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- 常用仪器仪表使用推荐度:
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[转帖]仪器仪表常用词汇英语翻译 pH计 pH meter
X射线衍射仪 X-ray diffractometer
X射线荧光光谱仪 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer 力测量仪表 force measuring instrument 孔板 orifice plate
文丘里管 venturi tube 水表 water meter
加速度仪 accelerometer
可编程序控制器 programmable controller 平衡机 balancing machine 皮托管 Pitot tube 皮带秤 belt weigher
光线示波器 light beam oscillograph 光学高温计 optical pyrometer 光学显微镜 optical microscope
光谱仪器 optical spectrum instrument 吊车秤 crane weigher 地中衡 platform weigher
字符图形显示器 character and graphic display 位移测量仪表 displacement measuring instrument 巡迴检测装置 data logger 波纹管 bellows
长度测量工具 dimensional measuring instrument 长度传感器 linear transducer 厚度计 thickness gauge
差热分析仪 differential thermal analyzer
扇形磁场质谱计 sector magnetic field mass spectrometer 料斗秤 hopper weigher
核磁共振波谱仪 nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer 气相色谱仪 gas chromatograph 浮球调节阀 float adjusting valve 真空计 vacuum gauge
动圈仪表 moving-coil instrument
基地式调节仪表 local-mounted controller 密度计 densitometer 液位计 liquid level meter 组装式仪表 package system 减压阀 pressure reducing valve 测功器 dynamometer
紫外和可见光分光光度计 ultraviolet-visible spectrometer 顺序控制器 sequence controller 微处理器 microprocessor
温度调节仪表 temperature controller
煤气表 gas meter 节流阀 throttle valve
电子自动平衡仪表 electronic self-balance instrument 电子秤 electronic weigher
电子微探针 electron microprobe 电子显微镜 electron microscope 弹簧管 bourdon tube
数字式显示仪表 digital display instrument 热流计 heat-flow meter 热量计 heat flux meter
热电阻 resistance temperature 热电偶 thermocouple
膜片和膜盒 diaphragm and diaphragm capsule 调节阀 regulating valve 噪声计 noise meter
应变仪 strain measuring instrument 湿度计 hygrometer
声级计 sound lever meter 黏度计 viscosimeter
转矩测量仪表 torque measuring instrument 转速测量仪表 tachometer 露点仪 dew-point meter 变送器 transmitter
发布时间:2010-5-24 作者:互联网 来源: 九重歌 访问次数:
EDM instrument,电磁波测距仪
effective aperture,有效孔径
effective area,有效面积
effective data transfer rate,有效数据传送率
effective diaphragm area,膜片有效面积
effective emissivity,有效发射率
effective excitaion force,有效激振力
effective magnetic field,有效磁场
effective mass of the moving element,运动部件有效质量
effective path length,有效光程长度
effective radiation exitance,有效辐(射)出(射)度
effective range,有效范围;有效量限;测量范围
effective sound pressure,有效声压
effectiveness theory,效益理论
efflux viscometer,流出式粘度计
egoless programming,无私程序设计
egoless programming,无私程序设计
EI-CI source,电子轰击-化学电离源
eigen frequency,特征频率
Ekman current meter,厄克曼海流计
elastic after-effect,弹性后效
elastic background,弹性元件
elastic limit,弹性极限
elastic scatter,弹性散射
elastic system,弹性系统
elastomer diaphragm,橡胶膜片
electret microphone,驻极体传声器
electric actuator,电动执行机构
electric contact liquid-in-glass thermometer,电接点玻璃温度计
electric contact set,电接点装置
electric control,电动控制
electric current transducer[sensor],电流传感器
electric field controller,电场控制仪
electric field strength transducer[sensor],电场强度传感器
electric hydraulic converter,电-液转换器
electric logger,电测井仪器
electric measurement technique of strain gauge,应变计电测技术
electric operationg station,电动操作器
electric pneumatic converter,位置发送器
electric quantity transducer[sensor],电学量传感器
electric resistance and dielectric constant measuring unit,
电阻-静电容量测量仪 electric system,电气系统
electrical capacitance level measuring device,电容物位测量装置
electrical center,电中心
dlectrical conductance level measuring device,电导液闰测量装置
electrical conductivity detector,电导检测器
electrical hygrometer,电气湿度计;电测湿度表
electrical measurement method of optical pyrometer,光学高温计电测法
electrical measuring instrument,电(工)测量仪器仪表;电法勘探仪器
electrical power consumption ,(电) 功耗
electrical resonance frequency of the miving element,运动部件电谐振频率
electrical signal,电信号
electrical thermometer,电测温度表
electrical wind vane and anemometer,电传风向风速仪
electrical zero,电零位;电零点
electrical zero adjuster,电零位调节器;电零点调整器
electrically heated drying cabinet,电热干燥箱
electro-cardiography transducer[sensor],心电图(ECG)传感器
electo-hydraulic servocontrolled fatigue testing machine,电液伺服疲劳试验机
electro-optical distance meter,光电测距仪
electroacoustic transducer,电声换能器
electroacoustical reciprocity theorem,电声互易定理
electrochemical analysis,电化学分析(法)
electrochemical analyzer,电化学式分析器
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