2012高中英语 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia revision学案 外研版

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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia

Learning Paper 4 Revision


1. I cannot ____ puzzled, for I simply cannot understand how I could have made such a stupid mistake.

A. help feel B. help but to feel C. but to feel D. but feel

2. I have worked with children before, so I know what ____ in my new job.

A .expected B.to expect C. to be expected D. expects 3. It was foolish ___ you to give up what you rightly owned.

A. for B. of C. about D. from 4.--- The light in the office is on. --- Oh, I forget _____.

A. turning it off B. turn it off

C. to turn it off D. having turned it off 5. I’ll get her ____ the door.

A. see B. seeing C. to see D. for seeing

6. The government must take measures to prevent rivers___. A. polluted B. polluting C. from D. being polluted

7. --- What a pity! Sao Paulo lost the football game yesterday.

--- ____ . It was that Sao Paulo defeated Liverpool to win the championship.

A. You are absolutely wrong B. You are absolutely right C. It can’t be worse D. I couldn’t agree more 8. The sound of thunder _____ made her very ____.

A. one after another; scary B. little by little; scary C. one after another; scared D. little by little; scared

9. --- What do you think of the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”? --- There’s a lot I could say, but to put it____ it was fantastic!

A. in a sense B. in other words

C. in a nutshell D. in detail

10. The water that trees____has a good effect ___their growth. A. give out; for B. take in; in C. give out; upon D. take in; on

11. After we carried the boxes to the top of the building, our ____ almost gave out.

A. ability B. power C. force D. strength

12. The public were deeply ____ the safety of the miners in the Heilongjiang mine disaster.

A. concerned about B. interested in C. amazed at D. disappointed by


13. A system has been set up ___ the coming of earthquake so as to reduce the losses it causes.

A. to forecast B. to be forecasting C. to be forecast D. to have forecast

14. A storm is probable to come. Let’s hurry so as not to ___ it. A. catch B. be caught C. be caught in D. catch in 15. ____ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm. A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept Ⅱ.完型填空

Scientists have made a lot of research on desert. A desert is a land 16 plants, animals and people cannot get all the water they need because the climate is 17 too dry or too cold. 18 deserts have 19 than 10 inches of rainfall a year. There may be months or even years between one rainstorm and 20 .The rainwater quickly runs 21

the land, sinks into the sand or evaporates into the dry air.

No matter how dry a desert may be, it is 22 to man. In some of the driest regions 23 has found valuable minerals. The discovery of petroleum, in particular, 24 great changes to the deserts. Oil is now the most important export of several desert countries in the Middle East, and it has been 25 in the western Sahara, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait are 26 called oil kingdoms.

Man has changed the desert in many ways to make it a better place 27 to live. But the greatest problem of the deserts 28 . That problem is 29 water over large areas. Man is 30 to the sea as a source of water.

Scientists are constantly 31 methods of 32 the salt from water so that it can be used in industry and agriculture. Some people believe that man will one day be able to 33 the climate and produce rainfall over the desert when it is wanted. This would be a simple 34 to the water problem, but we 35 much more about the atmosphere before that will be possible.

16. A. there B. where C. which D. that 17. A. both B. never C. either D.neither 18. A. Most B. most of C. All D. The Most 19. A. fewer B. more C.little D. less 20. A. the other B.other C.the next D. next one 21. A. off B. out of C. into D. from

22 A. rarely worthless B. nearly worthless C .almost of no use D .almost worthless 23. A. people B. man C. scientists D. the man

24. A. brought up B. has brought C. have led up to D. has caused up 25. A.uncovered B. discovered C. invented D.founded out 26. A. some time B. sometime C. sometimes D. some times 27. A. where B. which C. in which D. that


28. A. stays B. leaves C. lies D. remains

29. A. loss of B. lack of C. in need of D. short for 30. A. turning B. going C. coming D. running 31. A. thinking B. improving C. finding D. sending 32. A. moving B. removing C. taking D. getting 33. A. control B. make C. improve D. arrange 34. A. way B. solution C. method D. means

35. A. need to find Bwant to learn C. need to know D. need to study Ⅲ. 阅读理解

Sandstorms usually happen in spring in northern China. Most of sand comes from Gansu and Inner Mongolia. In northern China lots of places have few trees and don’t get much rain. People there have been cutting down too many trees. When there aren’t many trees, the ground can’t keep enough water. Over the years, the ground dries up and turns to sand. When spring comes and the ice melts, the ground becomes looser.(松散) Strong winds take the loose sand into the sky.

Sandstorms have bad effects on people’s health. If people breathe too much sand, they could cough or have asthma.(哮喘) Sandstorms also give farmers lots of problems. Sometimes their sheep get lost in the storms and never get back home. The winds also tear farmers’ houses down. What can you do to stop sandstorms? Ask your parents to help you plant some trees this spring. See people cutting down too many trees, tell them if you about the dangers of sandstorms, and ask your government to stop them from cutting.

Sandstorms are bad for people’s eyes, nose and skin. So remember to take good care of yourself if sandstorms come your way.

If you a sandstorm is coming, stay at home and close your windows. If you have to go outside during a sandstorm, remember to put a wet towel (毛巾)over your mouth. That will prevent sand from getting in your mouth if you get sand in you eyes, close your eyes and put your head down. Wait until your tears wash the sand out. Don’t rub(揉) your eyes it you get sand in them. And if your hands are not clean, your eyes could get infected. (感染)Don’t forget to wash your face and hands when you get back home.

36、The purpose of the passage is to

A teach us ways to prevent sandstorms

B show the relationship between sandstorms and health

C warn us against sandstorms

D give information about sandstorms

37、What’s the direct reason that sandstorms usually happen in northern China? A Northern China is rich in sand and short of rains

B It blows strong winds there and the sand is taken into the sky C Many trees have been cut down and it rains little there. D The ice there melts in spring and the ground becomes loose.


38、Which of following statements is TRUE according to the second paragraph? A If you have asthma, you will breathe too much sand. B In sandstorm days farmers’ sheep don’t go home C Sandstorms can damage people’s houses. D Northing can be done to prevent sandstorms.

39、From the last paragraph, we can learn that during a sandstorm, A We should put a wet towel over our head when we go outside. B We must not go out and should stay at home and close the windows C We can’t rub our eyes when sand gets in.

D We should wash our face and hands many times. Ⅳ.根据句后提示词,把下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 一听到这个消息,她什么也没说就流下了眼泪。(but)

2. 昨天这个时候有人听见他正在练习唱歌。( be heard doing)

3. 如果我们去度假,有人为我们照看房子吗?(Take care of)

4. 为了阻止沙漠进一步逼近,村民正在种植树木和草皮。( in order to)

5. 问题是如何说服他改变主意。(persuade)


请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇论文,论述沙漠的成因、危害及其控制的措施。 提示:1. 沙漠的起因: 有自然原因,有人为原因。有人乱伐树木,动物吃光小植物;风

把表层土刮走。 2.人能制造沙漠,也能控制其蔓延。沿沙漠边缘营造绿化带,我国在北部建立了

防风带。 3. 沙漠正以惊人速度扩展,危及世界。应该采取措施制止沙漠化。 注意:1.题目自拟。

2.提示词: 防风带--- wind break; 威胁--- threaten 3. 词数 90—120 之间。


