
更新时间:2023-06-04 05:53:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Abide by遵守,承担 account for解释,说明 approve of 赞成

accuse sb. of指控某人做某事 be absorbed in 专心于 charge with指控 argue about 论争 immersed in 沉浸于 blame for指责

argue against/for 赞成/反对 indulged in 沉溺于

argue into doing 说服某人做某事interested in 感兴趣于 arise from 由…引起 be acquainted with 熟悉 act as充当

result from 由…引起 be ashamed of 为…羞愧 act on按…行事 derive from 起源于 be bound to 一定 be destined to 注定 be doomed to 注定

be determined to 决心要 adapt…to 适应 ask for 请求见到 adjust to 调整 be apt to 易于

be accustomed to 习惯于 associate…with 联想到一起 be inclined to 倾向于 be used to 习惯于 be built up of 由…制成 be made up of 由…组成 add to 增加

consist of/in 构成/在于 add up to 总计为 attach to 使附属于 be supposed to 本应该 adhere to 坚持 bear in mind 牢记 back up 支持 attend to 照顾,办理 believe in 相信 attribute to 归因于 benefit from 获益于

appeal owe to 归因于 blow away 刮走 appeal to 呼吁,请求 ascribe to 归因于 blow down 吹倒 appeal for 请求支援 contribute to 贡献于 blow off 吹掉 apply blow out 吹灭 apply for 申请 blow up 爆炸 call for要求,需要 call off取消

break the news to 泄露消息给 break into tears 突然大哭 call in来访call on拜访 break into a quarrel 突然大吵 break into qieces 摔得粉碎 break into sb’s house 闯入某人家 call up打电话 break through 突破 care for喜欢,照顾,关心 break up 打碎,散会,终止 bring about实现,使发生

carry/put forward推进,发扬 carry on继续

bring in生产出,带入,提出 carry through执行,贯彻指示 bring forth使产生 catch hold of抓住 catch up with追赶上 buy sth. on credit赊购 come up with提出 keep up with保持 put up with容忍 cover up掩盖,掩饰 change one’s mind改变主意 cut across抄近路穿过,对直通过 change sth with sb与某人交换某物cut back削减,急忙返回 cut down削减,减少 change into用某物换某物 cut in插嘴,打断,超车 cut off切断,阻断 charge sb for充电,指控 cut out割去,删去

check in/out /up入住/离店/核对 devote to致力于

die out消失,灭绝 clear away 清除掉 die of死于

have nothing to do with与…没有关系 come across偶然碰到 do good/harm to对有利/有害 do one’s best尽最大努力

come into effect/operation生效/开始运行

draw in(火车、汽车)进站

draw up起草,制订,使停住

come out出现,显露,出版,发表 give in认输,分发 fail in在某方面失败 give off 散发出(气体) fail to do未能做某事

fall back on求助于,转而依靠 give up放弃 fall behind落后

give way to让路给,让位于,被替代 go after追求,设法得到 go ahead开始,进行 go along with赞同,支持

drop by/in顺便访问 come to 苏醒,总计为 come up to 比得上,符合 be engaged in从事于 convince sb of 使某人确信 be engaged to和…订婚 count on/count up指望/总计 enjoy oneself玩得快乐 experiment on 做…实验 expose sth to 将某物暴露于

give back送还

feel like意欲,想要 go by 时间过去,遵守 figure out算出,推测出 go down 下降,减少,被接受 work out算出,制订出,解出 go for 支拿,袭击,目的在于 make out分辨出

go in for喜欢,致力于,从事 find out 查明,发现

go off 不再喜欢,爆炸,成功进行gain access to 获得

go over 仔细查看,检查 get along(with) 与…相处 get down to sth. 开始,着手做 hand down 传下来

get in 进入,参加,收获,收回,插嘴 hand in 上交 hand out 分发 get off 下车,动身离开 hand over 移交,交付给 get out of 逃避,改掉 hang about/around 闲荡,逗留 get over 克服掉

hang on 等待片刻,抓紧不放 get rid of 摆脱

hang up 挂起来,挂断电话 head for 向…走去,驶向 get the better of 占据上风,胜过 help oneself to 自取所需

get through 通过,完成,接通电话,花光钱

hold onto 紧紧抓住

hold out 伸出,坚持要求,不屈

impose on 强人所难,欺骗

lie in 在于

keep an eye on 留意照看 line up 使排成行,排队 live on (靠某人 某事)生活 live through 度过,经受过 keep on 继续,反复地做 live up to 遵守,不辜负期望 keep to 遵守,信守,坚持 look after 照料,管理,关心 stick to 坚持 adhere to 坚持 knock down 打倒,击倒 look down upon 看不起 look for 寻找

look forward to 期待着 lay aside 放在一边,储蓄 look in 顺道访问 look into 调查,观察 lay down 放下,规定,制订 l look out 注意,留神 lay out 安排,布置,设计

look over 把…看一遍,温习,查看

lay off 下岗,辞退 look through 游览,通读 leave alone 听其自然,别管 lose heart 失去信心 lose one’s head 不知所措 leave for 动身前往 lose one’s temper 发脾气 leave off 停止,中断 lose one’s way 迷路 major in 主修

let alone 别碰,别打扰,更不要说make sense 讲得通,有意义 make up(for ) 补偿,弥补 make from 由…制成 mix up 混合,搞混

let out 放走,释放,发出,泄露 object to 反对,不赞成 pass away 逝世 occur to sb. 使某人想起 remind sb of sth. 使某人想起 pay back 偿还,回报,报复 resort to 诉诸于

pay off 还清,得到好结果,取得成功 result in 导致后果 pay up 全部还清

result from 由于会么而造成 pick out 挑选,选择,采摘 ring off 挂断电话

pick up 拣起,中途搭人,学会 ring up 打电话给某人 play a joke on 和某人开玩笑 run away with(感情等)战胜,不受约束play a part in 扮演角色,发挥作用 run down 贬低,减少,精疲力竭 run into 偶然碰见

pull down 拆毁,拉倒,拉下,降低 run out of 用完,耗尽 pull in (车船)进站 run over 碾过,很快看一遍 pull off 脱衣等,实现 run through 贯穿,济览,花光 scale down 按比例缩小 pull out 拔出,(车船)驶出 put away 放好,收好,储蓄

see through 看破,识破 put down 记下,写下,镇压 put forward 提出计划 要求等 put off 推迟 serve as 作为,用作 put out 熄灭,公布,发布,生产出 refer to 提及,参考 regardless of 不顾,不管 set about 开始着手做某事 step up 加速set back 推迟,阻碍 set aside 留出,储蓄 stick to 坚持

stick out 突出,坚持到底 subject to 使遭受,使服从 set apart 使分离,使 分开,拔出 take apart 拆卸,拆开 set off 出发,启程,激起 take down 拆卸,写下,记下 set out to do sth. 打算做某事 set up 建立,创立,架起 take in 欺骗take off 起飞,匆匆离开,脱下 take on 承担,呈现,开始雇佣 show/turn up 出席 show off 卖弄

take over 接收,接管 sit up 熬夜 speed up 加速 take up 开始从事,着手处理,占去 tell … from 区别

think better of 改变主意,重新考虑 stand by 做好准备,袖手旁观,支持 think of想起 think over 仔细考虑 stand for 代表

throw away 拥掉,浪费金钱 stand up to 经得起

throw up呕吐 stand up for 支持,维护try on 试穿 try out试用,试验 turn down 拒绝,关小,调低 watch out for密切注意 wipe out彻底摧毁,消灭

turn on 打开turn to 转向,求助于 turn out 结果是,生产,驱逐 turn over 仔细考虑,交付 write off 取消,注销,勾消 turn up出面,出席 yield to屈服,服从,让步 wait for等候

