基于 NEt网上论坛系统的设计与实现毕业设计论文 - 图文

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学 院 计算机学院 专 业 网络工程 (网络系统开发与管理方向) 年级班别 2006级(1)班 学 号 3106007104 学生姓名 赖柯明 指导教师 蒋艳荣

2010 年 6 月

摘 要




关键词: 论坛,BBS,B/S结构



With the rapid development of computer technology, especially the application and popularization of the Internet in recent years. People to interact online more frequently, this online forum for the development of opportunities.

Forum that BBS, which means that electronic bulletin board, is a common in the Internet on the WEB for information services system, it is mainly for visitors to provide a platform for mutual communication and exchange. To facilitate the management and maintenance of the system, the system is designed to both front and back office modules. Front system provides users a convenient platform for free, including browsing messages, post messages, reply to other posts and search messages. Forum system management of background provides a convenient and efficient online management functions, including block management, Moderator dismissal, user management and message management. Posts and users through effective management of the forum to create a harmonious and warm environment to communicate.

First, the system uses the popular B / S structure, interactive and convenient, strong, and information sharing gathering flexible. This paper summarizes the system development process involved in related technologies, including the development of architecture, development tools and development languages. Second, the paper describes the system design, including feasibility analysis, system requirements analysis and system level design. Finally, details of the system implementation, including database design and implementation, the system main interface and back office management functions realized.

Keywords: Forum, BBS, B / S structure


目 录

1 绪 论 ................................................................. 1

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

课题的背景、来源及研究意义 ...................................... 1 研究目的和研究内容 .............................................. 1 研究领域的现状 .................................................. 2 研究方法 ........................................................ 3

1.5 论文结构 ........................................................ 3 2 相关技术介绍 .......................................................... 4

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

ASP.net ......................................................... 4 C#语言 ......................................................... 6 SQL Server 2005 .................................................. 7 SQL 语言 ....................................................... 8 技术可行性分析 .................................................. 9 经济可行性分析 .................................................. 9 操作可行性分析 .................................................. 9 法律可行性分析 .................................................. 9

3 系统可行性研究 ........................................................ 9

4 系统需求分析 ......................................................... 11

5 系统概要设计 ......................................................... 12

5.1 5.2

设计目标 ....................................................... 12 开发运行环境 ................................................... 12 5.2.1

5.2.2 5.3 5.4

系统开发架构 .............................................. 12 系统运行架构 .............................................. 13

系统设计模式 ................................................... 13 功能模块划分 ................................................... 14

5.4.1 系统总结构图 .............................................. 14 5.4.2 各模块功能和权限描述 ...................................... 15 5.4.3 系统总流程图 .............................................. 17

6 系统数据库设计和实现 ................................................. 18

6.1 6.2 6.3

数据库选择 ..................................................... 18 各模块E-R图 ................................................... 18 系统总体E-R图 ................................................. 21


