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目 录

1 绪论 ................................................................ 1 2 无线通讯 ............................................................ 1 2.1 无线电的发送 ........................................................ 2 2.2 无线电的接收 ........................................................ 2 2.3 无线通信距离的计算 .................................................. 3 2.4 无线电传输优点 ...................................................... 4 2.5 调频波 .............................................................. 4 3 系统设计 ............................................................ 6 3.1 总体设计方案 ........................................................ 6 3.2 方案论证与比较 ...................................................... 7 4 单元电路设计 ........................................................ 9 4.1 音频无线发射电路的设计 .............................................. 9 4.2 音频无线接收电路的设计 ............................................. 13 4.3 电源模块设计 ....................................................... 19 5 系统测试 ........................................................... 20 5.1 分级调试 ........................................................... 20 5.2 统调 ............................................................... 21 5.3 发射机频率测试和峰值功率测试 ....................................... 21 5.4 测试使用的仪器 ..................................................... 22 6 结论 ................................................................ 23 参考文献 .............................................................. 24 致 谢 ................................................................ 25 英文资料及中文翻译 .................................................... 26

1 绪论




2 无线通讯






2.1 无线电的发送


振荡器 直 流 电 源 (a)方框图 (b)发射电流波形

图2-1 无线电报发射机的基本原理图

电键 时间

i 发射 天线

2.2 无线电的接收




图2-2 直接放大式接收机方框图

2.3 无线通信距离的计算



Los?32.44?20lgd(Km)?20lgf(MHz) (2.1) Los是传播损耗,单位为dB







Los = 115dB 。


d=30.974公里 。




d=1.742公里 。

2.4 无线电传输优点

无线通讯方式与有线通讯相比主要有如下优点: ⑴ 成本廉价

有线通信方式的建立必须架设电缆,或挖掘电缆沟,因此需要大量的人力和物力;而用无线电台建立无线语音传输方式则无须架设电缆或挖掘电缆沟,只需要在每个终端连接无线电台和架设适当高度的天线就可以了。相比之下用无线电建立语音传输通道,节省了人力物力,投资是相当节省的。当然在一些近距离的语音通讯系统中,无线的通讯方式并不比有线的方式成本低,但是有时候实际的现场环境难以布线,客户根据现场环境的需要还是会选用无线的方式来实现通讯。 ⑵ 建设工程周期短

当要把相距数公里到数十公里距离的远程站点相互连接通讯的时候,采用有线的方式,必须架设长距离的电缆或者挖掘漫长的电缆沟,这个工程周期可能就需要数个月的时间,而用无线发射接收系统建立无线语音传输的方式,只需要架设适当高度的天线,工程周期只需要几天或者几周就可以,相比之下,无线的方式可以迅速组建起通信链路,工程周期大大缩短。 ⑶ 适应性好

有线通讯的局限性太大,在遇到一些特殊的应用环境,比如遇到山地、湖泊、林区等特殊的地理环境或是移动物体等布线比较困难的应用环境的时候,将对有线网络的布线工程有着极强的制约力,而用无线发射接收系统建立无线语音传输方式将不受这些限制,所以说用无线发射接收系统建立专用无线语音传输方式将比有线通讯有更好的更广泛的适应性,几乎不受地理环境限制。 ⑷ 扩展性好

在用户组建好一个通讯网络后,常常因为系统的需要增加新的设备。如果采用有线的方式,需要重新的布线,施工比较麻烦,而且还有可能破坏原来的通讯线路,但是如果采用无线电台建立无线语音传输方式,只需将新增设备与无线电台相连接就可以实现系统的扩充了,相比之下有更好的扩展性。 ⑸ 设备维护上更容易实现


2.5 调频波





U?(t)?U?mcos?t (2.2)载波信号为

(2.3) UC(t)?UCmcos?Ct 调频时,载波电压振幅度Ucm 不变,而载波瞬时间频率则随调制信号规律变化,即为

(2.4) ?(t)??c?KfU?(t)??c???(t) 式中ωc为载波角频率,又称为调频波中心频率;

Kf为比例常数表示载波频率变化随调制信号变化的程度大小。 其值由调频电路决定,单位是弧度/秒2伏(rad/s2v);

??(t)?KfU?(t)为瞬时角频率相对于中心频率的频率偏移,简称频偏。最大频偏与调制信号的振幅成正比,而与调制信号的频率无关。这是调频波的基本特征。 调频后载波瞬时相位也会产生变化,其瞬时相位为

tt(2.5) ??t???0?(t)dt??ct?kf?0U?(t)dt??ct???(t)

式中,ωct 为未调频时载波相位;


为调频后,瞬时相位相对于?ct的相位偏移。 调频波的数字表示式为

t(2.6) UFM?t??Ucos[?ct?Kf?0U?(t)dt]

根据(2.6)式可画出调频波的波形图,如图2-3所示。 调制信号 载波 调频波 图2-3 调频波的形成




3 系统设计

3.1 总体设计方案



表3-1 调幅和调频优缺点比较 调幅(AM) 调频(FM) 1.传送音频频带较宽(100Hz—5KHz)适宜于高保真优 1. 传播距离远,覆盖面大 点 2. 电路相对简单 音乐广播 2.抗干扰性强,内设限幅器除去幅度干扰 3.应用范围广,用于多种信息传递 4.可实现立体声广播 缺 点 1.传送音频频带窄 (200Hz—2500Hz),高音缺乏 传播衰减大,覆盖范围小 2.传播中易受干扰,噪声大 设计要求:

⑴ 设计发射频率在32MHz左右,无线发射机传送信号的输入采用线路输入方式,采用了分立元件构成音频无线发射电路。

⑵ 设计采用一个接收频率与无线发射机相对应的接收机,接收机采用第三代立体声放收音机电路CXA1238组成的单片收音机,用扬声器收听语音信号。 ⑶ 送信号正弦波在300Hz~3400Hz时,系统发射功率20mW左右。


⑷ 线发射接收机室内通信距离(两设备间的最近距离)不小于5米。 ⑸ 线发射接收机收发天线采用拉杆天线或导线,长度小于等于1米。 ⑹ 系统可实现无明显失真的语音传输。

3.2 方案论证与比较

3.2.1 音频无线发射电路设计方案论证与选择



图3-1 MC2833电路基本框图



图3-2 BA1404电路基本框图


左声道输入 调频 电路 放大 电路 射频 输出 7


音频输入振荡调制电路调谐放大功率放大射频输出 图3-3 分立元件调频电路框图

综上所述,本设计选择方案3,即利用分立元件构成音频无线发射电路。 3.2.2 音频无线接收电路设计方案论证与比较

方案1:采用芯片MC3362 。该芯片是美国MOTOROLA公司生产的单片窄带调频接收电路,主要应用于语音通讯和数据传输的无线接收机。调频接收电路框图如图3-4所示。MC3362片内包含振荡电路、混频电路、限幅放大器、积分鉴频器、场强指示驱动及载频检波电路等电路。具有低供电电压、低功耗、灵敏度高等特点,主要应用于语音和数字通讯的接收设备。但是该电路较多用于调频广播接收,在要求的频段内进行调试相对困难。


本振1 本振2 中放1 中放2 鉴频 低放 图3-4 MC3362调频接收电路框图


图3-5 CXA1019S调频接收电路框图



高放中放 鉴频 低放 本振 综上所述,本设计选择方案3,即采用CXA1238S构成的FM解调电路。

4 单元电路设计

4.1 音频无线发射电路的设计

本设计中的声音调频发射部分采用常用分立元件构成电路。下面分别从LC电路的基本工作原理、正弦波振荡电路的振荡条件和考毕兹振荡器的模型及在设计电路中的应用方面入手对发射单元电路进行分析。 4.1.1 LC电路的基本工作原理

⑴ 构成一个LC振荡器必须具备下列三个条件:

① 一套振荡回路,包含两个(或两个以上)储能元件。在这两个元件中,当一个释放能量时,另一个就接收能量。释放与接收能量可以往返进行,其频率决定于元件的数值。

② 一个能量来源,可以补充由振荡回路电阻所产生的能量的损失。在晶体管振荡器中,这能源就是直流电源Vcc。

③ 一个控制设备,可以使电源功率在正确的时刻补充电路的能量损失,以维持等幅振荡。这是由有源器件(电子管、晶体管或集成块等)和正反馈电路完成的[3]。 ⑵ LC振荡器起振条件

① 相位平衡条件:Xce和Xbe必需为同性质的电抗,Xcb必需为异性质的电抗,且它们之间满足下列关系:


|XL|?|XC|,???1 LCbXbe+Vf_ceXce+Vo_Xcb② 幅度起振条件

qm?Fu *qie?1(qoe?q'L)Au 图4-1 三点式振荡器


Fu——反馈系数, AU——放大器的增益,


qoe——晶体管的输出电导, q'L——晶体管的等效负载电导,



4.1.2 正弦波振荡电路的振荡条件


(a)正反馈放大电路的方框图 (b)正弦波振荡电路的方框图

图4-2 正弦波振荡电路的方框图


X?f??基本放大 电路 A ?A ?反馈网络 F ?F? ????????X??o?X?f??1

Xa??XaXo或AF?1 (4.1) 在上式中,仍设A?A??a,F?F??f,则可得


即AF?AF?1 (4.2) 和?a??f?2n?, n?0,1,2,? (4.3) 式(4.2)称为振幅平衡条件,而式(4.3)则称为相位平衡条件,这是正弦波振荡电路产生持续振荡的两个条件。


????值得注意的是,无论是负反馈放大电路的自激条件(-AF?1 )。或振荡电路的振荡条件(AF?1 ),都是要求环路增益等于1。不过,由于反馈信号送到比较环节输入端的+、-符号不同,所以环路增益各异,从而导致相位条件不一致。


欲使振荡电路能自行建立振荡,就必须满足AF?1的条件。这样,在接通电源后,振荡电路就有可能自行起振,或者说能够自激,最后趋于稳态平衡[5]。 4.1.3 考毕兹振荡器的模型及在设计电路中的应用 ⑴ 电容三点式振荡器


(a) 考毕兹振荡器 (b) 交流等效电路

图4-3 电容三端振荡器电路(考毕兹振荡器)


C2Ec??????????bcC1eL1bceC1L1C2⑵ 考毕兹振荡器的设计模型


f?12?LC (4.4)

电容C为C1C2 串联的等效电容

C?C1C2 (4.5)



f?12?LCC3L1C2576R1 C1R2R3C?C3?C1C2 L=22Mh C1?C2所以 f=1.8 1.9 ? 2.4 MHZ 图4-4 电容三点振荡 4.1.4 发射单元电路分析






图4-5 调频无线发射电路图

对高频而言,Q1基极是接地的,所以是共基极电路。集电极-基极间的PN结处于反向偏压状态,结电容Cb’c相当于并联L1 C3谐振回路两端,能影响振荡频率。调制电压加于Q1基极,以改变Q1的基极电位,使集电极与基极间的反向偏压发生了变化,从而使极间电容Cb’c跟随调制电压而变,这就实现了调频。此电路的中心频率可通过回路可变电容C3来进行调整,工作在32MHz。





式中,C??C5C7?C3?Cb?c?11pF (4.9)

C5?C71得: L1??2?f0?2C??2.2?H (4.10)


4.2 音频无线接收电路的设计

4.2.1 接收机电路方框图

下面介绍接收机电路图的功能块电路的作用: ① 调谐(即选台)与变频



输入回路 混频 中放 解调 放大 本振

图4-6 接收机电路方框图

各电台发射的载波频率均不相同,收音机的选频回路通过调谐,改变自身的振荡频率,当振荡频率与某电台的载波频率相同时,即可选中该电台的无线信号,从而完成选台。选出的信号并不是立即送到检波级,而是要进行频率的变换。利用本机振荡产生的频率与外接收到的信号进行差频,输出固定的中频信号(AM的中频为465KHz,FM的中频为10.7MHz)。 ② 中频放大与检波

选台、变频后的中频调制信号送入中频放大电路进行中频放大,然后再进行检波,取出调制信号。 ③ 低频放大与功率放大

解调后得到的音频信号经低频放大和功率放大电路放大后送到扬声器或加到耳机,完成电声转换[7]。 4.2.2 芯片资料

⑴ TDA2822芯片的管脚:


12345678INPUT+(1)INPUT+(2)NCINPUT-(1)GNDGNDNCINPUT-(2)GNDGND161514131211109 1、放大器1输出;




5、放大器2输入负端 6、放大器2输入正端 7、放大器1输入正端 8、放大器1输入负端


图4-7 TDA2822芯片的管脚


+VSC310uF81IN( L )6R110k3C1100uFC41000uFC60.1uFC5111000uFC70.1uFRLRL16IN( R)R210k14C2100uF4.5.12.13

图4-8 TDA2822用于立体声放的应用电路

⑵ CXA1238的详细资料

CXA1238是性能优良的收音集成电路,内部有AM、FM的高放、混频、中放、检波、鉴频以及FM立体声解码、自动频率控制电路等功能, CXA1238和其他公司的同类收音IC相比,听觉效果也更理想。


图4-9 集成芯片CXA1238S内部框图





4脚是立体声解码信号的检测与指示,收到立体声后灯会亮; 5、6脚分别是左右声道音频信号输出;

7脚为供电脚,输入2-8V的直流电压可以正常工作; 8脚为内部电源滤波;




13脚FM中频信号输入,信号放大后再经过鉴频(调频解调)取出音频信号; 14脚AM中频信号输入,信号放大后再经过检波(调幅解调)取出音频信号; 15脚AM、FM的波段转接,用于AM波段时应直接接地;

16脚FM/AM中频信号输入,然后由不同的选频器选出AM、FM的信号; 17脚公共脚接地;



20脚FM天线信号选台放大,FM收音的灵敏度、选择性由本脚的电感和电容决定; 21脚内部基准稳压电路1.25V,高放振荡偏置;




25脚静音功能,调台过程中,没调准时噪音大时自动减小音量; 26脚FM鉴频器滤波器,目的是为了还原调频的音频信号;


28脚控制电压滤波[9]。 4.2.3 接收机电路分析





R20RES2R19100KC32L347pC31680pVD1BB910C3333pL4C3418pC5680pVD2BB910C353pWFosc outC24103C2310uL1L2C2582pC27C2682p82pC9RP2(R4)Y110.7KHzCM3.3uR310010u10KSPEAKER1R53029282726252423222120191817162.2KC10R144.7C25C114.7uC241000u1TDA2822IC CXA1238S1234567891011121314150.4u0.1uC27R138765C291u220KC12C13R67.5KC1633uC19C260.1R154.7C2910uVccC301000uR1710KR1610KR10330Bz10.7MHzC320.01u2C2831000u40.1uC310.1u0.01uR91KC171uC184.7u0.1uTDA28221000uC14R80.01u1KR77.5KLED1SPEAKER2LED2C15100uVcc 图4-10 音频无线接收电路图



经检波后的立体声复合信号(或单声道信号),由IC内直流放大器放大、滤波后变换成AGC/AFC控制电压,由10脚输出,通过R1反馈至23脚,用于控制内接变 容管的等效电容,以达到修正本振频率的作用。改变外接电容C7的容量,可以调整AFC的引入范围。

立体声复合信号经放大后,分别送至立体声解调器、鉴相器1和鉴相器2。 鉴相器1、压控振荡器(VCO)和分频器组成锁相环。VCO产生76kHz的振荡信号,经二分频变成38kHz立体声解调开关信号,送至解调放大器。再经过二分频, 移相90°后的19kHz信号与复合信号中的19kHz导频信号在鉴相器1中进行相位比较, 输出一个误差电压。由外接滤波器(29脚和1脚之间)滤除高频成分后,用于控制VCO的振荡频率和相位,直至环路锁定。VCO的自由振荡频率可以通过27脚外接电阻来微调,从而调整跟踪导频信号的捕捉范围。


解调放大输出的左、右声道信号,分别从6脚和5脚输出,送给TDA2822双功放电路的输入端6脚和7脚。TDA2822采用8脚双列直插封装,体积小,外围元件少,工作电源电压范围2~9V,在VCC=6V时,输出功率为430mW/8Ω和240mW/16Ω;在VCC=4.5V时,输出功率为220mW/8Ω和125mW/16Ω。RP2为立体声双联电位器,控制左、右声道的音量,XS为立体声插座,可用于外接立体声耳机或一对小型音箱。(说明:本电路尽管提供了双声道信号的解码、放大输出,但该系统只使用了一个声道)。 4.2.4 音频无线接收电路印刷板方案


⑴ 尽可能缩短高频元器件间的距离,提高抗干扰性。 ⑵ 具有较大电位差的器件,应当加大它们之间的距离。

⑶ 要考虑信号流程保持一致即从左至右流向,电源流程与信号流程方向相反。 ⑷ 高频电路注意布线方向,注意分布参数,两层之间应尽量垂直布线。

⑸ 接地线应当适当的增加宽度,减少阻抗值,从而减少由于PCB版本身的阻抗对信号的干扰,增加系统的抗干扰性。



图4-11 音频无线接收电路印刷板图

4.3 电源模块设计

4.3.1 单元电源电路设计

为了能够让发射机更好,更稳定地工作,采用了图4-12所示发射机单元电源电路,由电源变压器、桥堆和滤波电容器所组成。电源变压器的初级电压输入为220V,次级输出电压为12V。由于发射主机所需的是12V电源,而接收电路所需的是5V电压,经滤波电容和三端稳压集成电路7812后得到发射机所需的12V电压,7812能将15V~25V的直流电压变换成12V的稳定电压,在12V的电压中含有少量的低频成分和接收外界的高频成分,再经后一级滤波后送三端稳压集成电路7805,7805能将大于7V~15V的直流电压变换成5V的稳定电压,所以电源电路送到7812的电源电压不能低于15V,否则发射机将得不到12V的工作电压。由于发射整机工作电流一般都在300~500毫安左右,一般来说要给三端稳压集成电路7812、7805加散热片。采用79系列的稳压片可得到-12V和-5V的直流电压。 4.3.2 直流稳压电源的检测





图4-12 发射机单元电源电路图


表4-1 稳压电源的测试结果 +12V直流稳压电源 输入级(原) 220V 滤波稳压输出 11.998 V 输出级 4.997V 5 系统测试

5.1 分级调试

⑴ 单工无线发射机调试:由于发射机线圈采用的是电视机中周改装而成,电视机中周的中频为38MHz,为了使电容电感在32MHz频点达到最佳匹配,需要调整L、C值。具体的调试方法为:在LC振荡电路中,把振荡产生的信号接入示波器,观察示波器,调节中周的磁芯改变L的值使示波器的频率读数达到32MHz左右。中周底部本身就含有一个电容,但是根据感抗值与容抗值相等,经计算需要增大电容值才能实现最佳匹配。所以可并联不同容值的电容,观察示波器波形,使幅度达到最大,则L、C实现最佳匹配。



⑵ 单工无线接收机调试:首先把接收机的本振和选频部分接入电路,把接收机的扬声器两路信号接入数字存储示波器。利用高频信号发生器进行信号发射,通过数字存储示波器观察波形。改变高频信号发生器的频率,同时注意观察示波器的波形,当示波器的信号幅度最大时,可以确定线圈的谐振点,然后改变线圈的磁芯,重新改变高频信号发生器的频率,同时观察示波器进行调整。当高频信号发生器的发射频率调至32MHz时,示波器的波形幅度调至最大,且波形无明显失真,完成接收机的调试。接收机不需要通过改变电容来改变回路的容抗值,是因为电路中有一个变容二极管,变容二极管主要通过改变两端的电压来改变它的容值。

5.2 统调

⑴ 用低频信号发生器给调频发射电路以一定频率的信号(一个300Hz~3400Hz的正弦波)接入无线发射机电路的音频输入点通过单工无线发射机进行发射,然后用调频接收机装置来接收,用示波器来检测调频接收输出的信号和信号源波形基本相同,这说明发射接收部分工作正常。


示波器 信号源 调频发 射装置 调频接 收装置

图5-1 统调的系统框图

⑵ 用CD机输入单工无线发射机一个音频信号,进行发射。通过接收机进行接收,把扬声器接入电路。通过微调整发射和接收机线圈进一步进行调整,使音乐的声音响度和清晰度得到改善。可以在发射电路正负电源之间适当的并联电容,进行滤波,减少杂波干扰,使音乐信号达到最佳的播放效果。

5.3 发射机频率测试和峰值功率测试


Pomax?Vop?p8RL2 (5.1)


图5-2 发射频率及峰值测试连接图


信号发生器 50Ω假负发射机 输出 数字存储示波器 5.4 测试使用的仪器


表5-1 测试使用仪器设备 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 名称、型号、规格 DF1640型1000MHz高频信号发生器 MY-65数字万用表 DF1731SD3A直流稳压电源 600DPI惠普激光打印机 DS5062数字存储示波器 DF1647低频信号发生器 数量 1 1 1 1 1 1 备注 带调幅、调频及外调制功能 30V 60MHz 10MHz


6 结论






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致 谢







Modulating Direct Digital Synthesizer in a QuickLogic FPGA

DDS Overview:

In the pursuit of more complex phase continuous modulation techniques, the control of the output waveform becomes increasingly more difficult with analog circuitry. In these designs, using a non-linear digital design eliminates the need for circuit board adjustments over yield and temperature. A digital design that meets these goals is a Direct Digital Synthesizer DDS. A DDS system simply takes a constant reference clock input and divides it down a to a specified output frequency digitally quantized or sampled at the reference clock frequency. This form of frequency control makes DDS systems ideal for systems that require precise frequency sweeps such as radar chirps or fast frequency hoppers. With control of the frequency output derived from the digital input word, DDS systems can be used as a PLL allowing precise frequency changes phase continuously. As will be shown, DDS systems can also be designed to control the phase of the output carrier using a digital phase word input. With digital control over the carrier phase, a high spectral density phase modulated carrier can easily be generated.

This article is intended to give the reader a basic understanding of a DDS design, and an understanding of the spurious output response. This article will also present a sample design running at 45MHz in a high speed field programmable gate array from QuickLogic.

A basic DDS system consists of a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) used to generate the output carrier wave, and a digital to analog converter (DAC) used to take the digital sinusoidal word from the NCO and generate a sampled analog carrier. Since the DAC output is sampled at the reference clock frequency, a wave form smoothing low pass filter is typically used to eliminate alias components. Figure 1 is a basic block diagram of a typical DDS system design.The generation of the output carrier from the reference sample clock input is performed by the NCO. The basic components of the NCO are a phase accumulator and a sinusoidal ROM lookup table. An optional phase modulator can also be include in the NCO design. This phase modulator will add phase offset to the output of the phase accumulator just before the ROM lookup table. This will enhance the DDS system design by adding the capabilities to phase modulate the carrier output of the NCO. Figure 2 is a detailed block diagram of a typical NCO design showing the optional phase modulator.

FIGURE 1: Typical DDS System. FIGURE 2: Typical NCO Design.


To better understand the functions of the NCO design, first consider the basic NCO design which includes only a phase accumulator and a sinusoidal ROM lookup table. The function of these two blocks of the NCO design are best understood when compared to the graphical representation of Euler’s formula ej wt = cos( wt) + jsin( wt). The graphical representation of Euler’s formula, as shown in Figure 3, is a unit vector rotating around the center axis of the real and imaginary plane at a velocity of wrad/s. Plotting the imaginary component versus time projects a sine wave while plotting the real component versus time projects a cosine wave. The phase accumulator of the NCO is analogous, or could be considered, the generator of the angular velocity component wrad/s. The phase accumulator is loaded, synchronous to the reference sample clock, with an N bit frequency word.

This frequency word is continuously accumulated with the last sampled phase value by an N bit adder. The output of the adder is sampled at the reference sample clock by an N bit register. When the accumulator reaches the N bit maximum value, the accumulator rolls over and continues. Plotting the sampled accumulator values versus time produces a saw tooth wave form as shown below in Figure 3. FIGURE 3 Euler’s Equation Represented Graphically

The sampled output of the phase accumulator is then used to address a ROM lookup table of sinusoidal magnitude values. This conversion of the sampled phase to a sinusoidal magnitude is analogous to the projection of the real or imaginary component in time. Since the number of bits used by the phase accumulator determines the granularity of the frequency adjustment steps, a typical phase accumulator size is 24 to 32 bits. Since the size of the sinusoidal ROM table is directly proportional to the addressing range, not all 24 or 32 bits of the phase accumulator are used to address the ROM sinusoidal table. Only the upper Y bits of the phase accumulator are used to address the sinusoidal ROM table, where Y < N bits and Y is typically but not necessarily equal to D, and D is the number of output magnitude bits from the sinusoidal ROM table.

Since an NCO outputs a carrier based on a digital representation of the phase and magnitude of the sinusoidal wave form, designers have complete control over frequency, phase, and even amplitude of the output carrier. By adding a phase port and a phase adder to the basic NCO design, the output carrier of the NCO can be M array phase modulated where M equals the number of phase port bits and where M is less than or equal to the Y number of bits used to address the sinusoidal ROM table. For system designs that require amplitude modulation such as QAM, a magnitude port can be added to adjust the sinusoidal ROM table output. Note that this port is not shown in Figure 2 and that this


feature is not demonstrated in the sample QuickLogic FPGA design. Finally, frequency modulation is a given with the basic NCO design. The frequency port can directly adjust the carrier output frequency. Since frequency words are loaded into the DDS synchronous to the sample clock, frequency changes are phase continuous.

Although DDS systems give the designer complete control of complex modulation synthesis, the representation of sinusoidal phase and magnitude in a non-linear digital format introduces new design complexities. In sampling any continuous-time signal, one must consider the sampling theory and quantization error.

To understand the effects of the sampling theory on a DDS system, it is best to look at the DDS synthesis processes in both the time and frequency domain. As stated above, the NCO generates a sinusoidal wave form by accumulating the phase at a specified rate and then uses the phase value to address a ROM table of sinusoidal amplitude values. Thus, the NCO is essentially taking a sinusoidal wave form and sampling it with the rising or falling edge of the NCO input reference sampling clock. Figure 4 shows the time and frequency domain of the NCO processing. Note that this representation does not assume quantization.

Based on the loaded frequency word, the NCO produces a set of amplitude output values at a set period. The frequency domain representation of this sinusoid is an impulse function at the specified frequency. The NCO, however, outputs discrete digital samples of this sinusoid at the NCO reference clock rate. In the time domain, the NCO output is a function of the sampling clock edge strobes multiplied by the sinusoid wave form producing a train of impulses at the sinusoid amplitude. In the frequency domain, the sampling strobes of the reference clock produce a train of impulses at frequencies of K times the NCO clock frequency where K = ... - 1, 0, 1, 2 .... Since the sampling clock was multiplied by the sinusoid in the time domain, the frequency domain components of the sinusoid and the sampling clock need to be convolved to produce the frequency domain representation of the NCO output.

The frequency domain results are the impulse function at the fundamental frequency of the sinusoid and the alias impulse functions occurring at K times the NCO clock frequency plus or minus the fundamental frequency. The fundamental and alias component occur at:

K*Fclk - Fout K*Fclk + Fout

Where K = ... -1, 0 , 1, 2 ..... and K = 0 is the NCO sinusoid fundamental frequency Fout is the specified NCO sinusoid output frequency Fclk is the NCO reference clock frequency


FIGURE 4 NCO Output Representation Time and Frequency Domain

The DAC of the DDS system takes the NCO output values and translates these values into analog voltages. Figure 4 shows the time and frequency domain representations of the DAC processing starting with the NCO output. The DAC output is a sample and hold circuit that takes the NCO digital amplitude words and converts the value into an analog voltage and holds the value for one sample clock period. The time domain plot of the DAC processing is the convolution of the NCO sampled output values with a pulse of one sample clock period. The frequency domain plot of the sampling pulse is a sin(x)/x function with the first null at the sample clock frequency. Since the time domain was convolved, the frequency domain is multiplied. This multiplication dampens the NCO output with the sin(x)/x envelope. This attenuation at the DAC output can be calculated as follows and a sample output spectrum is shown in Figure 5:

Atten(F) = 20log[(sin(pF/Fclk)/pF/Fclk)] Where F is the output frequency Fclk is the sample clock frequency

FIGURE 5: DAC Output Representation in Time and Frequency Domain

Aside from the sampling theory, the quantization of the real values into digital form must also be considered in the performance analysis of a DDS system. The spurious response of a DDS system is primarily dictated by two quantization parameters. These parameters are the phase quantization by the phase accumulator and the magnitude quantization by the ROM sinusoidal table and the DAC.

As mentioned above, only the upper Y bits of the phase accumulator are used to address the ROM lookup table. It should be noted, however, that using only the upper Y bits of the phase accumulator introduces a phase truncation. When a frequency word containing a non-zero value in the lower (N-Y-1:0) bits is loaded into the DDS system, the lower non-zero bits will accumulate to the upper Y bits and cause a phase truncation. The frequency at which the phase truncation occurs can be calculated by the following:

Ftrunc = FW(N-Y- 1:0)/2N-Y* Fclk.

A phase truncation will periodically (at the Ftrunc rate) phase modulate the output carrier forward 2p/28 to compensate for frequency word granularity greater than 2Y. The phase jump caused by the accumulation of phase truncated bits produces spurs around the fundamental.

These spurs are located plus and minus the truncation frequency from the fundamental frequency and the magnitude of the spurs will be - 20log(2Y)dBc. A sample output of a phase truncation spur is shown in Figure 5.

In a typical NCO design, the ROM sinusoidal table will hold a ? sine wave (0 , p/2)


of magnitude values. The ROM table is generated by taking all possible phase value addresses and map to a real magnitude sine value rounded to the nearest D bits. Thus, the maximum error output is ±- ? LSB giving a worst case spur of -20log(2D)dBc.

Like the NCO ROM table, a DAC quantizes the digital magnitude values. A DAC, however, outputs an analog voltage corresponding to the digital input value. When designing the NCO sinusoidal ROM table, one should take some empirical data on the DAC linearity to better understand the interaction between the ROM table and the DAC. The quantization for a DAC is specified against an ideal linear plot of digital input versus analog output. Two linearity parameters, differential and integral linearity, are used to specify a DAC’s performance.

Differential linearity is the output step size from bit to bit. A DAC must guarantee a differential linearity of a maximum 1 LSB. When an input code is increased, the DAC output must increase. If the DAC voltage does not increase versus an increase digital input value, the DAC is said to be missing codes. Thus, a 10 bit DAC that has a differential linearity of greater that 1 LSB is only accurate to 9 or less bits. The number of accurate output bits will specify the DDS spurious performance as -20log(2dl) where dl is the number differential linear bits..

Integral linearity is a measure of the DAC’s overall linear performance versus an ideal linear straight line. The straight line plot can be either a “best straight line” where DC offsets are possible at both the min and max outputs of the DAC, or the straight line can cross the end points of the min and max output values. A DAC will tend to have a characteristic curve that is traversed over the output range. Depending on the shape and symmetry (symmetry about the half way point of the DAC output) of this curve, output harmonics of the DDS fundamental output frequency will be produced. As these harmonics approach and cross the Nyquist frequency of Fclk/2, the harmonics become under sampled and reflect back into the band of interest, 0 to Fclk/2. This problem is best illustrated by setting the NCO output to Fclk/4 plus a slight offset. The third harmonic will fall minus 3 folds the small offset from the fundamental and the second harmonic will cross the Nyquist frequency by 2 folds the small offset leaving a reflected image back in the band of interest A sample plot of this frequency setup is shown in Figure 5.

Other DAC characteristic that will produce harmonic distortion is any disruption of the symmetry of the output wave form such as a different rise and fall time. These characteristics can typically be corrected by board components external to the DAC such as an RF transformer, board layout issues, attenuation pads etc.

Given the complexities of the DDS system, engineers should consider implementing


the design using separate devices for the numerically controlled oscillator, the digital to analog converter, and the low pass filter. This approach allows for signal observation at many points in the system, yet is compact enough to be practical as an end-solution. Alternatively, the discrete implementation can serve as a prototyping vehicle for a single-chip mixed signal ASIC.

The author developed a version of the design using a Harris HI5721 evaluation board for the DAC. The NCO at the heart of the DDS design, and a random generator to test signal modulation, was implemented into about 65% of a QuickLogic field programmable gate array (FPGA). This FPGA, a QL16x24B 4000-gate device, was chosen for its high performance, ease-of-use, and powerful development tools. The NCO design included following:

Developed in Verilog with the 8 bit CLA adder schematic captured and net listed to Verilog 32 bit frequency word input

32 phase accumulator pipelined over 8 bits 8 bit phase moudulation word input 8 bit sine ROM look-up table

The design was described mostly in Verilog, with an 8 bit carry look ahead adder modified from QuickLogic’s macro library netlisted to Verilog. The whole design cycle was less than four days (two days to describe the design and a day and a half to prototype the hardware). Everything worked perfectly the first time, with the design running at an impressive 45MHz as predicted by the software simulation tools.

Plots used in the article to illustrate DDS performance parameters were provided from the test configuration.

Figure 6 below shows the external IO interface to the NCO design .The function of each signal is described in the following table.

Signal Function Table FREQWORD[31:0] PHASEWORD[7:0] This input is the frequency control word to the NCO. This word controls the phase accumulator rate, and thus, the output frequency of the DACOUT sinusoidal wave form. The output carrier frequency is calculated by the following : This input is the phase modulation control word to the NCO. This word controls the phase offset following the phase accumulator. This phase offset is used to phase modulate the output carrier. 31

FWWRN This input is the low asserted frequency word write strobe. This strobe input registers the FREQWORD input on the rising edge. This strobe can be asynchronous to the SYSCLK. SYSCLK This is the reference system clock input to the NCO. This clock is the sampling clock of the output carrier. PNCLK This input is the pseudo-noise generator clock input. This clock sets the data rate of the I and Q data outputs. RESETN This input is a low asserted global reset. When asserted, the internal phase and frequency word registers are cleared stopping the output carrier at 0 radians. DACOUT[7:0] This output is the sinusoidal DAC amplitude word. This word is valid on the rising edge of the DACCLK. The sinusoidal wave form output is represented by the following : f(t) = sin(2pFout(t) + Pout) DACCLK This output is the DAC clock strobe. This clock is the SYSCLK feed back to an output pin compensating for the latency of the NCO IO pins. The DACOUT amplitude words will be valid on the rising edge of the DACCLK. SIN This output is a single bit digital sine wave output. This sine wave output comes from the MSB of the phase accumulator. The output frequency of this pin is controlled by the frequency word input. COS This output is a single bit digital cosine wave output. This cosine wave output comes form the MSB and next most significant bit of the phase accumulator. The output frequency of this pin is controlled by the frequency word input. MSIN This output is a single bit digital sine wave output. This sine wave output comes from the MSB of the phase modulator. The output frequency of this pin is controlled by the frequency word input and phase offset bythe phase word input. This sine wave output is the same as the SIN output with a phase offset of plus 2p/28 * PHASEWORD. MCOS This output is a single bit digital cosine wave output. This cosine wave output comes form the MSB and next most significant bit of the phase modulator. The output frequency of this pin is controlled by the frequency word input and the phase offset by the phase word input. This cosine 32

wave outputis the same as the COS output with a phase offset of plus 2p/28 * PHASEWORD. IDATA QDATA This output is a 25 - 1 pseudo noise random pattern. This output is not a functional part of the NCO design but used to demonstrate phasemodulation using the phase port. This output is a 25 - 1 pseudo noise random pattern. This output is not a functional part of the NCO design but used to demonstrate phase modulation using the phase port. Figure 6: The External IO Interface Top Level (dds.v)

The top level of the NCO design instantiates the functional blocks of the NCO design and the PN generator block.

PN Generator (pngen.v)

This module is not part of the NCO design but is used to produce a sample random data pattern to modulate the carrier output. This module uses the PNCLK input to clock two Gold code 5 bit PN generators. The outputs of the PN generators are IDATA and QDATA outputs.

The lower level block of this NCO design consist of a synchronous frequency word input register, a synchronous phase word input register, a 32 bit pipe lined phase accumulator, an 8 bit phase adder, and a sin lockup table. A detailed description of each of the NCO blocks and the PN generator are provided in the following sections.

Load Frequency Word (loadfw.v)

The load frequency word block is a synchronizing loading circuit. The FREQWORD[31:0] input drives a the data input to the 32 bit fwreg register that is sampled on the rising edge of the FWWRN write strobe. The FWWRN strobe also drives the data input to a metastable flip flop fwwrnm that is used in conjunction with a synchronous register fwwrns to produce a FWWRN rising edge strobe. This rising edge strobe loadp1 is then piped for an additional 3 clock cycles producing the load strobes loadp2, loadp3, and loadp4. The load strobes are used to signal when to update the synchronous pipe line 8 bit registers pipefw1, pipefw2, pipefw3, and pipefw4 to the sampled frequency word content. The pipe line registers are concatenated to produce the 32 bit synchronous frequency word output SYNCFREQ[31:0] that is staggered to compensate for the 32 bit pipe lined phase adder.


Phase Word Accumulator (phasea.v)

The phase accumulator block is a 32 bit accumulator that is pipe lined in 8 bit sections. This module instanciates a schematic captured carry lock ahead CLA adder that has a carry in and carry out port. The synchronous frequency word, staggered to match the pipe lined accumulator, is loaded into the B input of the CLA adders. The sum output of the CLA adders are registered in the pipe registered with the output tied back to the A input of the CLA adders. The carry output of the CLA adders is registered in the pipec registers with the output tied to the next most significant CLA adder carry input. The most significant sum output register pipe4 is assigned to the PHASE output port giving a phase value quantized to 8 bits. A digital sine and cosine value is also calculated from the pipe4 register and brought out of the chip as SIN and COS.

Load Phase Word (loadpw.v)

The load phase word block is a synchronizing loading circuit. The PHASEWORD[7:0] input drives the data input to the 32 bit pwreg register that is sampled on the rising edge of the PWWRN write strobe. The PWWRN strobe also drives the data input to a metastable flip flop pwwrnm that is used in conjunction with a synchronous register pwwrns to produce a FWWRN rising edge strobe. This rising edge strobe load is used to signal when to update the synchronous phase word register phswd. The phswd register is assigned to the synchronous phase word output SYNCPHSWD[7:0].

Phase Modulator (phasemod.v)

The phase modulator block is used to phase offset the phase accumulator 8 bit quantized output with the synchronous phase word from the load phase word block. This module instantiates a CLA adder with the A input tied to the synchronous phase output and the B input tied to the phase accumulator output. The sum output of the adder is registered in the mphsreg register and assigned to the MODPHASE output port. A modulated version of the sine and cosine values are calculated and brought out of the chip as MSIN and MCOS.

Sine Lockup (sinlup.v)

This module takes the modulated phase value form the phase modulator block and translated the quantized 8 bit value into a sine wave form amplitude value quantized to 8 bits. The translation from phase to amplitude is performed by a sine ROM table that in instantiated in this module. The ROM table is reduced to a ? of the symmetrical sine wave form and the MSB of the sine wave form is equivalent to the modulated phase input.This module performs the calculations to reconstruct a complete period of the sine wave form from the ? representation of the ROM table and the MSB of the modulated phase input.


To better understand the processing of this module, consider the following. The modulated phase value is a 0 to 2p value quantized to 8 bits 2p/28. The quantized value for p/2, p, 3p/2, and 2p are 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xBF, and 0xFF. The amplitude values for 0 to p/2 is stored in the ROM table. The amplitude values for p/2 to p are the ROM table output in the reverse order. The amplitude values for p to 3p/2 are the same output as the amplitude value from 0 to p/2 with the output from the ROM table inverted. Finally the amplitude value for 3p/2 to 2p are the same as for p to 3p/2 with the ROM table accessed in reverse.

This module manages the address values to the ROM table and the amplitude outputs to form the complete period of the sine wave form. The first process of generating the sine wave function is the addressing of the ROM table such that phase angles p/2 to p and 3p/2 to 2p are addressed in the reverse order. Reverse addressing is accomplished by simply inverting the ROM table address input vector. The phase modulated address input is inverted when the MODPHASE[6] is one and is then registered in the phaseadd register. The phase address is used to address the ROM sine table with the output registered in the qwavesin_ff register. To construct the negative amplitude values of the sine wave form, the MSB of the modulate phase word input is registered twice in modphase_msb1_ff and modphase_msb2_ff, compensating for the two cycle latency of the phaseadd and qwavesin_ff registers. The delayed MSB bit is used to invert the ROM table output when one. The altered ROM table output and the invert of the delayed modulated phase word MSB are finally registered in by the dac_ff register and then assigned to the DACOUT output port.

Sine ROM Table (romtab.v)

This module is the sine wave form ROM table. This table converts the phase word input to a sine amplitude output. To conserve area, only ? of the symmetrical sine wave form is stored in the ROM. The sine values stored in this table are the 0 to p/2 unsigned values quantized to 8 bits. Thus, the ROM table requires a 6 bit phase address input and outputs a 7 bit amplitude output. The sinlup module processes the phase and amplitude values to produce a complete sine period.

Dan Morelli has over 9 years of design and management experience. His areas of expertise include spread spectrum communications (involving GPS, TDRSS, and 802.11), PC chip set and system architecture, cell library development (for ECL devices) and ASIC development. He has been published and has multiple patents awarded and pending. Dan currently works for Accelent Systems Inc., an electronic design consulting company, where he is a founder and the VP of Engineering.







图1 典型的DDS系统 图2 典型的NCO设计

为了更好的理解NCO设计的各种功能,首先考虑仅包括一个相位累加器和一个正弦ROM查找表的基本NCO设计。与欧拉公式(Euler’s formula)图解比较就能最好地理解这两个表的NCO设计的功能。欧拉公式的图解如图3所示,是一个单位向量绕着实轴和虚平面的中心以W rad/s的速度转圈。


图3 欧拉公式图解









K*Fclk - Fout K*Fclk + Fout

当K = ... -1, 0 , 1, 2 ..... 和 K = 0是NCO正弦曲线基本频率。 Fout是指定的NCO正弦曲线输出频率 Fclk是NCO参考时钟频率 图4 NCO输出的时域和频域表示




Atten(F) = 20log[(sin(pF/Fclk)/pF/Fclk)] 当F是输出频率


图5 DAC输出的时域和频域表示



Ftrunc = FW(N-Y-1:0)/2N-Y * Fclk.

一个相位的截短会周期性(以Ftrunc速率)相位调制输出载波提前2p/28来补偿频率控制字间隔多于/2Y。相位的跳转由相位截短位累加在基波周围产生突刺。 这些突刺位于基频的正和负截短频率,突刺的大小是20log(2Y)dBc。一个相位截短突刺输出的例子如图5所示。

在一个典型的NCO设计里,正弦ROM表会保持一个1/4正弦波(0,Pi/2)的量级。ROM表是通过把所有可能的相位值地址和映射到实际正弦波大小的近似D比特来产生的。因此,最大的输出误差为?-? LSB(假设当突刺为-20log(2D)dBc的最坏情况时)。







笔者在DAC设计方面采用了一种Harris H15721评估板。NCO作为DDS设计的主要部分,和一个随机的发生器来测试信号调制,是65%一个快速FPGA设计的执行方案。这个QL16x24的4000门的FPGA,是由于其是一个高性能,易用,和强大的开发工具。 这个NCO的设计包括以下:

在位CLA加法原理图的Verilog开发 捕获和生成网络表到Verilog 32位频率控制字输入 基于8位的32相位累加器 8位相位调制控制字 8位正弦ROM查找表





