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Chapter 1

1 Marketing Mix 营销组合 2 Potential Customer 潜在客户 3 Selling 销售 4 Soft Sell 软营销

5 Hard Sell 强硬营销 6 Supply Led 产品供不应求

7 Demand Driven 产品供过于求 8 Intermediary 中间商

9 Relationship Marketing 关系营销 10 Marketing Ethics 市场营销道德 Chapter 2

1 Environment Scanning 外部换件扫描

2 External Marketing Environment Model 市场营销外部分析模型 3 Quota 配额

4 Boom 经济急速发展时期

5 Slump 经济发展速度下降时期

6 Upturn & Downturn 上升阶段和下降阶段 7 Recession Proof 抗经济衰退的商品 8 Unemployment 失业

9 Michael Porter’s Five Forces 波特五力模型分析 10 SWOT Analysis SWOT分析模型 Chapter 3

1 Host Country 东道国 2 Political Risk 政治危险 3 Expropriation 征用 4 Confiscation 没收 5 Domestication 本土化 6 Organization 组织

7 Purchasing Power 购买力

8 The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) 物质生活质量指数 9 Culture 文化

10 International Marketing 国际市场营销 Chapter 4

1 Internal Data 内部数据

2 Exploratory Research 探索性研究 3 Hypothesis 假说

4 Primary Data 第一手数据

5 Secondary Data 第二手数据 6 External Data 外部数据 7 Sample 样本

8 Focus Group 焦点小组/小组座谈会 9 Survey 调查,研究

10 Questionnaire 调查问卷

The marketing research process 1 Defining the problem 发现问题 2 Conducting exploratory research 3 Formulation a hypothesis 4 Greating a research design

5 Collecting data a. Primary data b .Secondary data 6 Interpreting and presenting the research information

Chapter5 market segmentation


市场细分的原因 Reasons for market segmentation 1.更高的利润 higher profits

2.可持续的顾客关系在顾客生命周期的各个阶段 Sustainable customer relationship in all phases of customer life cycle 3.激励改革 stimulating innovation


1.市场细分 market segmentation 2.大众营销 mass marketing

3.投资回报率 return on investment ROI 4.消费者市场 customer market

5.生活形态细分 psychographic segmentation 6.产品消费量细分 product-related segmentation 7.地理细分 geographic segmentation 8.人口细分 demographic segmentation 9.生命周期 life-cycle stage 10.生活方式 lifestyle

11.个性化营销 individual marketing 12.补缺营销 niche marketing 13.可区分的 distinguishable 14.性别 gender

Chapter 6 target market


目标市场策略 target market strategies 1.无差异市场营销策略 undifferentiated marketing 2.差异性市场营销策略 differentiated marketing 3.集中性市场营销策略 concentrated marketing


目标市场 target market 市场定位 positing

渠道管理 channel management

产品生命周期 product life cycle PLC 归因 attribute

多归因态度模型 multi-attribute attitude mapping

Chapter7 consumer buyer decision process


消费者购买决策过程 consumer buyer decision process 1.确认需要 need/problem recognition 2.信息搜索 information search

3.评估选择 evaluation of alternatives 4.购买决定 purchase decision

5.购后行为 post-purchase evaluation


1.消费者行为 consumer behavior 2.亚文化 subculture

3.参照组 reference group 4.动机 motivation 5.知觉 perception 6.采用 adoption

Chapter8 business markets and business buyer behavior


购买过程模型 Model of the business buying process 1. problem recognition 2. general need description 3. product specification 4. supplier search 5. proposal solicitation

6. supplier(s)selection and commitment 7. order routine specification 8. performance review


1.组织间营销 B2B marketing 2.引致需求 derived demand 3.联合需求 joint demand

4.缺乏弹性需求 inelastic demand 5.及时管理 just-in-time (JIT) 6.采购中心 the buying center 7.消费者购买行为 buying behavior 8.直接重购 straight rebuy 9.调整再购 modified rebuy 10.利益互惠 reciprocity

Chapter9 product and brand


服务与商品可从几个方面区分Services can be distinguished from goods in several ways

1. 服务是无形的。 Services are intangible.

2. 服务与服务提供者是不可分的。 Services are inseparable from the service providers. 3. 服务是易逝的。 Services are perishable.

4. 购买者在服务的创造和分配中扮演重要角色。Buyers often play important roles in the

creation and distribution of services.

5. 服务是反复的。Services are inconsistent.


1.产品 product

2.消费品 consumer product 3.工业品 industrial product 4.资本品 capital goods 5.服务 service 6.品牌化 branding 7.品牌形象 brand image 8.品牌识别 brand identity 9.品牌资产 brand equity 10.品牌战略 brand strategy

Chapter10 new-product development


Extending the product life cycle

1. 2. 3. 4.

增加使用频率 increasing frequency of use

增加使用者的数量 increasing the number of users 发现新的使用者 finding new uses 改变包装的尺寸,标签,或者产品质量 changing package sizes ,labels ,or product quality


1.新产品 new product

2.替代产品 replacement product

3.产品创新 innovation product

4.商品化 commercialization

5.新产品开发过程 new-product 6.市场试销 test-marketing 7.导入阶段 introduction stage 8.成长阶段 growth stage 9.成熟阶段 maturity stage 10.衰退阶段 decline stage

Chapter11 promotion :advertising and public relations


Definition and objectives of promotion

1. 给消费者和其他人提供信息 provide information to consumers and others 2. 增加需求 increased demand 3. differentiate the product

4. accentuate the product’s value 5. stabilize sales

促销组合的组成部分Elements of the promotion mix 1. 广告策略 advertising

2. 公共关系 public relations (PR) 3. 营销推广 sales promotions 4. 人员推广 personal selling


1.促销策略 promotion 2.广告媒体 media 3.信息 message 4.受众 audience 5.互动(营销) interactivity 6.赞助 sponsorship

7.危机管理 crisis management

