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Part-Time Job 学生兼职的好处

1. Help cultivate independence and develop a strong sense of responsibility.

2. Foster a sense of competition and cooperation, which is quite necessary in one’s future career.

3. Build up one’s confidence and offer one a sense of achievement

(accomplishment), because one can realize his value and capability.

4. Learn to cooperate and master interpersonal skills, which are needed for future success.

5. Ease the financial strain of their family and at the same time one can enjoy a more colorful and interesting campus life with the hard-earned money.

6. Widen one’s horizon / Broaden one’s mind / broaden one’s scope of knowledge.

7. Getting a job can give you spending money and valuable work experience. Overseas Study 出国留学的好处

1. Widen one’s horizon / Broaden one’s mind / broaden one’s scope of knowledge.

2. Experience a new culture and master a fluent foreign language.

3. Better prospects / promising future

4. Develop interpersonal skills and learn to be independent.

5. Highly qualified, well experienced teaching staffs and excellent research facilities.

6. Overseas study let you immense asset in the competitive job market.

7. Studying abroad is the ideal chance to travel, make new friends, expand your horizons and learn more about both the world and yourself. It may help you to realize what you want to do in your career, plus you’ll have time to think about what you want to achieve.

8. It will change your life and put you a step head of the rest. Study abroad can offer you an exciting, challenging and valuable opportunity.

9. There is no doubt that your overseas study will change you in some way or another. You will develop a broader mind, a wider understanding of the world around you, better social skills, improved self-confidence and you’ll be more adaptable.

10. The experiences you have and the people you meet will provide you with many lifelong memories that you’ll cherish forever.

Tele-Education 远程教育

1. (优点): Improve the flexibility of learning in terms of space, time, choice of content or teaching resources.

2. (优点): Make life-long study possible.

3. Face-to-face contact can never be replaced. In traditional classroom, students and teachers can communicate directly and freely.

4. Students receiving tele-education tend to be socially unadaptable, lacking


the necessary interpersonal skills.

5. The students are unable to cultivate teamwork spirit, cooperation and competition.

6. In traditional classroom, by discussing with the classmates and exchanging ideas with the teacher, students learn how to share the ideas and methods with each other and how to cooperate with each other to seek a better solution. However, students can not do so through tele-education.

7. Learning at home encourages children to live an indolent life with lax discipline.

8. The traditional school is a place where children get training of the mind and character to produce self-control, habits of obedience as well as learn to write and read,

9. Lack adequate physical exercises, resulting in the deterioration of one’s physical health.

School Violence 校园暴力问题

Present Situation

1. There is definitely a problem with school violence today. The last several years have shown us that violence in our school is more common today than ever before.

2. Violence in schools has become a big problem in today’s society. Whether the violence has to do with guns, knives, or just a simple fight, school violence is getting a litter out of hand.

3. It is traditional believed that schools are safest place in children’s lives, but are we all so sure that this is true anymore.

4. They create a disturbance, interfere with classroom instruction, and disrupt normal school operations.


1. The spread of gangs and drugs has also been implicated in the increasing violence of school youths.

2. The use of drugs in general population has become a very serious problem in society and within the school system..

3. Schools are often blamed for the ills of society, yet society has a major impact on our education system. The problems that schools are facing today are certainly connected to the problems that our society faces, including drugs, violence, and the changing of our family structure.

4. Obsessions with things like violent games and TV shows lead violent acts.

5. There is excessive violence and pornography in mass media that is

misleading, exaggerative and false. Teenagers are so immature, ignorant and sequacious that they can hardly distinguish right from wrong and easily go astray.

6. If these children have difficulty controlling their impulses when they are troubled, they may turn to extreme measures, including violence.

7. Some children spend limited time with their families. They lack adequate


emotional exchanges with their family members. They occupy themselves with activities that involve little social interaction, such as electronic games, television and the Internet.


1. Schools provide education about drugs to young students.

2. Make violence prevention programs available in every community.

3. Increase security measures to ensure that weapons are not available on campus.

4. Add curricula and counseling to educate children about their feelings and how to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence.

5. Encourage students to report crimes or activities that make them suspicious.

6. Learn and teach conflict resolution and anger management skills. Help the students practice applying them in everyday life.

Public school or Private School 公立还是私立学校

Public School (各个阶层,种族; 便宜; 历史悠久政府关注)

1. Public education is the fundamental way to prepare children from diverse ethnic, religious, and class backgrounds to live as responsible citizens in a democracy.

2. The tuition of public in China is comparatively low, thus enabling the poor children to have easier access to education.

3. Serve the lower and middle class minority, reducing disparities between disadvantaged and other students.

4. Public schooling has a long history in most industrialized countries. Private School

1. Small size of classes.

2. Attract more qualified and experienced teachers with more funds.

3. Private schools have an ample supply of teaching resources (facilities).

4. First class teaching facilities, advanced equipment and beautiful


5. This sort of school system most effectively serves different people’s educational needs.

Uniforms in School 校服

1. They are an infringement on students’ freedom. Everyone has the right to choice what to wear.

2. Uniforms deprive students of their right of choice: every one is entitled to what he likes to wear.

3. The forced wearing of uniforms will hinder children’s development of creativity and imaginative capability.

4. Uniforms have an adverse impact on the mental development of the students.

5. Uniforms discourage individuality and creativity.

6. Hinder the development of their ability in aesthetics.

7. If children are allowed to choose what they like will make them more


self-confident, they will feel that they can decide on their own affairs and will have thoughts of their own.

Competition or Cooperation:


1. Cooperation offers us a break from the pressure and stress of competition.

2. We feel that winning is not everything. Striving to win makes things fun and exciting, but we shouldn’t find our self-esteem only through winning.

3. Two heads are better than one.

4. In cooperation people work together in order to achieve their goals. By helping you I help myself. We sink or swim together. This is a win-win approach – everyone wins.

5. In fact, people working together are generally more effective than people working against each other (or alone). That is to say, it is easier to succeed when other people are helping us rather than working against us.

6. Cooperation is marvelously successful at helping people to communicate effectively, to trust in others and to accept those who are different from themselves.

Should High School Students Be Encouraged to Evaluate and Criticize Their Teacher?

1. This practice helps teachers better understand their strengths and

weaknesses, just as the old saying has it: ―Stander-by see more clearly than gamesters.‖

2. The system helps nurture teachers’ spirit of competition, intensify the sense of responsibility and urges them to upgrade (improve) their quality of service – teaching quality.

3. It supervises teachers’ work and control the efficiency of the teaching work like an invisible hand.

4. It helps the school administrations to have a better grasp of teaching quality of the teaching staff through the regular feedback from the students.

5. It acts as an effective tool to measure the quality of education.

6. It can increase the mutual understanding and promote friendship between teachers and students, thus forming a brand new type of student-teacher relationship. It is a symbol of students-oriented education and a step forward towards quality education.

Coeducation 男女共校

1. The adult world is made up of males and females, so should the school be. Coeducation helps one to better know his social role so that one can easily adapt to the outside world. The formative years of children are the best time to expose them to the company of the other gender, in order that they may learn each others’ behavior and be better prepared for adult life.

2. It offers a good chance for male and female students to better understand


one another, thus removing illusions and wrong impression. There are many striking differences between males and females. By studying together in a same school, they can complement each other and learn from each other.

3. It encourages benign competition and cooperation between male and female students.

4. It is beneficial to the healthy psychological development. Many

psychological and physiological problems vexing an adolescent student can be readily solved in a coeducational school.

5. It is beneficial to the healthy psychological development. Many

psychological and physiological problems vexing an adolescent student can be readily solved in a coeducational school.

6. It possesses a good many practical advantages. For example, the coed school has the socialization advantages. Obviously, a party involving two sexes is more interesting and likely to succeed. It helps students to enjoy various kinds of rich and colorful school life.

7. Different thoughts based on different genders exchanged in class are helpful to the study.

8. The presence of the opposite sex helps refrain students from indecent behaviors.

9. Coed schools help to get that sexual interaction going.

10. In fact boys and girls are a good influence on each other, engendering good behavior and maturity ---- particularly as teenage girls usually exhibit greater responsibility than boys of the same age. Academic competition between the sexes is a spur to better performance at school.

11. Schools should prepare children for life and the more the school emulates ―real life ‖ the better. The coed system makes children more socially adaptable.

12. Boys will do better in the classroom if girls are present to set them a good example.

Will Computers Replace Human Teachers?

1. Computers are cold impersonal devices and they relate to children as though they are machines—without love, care, or feeling.

2. Children who use computers will learn to communicate with machines

instead of people. There is a risk we will create a generation of social illiterates. There is some truth to the stereotypical ―computer nerd‖.

3. Teacher-directed learning is underpinned by personal awareness and a focus on students. IT-directed focus is impersonal.

4. Within a class of 25 children, there may be 25 variables. These variables are understood by teachers but not by computer-generated and controlled programs.

5. Classroom teachers become aware of student learning difficulties and foibles.

6. Computers present programs that can not be accommodated. Personalized shifts do not happen.


7. Computer-generated learning places all students in the group onto the same program, at the same point, progressing them as a collective. Individual differences are not recognized.

8. Having a teacher in the classroom poses many opportunities for the students to learn life’s basics.

9. Having physical teachers in the classrooms is advantageous because they can teach personal interaction, reading, and teamwork. And computer cannot teach these things.

10. There can be confusion between reality and fantasy, between fact and myth,

Problems Probably Confronting a freshman

Possible Problems:

1. Psychological problems such as loneliness, homesickness and


2. Language problems such as inability to understand the local dialect.

3. Local foods disagreeable to one’s taste.

4. Can not adapt to the climate very well.

Suggested Solutions:

1. A college orientation session should be held to familiarize the freshmen with the exciting school life.

2. Some special advisory and consultative committees should be established to meet the psychological needs of the new students.

3. Seniors students should be called on to offer help to their new younger schoolfellows.

4. Different kinds of foods and accommodation should be available to students from different places and backgrounds.

5. Some campus activities involving new and old students’ participation should be organized to familiarize the new with the campus life, such as a welcome party to be held by the school authorities.

6. Fresh should try to be independent and self-reliant.

7. Keep regular emotional contacts with one’s family members and former classmates.

8. Active participation in the campus life is essential to removing loneliness and disorientation.

Pocket Money

1. Help the children understand the value of money and how to use the money responsibly.

2. The money parents give help the children learn to manage money, and they can understand how budgeting, saving and interest work. In this way, they can develop wise spending habits.

3. It helps raise a money-savvy child.

4. Cultivate a spirit of independence and learning to make decision on one’s own.


5. Such goal-setting helps children learn to become responsible for


6. Children are willing learners, and you will find by giving pocket money, you can get them very interested in whole process of building a healthy saving for the future.

7. Young children especially enjoy watching the money build up in their piggy banks, and they love to take it out and count it. This is a great opportunity to teach your child the different denominations in our currency, and what each coin and bill is worth.

8. It is the beast way to introduce your child to the concept of saving.

9. Money management is seldom taught in schools; it is up to the parents to educate their children in this very important life skill.

10. It is a way to help educate children about personal finance and managing money.

11. Parents don’t have to worry about being constantly asked to buy things for the kids.

12. Children can learn how and why to save money.

To Play, or to Compete?

1. Organized sports activities bring damage rather than benefits to children both physically and psychologically.

2. Physically, as they are still at the stage of developing bodies, hard exercises and tough playing will be inappropriate for them.

3. Psychologically, winning and losing—the keynote of adult life --- may mean too heavy a burden for children who should have fun and enjoy the game at that age.

4. The primary goal of a professional athlete – winning – is not appropriate for children. Their goal should be having fun, learning, and being with friends.

5. Children will benefit more from those programs emphasizing fitness, self-esteem, cooperation, sportsmanship, and individual performance.

6. Besides physical hazards and anxieties, competitive sports pose

psychological dangers for children.

Nature or Nurture

1. Learning is very important in determining who we are.

2. You can’t change your genes, but you can choose how to live your life.

3. If we take identical twins, and give one the best environment possible, and put the other one in closet for eighteen years, the differences will be profound, and caused totally by environmental differences between the two children,

4. Identical twins living in parallel universes do not necessarily lead identical lives.

5. Environment is more influential.

6. There is also substantial proof that an individual’s environment affects his mental aptitude.

7. It is often difficult to separate learning from our biology because we begin


learning at the moment we are born.

8. Biology certainly determines part of what we are, but we start learning as soon as we are conceived,

9. We hardly separate biologically determined behavior from learned behavior.

10. Socialization is learning. Socialization refers to all learning regardless of setting or age of the individual.

11. A person’s entire environment seems to be more effectual in determining his mental ability than heredity is.

12. Experiments such as these ones prove that a person’s environment can have a crucial effect on him and on his manner of thinking.

13. A study done in Great Britain in the late 1980s shows that nutrition plays a very large role in a person’s development.

14. Starving people across the globe show why lack of nutrients in human bodies can stunt mental evolutions as well as physical growth.

15. Unique environmental factors (unique to children reared together) cause differences in behavior.

How to Manage Stress

The Present Situation and Its Effects:

1. Stress is your reaction to something you consider a challenge or a threat. Stress is a natural part of life. Modern people are stressed out or under too much stress.

2. Stress is a natural part of life.

3. Stress is hard to define because it means different things to different people; however, it is clear that most stress is a negative feeling rather than a positive feeling.

4. Despite the highly developed material life, modern people are leading an unprecedented stressful life.

5. Some stressors are so powerful that they would evoke significant emotional distress in most mentally healthy people, and trigger mental disorders. Causes:

1. You may feel physical stress which is the result of too much to do, not enough sleep, a poor diet or the effects of an illness.

2. Nowadays the social competition is becoming fiercer and everyone wants to cope with adversity and to flourish in their education, vocation, and personal relationships.


1. If your stress is chronic, it may require more attention and lifestyle changes.

2. Exercise. Regular exercise is a popular way to relieve stress. Twenty to thirty minutes of physical activity benefits both the body and the mind.

3. Hobbies. Take a break from your worries by doing something you enjoy. Whether it is gardening or painting, schedule time to indulge your interest.

4. Healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition makes a difference. Limit intake of caffeine and alcohol, get adequate rest, exercise, and balance work and play.


5. Share your feelings. A conversation with a friend lets you know that you are not the only one having a bad day, caring for a sick child or working in a busy office. Stay in touch with friends and family. Let them provide love, support and guidance. Don’t try to cope alone.

6. Lower demands you put on yourself. Live for today. Don’t dwell in the past of worry about the future.

7. Develop other interests that will help you forget about your problems for a while. Sports work for some people, reading, exercising or socializing for others.

Carnivorous Diet or Vegetarian Diet

Carnivorous Diet:

1. Human beings are a part of the food chain, and eating meat is natural. So then, how can eating meat be wrong?

2. Humans are type of animal and eating meat is normal and simply a part of life.

3. Animals provide essential protein for the human body. Protein is biologically essential, for every living creature needs a certain amount to survive.

4. Vegetarians do not get enough minerals and vitamins as a result of their limited diet.

5. It is hard enough for vegetarians to stay healthy in our technologically advanced society.

6. Eating plats is also causing pain or discomfort to the plants. You only have to check out laboratory experiments that plants feel pain.

Should Smoking Be Banned in All Public Places?

1. Second-hand tobacco smoke can be deadly as well.

2. Cigarette smoke contains about 4000 chemicals, about 50 of which are known cancer-causing agents.

3. Only one smoker makes a majority, as the smoker spreads and fills all space available.

4. Governments should pass law to protect people and place controls on actions that harm others.

5. Damaging one’s health is viewed as a personal liberty; damaging some one else’s health may not.

6. Smoking in public places constitutes a real hazard to non-smokers.

7. Smoking endangers people’s health. Smokers are more likely to suffer from bronchitis and lung cancer and have a higher risk of developing other kinds of cancer.

8. Smoking may pose a potential fire hazard for smokers are careless about the cigarette butts.

9. Smoking may cause diseases such as cancers and bronchitis.

10. For years cigarettes have been known to cause cancer, emphysema, and other horrible illnesses.

11. Smoking not only does harm to the health of smokers but also affects the


health of non-smokers around them because non-smokers are forced to take in some poisonous substances which smokers blow into the air.

12. Families could save money by not purchasing cigarettes; and accidental fires costing millions of dollars caused by cigarettes would cease.

13. With every cigarette you smoke, you are causing damage to your health.

14. Every cigarette you smoke reduces your lifespan by 11 minutes. Littering/ Rubbish Problem

Present Situation:

1. The roads scattered with all sorts of trash are a disgrace and the railway line are littered with decaying rubbish.

2. One third of all waste produced is made up of packaging materials.

3. Litter attracts vermin, causes a fire hazard, pollutes waterways and detracts from the amenity of public parks and gardens.

4. What we are doing now is wasteful of resources and unfriendly to the environment.

5. People show an appalling disregard for the environment. They have no respect for the environment.

6. We lack adequate facilities to dispose of rubbish of all kinds. For instance, not many dustbins are seen along streets.

7. The quickening tempo of modern lifestyle also contributes partly to the increasing rubbish problem, because many people prefer takeaway fast food and the use of disposable items for the convenience’s sake.

8. Disposable packaging and items become fashionable these days, from baby nappies to milk cartons to burger wrappers.

9. We are now living in a consumer-oriented society.


1. Public activities should be sponsored by government to promote the public awareness of environmental protection. Make sure that everyone is a conscious preserver.

2. Our government should take stronger and harsher measures to combat the littering behavior.

3. Use environmentally-friendly materials.

4. Minimally packaged goods should be encouraged.

5. The rubbish should be classified scientifically so that the procedure can achieve high efficiency.

6. People should learn to recycle. For instance, we should set up bins around town to collect glass, paper, and aluminum that can be converted back into raw materials, then made them into new products.

How to Solve the Traffic Problem

Present Situation and Cause:

1. Every day there are many traffic jams everywhere, causing great

inconveniences to people’s daily lives.

2. Too many cars running on the streets lead to air pollution and noise pollution.


3. There are more vehicles than the streets can accommodate.

4. The construction of new roads is very slow.

5. Many drivers do not obey regulation. People lack adequate awareness of the seriousness of traffic problem.


1. More and Wider roads should be laid down to relieve the traffic congestion.

2. Build more underground railway and tunnels and underpass.

3. Issue stricter traffic laws and regulations, impose more severe and harsher penalty on the violator.

4. Raise the public awareness of the traffic regulations. Popularize the education of traffic regulations; improve the quality of the citizens.

5. Build up better public transportation systems, including buses, trains and subway, will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars.

The Pros and Cons of Bikes


1. Fitness: Biking let you incorporate low stress aerobic exercise into your daily commute.

2. Parking: Forget about parking headache. Riding a bicycle lets you park much closer to your destination than a car.

3. The environment benefits include reduced pollution and reduced resource consumption (less material, fuel, and infrastructure).

4. Bicycles increase mobility for those who don’t have access to motor transport (who don’t qualify to drive a car).

5. Reduce energy consumption.

6. One of the most positive impacts of bicycling is improved health.

7. Moderate exercise such as bicycling can offer major health benefits.

8. Beyond physical health, bicycling helps to relieve; to fight off depression and anxiety; and to enhance your sense of well-being.

9. It is also a lot more economical to ride a bike than to drive a car.

The Cloning Technology

1. Cloning is unnatural and not ethically correct.

2. Cloning creates serious issues of identify and individuality and forces humans to consider the definition of self.

3. It leads to the psychological harms on cloned human children. One of those harms is the loss of identify, or sense of uniqueness and individuality.

4. The strongest ethical argument against cloning is that it could lead to a new, unfamiliar type of family relationship.

5. Another argument against cloning is that it would be available only to the wealthy and therefore would increase social inequality.

Space Research



1. The oldest and purest of the arguments for space exploration is the advancement of science and technology.

2. We will go into space, not to bring back things which make us richer or more comfortable here on Earth. We will go there to live and make it our home.

3. The exploration to the universe is a high ideal –space truly is the final frontier.

4. The instinct to explore is fundamentally human; already some of our most amazing achievements have taken place in space.

5. No one can deny the sense of wonder.

6. The exploitation of space has directly changed our world. Satellites orbiting the Earth allow us to communicate instantaneously with people on different continents, and to broadcast to people all over the world.

7. Weather satellites save lives by giving advance warning of adverse

conditions, and together with other scientific instruments in orbit they have helped us understand our own world better.

8. Space exploration is an investment in the future. Our world is rapidly running out of resources. Overpopulation could become a serious worldwide threat.

9. Space exploration open us new world and adds to our knowledge, enabling human being to know more about the universe as well as about the earth.

10. Space exploration helps to acquire new resources to mitigate the energy crisis (shortage). There may be some new kinds of natural resource in other planets.

11. Space exploration may find new living places for human being to solve the problem of overpopulation. There is possibility that one day mankind may emigrate to other planets.

12. Space exploration is necessary for future. If we want to progress in the world then we should continue space exploration.

Pros and Cons of Tourism


1. It is regarded as a pillar of key local economic development.

2. The booming tourist industry has created more job openings. Many people have said good-bye to poverty through involvement in tourist businesses.

3. The tourist industry has played a positive role in meeting the cultural needs of the public, carrying forward national culture and achieving the sustainable development of resources.

4. Tourism helps to better introduce the country to foreigners and showcase the brilliant history and culture to the outside world.

5. Tourism helps to improve the investment environment so as to attract more foreign investors.

6. Tourists can take pleasure in the magnificent natural landscape, appreciate the superior workmanship of ancient artists and enjoy a variety of local delicacies (specialties). Many tourist attractions offer a wealth of historical relics, fascinating scenery and interesting local culture.


7. Tourism helps to promote the catering trade, transportation service and commerce.

8. Tourism is the world’s largest and faster growing industry. According to recent statistics, tourism provides 10 percent of the world’s income and employs almost one-tenth of world’s workforce. By the year 2010, these

numbers will double. All considered, tourism’s actual and potential economic impact is astounding.

9. Tourism encourages the preservation of identify, pride and value in our living conditions and the cultural legacy of generations in danger of extinction.

10. Tourism contributes to the revival of customs and traditions.

11. Tourism brings new money into an area and generates jobs, income and tax revenues.


1. Contact with and assimilation of other cultures will reduce the uniqueness of one’s own culture and make the world less colorful than before.

2. Undermine local traditions and ways of life.

3. Tourism may cause serious environmental pollution.

Museums and Galleries


1. Museum and related heritage institutions provide people with an enhanced awareness of our diverse heritage and our place in the world. They promote understanding and appreciation of our diverse cultures, landscapes, stories and experiences.

2. Museums contribute to the enrichment of the lives of people.

3. Guarantee the availability and use of the collections in research and teaching.

4. Collections and exhibitions reflect the cultural and social diversity.

5. Museums and galleries make an important contribution to education, scholarship, citizenship, social inclusion and tourism.

6. Generally promote the public’s enjoyment and understanding of painting and other fine art both by means of the collection and by such other means as they consider appropriate.

How to Support and Develop the Museum and Gallery:

1. The government sets up more state funded museums and art school.

2. Increase education personnel and facilities in museums and galleries, as well as support schools with the cost of visits.

3. We should actively seek to attract additional sources of funding in order to increase the total pool of money available.

4. Museums should be taken to raise standards of collection care or management.

5. The government should refund those museum and galleries which offer free admissions to the public.

6. Seek the financial support of corporations, non-profit foundations and


individuals who share its goal of preserving the cultural legacy of the museums.

TV and Films

Positive Side:

1. Television is one of the most important forms of entertainment and communication.

2. Television has the power to educate and to entertain.

3. There is probably no greater influence on society than the television, which has saturated our lives.

4. Children watch TV to receive the daily news.

5. TV plays a big role in a child’s life. It teaches them new words and shows them things they have never seen before.

6. The TV was brought in to our world to give us a new sense of entertainment, world news and endless amounts of information.

7. Television can also promote pro-social behavior.

8. Television can exert its strongest pro-social influence in the area of learning and cognitive development.

Negative Side:

1. A child who often indulges in TV doesn’t know the difference between reality and fantasy.

2. Children have undeveloped minds, which can not conceive the information the same way that adults do.

3. Given our national television habit, it is no surprise that we are raising the most sedentary and most overweight generation of youngsters in history.

4. The health consequences of this overabundance of TV viewing include an increase in obesity among kids due to a sedentary lifestyle, and the flip side, an increase in dieting disorders due to the unrealistic expectations set up by thin actors on television shows and commercials.



1. Advertising promotes and popularizes new products and give people everywhere the maximum choice of products and choice.

2. Some advertisements are of high artistic value, original and well-designed with vivid pictures and witty language, artistic photography and witty slogan; therefore they add to the beauty of our lives. They are a par indispensable to modern society.

3. Advertising brings convenience to people’s lives.

4. Advertising plays an important role in our economic life and is indispensable to the consumer society.

5. It is a kind of visual enjoyment to look at some witty works of advertising which add beauty to the cityscape.


1. Some leaflets and handouts are scattered here and there, polluting the


environment. They are regarded as rubbish and a blemish on the landscape of the city. They disfigure our cities,

2. Advertisements are not always truthful, and a product is often

misrepresented, false and deceptive. Many advertisements are fictitious, exaggerating, misleading and flying in the face of truth.

3. Advertisements are an insidious form of brainwashing. Some are mislead and tend to induce people to spend more and create demand for things we do not need.

4. It is very disturbing that TV programs are interrupted by advertisements, and mailboxes are stuffed with rubbish. Nuisance to TV viewers: constant

interruption spoils the viewing. We can do nothing but accept it passively. They are intrusive and offensive.

The Disappearance of Language and Culture

Present Situation:

1. Endangered languages are languages that are slowly disappearing because of technology and the desire for cultures to assimilate. Also, many cultures have changed or altered their languages for economic reasons.

2. While languages are being lost at alarming rate, this is not a time for

pessimism. Many local language communities are mobilizing to maintain and foster their linguistic traditions.

3. Many efforts are underway to reverse the trend of language disappearance.

4. Languages are a t serious risk of disappearing.

5. A large number of languages are under threat of extinction, if we pay no heed to this phenomenon, it then implies that in no distant future, small ethnic groups will lost their cultural identities and languages and become lost tribes, relegated to the history books.

The Reasons of Extinction

1. With the recent wave of technological advances in communications, the world has gotten closer than ever before to image conjured by the words ―global village‖.

2. Cultural globalization will result in one homogenous global culture where everyone looks the same, speaks the same and thinks the same.

3. Languages become extinct when a community finds itself under pressure to integrate with a larger or more powerful group.

4. Often the community is pressured to give up its language and even its ethnic and cultural identity.

5. Because of some intense pressure, such as economic, social and political, some tribes give up their own cultures, including their languages, to embrace those of the majority tribes.

The Significance of Language Preservation

1. The study of a language not only equips a student with a new set of

communication tools but also provides them with an ability to see things from a different cultural perspective.


2. Language is culture, so killing language equals killing culture. In so doing, we erase whole histories and bury entire stories the richness of which the world loses forever.

3. When a community loses its language, it often loses a great deal of its cultural identity at the same time.

The Solutions to the Problem

1. Heighten awareness of our heritage and celebrate our cultural diversity.

2. Support the use of endangered languages in all contexts: at home, in education, in the media, and in social, cultural and economic life.

3. Set up a database for archiving languages to prevent them from being lost completely.

4. Governments can help by removing bans on languages, and children should be encouraged to speak other languages in addition to their native tongues. Art Funding

1. It is imperative that our national rich and diverse heritage in the arts and culture be preserved, enhanced, and publicly supported if we are to see the continuation of a tradition that has inspired people living and working here.

2. It is a worthwhile investment because it puts a nation on the international cultural map and generates tourism dollars (boosts local tourism).

3. Although the traditional artists may not create commercial benefits, they can enrich our spiritual life and civilize our society.

4. Art contributes to the enrichment of the lives of people.

5. Art upgrades the image and status of the city,

6. Government support for the arts will help attract and retain the

organizational and individual talent required by a thriving, multi-cultural economy and society.

7. It helps preserve and carry forward the traditional arts.

Are Zoos Necessary?

1. It is an effective way to preserve some rare animals and endangered species. It cannot be denied that the natural environment is no longer a

suitable habitat for some species which are on the verge of extinction due to the deterioration of environment and hunting.

2. The animals kept in zoos can undoubtedly receive better care and treatment for there are many well-trained professionals like vets and scientists.

3. Certainly zoo animals do tend to live longer lives, to feed better, and to

suffer from fewer parasites or diseases. They live without the fear of predation; they live without famine.

4. Besides protecting endangered species, zoos play an important role in improving the public knowledge of animals. Animals in zoos keep people in touch with a more natural animal world.

5. Zoos are a place of entertainment and recreation. They are also a great tourist attraction which boosts the local tourism.

6. Zoos help to carry out research as a result of having animals available.


7. Zoos provide unique opportunities for many people to observe wild animals.

8. Animals do not have rights. In any case, zoos, as we will see, exist to protect endangered species and to help us understand and protect our animal cousins more successfully. One of the reasons animals are taken into captivity in zoos is that they are under threat if they stay in their natural habitat.

9. As long as animals are treated well in zoos there is no reason why conservation, education, and cruelty-free entertainment should not all be

combined in a zoo. There is also, of course, a valid role for breeding in different environments such as large nature reserves.

The Conservation of Endangered Animals

1. Hundreds of species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction.

2. Other species have a right to existence.

3. Many species have become extinct because of large-scale land clearing carried out and the commercialization of agriculture.

4. Humans have the power to affect our environment more than any other species. If we continue to abuse the earth by deforestation, over-fishing, hunting and large-scale land clearing, we will cause irreparable damage.

5. It is imperative for governments of developments of developed and developing nations to adopt more environmentally friendly policies.

6. If we will not start thinking ―balance and harmony with nature‖, the Nature will find a way to destroy us.

7. It is important to educate students and the public so that they will

understand the necessity for wildlife preservation.

8. Officials should be provided with information when they are aware and are unable to stop actions that are harmful to the forest such as starting fires, raising and selling of wildlife.

9. Fewer species will mean fewer potential medicines.

10. Biodiversity is good for humans. By destroying it, we could bring the axe down on our own heads. Overpopulation, famine and the spread of

high-powered rifles are killing off these creatures.

11. Human activity has displaced the natural habitat over two-thirds of the habitable surface of the planet.

12. Conservation means protecting valuable natural ecosystems and habitats for wildlife that can protect the reproduction and evolution of life in ecosystems and keep the energy flow, material cycling and ecological process in the system.

Should Animals Suffer for The benefits of Humans?

1. The result of these animal experiments has been the elimination or control of many infectious diseases.

2. In many countries, such as The U.S and the U.K, all prescription drugs must be tested on animals before they are allowed onto the market.

3. Research involving animals is absolutely essential to maintaining and improving the health of human beings.


4. Animal research is an integral part of today’s society when thinking of how much progress we have gained in human health with the use of animal experimentation.

5. Although many people think that animal research is morally wrong, animal research should continue because it is critical to continued progress in human health and alternatives to it are not available.

6. For thousands of years, humans have used animal for a variety of purposes including food, clothing, labor, means of transportation, hunting, medicine, and companionship.

7. Animal research is necessary to maintain our society’s well-being.

8. Hunting and fishing are natural activities. Many other species in the wild kill and eat each other and there is no reason why we should be any different.

9. Although in principle it is more important to reduce human suffering than to prevent animal suffering, in practice it is possible (and absolutely right) to keep animal suffering to an absolute minimum.

10. To ban animal experiments would be to paralyses modern medicine, to perpetuate human suffering, and to endanger human health by allow products such as insecticides onto the market before testing them for toxicity. Pet-Keeping

1. Pets are good, affectionate, loyal, and obedient companions to their masters.

2. Raising pets is beneficial and joyful.

3. They help old people and young children get rid of (drive off their loneliness) and kill the times.

4. Pets have some practical uses, such as a guardian, doorkeeper, and even savior of the masters.

5. Keeping pets is good for children’s growth. It helps children nurture a tender loving heart and learn to care for others. It helps to develop a sense of

responsibility and teaches children an appreciation for life. Pets invite people to love and be loved.

Telecommuting (Working from Home)

1. Possible conflict between your business and personal lives. Because you’re working at home where you have always spent time with your family, it may be difficult for both you and your family to adjust to the fact that you must work while you’re at home.

2. Lack of social contact. Some people dearly love the social interaction of the workplace. When you work from home, you are far more likely to feel cut off from the rest of the world.

3. Need for self-discipline. It can be difficult to motivate yourself when you’re working from home. There are household chores to be done, plenty of

distractions (such as television), and you can be alone for hours. Do you have the self-discipline required to get your work done despite all this?

4. Lack of social contact with co-workers. The lack of daily contact with

co-workers could take us ―out of the loop‖ relative to what is going on within the


company. This lack of ―inside knowledge‖ could affect our advancement with the company.

5. You miss out on the camaraderie that stems from working with others day after day.

6. Diminished access to resources found only at workplace.

7. Fewer career and promotional opportunities; reduced office influence. The Pros and Cons of Job-Hopping


1. Job-hoppers have a wider variety of experience to fit almost any job situation.

2. Job-hopping is a yearning to work with different people, a yearning for different job duties or even a yearning to live in a different city every year.

3. Job-hopping is becoming a growing trend in today’s workforce. Generally speaking, it means new skills, more money, good experience and increased confidence.

4. Job-hopping helps to branch out and broaden one’s horizons.

5. Job transition is still viewed as the key to moving up in your professional path.

6. It is very common to apply your skills in a new industry.


1. If you were a chronic job-hopper during the dotcom days, people may be questioning your integrity and loyalty.

2. You may be pigeon-holed into a position lower than the one you feel you qualify for if they think you’re a risk. This could easily lead you to quickly hop out of this job too if you’re unhappy with your positions and responsibilities.

3. The one thing recruiters should watch out for is a lack of continuity in a job-hopper’s resume.

4. People who skip from job to job are looked on as being unstable and somehow untrustworthy.

5. Job-hopping only causes dislocation and instability.

6. Before you decide to accept a job, be sure that it is something you really want to do.

7. If you changed job every year or two, you were branded unstable.

8. Switching job too rapidly makes employers think the individual can not get promoted, is not reliable, can not be a team member, or is so egotistical or self-centered that no job can meet his expectations.

9. When job switching turns into a pattern, it may negatively affect your job opportunities.

White lies


1. Everyone should admit the significance of good faith and honesty and regard it as a virtue. However, we should not lose sight of the face that there are some special occasions in which we have to tell lies in order to avoid some


unwanted unpleasant things.

2. If you are a doctor and discover that one of your patients develops cancer of terminal stage, do you have the heart to inform him of the truth of keep it a secret? If you tell the truth, maybe he will collapse and lose the hope of living; if you keep it a secret and encourage him to struggle against the disease, maybe he will enjoy a much longer life and suffer from less strain and frustration.

3. Our government sometimes also has to tell white lies in order to avoid social chaos and maintain social stability. For instance, when asked whether some kind of infectious disease has broken out, the government spokesman will sometimes deny it despite the fact that there are some cases confirmed.

4. In social contacts, sometimes in order to avoid some embarrassment and avoid hurting the feelings of other, we have to tell some lies—the so-call white lies. For example, when your colleague wears a new dress and asks for you comment, even though you dislike it, you had better say something nice about it. Otherwise he may be a bit annoyed.

5. Sometimes when we do not want to hurt another’s feelings or cause him unnecessary worry, we withhold information. We tell a white lie. It seems that we are being kind or protecting the other person.

The High Salaries of Athletes and Entertainers

1. Their brilliant performances enrich people’s cultural (spiritual life), which partly contributes to the spiritual civilization.

2. They bring great pleasure and happiness to ordinary people. They make money by means of their skills and they deserve it. No one forces you to pay for his performance. Both are willing.

3. Some of these stars have undergone painstaking training and practice. No pains, no gains. The road to success may not be easy for most pop stars, who may set examples for the youngsters.

4. They sacrifice a lot for what they gain including privacy. They are no longer private individuals; they are public property.

5. They bring benefits to the tertiary industry and prosper some professions like entertainment and related ventures.

6. It is an inevitable outcome of the market economy. We shall not make a fuss of it. It is decided by the market.

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

1. It will increase the number of drug user and drug related crimes.

2. Scientists have found that smoking marijuana can cause the user to loose his memory.

3. Marijuana has many psychological and physical effects.

4. Extended use of marijuana also has a long-term psychological effect on many people. These individuals lose interest in everything.

5. An increase in drug use will result in an increase in drug related crimes if drugs are legalized.

6. If drug is sold legally, it will become easy for users to buy it around the


corner. Thus, it will increase the already existing problem of crime.

7. The legalization will advance a laissez-faire attitude about drugs.

8. The legalization would encourage greater availability and use of drugs especially among children.

The Legalization of Gambling

1. Gambling triggers addiction. The more legalized gambling available, the more addictive behavior is triggered.

2. Gambling addiction will become an epidemic among youth.

3. Gambling attracts crime. Casinos and gambling are often associated with gangster, prostitution, murderers, and all the illegal operations one could think of.

4. Gambling presents a bad example to our children. Gambling promotes the idea that luck, not education and hard work, is the key to success.

5. Gambling produces no wealth for society, and suggests that productivity is not important. Gambling sets up artificial risks and glorifies individuals, who take the biggest, most foolish risks.

6. There are extreme cases where gambling tears a family apart or ruins the life of an adolescent.

7. Problem gambling lead to embarrassment, indebtedness, bankruptcy, child neglect, or even divorce.

8. Gambling addiction is a serious threat to the family and to society at large.

9. Lottery changes the values of state from a work ethic to a chance ethic. Lengthy Jail Terms or community Service Programs to Criminals

1. Whoever violates the law should undoubtedly be punished.

2. Only in this way does he know that crime does not pay.

3. Just as the idiom goes: ―They deserve their punishment.‖ Ruthless and tough criminals don’t deserve special funding and education.

4. Lengthy jail terms function as an effective warning and deterrent to the would-be criminals and help prevent crime and lower the crime rate.

5. It is fare to the victim and his family. Putting the criminals in jail does justice to the victim and ensures the social order.

6. It prevents the criminals from repeating an offence.

7. It executes (punishes) one as a warning to others.

8. Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.

9. They are potential threats and risks to law-abiding citizens. They are time bombs planted among innocent people.

Gun Control

1. Gun control is the perfect solution to crime.

2. The only function of a gun is to kill. The more instruments of death and injury can be removed from our society, the safer it will be.

3. A vast majority of citizens believe that if gun control is strictly enforced it would quickly reduce the threat of crime.

