2015秋八年级英语上册unit 3 Section B填空

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2015秋八年级英语上册unit 3Section B填空

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 2d

Julie: Did you like the ________(歌唱比赛) yesterday, Anna?

Anna: Oh, it was ________(极好的)! Nelly ________(sing) so well! Julie: Yes, but I think Lisa sang ________(well) than Nelly. Anna: Oh, ________(哪一个) is Lisa?

Julie: The one ________(of/to/with)shorter hair. I think she sang ________( clearly )than Nelly.

Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better ________(比) Lisa. Julie: You can tell that Lisa wanted ________( win).

Anna: Well, everyone ________ (want) to win. But the most important thing is_______( learn )something new and have fun. 2b

My mother told me a good friend is like a ________ (镜子). I’m ________(quiet) and

________ (serious) than most ________(kid). That’s why I like ________(read)books and I study harder in class. My ________ (最好的)friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy ________(study) together. I’m shy so it’s not easy for me ________(make )friends. But I think friends are like books – you needn’t a lot of them ________(只要)they’re good. It’s not ________(必要的)to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite ________(difference) from me. He is ________(tall) than me. We ________(两个都)like sports, but he plays tennis ________(good), so he always ________ (win).However, Larry often helps to ________(使显现)the best in me. So I’m getting better at tennis .Larry is much less ________(工作努力的),though. I always get better ________(grade) than he ________(do), so maybe I should ________(help) him more.

I don’t really ________(在意)if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite ________(say) is, “ A true friend reaches for your hand and ________(touch) your heart.” My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. ________(事实上), she’s ________(funny) than anyone I know. I ________ (break) my arm last year but she made me ________( laugh) and feel ________ (good). We can talk about and ________(分享)everything. I know she _______________(关心) me because she’s always there to listen.

