks. He dug the first graves in the cemetery. And he is the only person buried there who was also born on the property.

Two American presidents are buried at Arlington National Cemetery. William Howard Taft was president in the early 1900s. John F. Kennedy was president in the 1960s. More people have visited his grave than any other in the United States.

Other famous people buried at the cemetery include Joe Louis. He was an Army sergeant in World War II. He was a world champion boxer. Robert E. Peary discovered the North Pole. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee founded the Army Nurse Corps. And the remains of the seven astronauts who died when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded are buried in Section 46.

Sixty-five foreigners are also buried at Arlington National Cemetery. Britain has the most, with 26. South Vietnam has 10, including nine unknown soldiers.

Not everyone who gave military service to the United States may be buried at the cemetery. Those who can be buried there include anyone who died while serving on active duty or who retired from military. Also eligible are those who received high military awards, including the Medal of Honor, those who were injured in combat and former prisoners of war. Some federal government officials and the spouse and children of those buried at Arlington may also be eligible. There is no cost for the burial or funeral service.

Cemetery officials are worried that they will soon run out of space. So they have added an area where the ashes of people who chose to be cremated rather than buried can be placed. There are tens of thousands of spaces in the building, which is called a columbarium. The cemetery is also expanding by almost 11 hectares. This will add almost 30,000 burial places.

Since 1948, on the Thursday before Memorial Day, soldiers from the 3rd US Infantry, The Old Guard, have placed small American flags in front of every headstone in the cemetery. This year, more than a thousand Old Guard soldiers placed more than 220,000 flags in front of each grave marker \Cemetery.\

Some of the Old Guard soldiers placed flags in front of the graves of soldiers they knew, in Section 60. Some have called it \Afghanistan -- are buried.

I'm Christopher Jones-Cruise.

Shelley Gollust and Christopher Jones-Cruise wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Hai Do was the editor.

Editor's note: Christopher Jones-Cruise served in the US Army's 3rd US Infantry, The Old Guard, and participated in ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery.


Words in This Story

species – n. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants

eligible – adj. able to be chosen for something; able to do or receive something

columbarium – n. a building or area where urns holding a deceased's cremated remains are placed

How does your country honor those who died in war? We want to hear about it. Write to us in the comments section.

2015/5/23 Hold Your Horses!

By Shelley Gollust 23 May, 2015

Now, the VOA Learning English program, Words and Their Stories. 现在是美国之音慢速英语词汇掌故节目。

Whoa, whoa boy! Whoa! 吁,吁,吁!

Today, we tell all about horse expressions! 今天我们来讲述所有和马有关的词句。

In the past, many people depended on horses for transportation, farming and other kinds of work. A lot of people still like to ride horses for sport. Horse racing and betting on horse racing are also popular. So, it is not surprising that Americans use a lot of expressions about horses.


Long ago, people who were rich or important rode horses that were very tall. 很久以前,非富则贵的人都骑着高头大马。

Today, if someone acts better than everyone else, you might tell him to \如今,如果有人摆出自己高人一等的架势,你就可以告诉他别摆臭架子(get off her high horse)。

And if someone is pushing you to do something, you can say, \someone to calm down and wait. You would not use it with your boss but you could use it with children.

如果有人催促你做某事,你可以说,―稍安勿躁(Hold your horses)!‖这是一种告诉别人冷静下来等待一会的非正式用法。你不能对老板这么说,但是你可以对孩子这么说。

Something else you could say to children if they are playing too rough or hitting each other is to stop horsing around! When kids horse around, they could get hurt. However, kids who live in a one-horse town might have nothing to do but horse around. A one-horse town is a small town with not too much going on.

如果孩子们在互相打闹,你可以对他们说,别闹了(stop horsing around)!然而,住在偏僻小镇(one-horse town)的孩子可能没什么好玩的只有胡闹(horse around)。

So, if you live in a one-horse town, you might like to watch a lot of television. Imagine that you are watching your favorite show when your phone rings. You do not answer it. Wild horses could not drag you away from the television. Nothing could stop you from doing what you want to do.

所以如果你住在偏僻小镇,你可能会喜欢看电视。想象一下你在看最喜欢的电视节目时手机响了。你不接电话。什么事也不能阻止你看电视(wild horses could not drag you away from the television)。

In fact, that's what the Rolling Stones are singing about in their song, \事实上,滚石乐队在他们《野马》这首歌中就是这么唱的。


If you love someone, even strong wild horses could not drag you away from that person. 如果你爱一个人,任何东西都无法阻止你。

When you get news directly from the best source, you get it straight from the horse's mouth. If your teacher, for example, tells you there is going to be a test tomorrow, you got that information straight from the horse's mouth. Don't worry. This is not the same as saying your teacher has a \

当你直接从最佳来源获得消息时,你可以说你是从可靠渠道(straight from the horse's mouth)获得这个消息。比如说,如果老师告诉你明天要考试,你就是从可靠渠道获得这个消息。别担心,这句话并不是说你老师长得难看(horse face)。

Sometimes a person keeps arguing a question that has already been settled. They are beating a dead horse. A dead horse is quite different from a dark horse. A dark horse is a person who surprises others by doing better than unexpected. In politics, a dark-horse candidate is someone who is not likely to win ... but then does.

有时候某人对已经解决的问题争论不休。他们是在白费口舌(beating a dead horse)。死马和黑马又完全不同。黑马是指做事高于预期让人惊奇的人。在政界,黑马候选人是指不太可能赢但却赢了的人。

A horse of a different color is a different matter entirely. A horse of a different color 意思是完全是另一回事。

For example, you and your friend might be talking about how to make more money. 例如,你和你的朋友可能正在讨论如何赚更多钱。

Your friend suggests investing in the stock market. You mention betting at the race track. 你朋友建议投资于股市。你提出投注于赛马。

\the same topic.


Your friend might use another horse expression to give you some advice. If she tells you do not put the cart before the horse she is telling you to do things in the proper order.

你的朋友可能会用到另一句关于马的词句给你提建议。如果她告诉你,do not put the cart before the horse,她意思是说不要本末倒置。

Here's another piece of advice: do not change horses in midstream. You would not want to make major changes to something you've already started. In the past, this expression was used as an argument to re-elect a president, especially during a time when the country was at war.

以下是另一句忠告:不要临阵换将(do not change horses in midstream)。你肯定不希望对你已经开始做的事情做出重大改变。在过去,这句话常被用做论据来辩论重选总统,特别是国家处于战争期间重选总统。

And one more piece of advice from the world of horses is if you fall off the horse, get right back on again. When you fail or suffer a setback it is important to try again. People doing something after a long period of not doing it are getting back in the saddle again. The saddle is the leather seat you put on a horse in order to ride it.

还有一句和马相关的忠告,那就是 if you fall off the horse, get right back on again(跌倒了再爬起来再接再厉)。当你失败或受

挫时,再试一次非常重要。人们在很久不做之后再开始做某件事就是重振旗鼓(back in the saddle again)。Saddle(马鞍)是骑马用的真皮坐椅。

And this is Gene Autry, the singing cowboy, singing \以下是牛仔歌手吉恩·奥特里所唱的《Back in the Saddle Again》。


But people often ignore even good advice. After all, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. This means you can give someone advice but you cannot force them to use it.

但是人们常常忽视甚至更好的建议。毕竟,牵马河边易,逼马饮水难(You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink)。意思是说,你可以给人建议,但不能强迫人接受这个建议。

We end this Words and Their Stories with a riddle. 我们以一个谜语作为本期词汇掌故节目的结束。

(We can't write the riddle because it will give away the answer!) (我们不能写出这个密码,因为这样会泄漏答案!)

Take a guess and write it in the comment section. We will tell you the answer next week on Words and Their Stories. 猜一猜然后把答案写在评论区。下周的词汇掌故节目我们将会公布答案。

I'm Anna Matteo.



By VOA 22 May, 2015

In this week's episode of Everyday Grammar, we are going to talk about conditionals. We use conditionals to show that something is true only when something else is true. Conditionals offer endless possibilities for creative and imaginative expression.


Present real conditional 现在真实条件句

The present real conditional is the most basic kind of conditional. Basically, when A happens, B happens. 现在真实条件句是条件句的最基本类型,表示当A发生时B发生。

Here's an example of a present real conditional: 以下是现在真实条件句的一个例子:


Conditionals have two parts: the if clause: \\

条件句分为两个部分:if从句:―如果下雨,‖以及结果从句:―我带上雨伞。‖你也可以说―I bring an umbrella if it rains.‖

Poets and songwriters often use conditionals in their work. Listen for the present real conditional in this song by American songwriter Bob Dylan.

诗人和作曲家经常在他们的作品中使用条件句。我们来听一下来自美国作曲家鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)的这首歌中的现在真实条件句。


She might be in Tangier\她可能在丹吉尔市‖

Notice that the verbs see and say are both in the present tense for the present real conditional. 注意在现在真实条件句中,动词see和say都用的现在时。

Present unreal conditional 现在虚拟条件句

The next conditional that we're going to talk about is the present unreal conditional. Use the present unreal conditional to talk about what you would do in an unreal, or imaginary situation. If A happened, B would happen. For example, \I were you, I would take the job.\result clause of the sentence. Here's an example from American singer Johnny Cash.

接下来我们我们要谈的是现在虚拟条件句。虚拟条件句用于谈论非真实或虚拟状态下你会做的事情。如果A发生,B就会发生。例如,―如果我是你,我就会接受这份工作。‖关键字是would,它让该条件句变成虚拟状态。Would只能用于该句中的结果从句。以下是来自美国歌手约翰尼·卡什(Johnny Cash)的一个例子。


And you were a lady 而你是一位美女

Would you marry me anyway? 你还会嫁给我吗?

Would you have my baby?\会给我生孩子吗?‖

To form a present unreal conditional, use a simple past verb in the if clause. In the result clause, use would followed by a simple present verb.


Use the verb were for all nouns in the if clause of the sentence. For example, \In informal speech, people might say, \writing.


Future real conditional 将来真实条件句

Now let's talk about the future real conditional. If A happens, B will happen. To make a future real conditional, use will in the result clause. For example, \possible situations in the future.

现在我们来谈谈将来真实条件句。如果A发生,B将会发生。将来真实条件句在结果从句中会用到will。例如,\I will wait in the car.\我们使用将来真实条件句来谈论将来可能发生的状况。

Speakers sometimes use the future real conditional to threaten others. Listen to actor Liam Neeson in the 2013 movie Taken. In this scene of the movie, Neeson's character is on the phone threatening the man who kidnapped his daughter. 说话人有时会使用将来真实条件句来威胁别人。我们来听一下演员利亚姆·尼森在2013年拍摄的《劫持惊魂》中的台词。在这个电影场景中,尼森扮演的角色在电话中威胁绑架他女儿的男子。

\will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.\


This is only a quick introduction to conditionals. In a future episode of Everyday Grammar, we will talk about past and mixed conditionals. Until then, we will leave you with country music stars Johnny Cash and June Carter.

以上只是条件句的简单介绍。在日常语法的下期节目中,我们将会讨论过去条件句和混合条件句。在此之前,我们先来听一下乡村音乐歌手约翰尼·卡什(Johnny Cash)和琼·卡特(June Carter)合唱的这首歌。


And you were a lady 而你是一位美女

I'd marry you anyway 我一定会娶你

I'd have your baby 和你生一个宝宝\

I'm Jonathan Evans.


美国之音 > VOA Special English > Economics Report

Aid Group Recommends Debt Cancellation for Nepal

By VOA 07 May, 2015

From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.

A group of international aid, religious and other groups is calling for debt cancellation for Nepal.

The country is struggling with the effects of a powerful earthquake on April 25 that struck the central part of the country near the capital, Kathmandu. More than 7,300 people died in the quake. The United Nations says eight million people, more than one fourth of the country's population, has been affected by the disaster.

Nepalese women search for belongings from their house that was destroyed in the earthquake in Bhaktapur, Nepal. Nepal was repaying $220 million a year to international lenders before the quake. (AP Photo/Bernat Amangue)

Jubilee Network USA is a coalition of religious and aid groups that works to end extreme poverty. The group, a non-governmental organization, or NGO, says Nepal owes a total of $3.8 billion to foreign creditors including the World Bank and the Asian Development bank.

The coalition's executive director Eric LeCompte says his organization is trying to persuade the agencies to do more to ease the financial burden on Nepal. He says Nepal was repaying $220 million a year to international lenders before the quake. He says money to repay Nepal's debt should go to repair, rebuild, and help the nation recover.

Mr. LeCompte says international lenders have cancelled millions of dollars in debt owed by the West African

nations devastated by the Ebola crisis. He says he believes the debt relief programs should come with requirements for greater openness and accountability. He says that means the money that would have gone to repayment goes to the most vulnerable citizens, rather than to tax breaks for companies or to support the military.

The International Monetary Fund's Gerry Rice says the agency will send experts to study Nepal's needs \humanitarian situation subsides.\financing to help rebuilding efforts and offers technical support.

Nepal has a population of more than 28 million people. The World Bank says the country's economic growth was greater than five percent each year. The loss of thousands of lives and widespread damage to roads, buildings and other infrastructure is likely to hurt growth. The average income in the small country is $730 a year. One fourth of Nepal's population lives in poverty.

And that is the VOA Learning English Economics Report. I'm Mario Ritter.

Mario Ritter adapted this story from VOA for Learning English. Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor.


Words in This Story

devastated – adj. damaged to a great extent

relief – n. forms of aid, such as food, clothing and money, that are given to victims of disasters

accountability – n. the ability to explain decisions and actions

vulnerable – n. open to the possibility of physical or emotional harm

subside – v. to become less strong or intense; to reduce over time

美国之音 > Voa English Learning > Bilingual News

普京指责美起诉国际足联官员是―插手海外‖ Putin:FIFA Arrests Case of US Meddling Abroad


普京在电视上评论说, 美国还企图阻止国际足联主席布拉特连任。国际足联定于星期五投票选举下届主席,布特拉竞选第五个任期,而他目前只有一个对手。





Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized the United States on Thursday for its corruption indictment against officials from football's governing body, calling the case an attempt to spread its jurisdiction to other countries.

Mr. Putin said in televised comments that the U.S. is also trying to prevent the reelection of FIFA President Sepp Blatter. That vote is due to happen Friday with Blatter facing one opponent in his bid to win a fifth term.

Russia is hosting the next edition of FIFA's premier event, the World Cup, in 2018.

Mr. Putin's comments follow a similar message from Russia's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday, which called the case an \

There was no immediate U.S. reaction to Mr. Putin's remarks.

The awarding of the 2018 games to Russia is part of a Swiss investigation into allegations of mismanagement and money laundering.

美国之音 > Voa English Learning > Bilingual News

美国会中越来越多人支持解除对古巴禁运 US Senator Says Momentum Growing to Lift Economic Sanctions on Cuba





A U.S. lawmaker says there is growing support in Congress to lift the five-decade-old economic embargo against Cuba imposed by the United States.

Democratic Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico made the comment Wednesday in Havana.

Udall said both Democrats and Republicans have expressed support for several pieces of legislation related to Cuba, including lifting the travel ban and promoting limited economic activity in agriculture and technology.

President Barack Obama has called on the Republican-controlled Congress to lift the embargo, which was imposed when Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro aligned with the former Soviet Union after ousting longtime dictator Fulgencio Bautista in 1959.

Udall led a delegation of four Democratic lawmakers to Havana, where they held talks with Cuban officials and private citizens. One of the lawmakers, Minnesota Senator Al Franken, said there is \have a strong objection\

美国之音 > VOA Standard English > Latest Updates

Britain Makes Controversial Move to Crack Down on Extremism

Al Pessin May 28,2015

LONDON— Britain is moving to tighten controls on extremist rhetoric, even when it does not incite violence or hatred - a move that some are concerned might unduly restrict basic freedoms.

It is an issue many countries are grappling with as extremist groups gain power in the Middle East, fueled in part by donations and fighters from the West.

Britain‘s Home Secretary announced plans for the legislation, which had been promised if the Conservative Party won the recent election. The new government included it in the annual Queen‘s Speech, laying out its official program.

―Measures will also be brought forward to promote social cohesion and protect people by tackling extremism,‖ said

Queen Elizabeth II.

Stopping extremism

The government wants stronger regulatory powers over charities and religious institutions to ensure they are not involved in promoting extremism. It also wants the ability to ban individuals from expressing extremist views.

Up to a point, radicalism expert Hannah Stuart of the Henry Jackson Society welcomes the effort to be tougher on extremist groups, even when they are not directly connected to violence.

―Where extremism is allowed to flourish, we see the diminishing of individual rights, but also of group rights, and it‘s usually, sadly, minority rights,\

But Stuart said she is concerned about the potential limits on individual speech.

―We have to accept that there will be certain extremist ideas and dissent on our street corners, and we have to trust that as a society, and civil society particularly, we‘re strong enough to rebut that openly, rather than hide it away,‖ she said.

Speaking via Skype from the Muslim Association of Britain, Omer al-Hamdoon agreed with that, and expressed a more pointed concern.

―Muslims, specifically within Britain, are going to be muted, and denied their freedom of speech, even though they have not committed any criminal act,‖ he said.

Seeking new ways

Hamdoon said current laws against incitement are adequate, and he disputed the idea that extremist rhetoric fuels violence.

―The Home Secretary has mentioned this thread between non-violent extremism and violent extremism. I don‘t think there‘s any evidence to support this kind of theory,‖ he said.

Hamdoon said the government is ill equipped to differentiate between ideas that are outside the mainstream, and those that might be dangerous. He said the new law would make some legitimate Muslim preaching illegal.

But Stuart said so far, the problem has been the opposite.

―We have failed to identify extremism rather than intend in any way to criminalize Islamic practice,‖ she said.

Stuart said there is a consensus among many democracies that they need to find new ways to deal with the rise of extremism, without violating the rights of the people they are trying to protect.

美国之音 > VOA Special English > AS IT IS

Extreme Heat in India Kills Over 1100

By Anjana Pasricha 28 May, 2015

Usually hot weather is affecting people across large parts of India. Temperatures reached and even topped 46 degrees Celsius.

Indians who had a choice stayed inside buildings or at home to escape the killer heat. But tens of thousands of people did not have that choice. Many of them are employed as constructionworkers, taxi drivers and street vendors, who make a living by selling goods to passersby.

Shaibaz Qureshi drives an auto rickshaw in the city of Hyderabad.

An Indian auto rickshaw driver rests on a hot summer day in Hyderabad, India, Monday, May 25, 2015. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)

He says that the weather is a problem. But if he stops working, he will not be able to earn money.

The number of heat-related deaths has climbed over the past week. Most of the deaths have been reported in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. That is where the highest temperatures were recorded.

Y.K. Reddy is a weather expert and the head of the Meteorological Department in Hyderabad. He told VOA this is the worst heat wave to hit the area in nearly 10 years.

He says this summer season three records have been broken. In other places records are not broken, but they have reached 47 degrees plus in coastal Andhra Pradesh.

High temperatures are common in India in May and June. Dry winds blowing from the Northwest have intensified the heat recently all across northern and central India. The hot weather has reached the capital, New Delhi. A national newspaper, Hindustan Times, showed a picture of street tar and paint melting on the stripe markings of a walkway.

Sunil Kumar Aledia is with the Center for Holistic Development in New Delhi. He says homeless people are the most at risk from the extreme heat. He says these men and women usually spend the night in government shelters during the winter months. But they get no break from hot weather at this time of year.

Mr. Aledia says the shelters are usually cabins or tin structures, and in the summer they are only 10% full. He says this is because they lack electric fans, coolers or drinking water facilities. So they become very hot.

Officials in the worst affected states advise people to stay inside buildings during the afternoon, when temperatures are the highest. They also say people should drink plenty of fluids and not go outside without a hat. In some places, doctors were told to cancel their leave plans because hospitals had so many cases of heat stroke, a serious heat-related disorder.

Many taxis in Indian cities operate without air conditioning equipment. In Kolkata two taxi drivers died from heat stroke last week. Their deaths led labor unions to tell taxi drivers that they could turn down passengers in the afternoon. In the

eastern state of Orissa, the government advised laborers to suspend hard work between late morning and four o'clock in the afternoon.

The arrival of monsoon rains could offer some help from the oppressively high heat. But the worst affected states may not get an early break. That is because the rains get to the south and west of India first, before arriving in the northern and eastern plains. But in Hyderabad, Mr. Reddy is hoping that a rare thunder shower will lower temperatures in the coming days.

I'm Anne Ball

Reporter Anjana Pasricha wrote this story for VOA. Anne Ball adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in This Story

construction – adj. related to the building industry

auto rickshaw – n. a small motorized vehicle that is used to transport people short distances

heat wave – n. a time of unusually hot weather

美国之音 > VOA Special English > AS IT IS

Greece Says No Payment to Lenders Without Deal

By Mario Ritter 28 May, 2015

Greece has said it cannot make its debt payment to the International Monetary Fund for June. The country's Interior Minister Nikos Voutsis spoke on Greek television Sunday. He said the country needs to reach a deal with its creditors or it will not be able to make payments.

European countries using the euro have been negotiating with Greece for four months. Greece is seeking the release of over $7 billion to avoid defaulting on its loans. The loans are repayment for a financial rescue plan for Greece valued at over $300 billion.

The day before the Interior Minister spoke, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Greece was ready to accept a \viableand long-lasting\humiliating terms\agreement. Mr. Tsipras is under pressure from his Syriza party not to accept additional austerity measures such as further cuts in public spending.

Greek Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction Nikos Voutsis arrives for a cabinet meeting at the parliament in Athens, May 12, 2015.

Earlier, the Greek government said it was in danger of running out of money soon without a deal, but said it still plans to make all required payments.

The government is under heavy pressure to reach an agreement with its Eurozone partners, including Europe's biggest economy, Germany. However, the government opposes new austerity measures that it says will make the situation worse by preventing its recovery from years of recession: one of the worst recessions in modern times.

Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said Greece has made \lenders to avoid bankruptcy. He said now financial institutions had to do their part.

The finance minister told Britain's BBC that Greece had met its partners three fourth of the way.

Mr. Varoufakis added that it would be \catastrophic\\

I'm Mario Ritter.

This report is based on reporting from Reuters and VOA sources. Mario Ritter wrote it for VOA Learning English. Ashley Thompson was the editor.


Words in This Story

default – n. the failure to make a payment, such as on a loan

viable – adj. able to go forward or to be successful

humiliating – adj. to make someone feel very ashamed or foolish

austerity – n. limiting spending to as little as is possible, to lack anything that is not considered necessary

catastrophic – adj. disastrous, very bad

美国之音 > VOA Special English > Education Report

Successful Debaters Earn Business Benefits

By Dr. Jill Robbins 28 May, 2015

Over the last few weeks we discussed a method for teaching debate to English learners. Debate is a valuable way to practice communicating. It can also bring long-lasting rewards outside the classroom, especially for people working with Western businesses.

Communicating Western-style

The main activity of debate is presenting one's opinion and supporting it with evidence, such as statistics or facts. It is a way of persuasive communication – of making someone believe what you are saying.

Charles Lebeau helped create the \Discover Debate\communicate in Western business. Successful debaters learn how to give their opinion, reasons and support.

\else's opinion, rather than brush their opinion aside and say, \

Debate skills are also important in selling a product, he says. In that situation, the judges are the customers.

\strong a case as they can. On Tuesday, the next day, another company will come in and present their case to the customer. Usually the party that can present the strongest case wins.\

He adds that people use persuasive communication in meetings, too. Three or four people may present ideas. Then, they attack or support each other's arguments.

\In Japan, we don't really do that, we don't respond to a person point by point. In English-style meetings, we do do that and Japanese participants need to do that in an English style meeting in order to be successful.\

Critical thinking

Debate also strengthens critical thinking. In other words, it helps students learn to ask questions and try to understand someone's reasons and evidence.

Mr. Lebeau points out that successful debaters learn to listen carefully to what other people are saying. Then, they look for the weak points in someone else's opinion or argument. He says debate teaches a systematic way of questioning.

Broadening one's perspective

Successful debaters also learn to think from someone else's point of view. Mr. Lebeau says debate can help broaden the mind.

\wonderful thing about debate is, it puts us in another person's shoes.\

For example, students in a debate might argue the topic \argue in favor of soccer, even if he or she does not really think soccer is better than baseball. But the student will have to explain why soccer is an interesting sport and present the viewpoint of soccer fans. The exercise will offer a way of thinking the student may not have normally had.

Debate can improve one's thinking and language so much that it brings benefits to a student's life and career. Professor Lebeau tells a story about teaching debate to new employees at Toshiba. One young woman came up and asked, \

you remember me?\improved her English skills so much that she had been able to get a good job in the company.

She is living evidence of the benefits of learning to debate.

I'm Jill Robbins.

Dr. Jill Robbins wrote this story for Learning English. Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor.


Words in This Story

persuasive - adj. able to cause people to do or believe something; able to persuade people

critical thinking - n. analyzing and evaluating an issue in order to form a judgment

broaden - v. to make something wider or more general

Now it's your turn. Do you have any experience with learning to debate? What did you find were the benefits? Write to us in the comments section.

美国之音 > VOA Special English > In the News

FIFA President: Charges Bring Shame to Sport

By VOA 28 May, 2015

FIFA President Sepp Blatter said corruption scandals within the world soccer organization have brought \and humiliation\

Mr. Blatter spoke Thursday at the opening of the FIFA Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. He was speaking publicly for the first time since U.S. and Swiss officials announced major corruption investigations of the organization.

Meanwhile, two major European football associations called on Mr. Blatter to resign, ahead of the organization's presidential elections planned for Friday. UK Prime Minister David Cameron also supported calls for Sepp Blatter to step down.

FIFA President Sepp Blatter delivers his speech during the opening ceremony of the 65th FIFA Congress in Zurich, Switzerland, May 28, 2015.

Major FIFA sponsors like Visa and Coca-Cola are calling for FIFA to make major changes within the organization. The United Nations is also reviewing its partnerships with FIFA following allegations of widespread corruption, a U.N. spokesman said Thursday.

Seven high-ranking current and former FIFA officials were arrested Wednesday.

Iranian FM expresses hope for nuclear deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Thursday he is hopeful Iran and a group of world powers can reach a final agreement on his country's nuclear program \reasonable period of time.\

But during a visit to Greece, Zarif also said an agreement will not happen if there are \

Iran and the group that includes Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States and Germany have given themselves until June 30 to form a final deal curbing Iran's nuclear activity in exchange for sanctions relief. The two sides agreed to a framework in April, but still need to work out details such as how quickly to lift the sanctions that have hurt Iran's economy.

President Obama hosts Twitter chat on climate change

Just a week after entering the Twitter world with his new handle, @POTUS, U.S. President Barack Obama was on Twitter Thursday answering questions on climate change.

The president was in Miami, Florida, on Thursday, touring the National Hurricane Center. Mr. Obama spoke about the link between deadly storms and climate change.

During his Twitter question-and-answer session Thursday, the president was asked by one user why he called climate change a national security issue during his State of the Union address in January.

@POTUS responded saying, more severe weather events lead to displacement, scarcity, stressed populations; all increase likelihood of global conflict.


Words in the News:

humiliation – n. the act of making (someone) feel very ashamed or foolish

corruption – n. dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people

sponsor – n. an organization that pays the cost of an activity or event (such as a radio or television program, sports event, concert, etc.) in return for the right to advertise during the activity or event

reasonable – adj. fair and sensible


FIFA President Sepp Blatter said corruption scandals within the world soccer organization have brought \humiliation\


Mr. Blatter spoke Thursday at the opening of the FIFA Congress in Zurich, Switzerland. He was speaking publicly for the first time since U.S. and Swiss officials announced major corruption investigations of the organization.


Meanwhile, two major European football associations called on Mr. Blatter to resign, ahead of the organization's presidential elections planned for Friday. UK Prime Minister David Cameron also supported calls for Sepp Blatter to step down.


Major FIFA sponsors like Visa and Coca-Cola are calling for FIFA to make major changes within the organization. The United Nations is also reviewing its partnerships with FIFA following allegations of widespread corruption, a U.N. spokesman said Thursday.


Seven high-ranking current and former FIFA officials were arrested Wednesday. 七名高级别现任和前任国际足联官员周三被逮捕。

Iranian FM expresses hope for nuclear deal 伊朗外长希望达成核协议

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Thursday he is hopeful Iran and a group of world powers can reach a final agreement on his country's nuclear program \伊朗外长扎里夫周四表示,他希望伊朗同一众世界强国能够就该国的核项目在合理时间内达成最终协议。

But during a visit to Greece, Zarif also said an agreement will not happen if there are \但是在访问希腊期间,扎里夫还表示,如果存在过份要求,协议就会无法达成。

Iran and the group that includes Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States and Germany have given themselves until June 30 to form a final deal curbing Iran's nuclear activity in exchange for sanctions relief. The two sides agreed to a framework in April, but still need to work out details such as how quickly to lift the sanctions that have hurt Iran's economy.


President Obama hosts Twitter chat on climate change 奥巴马总统就气候变化进行推特对话

Just a week after entering the Twitter world with his new handle, @POTUS, U.S. President Barack Obama was on Twitter Thursday answering questions on climate change.


The president was in Miami, Florida, on Thursday, touring the National Hurricane Center. Mr. Obama spoke about the link between deadly storms and climate change.


During his Twitter question-and-answer session Thursday, the president was asked by one user why he called climate change a national security issue during his State of the Union address in January.


@POTUS responded saying, more severe weather events lead to displacement, scarcity, stressed populations; all increase likelihood of global conflict.


美国之音 > Voa English Learning > Learn A Word

2297 berate

今天我们要学的词是 berate. Berate 动词,有责骂,痛斥的意思。A Saudi religious policeman berated a veiled woman and barred her from entering a shop for not wearing gloves. 沙特阿拉伯的一个宗教警察对一名头戴面纱的女性大喊大叫,因为这名女性没戴手套而不让她进商店大门。A Starbucks employee was fired after a video showed her berating a customer. 星巴克一名雇员因为大声斥责一名顾客,被星巴克开除。好的,今天我们学习的词是 berate, berate, berate...

美国之音 > VOA Standard English > Latest Updates

Researchers Study Ways to Help People Quit Smoking

Carol Pearson May 29,2015

WASHINGTON— It's no secret that any type of tobacco use is not healthy. But, for most people, it's hard to quit. That's because most of them started the habit as teenagers and because tobacco contains nicotine.

\Dr. Kimberly Horn, Associate Dean of Research at the George Washington University Milken School of Public Health.

Dr. Kimberly Horn said teens are likely to use more than one form of tobacco. It could be cigarettes, small cigars, smokeless tobacco. And teens who smoke are likely to use electronic cigarettes, which also deliver nicotine.


There is no one technique for quitting that works for everyone. Some turn to e-cigarettes for help.

Cici, who provided only her first name, is hoping electronic cigarettes can help her kick the habit.

\ of smoke. I don‘t like the mess of cigarette butts,\\tobacco smoke.‖

She admitted to being a heavy smoker and said she was also concerned about the health effects of tobacco use.

―When I tried it for the first time, I said, ?Oh, that‘s almost as good as smoking,‘\were so many benefits, and I realized it was better than smoking.‖

Stop smoking programs

Studies show electronic devices can work for some people, but not for others. Behavioral therapy and medication and products that reduce nicotine cravings like gum and nicotine patches might help.

Dr. Nancy Rigotti at Massachusetts General Hospital and other researchers designed a program to help smokers quit while they were in the hospital and stay smoke free after they were discharged.

Some patients were given a nicotine patch or medication and counseling in the hospital, with follow-up support after they left.

―We know that medication works and that counseling works, but they both together work much better than either one alone,‖ Rigotti said.

Seventy percent of smokers in that program were still smoke-free six months after leaving the hospital.

The U.S. government and private organizations have been running anti-smoking campaigns since 1964 when the U.S. Surgeon General produced his first report on Smoking and Health. http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/priorities/tobacco/index.html.

Since then there have been reports on how smoking affects women, youth and various diseases including diabetes and cancer.

A study from the Yale School of Public Health found that those who quit during this time period had a 30-percent improvement in life expectancy.

Dr. Theodore Holford, and co-authors compiled analyzed surveys and compiled personal histories, many of which had detailed information about where people smoked, when they began smoking and when they quit.

Holford concluded that between 17 and 18 million deaths in the U.S. were associated with the use of tobacco, and in particular, with cigarette smoking between 1964 and 2014.

And, he said, if the government had not started an anti-smoking campaign, ― an additional eight million would have died.‖

Both studies were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

美国之音 > VOA Standard English > Latest Updates

Modular Robot Getting Closer to Reality

George Putic May 29,2015

For years, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University experimented with a snake-like robot that could crawl through pipes and climb up trees.

Gradually, their robot evolved into motorized modules, each with its own processor, that can be assembled in various configurations, such as a six-legged insect-like machine they call the Snake Monster.

Howie Choset, a professor at the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, said researchers were \together as easy as Lego, but there is a lot going on underneath the hood to allow that to happen.‖

What happens \other, in order to coordinate the robot‘s movements.

End modules with wheels instead of feet allow the robot to move faster on smooth surfaces. Modules may also be equipped with a camera that can survey the surroundings.

Another feature is a so-called ―master-and-slave‖ system, through which an operator can manipulate a robotic twin, remotely controlling the twin and even feeling the resistance it encounters.

Choset said the robot is ready for real-life testing. \throw it around. It's robust. You can kick it, and it is still going to work.‖

Modular robotic arms can be programmed for various tasks, including feeding handicapped persons.

Researchers are already working on other modular attachments, such as force-sensing feet or tank-like tracks that will allow customizing robots for even more tasks.

美国之音 > VOA Standard English > Latest Updates

One World Trade Center Observatory Opens to Public

Bernard Shusman May 29,2015

NEW YORK— From New Jersey to Long Island, from Northern suburbs to the Atlantic Ocean, with all of New York City in-between. That view became available to the public Friday as the One World Trade Center Observatory opened in New York - atop the replacement for the buildings destroyed in the September 11, 2001, attacks.

The emphasis was on New York, the future…but still remembering the past.

People from around the world lined up to go to the top of this shiny new building, which reaches 541 meters into the sky…taller than any other building on the North American continent.

Visitors to the newly opened One World Observatory in New York, May 29, 2015.

Construction was completed at the beginning of this year…it took several years to build, with 45,000 tons of steel, 159,000 cubic meters of concrete, resulting in a total of nearly 28,000 square meters of office space.

And today, the latest tenant opened up for business, One World Observatory.

―We‘re back. You hear this. You heard this from construction workers.

We‘re back. We put this building up,\Observatory.

The Observatory covers three floors - from 100 to 102. But first, there's a 47-second elevator ride featuring time lapse video - depicting the development of New York and ending with a panoramic view of the region as it appears today.

Stepping off the elevator, visitors watch another video featuring those who helped build World Trade Center 1, also known as Freedom Tower. Then comes the final treat - Manhattan and beyond as far as the eye can see. On a clear day, that means approximately 80 kilometers in all directions.

Back on the ground - the official ribbon-cutting - to open the experience to the public. It costs more than $30 for an adult to take in the view. But that was not on the minds of the first day's visitors.

―It‘s very impressive, so high, excellent,‖ a visitor from Germany said.

―Our country helped build this tower because the steel girders in the basement of the tower are coming from my country,\city of the world.

One of the principals in Legends is the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, who summed up the feeling of many who remember September 11, 2001.

―This is called getting knocked down and getting back up, which is what we think of ourselves in this country,\

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is guaranteed $875 million in revenue from the observatory over the next 15 years….and part of that return started today. But more important, perhaps, was seeing the new World Trade Center as a place of remembrance and hope for the future.

美国之音 > VOA Special English > AS IT IS

State Limits on Media Raise Concern in Turkey

By Dorian Jones 29 May, 2015

Turkey will hold elections in June. Before then, a Turkish government lawyer wants to close several TV stations linked to Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen and critical of the ruling AK Party.

Government officials claim Mr. Gulen is working against the government.

But critics are speaking against the government's move to close the stations. They say the state controls the media in order to report in favor of the government.

Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu, talks to supporters during his election campaign in Istanbul, Turkey, Sunday, May 24, 2015.

Cengiz Aktar is a political scientist at Istanbul's Suleyman Sah University. He says closing the TV stations would add to growing concerns over the fairness of the June 7 general election.

\is extremely difficult to talk about a free election because the majority of the media outlets are openly working for the ruling party and press freedom is under very serious threat as pointed [out] by European Union ... by [the] Council of Europe and by America.\

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, OSCE, is observing the election. OSCE is concerned about the fairness of the media.

Kemal Kilicdaroglu is the leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party. He has strongly condemned any threat to close TV stations.

And some pro-government newspaper writers are also worried about the threat.

The ruling AK Party has not commented on the reports.

At the same time, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused a leading newspaper of plotting against him and the government. The owners of the newspaper are critical of the government.

President Erdogan is a founding member of the ruling party. He is required by the Turkish Constitution to be neutral.

But since the start of the general election, President Erdogan has spoken around the country. In his speeches he often attacks all the opposition parties.

State media and many private TV channels carry the speeches live. Observers say that, in contrast, the opposition has few chances to speak on television.

Government minister Nesrin Ulema denies any wrongdoing. She says the country's Supreme Election Council and election laws secure equal broadcast rights for all parties after the campaign period starts.

\perception or a feeling that AK Party has more weight since our president is also out in the field. But he is the first ever president who was elected by the nation's votes.\

Kadri Gursel works as a political reporter at Turkey's Milliyet newspaper. He warns the country is moving into a \of justice.\

\opposition parties to mainstream media. And then it's enough to create an authoritarian system, which makes it almost impossible for an opposition parity to make gains in elections.\

Related reports say the government is giving tax benefits to large businesses. The reports say the companies, which own large media operations, received the tax credits in the period before the election.

The ruling AK Party has strongly denied claims that they acted illegally. But national and international concerns are increasing over the health of democracy and the June election.

I'm Jill Robbins.

Dorian Jones reported and wrote this story for VOA News. Jill Robbins adapted this story for Learning English. Kelly Jean Kelly was the editor.


Words in This Story

found - v. to begin or create (something that is meant to last for a long time)

neutral - adj. not supporting one political view over another

perception - n. the way you think about or understand someone or something

Now it's your turn. What do you think of the relationship between the media and government? Is the media in your country neutral or does it favor those in power?

美国之音 > VOA Special English > AS IT IS

Blind Boy Defines His Life With Music

By VOA 29 May, 2015

When Frankie Moran first saw his son Cole, he could not imagine ever sharing his love of music with the boy. Cole had cognitivedelays and other birth defects. And he was blind.


But Cole was not deaf, and quickly showed an interest in music. Mr. Moran is a singer and songwriter. He says his son liked to be nearby when he was making music at home. He says Cole would touch the instruments.

At around the age of one, Cole started playing notes of simple songs on a toy piano.

\ pitch. Because when he would miss a note and hit the wrong note in a melody like ?Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,' he would go back and find that note. So that's how we figured he knew what he was hearing.\

Constant practice

Cole Moran is now 12 years old. Cole plays music every day. He records his performances and listens back to the sound. He enjoys the work.


Father-Son duets

Cole's choice of instrument since he was four has been the harmonica, which he often plays with his dad. Last year, the father and son duo won second place at a Fiddler's Convention in their hometown, Berlin, Maryland.

Now and then, Cole performs with his father under the name Blind Wind at a restaurant in Berlin.

The 12-year-old released his first CD recently. His mother, Jenny Moran, was excited.


Cole attends Maryland School for the Blind in Baltimore. There will be lots of time for music when classes end for the summer break. Frankie Moran says he and Cole plan to hit the road. They want to do a series of Blind Wind performances around the country.

I'm Kelly Jean Kelly.

VOA's June Soh reported on this story from Washington. Caty Weaver adapted it for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.


Words in This Story

cognitive – adj. of, relating to, or involving mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning and remembering)

defect – n. a physical problem that causes something to be less valuable, effective or healthy

blind – adj. unable to see

perfect pitch – n. the ability to correctly identify any musical note that you hear or to sing any musical note correctly without help

duo – n. two people who perform together, are usually seen together, or with ties to each other

hit the road – verb phrase to travel; to go on a trip

Do you know someone like Cole, who has overcome physical difficulties to achieve important goals? Tell us about it and practice your English writing skills at the same time. Post your comments below.

美国之音 > VOA Special English > AS IT IS

UN Supports Protection of Journalists in Conflicts

By VOA 29 May, 2015

The United Nations Security Council has approved a resolution on the protection of journalists in conflict zones. All 15 Council members voted Wednesday in support of the resolution.

The measure comes as the number of deaths and kidnappings of news reporters and other media workers continues to rise.

The group Reporters Without Borders says 66 journalists were killed last year and more than 20 others have died since January. Over the past 10 years, 700 media workers have been killed, either while on the job or because of their occupation.

Members of Journalists Without Borders protest against Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev in Berlin, January 21, 2015. (REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch)

The U.N. resolution condemns such attacks. It warns those involved in conflicts, including governments and armed groups, to take all reasonable steps to protect journalists. It also calls for the immediate and unconditional release of reporters who are held as hostages in battle areas.

Christophe Deloire works for Reporters Without Borders. He said Iraq and Syria have come two of the most dangerous places for journalists to work. Forty-five have been killed in Syria since that conflict started in 2011. In Iraq, at least 15 others have died since 2013. Mr. Deloire said ensuringaccountability is important to preventing future attacks.

\encouragement for all those who commit crimes against journalists. If we want to protect journalists, we have to fight impunity.\

He added that attacks on journalists in conflict areas could be considered war crimes and should be given to the International Criminal Court.

The United States ambassador to the U.N., Samantha Power, is a former journalist. She says restrictions on press freedom and threats against reporters often are signs of an effort to suppress civil, political and human rights. She noted the current political unrest in the central African nation of Burundi. There, the country's military disputed President Pierre Nkurunziza's decision to seek a third term in office. Many people in Burundi consider a third term unconstitutional.

\on a list of people to be arrested, and many more reportedly have been threatened with death, torture and disappearance, leading them to go into hiding.\

Ms. Power said governments like the one in Syria and armed groups, such as the Islamic State, attack journalists because they do not want people to see them for what they really are.

As the Security Council met Wednesday, the Committee to Protect Journalists released a statement condemning the murder of a Brazilian radio reporter. His tortured body was found last Saturday, one day after he was reported kidnapped in the country's northeast. It was the second murder of a Brazilian journalist in less than a week.

I'm Jim Tedder.

VOA's Margaret Besheer reported on this story from the United Nations. George Grow adapted it for Learning English.


Words in This Story

journalist(s) – n. a writer, reporter or photographer for a news-gathering organization

zones – n. areas

ensuring – v. guaranteeing

accountability – n. a willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions

美国之音 > VOA Special English > Education Report

Everyday Grammar: Relative Pronouns

By Ashley Thompson 29 May, 2015

In this week's episode of Everyday Grammar, we are going to discuss the relative pronouns who, that and which.

A relative pronoun relates to the noun it is describing. Relative pronouns introduce a relative clause. Think of relative clauses as long adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe nouns.

Let's start with an example sentence:

The woman who called me yesterday was my mother.

Everyday Grammar - Relative Pronouns

In this sentence who is the relative pronoun, and who called me yesterday is the relative clause. The clause is describing the noun woman.

In general, the relative pronouns who, that, and which do one of two things:

1. They help identify the noun or

2. They help give more information about the noun.

In the example sentence, the clause \woman.

When a relative clause adds more information about the noun, the clause is surrounded by commas. Here is an example sentence:

My mother, who called me yesterday, says she is coming to visit me this summer.

Who is just one example of a relative pronoun that you can use when talking about a person. Let's listen to a scene from the comedy film Bridesmaids for another example. In this scene, the main character Annie is telling her best friend that she has changed. Listen for the relative pronoun:

\that this was completely over the top, ridiculous, and stupid!\

The relative pronoun Annie used in the scene is that -- when she says \that I know.\that I know describes the noun you.

Both who and that can be used in relative clauses that describe a person. That can also be used to describe a thing. For example:

\that I bought last week was stolen.\bike.

The relative pronoun which is also used to describe a thing.

Here is an example sentence using which.

\which I bought last week, was stolen.\

In this example, the relative clause \bike. The clause issurrounded by commas.

Here are some general rules about commas and relative clauses:

--If the clause begins with the relative pronoun that, you do not need commas.

--If the clause begins with the relative pronoun which, you generally need commas.

--If the clause begins with the relative pronoun who, you need commas if the clause is adding additional information about the noun.

Here is an example sentence using the relative pronoun who, with and without commas.

1. My sister who lives in New York bought an apartment

2. My sister, who lives in New York, bought an apartment.

In the first sentence, the relative clause who lives in New York is identifying the noun sister. The speaker might have more than one sister. The clause \

In the second sentence, the same relative clause is adding additional information about the noun sister.

Sometimes, English speakers remove the relative pronoun altogether. Listen for the relative clauses in Shania Twain's song You're Still the One.

You're still the one

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss good night

In one line, she keeps the relative pronoun that. In the rest, she omits -- or removes -- the relative pronoun. If the relative pronouns that and who are followed by a noun or pronoun, they can be omitted. That makes the sentences \

We can talk about other relative pronouns in another episode of Everyday Grammar. But for now, listen for the relative pronouns as we end this episode with the David Bowie song \

You're face to face

With the man who sold the world.

I'm Jonathan Evans.

And I'm Ashley Thompson.

Ashley Thompson wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Adam Brock edited and produced it.

Now it's your turn. Practice using relative pronouns by describing your best friend. Start with this: \someone who ______\


Words in This Story

relate - v. to show or make a connection between (two or more things)

identify - v. to show who someone is or what something is

surround - v. to be on every side of something

美国之音 > VOA Special English > In the News

FIFA Re-Elect Blatter Despite Corruption Scandal

By Anne Ball 29 May, 2015

Sepp Blatter won a fifth term as FIFA president, while people around the world called for him to resign. The soccer organization has been rocked this week by arrests and corruption charges.

The 65th FIFA annual congress took place in Zurich, Switzerland. It is the same city where U.S. and Swiss authorities arrested senior FIFA officials at their luxury hotel two days ago.

An official casts his ballot in the vote to decide on the FIFA presidency in Zurich, Switzerland, May 29, 2015.

The voting went beyond the first round before Mr. Blatter's only opponent, Prince Ali bin al Hussein of Jordan, gave up and said Mr. Blatter had won. The U.S. and European organizations backed Prince Ali and had called for change at the top of FIFA.

The 79-year-old Mr. Blatter has been the leader of FIFA since 1998. Several current vice-presidents under Mr. Blatter are among the 14 officials charged with corruption. The U.S. government says the crimes date back 24 years. Mr. Blatter says he did not do anything wrong, and he has not been charged with any crimes.

After winning the vote, Mr. Blatter said, \to bring back FIFA.\

Calls for Blatter to step down

In Berlin before the vote, Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron called for Mr. Blatter to step down, saying \that happens the better.\in this organization and pretend that the person currently leading it is the right person to take it forward.\

Two major European football associations also had called on Mr. Blatter to resign before Friday's election. But he refused to do so. Instead, Mr. Blatter called for unity among the FIFA members and he promised to work to overcome the group's problems if he is re-elected.

Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized the U.S. corruption case. In televised comments he said that the case is an attempt by the U.S. to spread its legal control to other countries. American law says that if some part of the crime took place in the United States, then U.S. officials can arrest foreign citizens involved in those crimes.

Mr. Putin also said it was an \supports Mr. Blatter as head of FIFA.

More investigations on FIFA ahead

The U.S. Justice Department charged 14 people with racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering, among other offenses. All of these crimes, officials say go back to 1991. The defendants are alleged to have paid well over $150 million in bribes and kickbacks. They made those payments so they could get media and marketing rights to international soccer tournaments.

In addition to the U.S. case, Swiss authorities are conducting a separate investigation. They are looking into charges connected to the awarding of the 2018 World Cup to Russia and 2022 World Cup to Qatar.

Germany's Justice Minister Heiko Maas spoke to the German daily Bild on Friday. He said those World Cup decisions can't stand if it turns out that votes were bought. Qatar said its bid for the World Cup was done with \

Britain's Serious Fraud Office said Friday it is examining information about possible corruption at FIFA. But it has not begun a formal criminal investigation. The United Nations is reviewing its partnerships with FIFA following the corruption reports, a U.N. spokesman said Thursday.

Businesses to review sponsorships

Meanwhile, business sponsors are saying they might pull their support of the soccer organization. The credit card company Visa issued a statement expressing \would look at its sponsorship of FIFA.

Coca-Cola said it has repeatedly expressed concerns about the allegations. It said it expects FIFA to thoroughly examine the issues. Adidas called on the soccer organization to \Budweiser and McDonald's also are reconsidering their sponsorships.

I'm Anne Ball.

Anne Ball reported and wrote this story. Hai Do was the editor.


Words in This Story

corruption – n. dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people

luxury – adj. situation of wealth and great comfort

