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英语基础知识复习 Task 1



长元音 /ɑ:/ /?:/ / ?:/ /i:/ /U:/

短元音 / ?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/ 双元音 /e?/ /a?/ /??/ /e?/ /??/ /??/ /a?/ /??/


轻辅音 浊辅音

/p/ /?/ /b/ /?/ /m/ / j/ / ?/

/ t/ / h/ /d/ / r/ /n/ / w/

/ k/ /ts/ /g/ /dz/ /?/

/f/ /t?/ /v/ /d?/

/θ/ /tr/ /e/ /dr/

/s/ /z/

{鼻音 半元音 边音}

Task 2


词类 缩写 意义和作用 句法和功能 例词 名词 noun n. 人或事物的名称 担任主语、表Jonh、beijing 语、定语、宾语 pen、water 代词pron. 代替名词、形容词担任主语、表they、that 或数词 adj. 实 pronoun 形容词 adjective 语、定语、宾语 both、some 表示人和事物的性担任定语、表happy、big 质和特征 语、补足语 good、young 动词 v. 表示动作或状态 担任谓语 write、have are、go 词 verb 数词 numeral num. 表示数量或顺序 但任主语、宾eight、third 语、表语、定语 hundred、third 副词 adverb ad. 修饰动词、形容词担任状语 always、very clearly、hardly /adv. 或其他副词或句子 词类 冠词 article 缩写 art. 意义和作用 例词 用在名词前,表示名a、an、the 词的特指和泛指 虚 介词 preposition prep. 表示名词或代词与句from、on 子中其他词的关系 between、of 词 连词 conjunction conj. 连接词、短语、从句And、or、but 或句子 if、when 感叹词 interjiection interj. 表示喜、怒、哀、乐oh、aha 等情感 hello、hush 2、词性的辨认


“figure”表示“数字、图形”等时,是名词;作为“相信、估计”等解释时,是动词。 B、从词性看

insure 保险业者、保险公司(名 词) valulate评价、估计( ) insureable可投保的 (形容词) valuable有价值的 ( )


water to drink 饮用水(名词) to water flowers浇花(动词) We warm our hands in a front of a fire.( )

If clothes are dirtied, they need to be cleand and dried.( 、 )



Prefessor Wang is a well-known scholar.(n.) I read newspaper every day.(pron.) Three plus six is nine.(num.)

To become a professor has been his ambition.(不定式)


His mother is a doctor.(系动词) We study English. (行为动词)

We should pay attention to English idoms.(动词短语) 3、表语

His father is a lawyer.(n.)

This dictionary is mine, not hers.(pron.) He is always careless.(adj.) The football is on.(adv.) Your nunmber is 43.(num.) 4、宾语

He bought a computer last year.(n.)

We help each other and learn from each other.(pron.) I asked for six.(num.)

They began to quarrel among themseleves.(不定式短语) Would you mind coming earlier tomorrow.(动名词短语) I don't know where he has gone.(从句) 5、补语

He doesn't believe the story true.(adj.)

The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a week.(infinitive phrase) They saw her walking into the bookstore.(gerundial phrase) 6、定语

He is an honest and hardwalking boy.(adj.) They are woman pilots.(n.)

His proposal is worth considering.(pron.) 7、状语

She speaks English quite well.(adv.)

He has been in the hospital for over a week.(prepositional phrase) He went to France to learn French.(infinitive)

If I have some spare time ,I will take up German.(clause) 8、同位语

The future belongs to you young people.(n.)

They each have a dictionary.(pron.) Is there any room for us two.(num.)

(1)A:Lovely Chirstmas presents are placed on the floor around a tree.

B:What is the present tense of the verb“led\

(2)A:Toninght is a special occasion and we have something special for dinner.

B:Ice-cream is on special this week.

Task 4

1、主语+谓语 ep:The moon rose slowly. 2、主语+谓语+宾语 ep:Jane is reading a fair story. 3、主语+系动词+表语 ep:David became an engineer. 4、主语+谓语+宾语+补语 ep:I heard him singing in the hall.

5、主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语ep:Emma taught the children English. 6、there +be+主语+状语 表示“存在”、“有”

ep:There is a temple around the corner. Here is a letter for you. 判断下列句子属于哪种基本类型

1、They made Smith the president of the university. 2、Bad news travels quickly.、 3、She showed me the picture.

4、Stephen helped us organize the party.

5、Colleagues told Henry that the job wouldn't be easy.

Task 5 短语和词组

1、名词短语 (Noun phrase)

ep:The dictionary on the desk is mine. (主语) I read about it in the paper. (介词宾语) 2、动词短语 (Verb phrase)

ep:Has anyone seen my dictionary? (谓语) 3、不定式短语(Infinitive phrase)

ep:He wants me to help him with his English.(宾语补足语) The children love to listen to fairy tales.(宾语) 4、分词短语 (Participle phrase)

ep:Having lived in beijing for many years,she knew the city very well.(状语)

5、动名词短语(Gerundial phrase)

ep:Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language.(主语) I prefer walking to cycling.(介词宾语) 6、介词短语 (Prepositional phrase) ep:The child is like his mother.(表语)

A friend in need is a friend indeed.(定语) 7、形容词短语 (Adjective phrase)

ep:What he said is quite right.(表语) 8、副词短语 (Adverbial phrase) ep:He runs very quickly.(状语)

You did the job quite well.(状语) Pay attention to :介词短语与短语介词的区别



介词短语 短语介词 in front of the car 在车的前面 according to plan 按照计划 ahead of schedule 在计划之前,提前 in front of 在??前面 according to 根据 ahead of 在??之前 Task 6句子种类

1、陈述句:用来叙述一项(肯定或否定的)事实,句末用句号,读降调。其结构形式为:“主语+谓语+??”。,否定形式是在助动词或情态动词后加not。 ep:As they say,when the age is in, the wit is out. (人们说,年纪大了,智慧便枯竭了) We can't live without air and water.


2、疑问句:【一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句】 A:一般疑问句

(肯定:助动词或情态动词+主语+其他 回答:Yes+肯定结构) (否定:助动词或情态动词+主语+not+其他 回答:No+否定结构) Are you a doctor. ----Yes,I am.(No,I am not.) Is he not a doctor. Yes,he is.不,他是医生 Isn't he a doctor. No,he is not.是的,他不是 B:特殊疑问句

(1)疑问词【who、when、which、whose】做主语+陈述句语序 (2)疑问词+一般疑问句语序

ep: Who is singing in the next room.

What are you doing now. C:选择疑问句


(后一句常用省略结构,省去意义上相同的部分) ep:Shall we go by bus or buy train. D:反意疑问句

陈述句+简略的一般疑问句 前肯后否 、前否后肯 ep:(1)He smokes a lot,doesn't he? 他吸烟很厉害,是吗?

Yes,he does. /No,he doesn't. 是的,他吸烟很厉害 / 不,他不吸烟 (2)Linda isn't a college student,is he? 琳达不是大学生,对吗? Yes,she is./No,he isn't. 不,她是 / 是的,他不是 3、祈使句

(1)动词原型(Don't+动词原型)+其他部分 (2)Let's +其他部分

ep:Copy this exercise in your notebook. Don't be afraid of making mistake. Let's take the child to the park. 4、感叹句

感叹词what或how +被强调部分 +其余陈述部分 ep: What a place it is ! How careless she is! How hard he studies!






and同、和 so所以、因此 therefore所以、因此 not only?but(aslo)不仅?而且 neither?nor既不?也不 ep:We help them and they help us.

I think,therefore I exist. 我思故我在

She not only writes her own plays,she also acts it them.

Task7 动词的时态

现在 一般时态 work works 一般现在时 进行时态 am is + working are 现在进行时 完成时态 has + worked have 现在完成时 完成进行时态 has + been working have 现在完成进行时 过去 将来 worked 一般过去时 shall + work will 一般将来时 过去将来 had + worked 过去完成时 shall + have worked will 将来完成时 should should should + work + be working + have would would worked 一般过去将来过去将来进行时 would 时 过去将来完成时 was + working were 过去进行时 shall + be working will 将来进行时 had been working 过去完成进行时 Shall +have been working will 将来完成进行时 should +have been working would 过去将来完成进行时 一、一般现在时 1、表达结构

A:行为动词与动词原形相同(除第三人称单数形式词尾要加-s或则-es) B:do/does + 动词原形 2、与一般现在时连用的时间状语

always 、often 、usually 、sometimes 、seldom 、ever 、every day once a year (一年一次)、now and then (时而,有时)、 from time to time(不时,偶尔) 3、基本用法


ep:I go to school see my grandfather every week. We have six classes a day. It seldom snows here.


ep:She is very healthy. He doesn't like meat.

He speak English as well as he speak French. (3)表示状态和感觉

ep:The picture looks very beautiful. How do you find the film? I wish you every success.

(4)表示客观真理,科学事实及客观存在 ep:Light travels faster than sound. The earth moves round the sun.

(5)用于时间和条件状语从句(一般现在时常用在时间和条件状语从句中代替将来时) ep:I’ll tell her about it as soon as I see her. If it rains tomorrow,we'll stay at home. Don't leave until he comes back.

(6)表示已决定或计划要做的事情,或按自然规律会发生的事 ep:When does the train arrive? Tomorrow is Friday.

School begins next week. (7)用于新闻标题或文章题目

ep:A Dad says good-bye.(父亲的道别:文章题目) 二、一般过去时 1、表达结构

A:行为动词为动词原形加上-ed B:did + 动词原形


yesterday 、last night 、then 、at that time 、at that moment(在那时)、 just now(刚才、眼下)、 a few days ago 、 3、基本用法


ep:He came back the day before yesterday. Who put forword the proposal?

He served in the army from 1987 to 1991. (2)表示过去的习惯动作

ep:We often practiced swimming last year. (3)用于谈论或者评价过去的事

ep:Shakespeare wrote a lot of players.

(4)用于描述一些发生时间不清楚但是肯定是过去发生的事 ep:I was happy to hear from you. I am sorry I didn't see you. I thought you were out. (5)可用来表示已完成的动作 ep:I wrote a letter yesterday. I read two books last week.

(6)用于表示现在的情况,体现委婉客气的语气 ep:Did you want anything to drink? Could I have a look?

(7)用于转述原本为一般现在时的直接引语 ep:He said he didn't like swimming. He said he was at work.

(8)用于虚拟语气中,表示现在或将来时间的动作或状态 ep:It seem as if I were a monster.好像我是个怪物似的 I wish I were a bird.

三、一般将来时 1、表达结构

A: shall/will + 动词原形

B: be going to do sth (这一结构表示打算或准备好要做的事情


ep:What are you going to do during the summer holiday? The train is going to arrive.

Look at the black cloud.It's going to rain. C:现在进行时(be+现在分词)(表示将要发生的动作,表示按计划或安排即将发生的事情,这类常见的动词有:go 、come 、leave 、 start 、arrive 、return 、spend 、sail、meet 、fly )

ep:She is coming to supper this evening. He is flying to America tomorrow. D:be to+动词原形(这一结构可表示约定、命令或按计划要做的事情) ep:When are they to come?

We are to meet at the school gate.

E:一般现在时(表示按计划将要发生的事情,这种用法只限于某些动词,如:be 、begin 、leave 、start 、go 、come 、arrive 、meet )

ep:I am not at home tomorrow. The plane leaves at nine.

F:be about to +动词原型(这一结构表示即将做或马上做的意思) ep:He is about to leave.

The vacation is about to start.


tomorrow 、 next week 、in a few days(几天后) 3、基本用法

(1)一般将来时常用来表示将来时间的动作或状况 ep:He will be twenty next year. Where shall we go?

(2)一般将来时用于真石条件句和时间状语从句的主句中表示将来的情况 ep:I'll be round to see you if I have time tomorrow. I'll tell you as soon as he comes. (3)用于条件状语从句表示愿望和意愿

ep:If they will co-operate,our plane will sicceed. If you will wait for me,I shall come back soon. (4) 一般将来时可用来表示一种倾向和习惯 ep:The shop won't open until nine. 四、现在进行时 1、表达结构

be + 现在分词(动词原型+ing) 2、与现在进行时连用的时间状语

now 、at this time 、at present 3、基本用法


ep:What are you doing? I am writing.

(2)表示现阶段正在进行的动作(通常有表示现阶段的时间状语:today 、

this week 、now 、this year)

ep:He is writing a novel now.

They are doing an important experiment this week.

(3)表示某种感情色彩(这一用法常与:always 、constantly不断地,时常地) ep:He is living a happy life. She is always complaining. (4)表示按计划或已安排好要做的事情(这一用法只适用与某些动词:go 、come、 leave、start、arrive、return、spend、sail、meet、fly) ep:I'm leaving by train tonight. Are you going abraod next year. (5)表示在刚刚过去的时间内发生的事

ep:What he is telling you is not the truth. I don't know what they are talking about. 五、过去进行时 1、表达结构



at nine yesterday 昨天九点、at that time 、 when I arrived 3、基本用法


ep:We were having dinner when they came.

I was reading a newspaper at nine o'clock yesterday. (2)表示过去某段时间内持续的动作

ep:I was painting a picture yesterday evening. I was staying at home all last week. (3)表示与过去某个动作同时发生的动作

ep:I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking. (4)和always 、constanly等词连用表示某种感情色彩 ep:He was always coming home late.

She wsa always complaining about her husband. (5)表示一种婉转的语气和礼貌的态度

ep:I was wondering if you could help me. (6)表示过去将来的动作

ep:He didn't know whether she was coming.

He was meeting his mother at the airport the next day. 六、现在完成时


Have/has + 动词的过去分词 2、与现在完成时连用的时间状语 already (已经)、 yet(仍然、还)、 before 、recently 、 lately(近来,不久前) 、just 、of late(最近,近来)、in the past often 、sometimes 、ever 、never、always 、since引导的短语或从句、 for + 表示一段时间的词 3、基本用法

(1)表示动作或状况发生在现在以前的某个未经明确指出的过去时间内,目 前已经完成或结束,给现在留下了结果或造成了影响。 ep:They have already arrived.

I haven't written the letter yet.

(2)现在完成时可以表示现在的动作或以前已经做了的动作。 ep:I understand what you’ve said.

He is reading the book that he has bought recently. (3)用于时间状语从句中

ep:I'll go to the party as soon as I have finished my homework. They often go for a walk after they have had supper. (4)现在完成时可以用于because引导的原因状语从句中表示原因 ep:We cannot cross the river because the water has rain.

(5)过去的动作直到如今尚未完成或结束,它可能还要继续下去,也可能 停止。

ep:He has been here since last spring. They have worked all day. 七、过去完成时


had + 动词的过去分词


by 、at 、before 、until 、after、as soon as、already 、yet 、 still 、just 、ever 、 3、基本用法

(1)表示过去某一时间或某一事件前已发生且已完成的动作或状态 ep:We had finished the work by nine o'clock yesterday. When he got there,the train had already left.

(2)表示在过去在某一时间或某一事件前已发生但尚未完成的动作状态 ep:By July last year,she had studied here for 3 years. (3)用于间接引语中

ep:He told me he had read the book before. (4)用于对过去事实进行虚拟的条件句中

ep:If I had hurried ,I wouldn't have missed the train.



should/would +动词原形 2、基本用法


ep:She said she would surely take good care of my son. I don't think they would have any objiection to it. (2)表示过去习惯性动作

ep:She would go for a walk after she had supper. (3)表示“愿望”或“倾向”,多用于否定句

ep:She told me that the play wouldn't act. (4)用于虚拟语气

ep:If I had money ,I would buy a car. 九、将来完成时 1、表达结构

shall/will have +动词的过去分词 2、基本用法

表示将来某时之前完成的动作,这已动作往往对将来某时产生影响, 常与表将来的时间状语或never 、have 、soon等词连用。

ep:I shall have finished writing the article by the end of this week. 十、过去将来完成时 1、表达结构

should/would have +动词的过去分词 2、基本用法

(1)表示在过去将来某时间以前发生的动作,并会对过去将来某一产生影响 ep:He told me he would have finished it by 9. (2)用于虚拟语气

ep:If you had not helped me,I wouldn't have succeeded. 十一、将来进行时 1、表达结构

shall/will be + 动词的现在分词 2、基本用法

表示从现在着眼,从将来某时开始并且持续进行的动作 ep: What will you be doing this time tomorrow. He'll be taking his holiday soon. 十二、过去将来进行时 1、表达结构

should/would be +动词的现在分词 2、基本用法


ep:He told me that he would be living in China some day. 十三、现在完成进行时 1、表达结构

have been +动词现在分词 2、基本用法

(1)表示由过去某时开始或发生至今且仍将持续或刚刚结束的动作 ep:I have been teaching for 20 years. (2)表示重复发生的动作

ep:He's been telling the story for ten years. 十四、过去完成进行时 1、表达结构

had been +动词的现在分词 2、基本用法

ep:He said he had been doing experoments those days. 十五、将来完成进行时


shall/will have been+动词的现在分词 2、基本用法

将来完成进行时表示从某一时刻开始一直延续到将来某一时刻的动作 ep: I shall have been living here for 15years by the end of this month.

Task 8 名词性从句


在句子中作主语,位置与陈述句基本结构中的主语相同。 ep:That he will come to the discussion is certain. Who did the work is unknown.

有些\作形式主语的主语从句结构已形成固定的用法和翻译 1、It is +名词+从句

ep:It is a fact that…… 事实是…… It is good news that…… ……是好消息 It is a question that …… ……是个问题 It is common knowledge that …… ……是常识 2、It is+形容词+从句

ep:It is necessary that …… 有必要…… It is clear that…… 很清楚…… It is important…… 重要的是…… 3、It is +过去分词+从句

ep:It is said that …… 据说…… It is reported that ?? 据报道?? It is supposed that?? 据推测?? It is well known that?? 众所周知?? It is estimated that ?? 据估计?? 4、It +不及物动词+从句

ep:It seems that?? 好像是?? It happened that?? 碰巧?? It has turned out that ?? 结果是??



ep:My idea is that you should make good use of your time.

The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening. 2、表语从句还可由as if/as though(好像)、because、as引导 ep:It looks as if it is going to snow. It is because he doesn't know her.

Things are not always as they seem to be.(事实并不总是如其表象)





ep:I know that he is friendly and hospitable(好客). Do you know when we shall have a meeting. I asked him if he is sure what he is doing. 2、作介词宾语

ep:He was interested in whatever he saw there. I was surprised at what he said. I take it that they will succeed.


ep:I’m sure that she will come and join us. He is pleased that he has passed a tough test. 四、同位语从句


ep:The fact that the contract(合作、合同)was signed was importang. I don't believe the rumor that he has killed his daughter.



1、when 、as 、while

ep:We were about to start when it began to rain.

As the stydents walked to their dormitories,they sang happily. 2、whenever、every time、each time

ep:Whenever/Every time/Each time I met her,she was studying.

3、since、ever since(从那时起一直到现在)

ep:We've never met since we graduated from the college. 4、before 、after

ep:After the boy had finished his homework,he played football with his friends. 5、till、until

ep:I won't go with you until I finish my homework.

6、as soon as 、immediately、directly、once、the moment ep:As soon as we got home,the telephone rang. I recongnized her immediately I saw her.

