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第I卷(选择题 共五大题 共80分)


1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号用蓝、黑色墨水的钢笔或圆珠笔填在“答题卡”上;然后再将准考证号、考试科目用2B铅笔涂在“答题卡”相对应的信息点上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案的序号的信息点涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。

3. 用蓝、黑色墨水的钢笔或圆珠笔将Ⅱ卷答案答在答题纸上。 4. 考试结束后,监考人员将答题纸和答题卡一并收回。 一、听力理解(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

A) 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找 出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 1.
















B)下面你将听到10组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. How does Linda’s mother usually go shopping ? A. By car.

B. By bike. C. By bus. 6. How old was Mozart when he died ? A. 56 years old. B. 46 years old. C. 35 years old. 7. What might the weather be like today ?

A. Cool.

B. Hot.

C. Rainy.

8. Why can’t the girl watch TV in the evening now ? A. Because her parents don’t allow her to do so. B. Because her grandma took her TV away. C. Because she has to do her homework every evening. 9. What sport does Lucy like best in the after-school club? A. Playing volleyball. B. Swimming. C. Playing chess. 10. Where is Alice now ? A. In the classroom.

B. At the cinema.

C. In the lift.

11. What is Ben doing at the moment ?

A. Doing the dishes.

B. Cleaning the living room. C. Welcoming the guests. 12. What time does George’s father go to work every morning ? A. At 7:30. B. At 7:20. C. At 7:10. 13. How much will the man pay for the strawberries ? A. 10 yuan. B. 20 yuan. C. 30 yuan.

14. What will Lucy do in the evening ?

A. Go out for a walk.

B. Go to bed earlier.

C. Study for the history exam.

听力mp3下载链接:https://pan.http://www.wodefanwen.com//s/18PO7nwnn2EBo0fNpoHhymg 密码:hsa2 C) 听下面的长对话或独白,每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。


15. When will Jack’s father fly to Australia ? A. At 7:30 am June 10th.

B. At 7:30 am July 10th.

C. At 7:15 am June 10th.

16. How long will the flight last ?

A. For three hours and twenty minutes . B. For four hours and fifteen minutes . C. For three hours and fifteen minutes . 17. Why does Jack’s father fly to Australia ?

A. Because Jack’s grandma is badly ill. B. Because Jack’s grandpa is badly ill. C. Because he wants to visit his friend. 听下面一段材料,回答18—20题。

18. Why does Mrs Lin want to move out of her flat ? A. She wants to buy a new one.

B. This flat is too small.

C. The environment there is too terrible. 19. What does Mrs Lin often hear the boys doing ? A. Singing all night .

B. Talking and laughing loudly at night. C. Dancing to loud music all the time. 20. What stops Mrs Lin from sleeping well ? A. Talking and laughing in the neighborhood.

B. The light in the crowded street. C. The loud dance music from outside.

二、单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 21. —What’s your favourite food ?

— I like _______ best. I had a large bowl last night. A. potato noodle

B. potatoes noodle

C. potato noodles

22. —What does your brother do, Tom ? — Oh, he’s _______ officer in _______ army.

A. the; an

B. a; the

C. an; a

23. —Your daughter plays the guitar very well. Who taught her ? — Nobody. She learned it by _______.

A. himself

B. her

C. herself

24. —Did you watch the football game on TV last night ? — Yes, I did. _______people also watched it. A. Several millions B. Millions of

C. Two million of

D. Two millions

25. —My English teacher often encourages me _______ more in class. — Yes, the more you speak , _______ your English will be.

D. potatoes noodles

D. an; the

D. hers

A. speaking; better B. to speak; better C. speak; the best D. to speak; the better 26. It’s very brave ______ her to jump into the river to save the boy.

A. of

B. for

C. in

D. with

27. —What a careful boy you are!

— Thank you. In fact, Tom does everything _______ than me.

A. more carefully

B. more careful

C. much careful

D. much carefully

28. —Anything _______ at the party ?

— Of course. I was _______ to meet my favourite movie star.

A. surprised; surprising

B. surprised; surprised

C. surprising; surprised D. surprising; surprising 29. — does your sister Mary ? — She is tall with brown hair.

A. What; like

B. How; like

C. What; look like

D. How ; look like

30. — Are you a volleyball player in your school ? — Yes, I the team a year ago and I in the team since 2014.

A. have joined; have been B. was joined; am

C. joined; was

D. joined; have been

31. — Were you busy last Sunday ?

— Yes, I spent a whole day our house. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned 32. The boy _______ to get supper ready after finishing his homework this morning. A. was told B. is telling C. were told D. will be told 33. Look at this _______ boy. He always makes the same mistake.

A. mad

B. rapid

C. single

D. stupid

34. — Zhang Lei isn’t feeling very well. — She seems to have a cold the weather changes suddenly. A. before B. so C. because

D. though

35. — _______ you wait a few more minutes ? It’ll be your turn soon. — Of course, I will. A. Must B. Should C. Could D. Might

36. _______ ! I have something important to say.

A. Don’t touch me B. Stop to do it

C. Let’s go and see D. Please pay attention for a moment

37. —What a nice bike!How long have you _______ it ? — About half a year.

A. bought

B. received

C. taken

D. had

密 封 线密 封内 装 不 订 要 线 答 题 题 答 名 姓线 要 订 不 装 内级 班封 校密线 学 封 密 38. —Do you know what _______ in the room at that time ? —No idea.

A. they were doing

B. were they doing

C. they are doing

D. are they doing

39. —What are you going to do this weekend, John ? — I’m going to the beach. But it _______ the weather.

A. depends on B. stays with

C. agrees with

D. lives on 40. —Do you have a dictionary ?

— Yes, I do. _______. A. Here it is

B. Thank you

C. Thanks God

D. I’m sure



My life is always filled with sadness and little joy. However, no matter what happens, I can always face it bravely.

Last year, I couldn’t believe the 41 that I was allowed to enter the only key high school in my hometown . Then I rushed to my home and told my parents. But my father didn’t seem as 42 as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn’t help 43 . I knew very well what my family was 44 . My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years . We lived a hard life and I couldn’t continue my schooling. I felt so upset(难过) but I could say 45 to my parents. I decided to help my father with his work 46 my family.

To my surprise, things completely changed 47 the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family with some money, which had been 48 by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always have a dream.” With tears in my eyes , I stepped into the key high school.

I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. Whenever I meet difficulties, I always 49 my teacher and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter 50 hard life is. Just as a great man says, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.” 41. A. idea

B. story C. news

D. thought 42. A. nervous

B. excited

C. interested

D. worried

43. A. crying B. laughing C. saying D. shouting 44. A. about B. before

C. against D. like 45. A. nothing B. something C. anything

D. everything 46. A. support

B. to support

C. supporting

D. supported 47. A.from

B. since C. before D. on 48. A. raised B. spent

C. planned

D. saved

49. A. dream of B. think of C. hear of D. talk of 50. A. what

B. which

C. that

D. how

四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题;51-60题,每小题2分;61-65题,每小题1分;共25分) 阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D选项中选出一个最佳选项。


Dear Dongdong,

I have been in Hong Kong for a whole week and I will stay here for another week.

Hong Kong is really a great place to visit. There’s so much to see and do there. And I have done so many wonderful things.

I’ve taken the cable car(缆车)to the Peak Galleria(山顶广场). I’ve been to Hong Kong Racing Museum. I’ve learned a lot about horse racing there. I’ve also visited Ladies’ Street. In the street, I bought some beautiful clothes for my mother. Last night, I went to a Chinese concert. Chinese traditional music has always been my favourite. This morning I went to Ocean Park and watched the dolphin show there. Dolphins are so clever. They can jump from the water to touch a ball, sway (摇摆)their bodies to the music, kiss people and even do maths. Mr. Host is going to take me to an Italian film festival in Hong Kong Cultural Center tomorrow. I’m so excited because I have never seen an Italian film before.

That’s all. Hope to hear from you soon.



51.Daming hasn’t been to yet.

A. the Peak Galleria B. Hong Kong Racing Museum C. the Italian film festival D. the Chinese concert 52.In , Daming learned something about horse racing.

A. Ocean Park B. Hong Kong Racing Museum C. Hong Kong Cultural Center D. Ladies’ Street

53.Last night Daming went to . A. Ladies’ Street

B. a Chinese concert

C. the Italian film festival D. the Peak Galleria

54.Dolphins can’t . A. ride bicycles B. kiss people C. do maths

D. dance

55.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. Daming has planned to stay in Hong Kong for two weeks. B. This morning Daming went to watch the dolphin show. C. Daming likes Chinese traditional music very much. D. Daming has taken the bus to the Peak Galleria.


When I was a little girl, I would like to sit on Grandma’s legs, listening to her stories. It was like going through a different journey that was full of hardships and difficulties.

Grandma was born in a small village of Jiangsu Province in 1942. Not long after she was born, her elder brother died of illness, and she became the only child of her parents. Her mother was so sad that she died years later. Since then, Grandma has lived with her father and they lived a hard life.

She left Jiangsu for Bengbu, Anhui with her relatives after her 20th birthday because she wanted to live a better life. There in Bengbu she met my grandpa and later they got married. Before she gave birth to my father, life was still difficult for her.

In 1966, my father was born, and at that time, life was a little bit better because people had more food to eat. However, Grandpa died of disease in 1975. She didn’t remarry, and she chose to raise my father on her own.

Though Grandma had to suffer more than other mothers, she was willing and happy to do so. She was a brave and tenacious woman willing to sacrifice(牺牲) for her family. 56. My grandma went to Anhui at the age of . A. sixteen B. seventeen C. nineteen D. twenty 57. My grandma’s elder brother died because . A. he was drowned (溺亡) in the river B. he didn’t have food to eat C. he was badly ill D. he had a car accident 58. Which is the correct order ?

① My grandpa died. ② My grandma came to Anhui.

③ My grandma’s mum died. ④ My father was born. A. ①④②③ B. ③②④① C. ②③①④ D. ③②①④ 59. The underlined word “tenacious” means in English. A. kind B. polite C. pertinacious D. impolite 60. The best title of the passage might be “ ” .

A. My grandpa’s story B. My grandma’s life in the past

C. My grandma and grandpa D. How my grandma came to Anhui


Usually at the beginning of school, there was much noise which could be heard from the street. But this morning was different from usual. Everything was quiet like a Sunday morning. I was late again. But there was no need to be afraid. Mr Hamel looked at me with no sign of anger and said gently, “Go to your seat, my little Frantz. We are going to begin.” Hamel walked back to his platform and said in a gentle and serious voice:

“My children , this is the last time I can teach you. In the schools of Alsace, the order to teach only German has come from Berlin. The new teacher will come tomorrow. This is the last class in French, so I want you to listen carefully to what I say.” Those words surprised me and then angered me. This would be my last lesson in French.

I still didn’t know how to write it. I was a very lazy boy in language classes. But now, there would be no more lessons in French. How angry I was with myself! I didn’t make good use of the time to learn. I often ran away from school. My French grammar book and French history book had seemed very boring to me. I had to say goodbye to them and to Mr Hamel, too. The thought that he was going away and that I would never see him again made me forget the punishment I had got from him.

61. Why did Frantz feel that morning was different from usual ? A. Because everything was quiet that morning. B. Because it was a Sunday morning.

C. Because he went to school very early that morning.

D. Because he went the wrong way.

62. What kind of boy was Frantz ?

A. A lazy boy who didn’t love his country at all. B. A boy who was not very serious about school.

C. A boy who loved to learn German better than French. D. A boy who hated his teacher.

密 封 线密 封内 装 不 订 要 线 答 题 题 答 名 姓线 要 订 不 装 内级 班封 校密线 学 封 密 63. How did Frantz feel when he knew he couldn’t learn French any more ? A. He was too excited to believe it was true.

B. He thought it was OK because language classes were all boring. C. He cared about nothing because he didn’t like French at all. D. He was very sorry for what he had done before. 64. What may the best title for this passage be ? A. A boring French lesson. B. A lazy boy.

C. The last lesson. D. How to learn French well ?

65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ? A. All the students in Alsace loved German better than French .

B. There were many volunteers(志愿者) from Berlin who wanted to help children in Alsace. C. Mr Hamel didn’t care what language his students would learn. D. Frantz thought he would never see Mr Hamel again.


根据对话的内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)。A: Hi, Jack. You look unhappy. What happened to you ? B: ________________________________ (66) A: What caused it ?

B: ________________________________ (67)

A: Sorry to hear that. ________________________________ (68) B: Yes, I did. He said it was not serious and I should have a good rest. A: ___________________________________ (69) B: Yes, I think so.

A: You must stop when seeing the red traffic lights. ___________________________________ (70) B: Thank you very much. A. Did you see the doctor ? B. I think you should be careful when you walk on the road. C. Don’t do that dangerous thing again. D. I have a bad cold. E. I have a pain on my right arm. F. I had an accident on the way to school yesterday morning. G. I hope you will be better soon.




1. 用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在“答题纸”上。 2. 本卷共四大题,共40分。


根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 71. 快点!露西和大明在公共汽车站等你呢。

Hurry up! Lucy and Daming are _________ _________ you at the bus stop. 72. 我们有太多的作业要做。

We have got_________ _________homework to do. 73. 托尼一直在担心他的语文。

Tony is always _______ _______ his Chinese. 74. 也许在空中会有交通堵塞。

Maybe there’ll be ________ ________ in the air. 75. 中国人都为刘翔感到自豪。

Chinese are all very ________ ________ Liu Xiang. 七、任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


Some people are very busy with work. If you have only a bit of free time during your week, it’s best to use it wisely(明智地,合理地) instead of wasting the little time. Here is some advice on spending your free time well: Spend your free time resting or sleeping

While some may prefer to spend it on fun or exciting activities, if you are tired during your waking hours, resting or sleeping can be the best way to spend your free time. Exercise

It’s always good to keep your body healthy. Go for a walk or visit the gym in your free time. Good health can make all other aspects(方面) of your life better including your work. Watch television

You don’t have to do important things in your free time. Instead, just sit back and watch

television. Free time doesn’t have to be about more work. Try renting a favourite movie and relax.

Surf the Internet

The Internet is full of fun and interesting things. Visit your favourite websites and learn new things in your free time. You can also play some online games and just enjoy yourself in your free time. Visit some friends

Working too much can make you lonely. Try calling some of them and having a chat, or organizing an outing to spend with your friends. Tip 1 76 can be the best way to spend free time. Tip 2 77 is good to keep healthy. Tip 3 You don’t have to do more work; just try 78 . Tip 4 The Internet is fun and interesting. Why not 79 ? Tip 5 80 can keep you from being alone.

八、综合填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Dear Lucy,

In your last letter, you told me that you have no time to play with your friends because your parents are too s 81 with you. And they have m 82 rules for you at home. I’m sorry to hear that. And here are my s 83 for you.

First, you should have a conversation with them and tell them w 84 you really need. At a good time— d 85 a happy family dinner, you can say that you should have some rights(权利) and want to spend some time with your friends. If your parents are a 86 you, you may talk about the advantages of s 87 with friends.

Second, you can tell them it’s not g 88 for your health and study when staying at home all day. Playing sports outside with your friends is also n 89.

Third, If your parents regard(把……当作) study as an e 90 for keeping you at home, you should tell them that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I really hope you are happy.

Your uncle, Bruce


91. 时下很多人外出旅游,泰山又是五岳之首,很受游人的青睐。假设你是一名导游,请


Dos Don’ts 爬山时,身穿舒适的服装与运动鞋,为避免火灾,不准吸烟 因为…… , 带足够的食品和水以保持体力 爬山时小心掉落的小石块 不要追逐嬉戏 父母好好照看孩子 不要越过警戒线,因为…… 可以照相 不要乱扔垃圾 我希望你们…… 参考词汇: keep strength 保持体力;the warning line 警戒线 Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mount Tai. Here are some rules for you.

I hope …

密 封 线密 封内 装 不 订 要 线 答 题


1~5 CCABB 6~10 CACBC 11~15 BCBCA 16~20 CBCBC

21~25 CDCBD 26~30 AACCD 31~35 CADCC 36~40 DDAAA 41~45 CBADA 46~50 BCABD 51~55 CBBAD 56~60 DCBCB

61~65 ABDCD 66~70 EFABG

71. waiting for 72. too much 73. worrying about 74. traffic jams 75. proud of

76. Resting or sleeping 77. Exercising 78. watching a movie or television 79.surf the Internet 80. Visiting some friends

81. strict 82. many 83. suggestions 84. what 85. during

86. against 87. staying 88. good 89. necessary 90. excuse

91.One possible version

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mount Tai. Here are some rules for you.

While climbing you should wear comfortable clothes and shoes because they will make you feel less tired. Please take enough food and water to keep strength. When you climb the mountain you should be careful of falling stones. Parents must take good care of your children. To avoid a fire, you mustn’t smoke. Don’t run or play with each other or cross the warning line because it’s too dangerous. You can take photos but you can’t throw rubbish everywhere. I hope you will have a good trip. 听力稿 A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找

出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。 1. Hurry up! The class meeting will begin at half past eight. (C) 2.I like dogs best and I want to keep one in the future. ( C) 3.The radio says it will be snowy tomorrow. ( A ) 4.David doesn’t like basketball or volleyball. So he always plays football in his spare time. (B) B)下面你将听到10组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 5. M: How does your mother go shopping, Linda ?

W: She usually rides her bike, because it’s hard to find a parking spot for the car. M: Yes. And it’s healthier. ( B) 6. M: Mozart was a very famous musician in the world. W: Yes. He was born in 1756 and died in 1791.

M: Oh, he died when he was very young. (C) 7. M: Luckily , today is not as hot as it was yesterday. W: Yes, you are right. Why not go for a walk ?

M: That’s a good idea. Let’s go. (A)

8. W: I used to watch TV with my grandma in the evening, but now I can’t.

M: Why ? Your parents don’t let you ? W: Yes, they do. But I have too much homework to do. (C) 9. M: Hi, Lucy. What’s your favourite sport in the after-school club ?

W: Oh, I like playing volleyball. But I like swimming best.

M: Don’t you like playing chess ?

W: No, I think it’s boring. (B) 10. M: Alice, don’t jump in the lift while it’s moving. It’s dangerous. W: Can I touch the door of the lift now, Dad ? M: No, you can’t . (C) 11. M: Hurry up, dear ! The guests are coming! W: I’m doing the dishes. Where’s Ben ? M: He’s cleaning the living room.

W: OK. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. (B)

12. M: What time does your father go to work every morning , Jennifer ?

W: He usually goes to work at 7:20. What about your father, George ?

M: Oh, 10 minutes before yours.

W: That’s so early. (C) 13. W: Good afternoon! Can I help you ?

M: Yes, I’d like some fruit. Oh, you have strawberries here. How much are they ?

W: 10 yuan a kilo. They are in season, so they are cheap.

M: OK, I’ll take 2 kilos. (B)

14. M: You don’t look well, Lucy. Are you sick ? W: Well, I have a bad cold. This morning it rained heavily and I didn’t have an umbrella with me.. M: You should go to bed earlier tonight and have a good rest. W: I’d like to, but I can’t. I must study for tomorrow’s history exam. (C) C)听下面的长对话或独白,每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C

三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答15—17题。

M: My father will fly to Australia tomorrow.

W: Oh. It’s June 10th tomorrow. What time is his flight, Jack ? M: At half past seven tomorrow morning.

W: How long does it take to arrive in Australia ?

M: Three hours and fifteen minutes. W: Will he stay there for a few days ?

M: Oh, yes. My grandpa lives there but he is badly ill. W: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he will get better soon. M: Thanks a lot.

15-17 ACB


Mrs Lin wants to move out from this flat. It is the worst time in her life. She thinks the environment is terrible. Several years ago, this place used to be clean and quiet. The park was safe. She often went for a walk there before. Everyone could enjoy their lives peacefully, such as playing basketball or playing chess. However, it changed. Now she often hears many rude boys talking and laughing loudly at night. She sees lots of girls having a party in the park in the evenings. She doesn’t let her children buy anything in the stores on the street because there are too many speeding cars. And the loud dance music from outside stops her from sleeping well. She is planning to buy a house in the countryside.

18-20 CBC

