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第一部分 专 项 练

their rights.

A) is being B) are being C) is D) are

11. He then took _____ butter, with the result 一. 名词

that hardly any was left for the rest of us. 1. _____there any water in the bottle?

A) Have B) Has C) Are a few B) a little C) A) D) Is many D) a number of 2. There _____two glasses of milk on the table

12. I have fewer _____than I did at the

in the room.

beginning of the term.

A) have B) has C) are

A) homework B) homework D) is

assignment 3 I still want two _____of clothing for the

C) homeworks D) homework coming party.


A) articles B) pieces C) bits D)

13. This is _____.She wrote her name on the


first page.

4. A _____of smoke rose slowly from the roof

A)a Sherry?s book B)a book of Sherry

of the hut.

C)a book of Sherry?s D)Sherry?s a

A) piece B) column C) book stream D) bar 14. Do you know _____ ? He seems to know

you well. 5. The beggar always asks for a _____of bread and a glass of beer.

A) the name of the man B) the name of the man?s A) section B) column C) loaf

C) the man?s the name D) name of the D) part


6. Once a _____ of lions lived in the forest.

15. _____ is the most beautiful one I have

A) pride B) swarm C) troupe ever seen. D) herd

A) Bob brother?s car B)

7. A_____ of football players arrived at the Car of Bob?s brother hotel last night. C) Bob?s brother?s car D)

The car of Bob?s brother

A) gang B) team C) troupe

16. He was able to recite_____ at the age of

D) school


8. A flock of birds_____ circling the field.

A) fifteen poems of Li Bai?s B)

A) was B) were C) is being fifteen poems of Li Bai D) are being C) fifteen Li Bai?s poems D) Li

Bai?s fifteen poem 9. Some _____have been brought in from the

17. The militia _____keeping guard yesterday car.


A) package B) packages C)

A)is B)are C)was D)were the package D) the packages

10. The elderly _____increasingly asserting


18. The policeman is investigating the _____

about the traffic accident.

C)she did not have much sugar D)she was lacking in amount of the sugar

A)passer-by B)passers-by C)passer-bys

28 . Mr. Lee has recently made_____ from



19. The books on the left are for small

A)some huge fortunes B)huge fortune

children whereas the books on the right are for

C)huge fortunes D)a huge fortune

_____ .

29. Why do you have to carry that_____ ?

A)grown-ups B)growns-up

A)piece of luggage B)luggage C)

C)grown-up D)grown ups

luggages D)of luggages

20. His salary is low and he gets_____ . 30. This is an old photograph of me when I

_____. A)little luxuries B)few luxuries C)luxuries D)luxury

21. He inherited five companies of his father?s and lived a life of _____ .

A)luxuries B)many luxuries C)much luxuries D)luxury

A)have short hairs B)had short hairs C)have short hair D)had short hair

31. Its grain output was_____ higher than in 1980.

A)10 percentages B)10 percentage C)10 percents D)10 percent 22. _____ is from India.

32. It will take_____ to finish this course.

A )The mayor?s of New York?s cat

A)one and a half year?s time B)a year and B )The mayor?s cat of New York

a half?s time C )The mayor of New York?s cat

C)a year and a half of time D)a year and D )The mayor?s cat of New York

a half time 23 . _____ new baby is very lovely.

33. She?d like to drive _____. A)Sally?s and Tom?s B)Sally and Tom?s C)Sally? s and Tom D)Sally and Tom

24. _____Is worth a million dollars now, but he bought it for only two dollars ten years ago. A)The portrait of John B)The John?s portrait

C)John?s the portrait D)The portrait of John?s

25. He stood at _____ .

A)Car Twenty-First B)Car Twenty-One B)Car the Twenty-One D)Twenty-One Car

34. I?d like _____ paper.

A)a few B)several C)a bit of D)these

35. Most of the chore was done by two

A)the foot of the bed B)the bed?s foot members of the family, my brother and _____. C)the bed?s the foot D)the foot of bed?s

A)I B)mine C)me D)my

26. Hainan is a tourist resort, for it has_____ .

36. High in the sky a _____ of birds were

A) too many summers B)too much

flying southward.

summer C)long summer D)much summer A)pack B)swam C)flock D)herd 27. She wants to serve some coffee to her

37. He is very tired .He needs _____ .

guests; however , _____.

A)a night rest B)a rest night C)a

A)she hadn?t many sugar

night?s rest D)a rest of night

B)there was not a great amount of the sugar


38. They arrived in_____ . computers.

A)two and three B)two to three A)is B)are C)have been C)two and threes D)twos and threes D)had been 39. Within minutes, _____ jubilant Chinese

48. He invited all of his _____ to join his

poured into the streets.

wedding party.

A)ten thousands B)tens of thousands of

A)comrade-in-arms B)comrades-in-arms

C) ten thousands of D)tens of thousand of

C)comrades-in-arm D)comrade-in-arms

40. I went into Woolworth?s and bought_____

49. I had my hair cut at the _____ around the



A)a quarter of a pound B)one

A)barber B)barbers C)barber?s

quarter pound of


C)one quarter of a pound of D)a quarter

二 代词 pound of

1. ______men are created equal 41. He met the old man _____ times on the

way back. A)Both B)A C)All D)Others A)dozen of B)dozen C)dozens 2. ______will be taking charge of this. D)dozens of

A)You, I and he B)You, he and I

42. When did he finally get to the theatre? C)I, you and he D)He, you and I Just before the end of _________. 3. Would you do the same thing if you

were______? A)the act second B)act second C)Act two D)the act two

43. The shop assistant made out_____ for the

customer who bought a camera.

A)her B)she C)herself D)hers 4. The ambassador gave ______ students a lecture last week.

A)receipt B)a receipt C)receiving A)we B)ours C)us D)reception D)ourselves 44. We will send _____car over to fetch you this afternoon.

5. Tracy damaged the vase ______ .

A)of her B)her own C)of she own

A)Mary?s and Bob?s B)Mary?s and Bob D)of her own C)Mary and Bob?s D)Mary and Bob

6. Our room is on the first floor and ______ is

45. There are many_____.

on the third floor.

A)oxe B)oxes C)oxen

A)theirs B)their C)they?s

D)of oxe


46. She told me that she was living in a _____.

7. I did not borrow her bicycle; instead, I

A) two stories wooden house B) borrowed ______ . wooden two-story house

A)his B)him C)he D)he?s

C) two-story wooden house D)

8. Look at that huge head ______ ! wooden house two storied

47. Mathematics _____ important to the A)of him B)of he C)of himself development of high-speed electronic D)of his


9. She went to the workers? club ______ .

A)same B)this C)that D)such

A)himself B)herself C)myself D)yourself 20. Take from the cabinet ______ as you


10. The desk ______ is not heavy.

A)so B)that C)such

A)himself B)herself C)itself



21. Is that the ______ kind of car as yours?

11. ______ are you talking about?

A)so B)that C)same

A)Who?s B)Which?s C)Whom



22. She has told me ______ about her visit to

12. ______ is going to speak to the student



A)every B)all C)each

A)Whom B)Who C)What



23. There are railway station in ______ city in

13.______do you usually have for breakfast?

this province.

A)What B)Who C)Whom

A)everyone B)all C)both



14. ______ of you girls come from

24. ______ of them finished his homework



A)What B)Who C)Whom

A)Every B)Everyone C)Each

D )Which


15. ______ ever did he choose?

25. Some went to the Summer Palace, ______

A)Which B)Which?s C)Who?s visited the Great wall. D)Whom?s

A)other B)others C)another

16. ______ do you prefer, bread or rice? D)the other A)What B)Which C)Who 26. The inspector will stay here for ______ ten D)Whom days. 17. The detective thought the guilty party to be ______ because I had the strongest motive.

A)other B)the other C)others D)another

A)mine B)I C)me ______ of them took part in the sports 27. D)myself meet. 18. The foreign tourists said that they had never seen ______ beautiful places before.

A)None B)Nobody C)All no D)All not

A)so B)such C)this 28. No one ______ everything in the world. D)that

A)knows B)know C)knowing

19. The ______ thing happened to her again D)not know and again.


三、 限定词

1. No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to ____.

A)the other B)any other C)another D)other A)everything but B)anything but 2. We had a party last month, and it was a lot C)nothing but D)something but of fun, so let?s have _____one this month. 12. This pair of shoes is too small. Please get

me some larger ______ .

A)another B)more C)the other D)other A)ones B)one C)pair D)shoe 3. Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators

13. Even though African game preserves have

are equal in price to ,if not more expensive

saved many animals, there are ______ that

than,____ at the other store.

will not be saved.

A)anyone B)the others C)that

A)some other B)all others C)many

D)the ones

more D) much more

4. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You

14. He feels that his composition is better than can get it at ___chemist?s.

______ in his class.

A)each B)some C)certain

A)any student?s B)any other?s D)any

C)the other students D)the others 5. It is reported that ____adopted children

15. No ______ country in the world has as want to know who their natural parents are.

large a population as China.

A)the most B)most of C)most

A)other B)any C)another D)some D)the most of

6. When he arrived, he found _____the aged

and the sick at home .

16. I won?t pay $20 for the coat; it?s not worth ______ .

A)anyone?s else B)anyone else C)anyone else?s D)anyone?s else?s

11. Fond of singing as she is, she is ______ a good singer by profession.

A)none but B)none other than A)all that much B)that much all

C)that all much D)much all that C)nothing but D)no other than

17.” Did you find our house easily?” 7. Would you like _____hot coffee.

“No, I had _____finding it .”

A)some B)any C)any more

A)quite time B)a quite time C)a D)another

time quite D)quite a time

8. Today?s problems are caused _____by

18. When ____papers are in , we will have a

modern factors.


A)for the most part B)for a most part

A)all B)every C)each D)which

C)for most part D)for most a part

19. I didn?t go to his party last night , because

9. Understanding the cultural habits of another

____I changed my mind.

nation, especially ______ containing as many

A)on a second thought B)on different subcultures as the United States, is a

second thought complex task.

C)by second thought D)on the

A)one B)that C)the one D)such

second thought

10. His work is better than ______ in the 20. Look, the _____up at the lake _____just class. breathtaking.


A)sceneries…are B)sceneries…were 31. ____care would have prevented the C)scenery…is D)scenery…was accident. 21. No bread eaten by man is so sweet as

A)Much B)Litter C)A little D)A

_____earned by his own labor.


A)one B)that C)such D)what

32. I like these dishes but ____is a little too

22. Amelia Earhart, ____woman to make a small. solo flight across the Atlantic ocean, was born

A)the tea cup B)the cup of tea

in 1898.

C)the tea?s cup D)the cup for tea

A)was the first B)the first C)the first 四 数词 who was a woman D)she was the first

1. ___seven is thirty-five.

23. Do you like _____?

A) Five times B) Five C) Fifth D)

A)sport B)sports C)a sport

Fifth time

D)the sports

2. There are___ students in the class.

24. There are ten on the list ,so you are A) forty B) forteen C)forty ______. D)forties

3. Rive has been cultivated in the East for ___

A)a eleventh B)the eleventh C)an


eleven D)eleven

A) several thousands B) several thousand

25. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy

C)thousand of D)several

with his research work that he felt_____ lonely. 4. China exploded ___atom bomb in October


A)nothing but B)everything but C)anything but D)all but A) its first B) its one C)a first 26. He went to _____ after he graduated from D)the its first middle school. 5. Save the best for ___.

A) the last B)last C)its last

A)college B)the college

D)a last

C)one college D)colleges

6. Jerry is always ____to get to school in the

27. Try to find me _____scissors.


A)some B)two C)a pair

A) first B)the one C)once


D)the first

28. There are ____in the coin box. 7. We are going to study ___lesson today.

A)twenty B)twentieth C)the twentieth A)two yuans? worth of coins

D)the twentyth B)two yuans worthy coins

C)the coins of two yuan?s worth 8. The grain output of our country has ___that

D)worth two yuan coins before 1949. 29. On hearing the joke, he burst into______.

A)three times B)tripled C) twice

A)a loud laughter B)loud laughs D)third of C)loud laughter D)loud laughings

9. The village?s cotton output has increased

30. Jane doesn?t drive yet, but she wants____.

___as compared with that of 1976.

A)the own car B)an own car C)the car of her own D)a car of her own A) 250% B) for 250% of C) by


250% of D)by 250% 10. The Yong Le Bell is ___a man.

A) 3 times as tall as B) 3 times as tall than C) 3-time as tall as D) 3-time as taller than

五 时态

1. The patient _______nothing but apple juice for the whole of next week.

8) When Jimmy said that he would invite us all to a banquet , I think that he __generous. Don?t believe him.

A)has only been B)is only C)was only being D)was only

9. She is the last person I___. Her rudeness is beyond endurance.

A)have seen B)saw C)am going to see D)will see

A)will have been having B) will have had

10. I know you think I?m talking nonsense,

C) will be having D)will be had

Mike. But in time___.

2. She used to have breakfast at nine o?clock when she lived alone. But nowadays she A) you have realized that I?m right B) _____it at ten. you?ll be realizing that I have been right

C) you?ll realize that I was right D)

A)is having B) has C)is used to have

you would realize that I had been right

D)used to have

11. My brother has just arrived , but I didn?t

3. Kathy told me she __the organization three know he ___until yesterday. years before.

A)came B)will come C)was coming

A) joined B)had been joined C)had D)had been coming joined D)was joining

12. I haven?t seen Diana these past few days .

4. She ______for four years by the time she I am afraid she __herself for some time . takes her qualifying examination for Doctor of

A)hasn?t been feeling B)isn?t feeling

Law in 2000.

C) wasn?t feeling D) hadn?t been feeling

A)studied law B)had 13. The boy even won?t have his lunch before studied law he __his homework. C)will have been studying law D)had

A)finished B)had finished C) finishes

been studying law

D)will finish

5. His application for position with the company ___next Tuesday. 14. Before Jimmy could explain , Rose __up . A)has been discussed B)will discuss A)was hung B) had hanged C) had C)is discussed D)will be discussed hung D) hung 6. With the development of production and

15. The plane ______over the landing field for

science , radio _______ a wide application in

twenty minutes when the pilot was told that he

a short time.

should use the Eastside Field .

A)has found B)have found

A)had been circling B) are circling

C)finds D)found

C)was circling D)has been circling

7. That work is needed by next week ,so make

16. Most environmental problems exist

sure __to the deadline.

because adequate measures for preventing

A)for keeping B)you?ll keep them ______ taken in the past . C)keeping D) you keep

A)had not been B)were not being


C)were not D)was not

17. They promised solemnly that they______no efforts to carry the struggle through to the end.

A)would spare B) were sparing C) had spared D)spared

18. He was __when I walked into the room . A)ready for leaving B)about to leave

C)in the pointing of leaving D)most ready to leave

19. You should have put the milk in the ice-box ; I expect it ______undrinkable by now.

A) become B)had become C)has become D)became

20. We __paying you a visit but the bad weather prevented us from doing so.

done .

A)left B)leave C)will leave D)leaving

26. I had hoped Mr. Smith __me an early reply .

A)would give B)give C)to give D)giving

27. There __never been hard feelings between the families living in this block.

A) was B)have C)is D)has

28. I ______ them that I think they are making a great mistake .

A)told B)will tell C)am telling D)have been telling

29. It won?t be too long before we __a way to overcome the difficulties.

out B)are working C)will A)had thought of B)have thought of A)work

work out D)have worked C)were thinking of D)thought of

21. How much longer __this dictionary ? 30. Nobody likes her because she __to carry A)will you be needing B)will you have needed C)have you needed D)you are needing

22. He ______on this essay for ten minutes but he __only about sixty words .

favor with the boss.

A)has always tried B)does always try C)always tries D)is always trying

31. By next Saturday Tom __a whole month without smoking a cigarette.

A)will have worked… has written A)will go B)has gone C)will have B)worked …has written gone D)has been going C)has been working…has written

32. By the time I got downstairs , the

D)will be working …wrote


23. I don?t think he?ll be upset ,but I?ll see him

A)stopped ringing B)would have in case__.

stopped ringing

A)he would B)he does C)he is

C)had stopped ringing D)stopped to



24. Her husband and her oldest son had been 33. Wait for me . You __impatient .I am still killed__. having my breakfast. A)many years before B)many years since A)are B)are being C)were D) C)many years ago D)many years from now have been 25. We have done things we ought not to have

34. No one __this building without the

done and __undone things we ought to have


permission of the police .

A)is leaving B)will be leaving C)is to leave D)has left

35. Diana was going out of the shop when she collided with an old woman who __

6. You needn?t worry about that. E verything will_____ in good time.

A)be attending B)attend C)be attended D)be attended to

7. Until you?ve finished your work, you _____ allowed to leave.

A)had come B)had been coming

A)will be B)are C)will not be

C)was coming D)come

D)will have been

36. Unless economic conditions improve next 8. If you weigh 90 pounds, you _____ to the year, ______widespread unrest in the Unites earth by a gravitational force of 90 pounds. States . A)have pulled B)pull down C)are

D)have been pulled A)there will be B)there is being pulled

9. Experiments in the photography of moving C)there should be D)there would be

objects_____ in both the United States and

Europe well before 1900. 六 被动语态

1. A candidate for the post_ by the manager at

the moment.

A)was interviewed B)is being interviewed C)is interviewed D)is interviewing

2. I found that my cheating in last Monday?s English test_____ to my parents that very evening.

A)had been conducting B)were conducting

C)have been conducted D)had been conducted

10. If this experiment _____ you have to stay in the laboratory night and day for a week.

A)is done B)will be done C)is to do D)is to be done

11. Tom told Mary that he_____ what he was A)was being reported B)had reported

doing during the vocation. C)had been reported D)was reported

A)had just been asked B)had just asked 3. I should very much like to go to the party,

C)just asked D)was just asked but_____ .

12. The food that my sister is cooking in the

A)I will not be invited B)I was

kitchen_____ delicious.

not invited

A)had smelled B)will smell C)is C)I have not been invited D)I am not

smelling D)smells invited

13. If one_____ , he will be very particular 4. Unless the police can prove to the court that

about other?s clothing and appearance. Ted has committed robbery, he _____.

A)has been overcame by vanity A)will find guilty B)will be

B)overcomes vanity found guilty

C)is overcome by vanity D)has C)will have found guilty D)will be

overcome vanity finding guilty

14. Mr. Brown?s shop_____ at night twice in 5. I bought a pair of shoes yesterday

one month by thieves. afternoon. The salesman says that they_____

A)broke into B)was broken into C)will for at least two years.

be broken D)was broken A)will last me B)will be lasted me

15. Sugar and starch are grouped together as C)will last for me D)will be lasted for me


C)taken the place of D)taken advantage of

8. The policy has been_____ smoothly.

A)find B)found C)are finding

A)carried away B)carried on

D)are found

C)carried through D)carried out

16. In Egypt and the West, paper_____ before 9. Jerry is terribly ill. We have _____ the the year 1400. doctor. carbohydrates(碳水化合物); they _____ in bread, potatoes and rice.

A)is not very commonly used B)was A)sent away B)sent off not very commonly used C)sent for D)sent up C)didn?t very commonly used 10. The airplane had a smooth_____. D)hadn?t been commonly used

A)take-over B)take-off

17. Unfortunately my proposal_____ by him.

C)take-away D)take-up

A)was turned down B)was turned C)turned down D)turned 11. You should work hard, but don?t_____

it and make yourself ill.

A)overthrow B)overtake 七 短语动词测试题

1. Do you often_____ music in your spare C)overlook D)overdo time?

12. Women used to be _____ before.

A)listen B)listen by C)listen on

A)looked down B)looked up D)listen to

C)looked down upon D)looked for

2. We_____ self-reliance.

13. That?s a practice that should be_____ as

A)stand for B)stand off C)stand over early as possible. D)stand with

A)done up B)done away

3. _____, there?s a bus coming! with

C)done out D)done with

A)Look for B)Look out C)Look after

14. They have _____ on a journey round the

D)Look up


4. Where is your coat? You?d better_____. A)set off B)set back C)set It?s cold outside. up D)set aside A)put on it B)put it on C)put on 15. Have they _____ a solution? D)put it

A)come under B)come up with

5. If you have finished your homework,

C)come out D)come across


A)hand in it B)hand out it 八 不定式 C)hand it in D)hand it out 1. He would become irritated if he watched 6. She doesn?t normally behave like that; she?s the mail____ on his table every day. _____. A)to pile up B)pile up C)to be put up

D)putting up A)putting it up B)putting it down C)putting it out D)putting it on

7. The children are _____ by the nurse. A)taken good care of B)taken hold of


2. “He?s hungry, and he want to eat this bread.” “What! It is not good____.” A)to eat B)to be eaten C)eating D)for eating

1 c 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 b 9 d 10 c 11 a 12 b 13 b 14 b 15 a 16 d 17 a 18 c 19 d 20 d 21 d 22 d 23 d 24 c 25 c 26 a 27 d 28 b 29 c 30 a 31 c 32 b 33 c 34 a 35 b 36 a 37 d 38 c 39 a 强调

1 a 2 c 3 d 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 b 11 a 12 b 13 d 14 a 15 d 16 b 17 d 18 a 19 a 20 b 省略

1 a 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 d 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 d 10 d 11 b


