
更新时间:2023-04-14 20:56:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载














6. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A match.

B. A movie.

C. A TV show.

7. Why didn’t Mary watch the match?

A. It started too late at night.

B. She had to do her homework.

C. She doesn’t like baske tball matches.


8. When did Ann go to her hometown?

A. Yesterday.

B. Last week.

C. Last month.

9. How was Ann’s trip?

A. Exciting.

B. Wonderful.

C. Unpleasant.

10. What has happened to Ann’s hometown?

A. People have polluted the river there.

B. The water there has become clean.

C. People have planted many flowers and trees there.


11. What is Mike going to do first?

A. Clean the room.

B. Do his homework.

C. Take out the rubbish.

12. What is Mom going to do?

A. Go to a meeting.

B. See a movie.

C. Go to a party.


13. What is Jerry’s favorite music?

A. American country music.

B. Classic music.

C. Rock music.

14. What does the woman know about rock music?

A. The woman knows the Beatles.

B. The woman knows Elvis.

C. The woman knows Michael Jackson.

15. What does the woman decide to do finally?

A. She decides to buy a CD of Elvis.

B. She decides to buy a CD of the Beatles.

C. She decides to find a good gift in CD shops.



16. Which of the following i sn’t mentioned in the passage?

A. Gloves.

B. Shorts.

C. Sports suits.

17. How many pairs of sports shoes does each child need?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

18. How long is the lunchtime?

A. One hour.

B. One and a half hours.

C. Two hours.

19. Where do they buy snacks?

A. In a sports center.

B. In a supermarket.

C. In a shopping center.

20. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Outdoor sports.

B. Indoor activities.

C. Sports camp plan.


21. —What do you usually have for breakfast?

—Some bread, ________ egg and a glass of milk.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

22. —________ will you ask for help when you are in trouble?

—My parents, I think.

A. Who

B. What

C. Where

D. When

23. — Good news! I got the last ticket to the concert.

— How ________ you are!

A. active

B. strange

C. lucky

D. funny

24. Everyone makes mistakes in life. The key is not to repeat ________ again.

A. it

B. this

C. that

D. them

25. —Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane.

—That’s true. I never go travelling ________ a book.

A. without

B. from

C. on

D. about

26. For our safety, we must ________ the traffic rules on the way to school.

A. follow

B. change

C. make

D. break

27. Of all the drinks, tea is ________ in the world. It has a history of about 5,000 years.


A. old

B. older

C. the oldest

D. very old

28. The volunteers ________ a lot of help to the old and the young since 2013.

A. offer ed

B. have offered

C. are offering

D. will offer

29. —What’s the meaning of “One Belt and One Road”?

—Let me ________ the words in the new dictionary.

A. look at

B. look for

C. look after

D. look up

30. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much ________ on the Internet.

A. games

B. information

C. courage

D. messages

31. To keep children away from danger, we warn parents ________ children at home alone.

A. leave

B. to leave

C. not leave

D. not to leave

32. –I have a serious headache. _____ I go to school?

–No, you needn’t.

A. Must

B. Can

C. Should

D. May

33. Be caref ul! Don’t walk on the grass, ________ it will “cry”.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

34. –I missed the beginning of the movie Spider Man last night.

–_____! But you can get some information on the Internet.

A. Hurry up

B. Never mind

C. Good luck

D. What a pity

35. —Could you please tell me ________ get to Boxing Station?

—You can take the No.2 Bus over there.

A.when we can

B. how we can

C. when can we

D. how can we



One evening, I went out for a walk on the path (小路) near my house with my hus band. On my finger was a very special ring with a diamond (钻石) that my grandmother gave me for my 23rd birthday. At the end of the path, when I looked down at it again and found the diamond was 36 . I started back along the path hurriedly 37 the tiny stone. In my heart, I knew it seemed impossible for me to find it. The path was very long and 38 with leaves. As I searched the ground, crying and upset, I met an old lady. “What’s the matter, love ?”She asked kindly. I 39

试卷about the missing diamond and showed her my ring. She said, “That’s going to be hard to find. Tell me what, love, I walk along this path every day, I’ll keep my eyes 40 for it.” I thanked her, 41 nothing, but still told her that we sometimes walked our dog along the path if she might find something.

A few days later, my husband and I met the old lady on the path. “Guess what?” S he said, “I found your diamond!” To our 42 , she’d found the tiny stone and was willing to hand it back to me. “It was lucky that I found it.” When we 43 her with some money for her help, she 44

politely. I was deeply moved. She could have easily kept the diamond, or sold it, for it’s worth several thousand dollars, but she didn’t.

Every time I look at my ring and 45 myself that there’re kind and beautiful hearts in the world. I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to do something like that.

36. A. changing B. shining C. burning D. missing

37. A. looking for B. staring at C. ru nning after D. taking away

38. A. fed B. filled C. covered D. taken

39. A. explained B. asked C. cared D. learned

40. A. opened B. closed C. close D. open

41. A. getting B. expecting C. wondering D. telling

42. A. attention B. sadness C. surprised D.


43. A. gave B. offered C. provided D. showed

44. A. refused B. received C. accepted D. confused

45. A. ask B. remind C. warn D. promise





Wonderful Events

46. Who can NOT go to the horse race?

A. A single person.

B. A couple.

C. Children.

D. The sweet heart.

47. People can see the photo show at __________.

A. Grandview Mall

B. City Art Museum

C. Racetrack

D. Country Club

48. What can you do if you only have time between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday?

A. Go shopping.

B. Go to see the phot o show.

C. Go to the dance with your sweet heart.

D. Go to watch the horse race.

49. How much will Mr. and Mrs. Smith pay if they want to go to the dance party?

A. 15 dollars.

B. 25 dollars.

C. 20% — 40% off.

D. For free.

50. Where can you see the above advertisements?

A. In a book.

B. In a magazine.

C. In a newspaper.

D. On TV.



I arrived in the UK last weekend to learn English. So far I have already made a few friends and had some traditional English food there. But after having three days of hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes, I thought none could be more delicious than Chinese food, especially my favorite—huo guo. You can’t imagine how excited I was when I got to know that there was going to be a free meal of hotpot to welcome the new students. On the way to the canteen, I seemed to smell huo guo in the air.

To my surprise, when I went into the room, I didn’t see any sign of huo guo. Where was it?

With many questions in my head, I sat down to have the free meal. After talking with an English girl, I got to know that Chinese huo guo is completely different from hotpot. Chinese huo guo is written in two words—hot pot; and hotpot, one word, is a traditional English dish.

Hotpot is made from mutton and onion. On the top are pieces of potatoes. People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot on a low heat. It takes very little effort to prepare. You can often see it at parties in the UK because it’s easy to prepare for a large number of people and is not expensive.

Hotpot doesn’t taste bad. However, I still miss huo guo—hot pot, two words!

51. The writer felt excited when she thought she would ________.

A. try traditional English food

B. learn English in the UK

C. have her favorite huo guo

D. meet some new friends

52. The underlined word “canteen” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 宿舍

B. 餐厅

C. 实验室

D. 体育馆

53. Why is hotpot often prepared for parties?

A. Because it’s easy to prepare.

B. Because it’s very popular.

C. Because it’s quite expensive.

D. Because it’s good for health.

54. After the free meal, the writer learnt that ________.

A. “hotpot” wasn’t “hot pot”

B. hotpot took little time to cook

C. hotpot wasn’t traditional in the UK

D. the girl knew nothing about hotpot

55. What is the writer’s favorite food?

试卷A. Sandwiches B. Mutton C. Hotpot D. Hot pot


In the eyes of many foreigners,Chinese are the best hosts (主人) and the worst guests in the world.They’re not really bad guests,but because the guest-host relationship in China is much different than in some western counties,it appears they are not nice guests.And western guests sometimes look rude (粗鲁的) in the eyes of Chinese guests.

In China,guests are almost like gods.Whenever I enter a Chinese person’s home,there is always fruit on the table for me,and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water.In the west,generally the guest is not a god.Acting according to the host’s way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.

My wife’s mother,a very kind elderly Chinese lady,doesn’t smoke.When I see some of her guests smoking in her house,as a non-smoker,I feel unhappy.Usually I want to stop them directly,but I must realize that in China,to be a good host,she must not do that.In most North America homes,if you are a guest,and the hosts are not smokers,you should not smoke in their house.At the very l east,you could ask,“Is it OK if I smoke?”“But,don’t be surprised if they say,“No,you can’t smoke.”In our culture,if you smoke in their home,you are a bad guest,but if they don’t allow you to smoke in their house,they are not a rude guest.

Guests in China also have special habits.Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon.Thankfully my wife is Chinese,so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift.However,giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country.So,if you invite international guests to your home,don’t be too surprised if they don’t bring you a gift.

In China,you probably won't need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host,and Chinese are naturally very good hosts.If western hosts invite you to their house,try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.

56.Many foreigners think that Chinese hosts are the ______ in the world.

A. best

B. worst

C. most natural

D. most difficult


57. When a western guest visits a Chinese family,he often ______ .

A. buys some fruit

B. feels like a god

C. wants some gifts

D. takes a cup of tea

58. If the writer’s guests want to smoke in his house,what will he probably say? ______

A. It’s OK if you smoke here.

B. Let’s smoke together.

C. Sorry,you can’t smoke here.

D. Smoking is a bad habit.

59. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase“adapt to”in the passage? ______

A. think back to

B. get used to

C. look forward to

D. keep close to

60. What is the main idea of this passage? ______

A. Foreigners should learn from Chinese.

B. Hosts must do things in the guest’s way.

C. Western hosts are always nice to guests.

D. People should understand cultural differences.


Why woul d someone decide to stop eating?We know that the body needs food in order to work well.However,many people fast at some time during their lives.Why is this?

Some people fast for political reasons.In the early 20th century,women in England and the United States weren't allowed to vote.So many women went on fast.They hoped that fasting would bring attention to it.Mohandas Gandhi,the famous Indian leader,fasted 17times during his life.For Gandhi,fasting was a powerful political tool.In 1943,he fasted to bring attention to his country's need for independence.For 21days,he went without food.Another famous faster was Cesar Chavez.In the 1960s,he fasted for three weeks.Why?His goal was to bring attention to the terrible working conditions of farm workers in the United States. Fasting is also a practice in many religions(宗教).Every year during the month of Ramadan,which is a religious holiday,Muslims(穆斯林) fast from sunrise to sunset.Many Indians fast at special time,and there was also a fasting holiday in ancient China.

Of course,not everyone fasts for political or religious reasons.People sometimes fast just because it makes them feel better.The American writer Mark Twain thought fasting was the best medicine for common illnesses.Whenever he had a cold or a fever,he stopped eating

试卷completely.He said that this always made his cold or fever go away.Another American writer,Upton Sinclair,discovered fasting after years of eating too much and headaches.His first fast lasted for 12days.During this time,his headaches and stomachaches went away.Sinclair said that fasting also made him more alert and energetic.

Choosing to go without food can be very dangerous.However,that doesn't stop people from fasting for political,religious,or health reasons.

61.The underlined word"fast"in Paragraph 1most probably means" ______ ".

A. quickly

B. go on a diet

C. refuse to eat

D. lose weight

62. Mohandas Gandhi fasted in 1943for ______ .

A. a religious holiday for Muslims

B. his country's need for independence

C. the women's voting rights in Great Britain

D. the equal rights of the black people in America

63. Which fasting is for health reason? ______

A. Upton Sinclair fasted for 12days.

B. Mohandas Gandhi fasted in 1943.

C. Cesar Chavez fasted for two weeks.

D. Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

64. What can we learn from the passage? ______

A. Women like to go on fasting for politics.

B. You will be very famous if you fast for religions.

C. Fasting sometimes would be better for your health.

D. You needn't take any medicine if you fast when you're ill.

65. What may be the best title of the passage? ______

A. Reasons for fasting.

B. Ways of fasting.

C. Advantages of fasting.

D. Results of fasting.



A: Hello! May I speak to Rita?

试卷 B: This is Rita. 66

A: Hi, Rita. This is Candy. Would you like to go to Mount. Dongfang tomorrow?

B: Great! I’d like to. What time shall we start? A: 67 B: All right. Oh, 68

A: It’s sunny. So please bring your sunglasses. By the way, do you have Jack’s telephone

num ber? He’ll go with us. B: 69 I’ll call him later. But where shall we meet together tomorrow?

A: At our school gate. B: OK. 70

A: We can take No.7 bus to the foot of the mountain

B: See you tomorrow.

第二卷(非选择题 共60分)




71. The writer wrote his __________book when he was fifty.

72. It has rained much this year, so it is __________than usual.

73. Children should be taught road __________to avoid road accidents.

74. The boy joined the singing competition and ____________ the first prize.

75. We can't understand our teachers __________took care of us until we graduate.


试卷76. Xi Jinping gave a report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on __________(十月) 18th, 2017.

77. They__________(成功) in climbing the mountains last year.

78. It’s going to rain. You’d better take an __________(雨伞)with you when you go out.

79. If the teacher asks you a question, you shouldn’t keep __________ (沉默的).

80. Are you for or __________ (反对) the plan he came up with?

七、动词填空 (共10空,计10分)


Have you ever listened to the sound in your heart? Have you ever met an article which (81)__________(have) the same idea as yours?

The TV program, The Reader, (82)__________ (be) popular since it came out on CCTV -1 on February 18th, 2017.It (83)__________ (produce) by Dong Qing, a famous hostess. The Reader invites many guests (84)___________(read) something that influences them most. Not only famous people but also common people(85)__________ (become) the gue sts.

Liu Chuanzhi, the founder of Lenovo(联想集团创始人) (86)__________ (come) to The Reader as a common father. He said, “As long as you are an honest man, you are my good son whatever your job is!” Xu Yuanchong, a 96-year-old translator, shared some of his personal experiences of (87)___________(translate) Chinese poems into English and French.His words were si mple but moving.He read a love poem with tears in his eyes.

This program (88)__________ (turn) reading into a new fashion.It shows the beauty of Chinese language and the power of reading. Now Reading Booths(朗读亭) are set up in many cities. Though it rained, people in Hangzhou even waited in long lines to read in the booths.All kinds of reading activities (89)__________ (go) on in schools at present. Lots of students take an active part in them.

Reading is helpful to us because it (90)__________ (make) us wise, happy and knowledgeable. It can be done anytime and anywhere. What are you waiting for? Why not start reading now?


91. She played an important role in preparing for the singing competition.


试卷92. It’s the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortabl e environment at home for their children.


93. 杰克过去常常不吃早饭就去上班。(used to…)


94.他认为青少年应该远离网络。(keep away from)





This Thursday, across the US, kids are going to work with their parents instead of going to school. They can help their parents do some cleaning, send e-mails and deal with other daily things. Because April 28 is Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day all over the US. This holiday shows kids what it means to be a grown-up in the working world.

I still remember when this day started, I was very happy. Not only did I have the chance to leave the school, but I also could sit in my dad’s taxi a ll day long and we would go to a restaurant for lunch.

▲ I couldn’t read my book in the car as I would get carsick(晕车) and my dad didn’t like to turn on the radio. I got hot and uncomfortable. People wouldn’t get into his taxi because they thought he already had a passenger:me—so nothing happened. It seemed years before we went out for lunch. In fact, I started to miss the school.

Although the purpose of the day is to give kids a chance to experience possible jobs in their futures, I got something completely different from the day. I learned to value school life. Where else can you play with your friends, do science experiments, read great books and write stories all in one day?

Just like you’ll have to learn to love your job later in life, learn to love school now. If you d on’t, try spending the day at work with your dad.

96.Did the writer learn to value school life?



97.What can the kids help their parents do this Thursday?

98.请选出能填入文中▲ 处的最佳选项。(填写字母代号)

A. Of course, I enjoyed myself and felt free like a bird.

B. But after only 40 minutes of driving around the city, I was very bored.

C. But soon I got used to this taxi ride around the city with my father.

99. 将划线句子翻译成中文。

100. What is the purpose of the day-- Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day?







短文首句;How time flies! Now ______ (you/ your children)are students of Grade 9.





1—5 BCCBB 6—10 AACCA 11—15 BACBB 16—20 ABBCC


21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.A

26.A 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.B

31.D 32.A 33.C 34.D 35.B


36—40 DACAD 41—45 BDCAB


46—50 CBABC 51-55C BA A D 56-60ABCBD 61-65.CBACA




71. twentieth 72. wetter 73. safety 74. won 75. truly76. October 77. succeeded 78. umbrella

79. silent 80. against


81.has 82.has been 83.is produced

84.to read 85.can become 86.came

87.translating 88.has turned 89.are going





93.Jack used to go to work without breakfast.

94.He thinks teenagers should keep away from the Internet.

95.The harder you work/ study, the better result you will get.



96.Yes, he did.

97.They can help their parents do some cleaning, send e-mails and deal with other daily things.



100. To give kids a chance to experience possible jobs in their futures.


How time flies!Now I'm graduating from our school.At the moment,I would like to share my experience of school life with you.【高分句型一】Here is some advice for students of Grade 9.(引出话题)

It is not enough to just study hard.【高分句型二】There are many good ways to improve our study.Different subjects need different ways.But one thing in common is taking notes carefully in class,and review them after class.Another thing is asking questions during or after class.Besides,don't be afraid of making mistakes,try to learn from mistakes.(学习技巧)

You should also exercise more and keep healthy because it is the most important thing for you.(保持身体健康)

Everyone has hobbies.But sometimes these can get in the way of our schoolwork.So I think study must co me first.But you can join some useful clubs,such as English club、basketball club、chess club and so on.(兴趣与爱好)

I hope it can be helpful to you.Wish you success!(祝愿)

