2014年最新仁爱英语八年级上册第二单元Unit 2 Topic 3 SectionA-B课文知识点讲解

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八年级上册第二单元Topic 3 SectionA-B


1. May I ask youquestions, Dr. Li ? ---- . 我能问你一些问题吗,李医生?当然,请问吧。

(1) 1)疑问句和否定句中,表“一些”,常用any, 不用some. 但当此疑问句表建议或请求时,

Some不改成any. 如:Would you like some tea ?


Can you answer the question?你能回答这个问题吗?


通常指难以解决的问题,尤指比较困难的问题,如社会、政治和经济等。与它搭配的动词一般是work out或solve;而question常指对某事疑惑不解需要寻找答案的问题,它常与动词ask或answer搭配使用。 如:

We must solve the problem of heavy traffic in Beijing as soon as possible.我们必须尽快解决北京的交通拥挤问题。

This is a difficult question to answer.这个问题很难回答。 (2) Sure , go ahead 当然可以,请问吧!

Go ahead.(口语)表示同意对方的请求,根据情况可译为“说吧”!“做吧”! 如: __Can I read the sports section ? 我可以看看体育版吗? __Yeah, go ahead.请看吧!

【拓展]】(1)go ahead and do sth .赶紧做某事。如:

Go ahead and eat before everything gets cold.趁东西还没凉赶紧吃。

(2)go ahead of 在 之前去。如:

Bill went ahead of the others to try to look for help.比尔先于别人去寻求帮助。 2. So, what should we do to it? 因此,我们需要做些什么去预防它呢? (1)Prevent 防止、预防 What should we do to prevent the illnesses? (2) prevent/stop /keep ...from doing sth “防止/阻挠 做某事”


Nothing can prevent us from going.没有任何事情可以阻止我们前往。

We should do something to prevent the environment from being polluted. 我们应该做一些事情使环境不被污染。

3. We should exercise often to我们应该经常锻炼去使我们强壮。 build us up 使我们的身体强健

4. W. 我们应啊远离拥挤的地方。 (1)keep away from “远离 ”,可与stay away from互换使用。如:

Be careful ,keep/stay away from the fire.当心,远离火源。

(2)crowded places 人群拥挤的地方

5. we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu? 当我们得流感时我们需要立刻去看医生吗? 是的,我们必须去。 Must 开头提出的问句, 否定回答不用mustn’t 来回答,常见的回答 如: Must I go now? (我必须得走吗?)肯定回答:Yes, you must.(是的,你必须);否定回答:No, you needn t./ No, you don t have to. (不,你不必) (needn t= don t have to )而不能用mustn t.

【拓展】have to 意为“不得不,必须”,后跟动词原形。下面我们来认识它的肯定句、否定句及疑问句形式。

(1)肯定句 主语+have /has//had to +动词原形+其他。如: It s 7:00, I have to leave now.现在7点了,我必须得走了。 (2)否定句 主语 +don t /doesn t/didn t have to+动词原形+其他。如:

We don t have to be afraid of catching SARS.我们不必担心会感染非典。 (3)疑问句 助动词+主语+have to +动词原形+其他。如: Does he have to look after his brother? 他得照看他的弟弟吗?

【辨析】 must 和 have to 两者都是“必须”的意思,但它们并不完全相同。 must 侧重于个人意志和主观上的必须,have to侧重于客观上的必要;must 可用来表示现在和将来的“必须”,无时态变化,而have to 则可用于各种时态。如: I know I must study hard.我知道我必须努力学习。

My sister was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in at midnight.

我弟弟病的很厉害,所以我只得半夜里把医生请来。 6. We will 我们会采取你的建议。

take one s advice = accept one s advice 接受某人的建议 ( advice 不可数名词 )

如:一条建议 a piece of advice Section B

1.___Hello! ? 你好!请问我可以和李玉平医生接电话吗?

___I’m afraid he is busy right now.恐怕他现在很忙。 (1)这是打电话的常用语。

Could /May/Can I speak to…?请找 接电话吗? [拓展] 类似的用法还有:

Hello, I d like to speak to Tom.你好,我希望汤姆接电话。(比较正式) Is that Liu Ying speaking ? 刘英吗?(可以省略speaking) Is that you ,Tom?是你吗,我们可以说:

I m sorry he is busy now.或者Sorry ,he isn t here/in .抱歉,他现在正忙。/抱歉,他不在。

如果是本人接电话,我们可以说This is …(speaking)/Speaking.我是 /请讲。 (2). He is busy . 他现在正在忙。

right now用两种意思:①现在= now ②right away; in a minute; at once=马上 2.OK,I ‘ll later.好的,我一会儿再给他打电话。

ring sb up 给某人打电话,相当于call…up .ring up 属于动词和副词构成的短语,如果接人称代词,代词必须位于ring up 中间;如果是名词,位于ring up 的中间或后边都可以。如:

Li Lei rings up his mother every day.=Li Lei rings his mother up every day.李雷每天都给他妈妈打电话。

I ll ring you up as soon as I get to Beijing.我一到北京就给你打电话。

【拓展】 给某人打电话,可以用以下表达法:call sb/phone sb/telephone sb/give sb a call/give sb a phone等等。另外还有:make a call打个电话;call sb back 给某


3. Can I我能留个言吗?

leave a message 留言 给某人留个口信: 类似的词组:give sb a message. =take sb a message 给某人带口信;捎口信。如:

Please take a message for him.=Please give him a message. 4. Pleasethe talk tomorrow afternoon. 请告诉我的爸爸不要忘记明天下午的谈话。

(1)tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 tell sb not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事 Teacher tells me not to be late for school.

(2)forget 作及物动词,意为“忘记,遗忘”,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动名词作宾语。如:I never forget you.我从没忘记你。

[辨析] 1)forget to do sth .忘记去做某事(to do …表示将来的动作)。如:

I forgot to close the window when I left this morning.今天早晨离开时我忘记关窗户了。(窗户没关)

2)forget doing sth.忘记曾经做过某事。如:

I forget closing the window. It was closed when I came into the room . 我忘记曾经关过窗户,当我进入房间时,窗户是关着的。 5. I’ll give him the message . 我会亲自给他说的。 P46 2a

Jane, are you still watching TV? Y

You __had better not____ watch TV

your eyes. And you __must____ do your homework first.


I m afraid he is busy

Good idea. But I guess they ___may___

have Aha! Mom, __may___ I use your computer for help? Sure. The computer can help with your studies.



( )1. —Hello! May I speak to Mary?

—_______ A. I m Mary.

B. Mary is me. D. I m speaking.

C. This is Mary speaking.

( )2. My parents ask me _______ in order to make me healthy.

A. build up me

B. build me up D. to build me up

C. to build up me

( )3. Tom _______ yesterday morning, but I was out.

A. built up me C. rang up me

B. built me up D. rang me up

( )4. —May I ask you some questions, Dr. Wang?

—_______ A. You re welcome. C. No, I m busy.

B. Sure, go ahead. D. Yes, you must.

( )5. —Must I take part in the activity? to

( )6. Our teachers often tell us _______ the net bar.

A. stay away from

B. to stay

—No, you _______. You re too young. You should look after yourself. A. mustn t

B. don t

C. can t

D. don t have

away from

C. not stay away from

D. not to stay away from

( )7. We don t know how to prevent the flu. Shall we ask Doctor Wang Hai for______? advices

A. the advice

B. an advice

C. some advice




I. 单选

( )1. —I have a toothache.

—You should _______. A. drink lots of water C. see a dentist

B. take a rest D. have a good sleep

( )2. —Must we keep the window _______ all the time?

—No, you don t have to. A. opening

B. opened

C. to open

D. open

( )3. —Must I take the medicine every day?

—No, you _______.

A. must

B. mustn t

C. needn t

D. can t

( )4. My mother is ill. I _______ stay at home to take care of her.

A. can

B. may

C. have to

D. maybe

( )5. —May I use your dictionary, Lily? right

II. 完形填空。

Ava was ill. She went to see a doctor. The doctor asked her to her tongue (舌头), and then he said,“OK. You can put your tongue back now. There s wrong with you, but I m afraid you have a problem, you never take

“But, doctor,”Ava said,“I don t think so.”

“Don t me what you think,”the doctor said,“I see a lot of people you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of the TV in the evening. You must walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day.”

“Doctor, you don t understand.”Ava said,“I take enough exercise every day. ” “I don t want to any excuses,” the doctor said, “You must find time exercise. If you don t, you will get and have health problems.”

“But I walk every day.”Ava said.

—Sure, _______. A. go ahead

B. you can ask Bill C. you can t D. that s all

“Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk meters to the bus stop from your house, from the bus stop to your office, and from your office to your dining-room for lunch and back. That s not a real walk. I m talking about a walk by the lake or in the park for 20 minutes every day. ”

“Would you please me, doctor?”Ava said,“I m a postwoman. I walk for nearly seven hours every day.”

For a moment the doctor was silent, then he said,“Can I see your tongue again?”

( )1. A. put away ( )2. A. something ( )3. A. exercises ( )4. A. tell ( )5. A. seem ( )6. A. hear ( )7. A. about ( )8. A. thin ( )9. A. little ( )10. A. to hear

B. put down B. nothing B. medicine B. say B. likes B. say B. for B. strong B. a little B. hear

C. put out C. some C. medicines C. ask C. like C. find C. in C. fat C. few C. to listen to

D. put up D. anything D. exercise D. speak D. seems D. look for D. with D. healthy D. a few D. listen to




Modern people realize the importance of exercise. It s important for young men to keep a good habit of exercising. Look at the following table(表格), it shows some exercise in formation in a week about some of my classmates. “√”means“exercise”.


( )1. On _______ very few students do sports.

A. Monday

B. Wednesday

C. Friday

D. Sunday

( )2. _______ of them exercise on Saturday.

A. Two

B. Three

C. four

D. Five

( )3. Steve _______ does exercise.

A. usually

B. seldom

C. always

D. never

( )4. _______ does exercise most often.

A. Zhang Jian

B. Xiao Pang

C. Li Lei

D. Jack

( )5. _______do(does) exercise three times a week.

A. Zhang Jian

B. Xiao Pang


C. Jack

D. B and C


( )1. From the letter we know Cindy comes from _______.

A. Canada

B. the USA

C. China

D. Japan

( )2. Betty wrote her an e-mail to ask _______. country

( )3. A hard problem to fight Bird Flu is _______.

A. we don t have better doctors or nurses

B. Bird Flu is

A. whether (是否) Cindy got Bird Flu C. when Bird Flu began to spread

B. how to keep away from Bird Flu D. how Bird Flu spread in Cindy s


C. some places are still poor

D. birds with the germs will carry germs to other places

( )4. What does the underlined word “solve” mean in Chinese?

A. 解决

B. 分析

C. 通告

D. 治愈

( )5. From Cindy s letter, we know _______ is bad for our health.

A. washing hands very often

B. going to bed late every day D. opening the windows in the

C. eating more vegetables and less meat morning

