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三、拓展导学(二)学习“天地人”1.出示甲骨文的“天”,猜猜是什么字;2.出示“天”,读一读;3.配合图片,结合甲骨文,教师讲解“天”的本义;4.认识田字格中的“天”,初步感受汉字书写的美;5.同“天”的教学方法类似,教学“地、人”;6.读一读《三字经》中“三才者,天地人;三光者,日月星”, 了解“天地人”的含义。三才,就是天、地、人。 天地人合一,有了这三个方面,世界才开始。(三)学习“你我他”1.出示三个小朋友做游戏的图片,认识“你我他”三个生字;2.根据句式:“你是______,我是______,他是_____, 我们都是______________。 ” 上台做小朋友互相认识的口语交际小游戏。3.课中操:大家看幻灯片起立唱一唱《你的名字叫什么》,在歌唱中巩固生字“你我”。(四)巩固游戏1. 摘苹果游戏:可重复玩几次;2.找朋友游戏:找找图片中认识的字,学习在生活中认识更多的字宝宝;3. 开火车游戏:除了读图片上的词语,还可以给“天地人你我他”找更多的朋友(口头组词)。 四、反馈导学小朋友们,通过这节课的学习,你认识了哪些字宝宝?希望你们在以后的每天里,无论在哪里遇到这些字宝宝,以及其它你认识的,想认识的字宝宝,都留心读一读,比一比谁交到的字宝宝朋友最多。 第二课时 一、巩固生字 1.我会认。 变序抽取字卡,学生开火车读,全班齐读。 做找朋友游戏。 2.我会记。 你是怎么记住这些字的? 全班交流。鼓励学生用自己喜欢的方法识记。 3.我会用。 摘果子说词语或句子。














please read all instructions very carefully before you begin.

this is the pac – baseline it aptitude assessment.

it is composed of 45 questions divided into 6 sections used to evaluate your fundamental knowledge and skills in mathematics, it reasoning, english (reading comprehension and sentence structure), attention to detail and logic diagramming.

you will have 40 minutes to complete this assessment. please note that once you have completed a question you will not be able to return to it in order to make changes.

all questions carry equal points and no points will be deducted for wrong answers.

assessment breakdown

section time questions

math reasoning 10 10

sentence structure 5 10

it reasoning 5 5

reading comprehension 7 5

attention to detail 5 10

logic diagramming 8 5

assessment totals 40 minutes 45 questions

if you would like to take a break, you may do so at any time and for any length, between sections or assessments. when you do choose to take a break, your progress will be automatically resumed upon your return.

assessment: baseline it aptitude

section purpose

the purpose of this section is to test your basic math skills.

section instructions

this is the math reasoning section. it is designed to test your ability to understand and implement mathematical principles within concrete circumstances.

use the information presented in each question to solve the problem.

you will have 10 minutes to complete the 10 questions in this section.

if you would like to take a break, please do so now. clicking the button below will start your assessment.


math reasoning

the average annual contribution per donor to a charity is $150. at the end of every year, the charity deposits the amount in a bank which offers 10% interest annually. for the first year there are 100 contributors. if the number of contributors rises by 10 every year and the average contribution rises by $20 every year, then what is the amount saved by the charity at the end of 3 years?





question number 2

a sports dealer bought 200 basketballs at a total price of $700. if 10% were found to be defective, 20% were to be donated to local charities, and 10% were to be sold at a discounted price of $3.00, at what price should the rest be sold if the dealer has to make an overall profit of 20%?





the distance between 2 cities is 1600 kilometers (km). bill drove at 50 km per hour and rested for an hour every four hours. what was his approximate average speed including stoppage time?

45 km/hr

43 km/hr

40 km/hr

41 km/hr

a grocer uses a false weight in order to sell an item at 25% additional profit, but is in turn underpaid by a customer by 20%. what is the net impact of this transaction for the grocer?

5% loss

there is no impact

5% profit

cannot be determined

andy is 25% more efficient than barry who is 20% more efficient than colin. barry takes 12 days more than andy to complete a project if either works alone. if colin works alone on that project for 36 days and andy then works alone on it for 16 days, then how many days would barry working alone take to complete it?





(5x+10)/(x+2) = (3x-10)/(2x+5), then what is x?




-2 or -5

the price of an article was first marked down by one-third and then marked up by one-third. if the final price of the article is $400, what was the original price of the article?





the price of an article was first marked down by one-third and then marked up by one-third. if the final price of the article is $400, what was the original price of the article?





what is 134 x 220 in the number system with base 5?






the price of fuel goes up by 20%, so patty reduces her consumption so that her expenditure on fuel rises by only 8%. by what percentage does she reduce her consumption?





the gross monthly income of two salesmen alex and barry are in the ratio 3:4 and their monthly expenditure is in the ratio of 4:5. find the ratio of their net income (net income = gross income – expenditure) given that alex’s expenditure is 1/6th of his gross income.





sentence structure

identify the correct sentence structure

sentence structure(这个很简单,我就不整了)就类似与下面这种题目,这是我做的第一个 she was glad she had gotten the immunization, as there was recently a(n) _______ at the school.





it reasoning

section purpose

the purpose of this section is to measure your it reasoning ability by testing your understanding of abstract math and logic concepts.

section instructions

this is the it reasoning section. it is designed to test your understanding of the principles of logic. you will be presented with a variety of questions that you must solve using principles of logic.

you will have 5 minutes to complete the 5 questions in this section.

if you would like to take a break, please do so now. clicking the button below will start your assessment

x sweets are divided by a father among 4 children, such that each child gets as many sweets as his or her age in years. if the difference in age between each of the children from the next younger or older sibling is 2 years and the youngest child is a years old, which of the following represents how many sweets remained after the distribution?





the speed of a boat in still water is s. the speed of the current is c. which of the following expressions best represents the total time taken by the boat to cover a distance d between two points named a and b, both ways, i.e. with and against the current?



d/(s+c) + d/(s-c)

(a-b)/(s+c) + (b-a)/(s-c)

the price charged by a tailor per suit is $x. navy blue suits are charged at 10% extra. the tailor also gives a discount of $y for each suit in excess of 3 suits, ordered at the same time. if i order 7 suits, 5 of them black and 2 of them navy blue, then what will be the amount of the bill?

7x – 4y

7.2x – 4y

7.7x – 4y

7(x – y)

there are two bags, the first containing r red marbles and the second containing b blue marbles. from the first bag x marbles are randomly selected and transferred to the second bag, and then from the second bag, y marbles are randomly selected and transferred to the first bag. after this, the likely number of red marbles in the first bag is:



渤海船舶职业学院 2017年单独招生考试综合试题

第一部分 语文


1.选出下列各组语句中句意明确、没有语病的一句是( )

A. 网络的诱惑令现代人无法拒绝,即使昂贵的网上消费又令网迷们心痛不已。

B. 小明的年龄恰巧比他父亲的小一倍。

C. 汽车质量的好坏,是安全行驶的重要保证。

D. 电子计算机在运算速度方面有着人所无法相比的优越性。

2.下列各组词语中有错别字的一组是( )

A. 心甘情愿,一塌糊涂

C. 无上光荣,情不自禁 B. 忐忑不安, 战战兢兢 D. 一笔钩消 ,大现身手

3.。下列句子中对加点词的解释,不正确的一项是( )

A. 故不积跬步,无以至千里 跬:半步

B. 不积小流,无以成江海无以:没有

C. 驽马十驾,功在不舍 驽:马质性钝劣

D. 锲而不舍,金石可镂 锲:用刀刻

4.下列各组词语中加点字的注音不正确的一组是( )

A. 繁衍(yǎn ) 媲(pì)美

C. 困窘(jiǒng) 模(mó)拟 B. 耿(gēn)介魅(měi)力 D. 粗糙(cāo)昭(zhāo)示


A. 举例子B. 打比方C. 拟人 D. 列数字

6.子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫!不舍昼夜。”其中“逝者”指的是( )

A. 失去的人 B. 消逝的时光C. 流淌的水D. 消逝的友情

7.2017年2月中央电视台播出了《朗读者》这期节目,其中濮存昕朗读了《我的母亲》。这篇文章的作者是( )

A. 朱自清 B. 郁达夫 C. 鲁迅 D. 老舍

8.下列汉字形体演变次序排列正确的是哪一项?( )

A. 甲骨文、小篆、楷书、行书、隶书

B. 甲骨文、小篆、隶书、楷书、行书

C. 甲骨文、隶书、小篆、楷书、行书

D. 隶书、甲骨文、小篆、行书、楷书

9.“商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花”一诗的作者是谁?( )

A. 杜牧 B. 李商隐 C. 李清照 D. 王安石

10.下列句子中加点的成语使用不正确的一项是( )

A. 人类的智慧是无穷无尽的。

B. 校园四周树木繁茂,使我走投无路,赞叹不已。

C. 一代又一代中国学者以几乎是前仆后继的精神,在这片落后的国土传播文明的种子。

D. 机器佣人殷勤地为主人做这做那,真像一个忠心耿耿又聪明乖巧的仆人

11.填入下列横线处的关联词正确的一项是( )

一生中能够有这样两个发现,该是很够了。 只能做出一个这样的发现,也已经是幸福的了。但是马克思在他研究的每一个领域, 在数学领域,都有独到的发现,这样的领域是很多的, 其中任何一个领域他都不是浅尝辄止。


C. 尽管即使况且B. 即使甚至而且 D. 甚至即使况且

12.下列语句中,没有错别字的一项是( )

A. 陈设内窥隔膜斟酌增减

C. 嘈杂借债博取闲情逸至 B. 蜿蜒笼络约略不辩四时 D. 抖擞高卧 镶嵌杀一警百

13.“鸿鹄传书”一词,源自于以下哪个历史故事?( )

A. 苏武牧羊B. 文姬归汉C. 楚汉相争D. 岳飞抗金

14.名句“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”出自谁的文章?( )

A. 文天祥 B. 辛弃疾 C. 范仲淹 D. 苏轼

15.成语“半斤八两”中的“斤”和“两”是古代重量单位,其中一斤合现在的多少两?( )

A. 六两 B. 八两 C. 十两 D. 十六两

16下列哪一历史人物与“指鹿为马”这一典故有关?( )

A. 韩信 B. 项羽 C. 赵高 D. 刘邦

17.伟大的思想家、教育家孔子的故乡是下列哪座城市?( )

A. 山东济南B. 山东曲阜C. 山东泰安D. 江苏徐州

18.下列有关文学常识的表述不正确的一项是( )

A. 人物描写包括肖像描写、语言描写、动作描写、心理描写。

B. 环境描写包括自然环境描写和社会环境描写。

C. 要写好说明文,我们首先要学会准确把握事物的特征。

D. 便条的格式包括:正文、结尾、署名和日期四部分。

19..典故“名落孙山”的“孙山”指的是谁?( )

A. 中榜人的名字 B. 落榜人的名字 C. 大山的名字D. 主考官的名字

20.中国人自称为“炎黄子孙”,其中“黄”指的是什么?( )

A. 黄河B. 黄土C. 黄山D. 黄帝


A. 神话故事B. 地理著作C. 人物传记D. 文人随笔


A. 差的让人不能接受B. 勉勉强强还说得过去

C. 强迫他人接受自己的意见D.让人接受差的


A. 子——兔B. 巳——蛇C. 酉——猴D. 申——鸡

24.电影《一江春水向东流》的片名系取自我国古代一位词人的词作。这位词人是( )

A. 辛弃疾 B. 李煜 C. 宴殊 D. 李清照

25.“志士不饮盗泉之水,( )不受嗟来之食”。

A. 智者 B. 廉者 C. 仁者 D. 学者

26.“诗中有画”、“画中有诗”一句是谁对谁的评论?( )

A. 钟嵘对陶渊明 B. 苏轼对王维C. 欧阳修对李白 D. 王国维对苏轼

27. “三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月”是谁的词句?( )

A. 岳飞 B. 辛弃疾 C. 陆游 D. 李商隐


A. 《中庸》B. 《尚书》C. 《春秋》D. 《左传》


A. 水生蕨类植物 B. 浮游动物C. 乔木 D. 菌类植物


A. 春色 B. 梨花 C. 雪景 D. 雨景


A. 荀子 B. 老子 C. 孙子 D. 孟子


A. 马 B. 乌鸦 C. 野鸭 D. 老鹰


A. 孟郊、李白B. 贺知章、杜甫 C. 贾岛、杜甫D. 孟郊、陆游


A. 郭沫若的《女神》

B. 胡适的《尝试集》 D. 艾青的《大堰河》 C. 徐志摩的《志摩的诗》

35.子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而( )。”

A. 知天命 B. 耳顺 C. 不惑 D. 耄耋


1.鲁迅发表的第一部白话小说不是( )

A. 《阿Q正传》 B. 《狂人日记》 C. 《孔乙己》D. 《药》

2. 下列作者与“黔驴技穷”这一寓言故事没有关系的是( )

A. 庄子 B. 柳宗元 C. 韩愈 D. 荀子

3. “文官不爱钱,武官不惜死,果如公言,宋室何至南渡;罪名莫须有,忠冢栖霞山,长留人愿,国魂几时北来。” 这幅对联描写的历史人物不是下列哪个选项( )

A. 岳飞 B. 辛弃疾 C. 范仲淹 D. 陆游

4.下列作者与作品匹配正确的是( )

A. 契诃夫——《套中人》

B. 卡夫卡——《变形记》 D. 莫泊桑——《死亡与罗盘》 C. 海明威——《乞力马扎罗的雪》

5.“但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度”选项错误的是( )

A. 阴山 B. 边关 C. 燕山 D. 华山

6.李白诗作《送孟浩然之广陵》中的“广陵”不是现在的( )

A. 广州 B. 扬州 C. 福州 D. 南京

7.唐人诗句“千山万壑赴荆门,生长明妃尚有村”的作者和句中人物与以下选项没关的是( )

A. 白居易、杨贵妃 B. 李商隐、武则天 C. 李贺、嫦娥

8.与下列成语相关的人物匹配正确的是( )

A. 举案齐眉——孟光

C. 击楫中流——祖逖 B. 囊萤映雪——孙敬 D. 杜甫、王昭君 D. 枕戈待旦——刘琨

9.“杜郎俊赏,算而今重到须惊。”中的“杜郎”指的不是( )

A. 杜甫 B. 杜牧 C. 杜荀鹤 D. 李白

10.下列作品表达爱国主题的是( )

A. 《示儿》

B. 《满江红》 C. 《少年维特之烦恼》D. 《骆驼祥子》

11.“诗三百”指的不是( )

A. 《诗经》B. 唐诗三百首 C. 乐府诗D. 古诗三百首

12.“不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步”不是( )的诗句

A. 苏轼 B. 毛泽东C. 曹操 D. 岳飞

13.“待到山花烂漫时她在丛中笑”中“她”指的不是( )

A. 梅花 B. 迎春花C. 牡丹花D. 荷花

14.“落花流水”一词的本意形容的不是( )季节的景象

A. 深秋 B. 寒冬 C. 残春 D. 盛夏

15.《中国诗词大会》第二季中诞生的冠军是年仅16岁的高中生武亦姝。这个结果表明中华传统文化之根没有断裂,00后也不全是大家想象那样,( )知道玩手机,( )不知书本。下列选项填入后不正确的是( )

A. 虽然,更

B. 只,而C. 不但,而且 D. 不但,也

第二部分 船舶


1. ABS,全称:American Bureau of Shipping,成立于1862年,属非政府组织,主要致力于为公共利益和客户需求服务,通过开发和验证海洋相关设施的设计、建造和操作标准,保护人命、财产和自然环境的安全。它的中文名称为( )。

A.中国船级社 B.韩国船级社 C.日本海事协会 D.美国船级社

2.我国第一艘服役航母“辽宁舰”是由下列哪艘舰艇改建而成的( )。

A.明斯克号B.瓦良格号C.新罗西斯克号 D.基辅号

3. 2017年1月,国内船企为台湾中国航运股份有限公司建造的20.8万吨散货船“中华伟业”轮命名并交付。该国内企业为( )。


B.渤海造船厂 D.上海江南造船厂 C.上海外高桥造船厂



5.指出下图的海洋结构物名称( )。

