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英 语 试 题( 样 卷 )

注 意 事 项 考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1. 试卷共8页,包含第I卷选择题(第1题~第65题)、第II卷非选择题(第65题~第95题及书面表达)两部分。本次考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2. 答题前,请您务必将自己的姓名、考试证号用书写黑色字体的0.5毫米签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上。 3. 请认真核对监考员所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、考试证号是否与您本人的相符。 4. 作答非选择题必须用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔写在答题卡上的指定位置,在其它位置作答一律无效。作答选择题必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案。

第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共85分)

一、 听力(共25小题, 计30分。其中第1至20小题每题1分,第21至25小题每题2分)


A B C D 1.______ 2._______ 3._______ 4.________

B.听下面几段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听第1段材料,回答第5-7小题。 5. What holiday is it probably?

A. May Day holiday. B. Christmas Day. C. National Day Holiday. 6. Where is the boy during the holiday?

A. To go to another city. B. To go abroad. C. To stay home. 7. What is the boy going to do?

A. To travel. B. To study English. C. To do sports. 听第2段材料,回答第8-10小题。


8. What colour does the boy like best?

A. Orange. B. Green. C. All kinds of colours. 9. Why does the girl like orange best?

A. It’s the colour of nature. B. It represents growth. C. It can bring her success. 10. What is the girl?

A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A doctor. 听第3段材料,回答第11-13小题。 11. Where are they going?

A. To a party. B. To a fashion show. C. To South Hill. 12. How are they going there?

A. By bus B. By bike. C. On foot. 13. What will they do in the afternoon?

A. Go swimming. B. Go skating. C. Go boating. 听第4段材料,回答第14-16小题。

14. Why does the woman want to return the MP3?

A. She doesn’t like it any more. B. Something is wrong with it. C. She wants to buy a new one.

15. How long does the woman have to wait if the MP3 is repaired?

A. More than two months. B. One month. C. Three weeks. 16. Where are they probably talking?

A. In a school. B. At the station. C. At a shop. 听第5段材料,回答第17-20小题。 17. Why does Lucy Black call the school?

A. She enjoys listening to music. B. She hopes to be a teacher. C. She’s going to attend the piano lesson. 18. When will Lucy have the piano lesson?

A. In the morning. B. During the day. C. In the evening 19. How many hours will the lesson last?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. 20. How much will two lessons cost?

A. £11.00 B. £5.50 C. 10.00

C. 听下面的独白, 独白后有五个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 21. How long will the group Red River stay in London?

A. For about a week. B. For half a month. C. For about 3 weeks. 22. What’s the telephone number?

A. 283-0665. B. 238-6005. C. 283-0065. 23. Where will the concerts be?

A. In Drinaty Street. B. In the South Bank Hall. C. Near the children’s hospital. 24. What does the speaker want to tell us?

A. Something about London. B. Something about a pop concert. C. Something about the group Red River. 25. Which of the following is true?

A. Tickets are quite expensive. B. All of the money will go to a children’s hospital. C. You can telephone to book tickets at 10:00 p.m.



从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 26. I had _____ sandwich and some milk for breakfast this morning.

A. the B. a C. some D. /

27. Everyone knows that Changjiang River is the _________ longest river in China.

A. / B. second C. third D. fourth 28. Nobody __________ the terrible fire caused by someone smoking in bed. A. stayed live B. left C. kept D. survived 29. I’ll go to Hainan for my summer holiday. Can you give me some ___________? A. idea B. suggestion C. advice D. exercise 30. I don’t like this kind of TV shows because they're______.

A. beautiful B. wonderful C. interesting D. boring 31. It is a little hot here. You’d better ________ your coat. A. take off B. take away C. take care of D. take place 32. -Who is your English teacher? -The _______of the two.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. higher 33. -This book is very interesting! -Yes, I like ______ very much.

A. it B. one C. this D. that 34. -Do you know ___________? -Giant pandas.

A. why they love these animals B. how they protect these animals C. what they call these animals D. where they find these animals 35. I went to see him yesterday. His house was dirty. He ________it for weeks. A. didn’t clean B. hasn’t cleaned C. wasn’t cleaning D. hadn’t cleaned 三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)

Living in another country can be very lonely. Last year I went to middle school in 36 . I had no friends there. I was 37 alone, and sometimes I felt like I was the only person in the world.

One Monday, our teacher 38 a boy into the class room and told us, “This is Terry King, your new 39 .” He was tall and fat, and when he 40 , his eyes turned into a line. He was always smiling, and it seemed like he had no 41 . Terry took the seat 42 to me. Then he looked at me for a second. I didn’t realize that we 43 become good friends.

After school that day, I went to a 44 to play my favorite computer game. When I went inside, I got a big surprise: Terry was there and was playing the 45 game! “Hey, I’m surprised to see you here,” I said. I sat down beside 46 .

“Me, too, ”he smiled, and his eyes turned into a line. I turned round and looked at his screen. He was a good 47 . I hoped we could play 48 . I asked excitedly, “Do you like this game, too?”

In fact, I had never talked to a classmate so freely before, but his 49 helped me to open up.

“Would you like to play with me?” I asked.

“Sure,” he answered. He 50 as happy as I was. As we started the game, we started our friendship, too. 36.A. Beijing

B. Shanghai C. Hong Kong


D. American

37.A. always B. never C. seldom D. luckily 38.A. met B. brought C. invited D. followed 39.A. teacher B. driver C. classmate D. partner 40.A. cried B. smiled C. frightened D. shouted 41.A. friends B. worries C. family D. hobbies 42.A. below B. next C. round D. beside 43.A. should B. must C. could D. might 44.A. net bar B. club C. company D. coffee house 45.A. amazing B. boring C. same D. different 46.A. the teacher B. him C. someone D. them 47.A. student B. boy C. guy D. player 48.A. carefully B. easily C. together D. peacefully 49.A. smile B. exercise C. advice D. question 50. A. looked B. seemed C. lived D. watched 四、阅读理解

A. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)

(错误!未找到引用源。) Rose Cottage ? 135,000 ? Built in 1950 ? 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 2 living rooms 1 kitchen ? Beautiful garden, 20 metres long ? 50 metres from the sea ? 15 kilometres from the shops and town center Seaview ? 115,000 ? Built in 1927 ? 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room, 2 dining rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 study 1 garage(车库) ? Garden,30 metres long ? 50 metres from the shops and town centre Park House ? 95,000 ? Built in 1975 ? 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 1 breakfast room, 1 big garage ? Small garden, 8 metres long ? 1.5 kilomatres from the sea ? 10 metres from the town center, next to park Holiday Cottage ? 120,000 ? Built in 1945 ? 1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen ? In the center of the forest ? 20 kilometers from the town center ? 1.8 kilometers from the Paradise of Birds 51. The house with the longest history is___________ . A. Rose Cottage B. Seaview C. Park House D. Holiday Cottage 52. Andy wants to buy a house by the seaside. Which one is suitable for him?

A. Rose Cottage. B. Seaview. C. Park House. D. Holiday Cottage.

53. Jane has a big family with 5 children. She wants a big house with a big garden. How much will she pay for it?

A. 95,000. B. 115,000. C. 120,000. D.135,000.

54. Tom and his newly married wife Mary love nature and they may choose ___________.

A. Rose Cottage. B. Seaview. C. Park House. D. Holiday Cottage



The nervous-looking young man had waited for a few moments outside the jeweler’s(珠宝店) before he got enough courage to enter. He was warmly greeted by a young assistant. James felt a rush of blood to his face as he explained he would be bringing in his future wife to choose a birthday present. The assistant listened carefully and told him he’d better buy a necklace. He wasn’t used to buying jewelry and was a little worried about overspending, because he was not very rich. After some discussion as to a reasonable price and the type, the assistant showed him dozens of necklaces and helped him to choose. At last James chose one and left the shop promising to return at five o’clock. Half an hour later than planned, James did return to the shop with his future wife, Laura. The assistant acted as if she had never seen him before. When she was asked to show them some necklaces, she first brought out some inexpensive ones for them to choose, and then gave them the ones she had prepared. A choice was soon made and they went away satisfied. Later James would certainly come back to buy what he wanted when he got married.

55. The good title for this passage is “______”.

A. A Clever Assistant. B. A Brave Young Man

C. How to Choose a Necklace D. A Young Man and his Future Wife 56. The word “overspending” in the passage means ______. A. having too much money B. spending too much time C. spending more time than he planned D. spending too much money 57. James would come back to buy what he wanted because ______. A. the necklace was good B. Laura liked the necklace C. the assistant who served James was very beautiful

D. the assistant knew how to satisfy the people who came to buy things


The most common leisure(消遣) activity in the UK is watching television. About 96% of the population of Britain have television in their homes. A lot of families have two or more sets. The average(平均的) viewing time per person is over 25 hours a week.

There are five main channels in Britain: BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 and Channel 5. The BBC channels are free to watch while the other three are not. There are no advertisements during BBC programs.

Many television programmes are about wildlife, animals, holidays, cooking and gardening. And the following are some of the popular ones. DIY programs - DIY means do it yourself. Soaps These programmes are very popular as many people love improving their homes. A series of television programmes about the lives and problems of a particular group of characters. They run over a long period and are broadcast several times every week. About normal people in their every-day jobs or putting several people in a specially built house where they can be filmed 24 hours-a-day and giving them challenges to do. We watch a lot of American programs. Reality programs American Programs We pay to watch the television in the UK, no matter how much or how little we watch TV—you need a TV License. Usually a colour TV License costs £131.50 a year and a black and white


license costs £44.00 a year.

58. If you don’t like advertisements, you may watch programmes on ___________. A. BBC2 B. ITV1 C. Channel 4 D. Channel 5

59. If you want to get ideas on how to improve your house by yourself, you may probably watch__________.

A. DIY programs B. Soaps

C. Reality programs D. American Programs 60. What is true about Reality programs? A. They are not popular.

B. They show real lives about ordinary people. C. They are programmes played by famous stars.

D. There are no advertisements during the programmes.

61.In Chinese the underlined word License probably means__________. A. 天线 B. 许可证 C. 插座 D. 电源


If you have been dreaming of becoming an astronaut after you grow up, get started now! An astronaut needs a strong body and mind. See here what Shenzhou VI astronauts are able to do. Do you still have a long way to go?

Shenzhou VI astronauts can live upside-down. They do this not just during sleep, but also when eating and going to the toilet. Before they flew into space, they had lots of practice. Each upside-down training time lasted for 20 days.

In Shenzhou VI, Chinese astronauts aren’t just spaceship drivers, but also machine repairers and scientists. They have to know every part of the spaceship and how it works. If something goes wrong, they’ve got to know how to repair it. Also they do scientific experiments in space.

Shenzhou VI astronauts know how they can live in the wild. They took a knife, a gun and some dye with them into space. If they land in forest, the knife and gun can protect them from wild animals. If they fall into the sea, the dye can colour the seawater around them yellow. This can drive dangerous sea animals away.

Shenzhou VI astronauts can’t get dizzy. A spaceship is not a plane. When it goes up, the extra gravity force can break people’s bones. Astronauts must have strong bodies for this. They can’t get a headache or be sick. With many things to take care of, they’ve got no time for sickness.

62.According to this passage we know that Shenzhou Ⅵ astronauts may do all the following except ___________.

A. live upside down when they are sleeping

B. repair the spaceship when there is something wrong with it C. do some scientific experiments D. do sightseeing out of the spaceship

63. In Chinese the word “dye” probably means ____________. A. 资料 B. 罐头 C. 信号弹 D. 染料 64. From the fourth paragraph we can infer that ____________. A. Shenzhou Ⅵ astronauts took a knife and a gun with them B. spaceships will not always land in safe places C. spaceship often land in the forest D. spaceships often fall into the sea


65. This passage is mainly about ___________.

A. astronauts everyday life B. how astronauts travel in a spaceship C. what an astronaut can do D. what you should learn from an astronaut

试卷Ⅱ (非选择题,共55分)

B. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成相关任务。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)

Test-taking Tips

Now you’ve finished three years of English study. There’s one way to demonstrate(展示) what you’ve learned-take a test!

Do you have any special methods(方法) you use to help you do better on a test? How well you do is often a matter of how well prepared you are. Here are some ways to make sure you’re at your best on test days.

Go to bed early. The night before a test is not the time to stay up watching TV. You want to be rested and wide-awake for test day.

Have a good breakfast. Test day isn’t a morning for donuts(面包圈). Nor is it a time to starve yourself. Eat plenty of low-sugar, high-enegy food to keep your brain and body working their best.

Be prepared. Make sure you have two pencils and anything else you were asked to bring. Watch the numbers. Make sure that the number of the items(项目) on your answer sheet matches the number of the question.

Look over all the answer choices(选择). Don’t assume(假定) that choice A is correct until you’ve checked the others. You may find a better one. And it is wrong to eliminate any choice that you can see at once. You’ll have a better chance of finding the right answer.

Check the clock. Make sure you allow yourself enough time to answer every question and go back and check your answers. Don’t spend too much time on any difficult question. Skip(跳读) it and come back to it later.

Keep up with your schoolwork all year long. That’s how you get the skills you need for taking tests. 66. How many ways are mentioned in this passage?

67. The passage is mainly about ________________________________________. 68. In Chinese, the underlined sentence in the second paragraph means: 69. What does the underlined word “ it” refer to?

70. In Chinese, the word “eliminate” means ________________________. 五、词汇(共20小题,每空1分,计20分)

A. 根据句意、汉语提示或首字母和英文释义写出单词的正确形式。 71. If you don’t go there, I won’t, _________(也).

72. He told me his decision by __________ (回复) my letter. 73. My favourite subject is __________ (物理). What about you?

74. He looked ____________ (高兴) at me and said he missed me very much. 75. _________(分享) your happiness with others and you can feel happier.

76. The last Monday in A_______(the eighth month of the year) is Summer Bank Holiday in Britain.

77. Gong Li is talented and she has s__________(play the lead role) in many successful films. 78. How I wish people all over the world could live in _________(without fighting or war).


79. The bottle is e____________(with nothing inside).You can put it away. 80. The weather is very terrible outside. It is raining ___________ (hard).

B. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯。(每词限用一次)

be, not see, I, go, but, as soon as, family, work, at the end of, stay

Dear Anne,

I miss you very much. I know you are very busy, 81 I am glad you can write to me. I 82 away for the next few days. I will leave here next month on the 15th and will be back here 83 the month on the 28th. I 84 England to see my brother John. John 85 in London in a big company. He and his 86 are going to meet me at London airport. I 87 them for nearly one year. My brother wanted me 88 in their small London house. If there is enough time, we may go to Scotland to see a friend of 89 . I hope we will also have time to visit my birthplace. I will send you a postcard 90 I get to England.

Write to me, please. With all my love and best wishes.

Yours, Mary 六、写作

A. 用所给提示词将下列各句译成英语。(共5 小题,每小题 2分, 计10分) 91. 这本书多有趣啊!( what )

92. 昨晚七点到九点你在干什么?(from … to)

93. 这箱子太重了,那个小男孩搬不动。( too…to… )

94. 我们用了三年的时间建这座桥。( take )

95. 这个问题非常严重,足以人们应给予特别注意。(adj. enough for sb to do) B.书面表达(共1题,计15分)

假如你是Wu Ming,你的美国网友Ricky通过E-mail给你发来一些照片和英语阅读材料,请用英语回复他的E-mail。 内容要点:

1. 收到邮件,并表示感谢;

2. 对Ricky发来的照片和阅读材料(reading materials)作简单的评述; 3. 告诉Ricky你的近况。(be busy with/doing) 要求:

1.所给的内容要点都要用上,并可适当发挥; 2.不得出现真实的人名和地名; 3.词数:80左右。




1-5 CDABC 6-10 CBBCB 11-15 CAABA 16-20 CCCBA 21-25 ACBBA 二、单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 26-30 BADCD 31-35 ABACD

三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 36-40 DABCB 41-45 BBCAC 46-50 BDCAB 四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分) 51-55 BABDA 56-60 DDAAB 61-65 BDDBC 66. Six

67. how you get the skills you need for taking tests/ how to make sure you’re at your best on test days.

68. 你考得好坏取决于你准备得怎么样。 69. any difficult question 70. 排除


71. either 72. answering 73. physics 74. happily 75. Share 76. August 77. starred 78. peace 79. empty 80. heavily

81. but 82. will be 83. at the end of 84. am going to 85. works 86. family 87. have not seen 88. to stay 89. mine 90. as soon as 


A翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 91. What an interesting book it is!

92. What were you doing from 7 to 9 yesterday evening? 93. The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry/move. 94. It took us three years to build this bridge.

95. This problem is serious enough for people to pay special attention to. B作文(15分) One possible version Dear Ricky,

How are you getting on? Thanks very much for sending me the pictures and the English reading materials. From the pictures I can see that your school looks very beautiful. The reading materials are very useful and helpful. I can learn a lot from them. Some stories are so interesting that I like them very much. 

Now I don't have much time for my hobbies. I am busy getting ready for the coming exam(s). I'm working hard at all my lessons because I want to get a better result.  I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours, Wu Ming



一、 听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,计30分)


1. The wine is made from grapes. It tastes a little bit strange.

2. It’s a traditional festival in China and children love it very much because they can get some lucky money.

3. Lily’s mother is good at cooking and she always makes delicious food.

4. Xiao Lin is calling her classmate because she is not sure about his English homework.


听第1段材料, 回答第6-7小题

M: Hi, Liu Mei. What’s the date today?

W: It’s September 26th.

M: So, we’ll have a long holiday in several days. M: Oh, yes. We are all looking forward to it. W: Where will you go during the holidays? M: I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay home. W: Will you help do housework?

M: I’d love to. And I’ll take part in a summer school to improve my spoken English. W: Why will you do that?

M: It’s very interesting and I’ll meet a lot of new friends. Don’t you want to join us? W: Yes, I’ll try. Then we’ll be very busy together.

听第2段材料, 回答第8-10小题。

W: Do you know that colours can affect our moods? M: Oh Really?

W: Yes. They can make us feel happy, sad or energetic. What colour do you like best? M: I like green best.

W: Green represents new life and growth. It’s the colour of nature. M: What colour do you like best? W: Orange.

M: What does it represent?

W: It can bring me success and cheer me up.

M: That sounds very interesting. Can you tell me more?

W: Sure. I’ve just learned a lot about it in my English book. 听第3段材料, 回答第11-13小题。 W: Hello! Is that John speaking? M: Yes. Who's that, please?

W: This is Helen. Are you free tomorrow? I have something to tell you. M: Oh, yes, I think so. What is it?

W: We will go on a bus trip to South Hill. Would you like to go with us? M: I’d like to. When and where shall we meet?

W: We’ll gather at the school gate at 7:30. Mr. Wu says the bus leaves at 7:40. It will take us about


one hour to get there.

M: OK. I know. I’ll be there on time. Shall I take some food and drinks?

W: I think you can take something to drink. You don’t need to take any food. We’ll have our lunch in a restaurant near South Hill. In the afternoon, we will go swimming in the lake. M: Great. I think we will have a good time. See you. W: See you.

听第4段材料, 回答第14-16小题。 M: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. I'd like to return this MP3. M: Is there something wrong with it?

W: Yes. I bought it last month, but there are some problems. Last night it just didn't work.

M: Let me see. Hmm. Perhaps you haven't used it in the right way. Have you dropped it in the water?

W: Of course not.

M: I am really sorry about this. Maybe you'll have to send it to the factory to have it repaired. W: Well, to be honest, I don't think this MP3 is very well made. I'd rather get my money back. M: I'm afraid I can't do that.

W: Then, how long do I have to wait before I can get it back? M: At least two months, I think.

W: That's too long. Why can't you do something now? If not, I want to get my money back.

M: All right. You can exchange it for a new one.

听第5段材料, 回答第17-20小题。 M: Good morning. Central School of Music.

W: Good morning. My name’s Lucy Black. I’d like some information about piano lessons, please. M: Are you a beginner?

W: Yes. I’ve never played the piano before.

M: Then you’ll want a beginner’s class. There’s one on Tuesday morning and another on Wednesday evening.

W: I work during the day, so I’d like the evening class.

M: Well, it begins at half past seven and it’s a two-hour class.

W: Oh, that will be fine for me. Er, can you tell me how much I have to pay? M: Each lesson costs five pounds fifty. W: Great. Thank you very much. Bye. M: Bye.

C. 听下面的独白, 独白后有五个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 You are listening to Radio South. Here is some information about a pop concert. The group Red River will come to London soon. They will be in London from the twenty-eighth of October to the second of November. Tickets are really dear—they cost thirty pounds each, but half of that money will go to a children’s hospital. To book a ticket, telephone two-eight-three, double O-six-five between ten a.m. and five p.m. The London concerts will be in the South Bank Hall. It’s very easy to find. The best way to get there is to take the train, and it takes 40 minutes. The concert hall is in Trinity Street. That’s T-R-I-N-I-T-Y Street. See you there.


one hour to get there.

M: OK. I know. I’ll be there on time. Shall I take some food and drinks?

W: I think you can take something to drink. You don’t need to take any food. We’ll have our lunch in a restaurant near South Hill. In the afternoon, we will go swimming in the lake. M: Great. I think we will have a good time. See you. W: See you.

听第4段材料, 回答第14-16小题。 M: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. I'd like to return this MP3. M: Is there something wrong with it?

W: Yes. I bought it last month, but there are some problems. Last night it just didn't work.

M: Let me see. Hmm. Perhaps you haven't used it in the right way. Have you dropped it in the water?

W: Of course not.

M: I am really sorry about this. Maybe you'll have to send it to the factory to have it repaired. W: Well, to be honest, I don't think this MP3 is very well made. I'd rather get my money back. M: I'm afraid I can't do that.

W: Then, how long do I have to wait before I can get it back? M: At least two months, I think.

W: That's too long. Why can't you do something now? If not, I want to get my money back.

M: All right. You can exchange it for a new one.

听第5段材料, 回答第17-20小题。 M: Good morning. Central School of Music.

W: Good morning. My name’s Lucy Black. I’d like some information about piano lessons, please. M: Are you a beginner?

W: Yes. I’ve never played the piano before.

M: Then you’ll want a beginner’s class. There’s one on Tuesday morning and another on Wednesday evening.

W: I work during the day, so I’d like the evening class.

M: Well, it begins at half past seven and it’s a two-hour class.

W: Oh, that will be fine for me. Er, can you tell me how much I have to pay? M: Each lesson costs five pounds fifty. W: Great. Thank you very much. Bye. M: Bye.

C. 听下面的独白, 独白后有五个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 You are listening to Radio South. Here is some information about a pop concert. The group Red River will come to London soon. They will be in London from the twenty-eighth of October to the second of November. Tickets are really dear—they cost thirty pounds each, but half of that money will go to a children’s hospital. To book a ticket, telephone two-eight-three, double O-six-five between ten a.m. and five p.m. The London concerts will be in the South Bank Hall. It’s very easy to find. The best way to get there is to take the train, and it takes 40 minutes. The concert hall is in Trinity Street. That’s T-R-I-N-I-T-Y Street. See you there.


